ipa file is generated in the release mode but not in ad-hoc mode - visual-studio

I am trying to generate my ipa via Mac agent in Visual Studio. When I choose the release mode, it is ok and the Visual Studio shows me this message:
The ipa file should be visibile on the build server.
But when I try it in ad-hoc mode, it just tells me this error:
ipa file was not generated. please check the project configuration
I tried the different solutions, for example, I change some configurations in info.plist. But the error is still there. Do you have any suggestion?

Ensure that you have enabled the build in the project configuration.
open project properties
select iOS IPA Options
change configuration to Ad-Hoc
change platform to iPhone
enable Build ad-hoc/enterprise package (IPA)

After investigating the problem for some hours I found - in my case - there were some problem with my Apple developer account handling in Visual Studio and that's why VS could not find any certificates to sign / generate ipa.
So, pls check your Apple developer account settings in VS options (Tools/Options/Xamarin/Apple accounts) After reentering my credentials IPA is generated in my case.


How to create .ipa file in visual studio 2017?

I am working on a Xamarin.Forms app. I can create the .apk file for Android by right-clicking on project and then click on Archive. I wonder how to generate the .ipa file for iOS using Visual Studio. If I right click on my iOS project, the Archive option is present, but it is disabled. I followed a few articles on this issue in few I found that connect to macOS on the remote. I don't want to run my project, only I need to generate the .ipa file which I will install on my iPhone. Please help me
There are detailed steps in Official document about how to create a .ipa file in Visual Studio 2017:
Read this document will help: creating-an-ipa
And here are documents about app-distribution: app-distribution
By assuming you've done all provisioning and mac connection(if don't see this article).
Set project configuration to Ad-Hoc or AppStore
Select iOS project as Startup Project
Right click and Build iOS project
At the end you'll have .ipa file in build folder({project location}/{project}.iOS/bin/Ad-Hoc/yourAppName.ipa)

Xamarin.iOS - Unable to archive for publishing

I'm having to rebuild 2 client Enterprise Apps and I've been able to build a release .ipa for one of them but for the other App I'm unable to archive for publishing.
The build error is:
/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/External/xbuild/Xamarin/iOS/Xamarin.iOS.Common.targets: Error: Tool exited with code: 1. Output: error: unable to open executable 'bin/iPhone/Release/HGIPeople.app/HGIPeople': No such file or directory
Unfortunately we are having to use Xcode6.4 (due to compatibility issues with Good Dynamics Bindings and iOS9)
Xamarin details are;
Version: (Enterprise Edition)
Branch: master
Build date: 2016-01-29 16:59:11-0500
So to recap I can build for one app but not the other, the problematic App runs fine in the Simulator. The folder / project structure seems the same for both Apps.
Hopefully someone out there has an idea.
Thanks to everyone who posted. Unfortunately for the build I'm forced to use Xcode 6.x due to compatibility with a third party security binding and iOS9.
Anyway after recreating the project and still having the same issue, I then checked all of the references and found the problem, Google Maps. The fix was:
Removed the Nuget Google Maps package (this included Google.Maps.dll)
Referenced an older (and much larger) version of Google Maps (GoogleMaps.dll, noticed the filename difference)
Cleaned and deleted the obj/bin (which I think is always good practise to make sure you have a clean start)
I was then able to build and publish the App, phew!
You can enable Diagnostic MSBuild Output to see if it helps provide some more info concerning the error so we might be able to provide more assistance.
In Xamarin Studio, under Preferences / Build, set the Log to Diagnostic (make sure you restart XS and Clean All on your solution/project)
To enable diagnostic MSBuild output within Visual Studio:
Click Tools > Options...
In the left-hand tree view, select Projects and Solutions > Build and Run
In the right-hand panel, set the MSBuild build output verbosity dropdown to Diagnostic
Click OK
Clean and rebuild your package.
Diagnostic output is visible within the Output panel.
To enable diagnostic MSBuild output within Xamarin Studio/OS X:
Click Xamarin Studio > Preferences...
In the left-hand tree view, select Projects > Build
In the right-hand panel, set the Log verbosity drop-down to Diagnostic
Click OK
Restart Xamarin Studio
Clean and rebuild your package.
Diagnostic output is visible within the Errors Pad ( View > Pads > Errors ), by clicking the Build Output button.
Ref: https://developer.xamarin.com/guides/android/troubleshooting/troubleshooting/
(Recap of email)
First and foremost Xamarin.iOS 9 was the point where we started to target Xcode 7. As such we'd not be able to officially provide support. There are, however, a few things you may wish to try.
As SushiHangover suggested, you may get more details information by forcing a verbose / diagnostic build output that may (or may not) assist in diagnosing the issue. You can find more information here.
Ensure you're uninstalling the app from your devices / simulators, cleaning the project, and manually deleting the /bin and /obj folders in your project.
Downgrade your Xamarin tools to the latest supported by Xamarin.iOS 8 (not recommended and also would not be supported)
Update your tools to the latest Stable releases. This would be the recommended course in order for us to properly support.

certificate match error occurs when visual studio solution built

When i am building the solution in the visual studio, i got the following errors:
Cannot find the certificate that matches the project system thumbprint, To sign the application and deployment manifests, open the Project Designer, click the Signing page tab, select an existing certificate, and try again.
I have the certificate file.
How to resolve this?

Entitlements.plist file missing when creating project in Visual studio Xamarin

When creating a project in Xamarin Studio on our Build mac there is a entitlements.plist file in the root of the project.
Apparently this file is needed when a customer wants to resign the app we created for them with their own provisioning profile. if im not wrong the file is obsolete in a appstore deploy, however the client wants to test it before releasing it with their adhoc profile.
When we create a project in Visual Studio 2010 it seems to be missing. might this be a bug in the Visual studio plugin?
You will only get this file if you add it to the iOS project by enabling entitlements.
Go to the project's properties in the solution explorer and in there to "iOS Application".
There's a checkbox for the entitlements. Tick it and the plist file will be added to your project.

No IPA file found when building with Visual Studio

I'm developing my project in Visual Studio 2012 using Xamarin Monotouch.
I choose profile Ad-Hoc, specify signing information (provision profile, identity etc) and build my project.
But I see no IPA file generated neither on my PC, nor on Mac. I tried to find it, but it was unsuccessful. It happens even in new HelloWorld project. Where can I find IPA file?
'Show IPA file' toolbar button in Visual Studio is always inactive.
When I do the same thing in Xamarin Studio on Mac it's ok, I get my IPA file.
I have a Distribution configuration setup that I use. On either Mac or Win my IPA is created in the "\bin\iPhone\Distribution" folder. For my configuration, under "iOS IPA Options", I have the option checked for: "Build ad-hoc/enterprise package (IPA)". Are you a registered Enterprise Apple developer? You may need to research if that is required or not. I also assume you have a the Xamarin.iOS Business license too?
