How to create .ipa file in visual studio 2017? - visual-studio

I am working on a Xamarin.Forms app. I can create the .apk file for Android by right-clicking on project and then click on Archive. I wonder how to generate the .ipa file for iOS using Visual Studio. If I right click on my iOS project, the Archive option is present, but it is disabled. I followed a few articles on this issue in few I found that connect to macOS on the remote. I don't want to run my project, only I need to generate the .ipa file which I will install on my iPhone. Please help me

There are detailed steps in Official document about how to create a .ipa file in Visual Studio 2017:
Read this document will help: creating-an-ipa
And here are documents about app-distribution: app-distribution

By assuming you've done all provisioning and mac connection(if don't see this article).
Set project configuration to Ad-Hoc or AppStore
Select iOS project as Startup Project
Right click and Build iOS project
At the end you'll have .ipa file in build folder({project location}/{project}.iOS/bin/Ad-Hoc/yourAppName.ipa)


How to open existing flutter project from Xcode?

I have an existing flutter project, which coded with VS Code. Now I want to open it from Xcode to do some configurations in Runner.xcworkspace. But it was unable to open the project from Xcode and it shows the above warning. So, how can I open my existing project from Xcode now?
If you want to make changes in the Runner.xcworkspace and you are using VSCode, I would suggest you open the project in VSCode and Right-Click on the ios folder.
Here you will see an option: Open in Xcode.
Select that option and the iOS project of the Flutter project will open in Xcode and you can carry on with the changes as you want
One thing to note is that like Android Studio, Xcode is not supported for Flutter Development as of now so if you try to open the whole project it will not let you.
Note! Unlike Android studio, flutter isn't supported to XCode yet, you have to open iOS folder of Flutter project only and solely.
1- Open XCode
2- Select 'Open existing Projects'
3- Search your project through search bar in window or search manually through directory.
4- From your Flutter Project, open the iOS folder.
And here we go! You have opened it.
I successfully open the AppFrameworkInfo.plist file with Xcode as follows.
Open the project with Android Studio
Select the iOS > Runner folder
Navigate to Tools > Flutter > Open iOS Module in Xcode

Xamarin Android Archieve is showing Empty

I want to create apk file using Xamarin in Visual Studio. I change build type to Release and I open the Archieve but I cant see anything in this screen. Help me please. Error Image
You need to archive your app fist then you can see those archive in the Archive Manager.
There are detailed steps about how to archive the app in the document:
Right-click the project in Solution Explorer and select the Archive... context menu item:

Entitlements.plist file missing when creating project in Visual studio Xamarin

When creating a project in Xamarin Studio on our Build mac there is a entitlements.plist file in the root of the project.
Apparently this file is needed when a customer wants to resign the app we created for them with their own provisioning profile. if im not wrong the file is obsolete in a appstore deploy, however the client wants to test it before releasing it with their adhoc profile.
When we create a project in Visual Studio 2010 it seems to be missing. might this be a bug in the Visual studio plugin?
You will only get this file if you add it to the iOS project by enabling entitlements.
Go to the project's properties in the solution explorer and in there to "iOS Application".
There's a checkbox for the entitlements. Tick it and the plist file will be added to your project.

View titanium code in xcode format

Is there a way to view the code typed in titanium in the xCode format? If so, which file should I check out under ProjectName/ProjectName.xcodeproj
This is the beauty of titanium that it uses the native code and you could run its project in xcode too.Double click on the ProjectName.xcodeproj and it would open your project in xcode and then you can run code from there
In the build/iphone directory, you'll find an xcodeproj file.
Double-click it to open the project in Xcode. However, you might not
want to do your final build in Xcode. You'll lose internationalization
and perhaps other Titanium features that way. You can do you final
packaging in Studio. If they're not already installed into Xcode,
Studio will prompt you for your distribution certificate and
provisioning file. It will build your final IPA using the Build &
Archive equivalent of Xcode. You can use the Xcode Organizer then to
validate and upload the IPA. Or, use the
Developer/Applications/Application Loader tool to upload your IPA to
iTunes Connect
Reference :

No IPA file found when building with Visual Studio

I'm developing my project in Visual Studio 2012 using Xamarin Monotouch.
I choose profile Ad-Hoc, specify signing information (provision profile, identity etc) and build my project.
But I see no IPA file generated neither on my PC, nor on Mac. I tried to find it, but it was unsuccessful. It happens even in new HelloWorld project. Where can I find IPA file?
'Show IPA file' toolbar button in Visual Studio is always inactive.
When I do the same thing in Xamarin Studio on Mac it's ok, I get my IPA file.
I have a Distribution configuration setup that I use. On either Mac or Win my IPA is created in the "\bin\iPhone\Distribution" folder. For my configuration, under "iOS IPA Options", I have the option checked for: "Build ad-hoc/enterprise package (IPA)". Are you a registered Enterprise Apple developer? You may need to research if that is required or not. I also assume you have a the Xamarin.iOS Business license too?
