InResharper 2016.2 MVC specific feature is not visible/working - visual-studio

I have updated my resharper version to 2016.2 from 2016.1 (on visual studio 2015),
Suddenly it stops showing some the very often used feature specific to MVC like, hint for add view(which doesn't exists) for a action method in a controller, it is not even highlighting a navigation link for a return View();
Even very less information provided in documentation here
Also it is not highlighting hint error message for missing View file for a action method in controller.
Any hint to solve this issue is appreciated in advance. Problem Image
Expected to work as below (taken from documentation url mentioned above):


Is there an XML doc view in Visual Studio similar to the JavaDoc view in Eclipse?

In Eclipse, there's a JavaDoc View which would display the JavaDoc of whatever the current or last selected element was. I'm trying to find something similar for C# in Visual Studio 2013, but I'm not seeing anything like is. Does it exist? If so how do I activate it?
There are many applications that can generate MSDN style documentation from your XML comments. Here are a few I have used and they work well
I found what I was looking for. In Visual Studio, one would use the "Object Browser" to get something similar to the JavaDoc view. To get to it, View->Object Browser.
It does behave differently than Eclipse's JavaDoc view. Rather than tying the documentation to the cursor in the edit view, the Object Browser has a search box where one could search for the object they wish to view documentation on.

MVC5 project with 2 errors that ocurr only when leaving a page

I am using VS Express 2013 for Web with an MVC5 project. I am using Firefox with Firebug enabled. When I run the application I momentarily see Firebug's toolbar icon read there are 2 errors. The errors only appear for a split second so I had to click enable Persist to retain them.
The connection to ws://localhost:61468/006ddcd224374fc08d1bf1f084312545/
was interrupted while the page was loading.
browserLink (line 62)
no element found
There is a link in the right pane of Firebug and it contains:
The only time I see these errors is when I click on a link or a button that causes the page to reload or navigate to a different page, even just a page refresh causes the errors - but they disappear immediately as soon as the page begins loading.
Something related to Ajax? Seems like such a stupid post, but I just can't see anything wrong in the code.
There are some posts on this question that infer there is a problem with the content or markup. Since this is happening on every page, I went into _Layout.cshtml and step by step removed all sections of code, yet the problem still occurs.
Its not a problem with your code, it is a new feature in VS 2013 call Browser Link. You can disable it by unchecking the Enable browser link in the following image:
I haven't used it very much, but for more information about Browser Link and its uses, the following MSDN blog covers it pretty well.
The blog I linked was for the RTM version of VS 2013, so here is an article from that provides a little more info past the RTM version.

Single Action Controllers and ReSharper's Solution-Wide Analysis

We've got an ASP.NET MVC 3 project that uses single action controllers, and ReSharper doesn't like it. For example:
#using (Html.BeginForm("DoRegister", "Account")) {
It doesn't like either DoRegister or Account, because it's looking for a class AccountController with an action DoRegister. What we've actually got is a folder Controllers\Account, with a single-action class DoRegister.
Can I teach ReSharper about this? If not, can I get it to ignore this particular pattern?
I know that I can right-click and Ignore Errors in the Errors in Solution window, but this only lasts until I pull an updated version of the code from source control, which gets annoying quite quickly.
I am afraid ReSharper supports only default MVC convention.
But you can disable MVC analysis:
At All
ReSharper->Options->ASP.NET->Other->Enable ASP.NET MVC references
On all unknown action and controller errors
Alt+Enter on error, Inspection Options for "Unknown Symbol"
At that specific place
Again, Alt+Enter on error, Supress Inspection "Unknown Symbol" with comment.

"Request is not available in this context" on Masterpage Page's design mode

I'm using 2010 C# 4.0 and I've got many pages who use the same Masterpage. But for some reasons I didn't find for now, some pages never display in design mode of Visual Studio. Instead of seeing my designed page, I only see a Gray Square where we can read
Error creating control - ContentPlaceHolder1
Request is not available in this context.
Anyone know a reason and/or a way to resolve this?
Must tell that there's no errors in my whole solution and I can start debbuging normaly.
Note : I usualy talk french so feel free to tell me if there's something that wasn't clear!
Not sure but this post looks like the same issue you are facing. Take a look. Hope this helps.
Check This

mvc html.serialize to store model in view

Can anyone tell me what happened to the Html.Serialize function mentioned in the url below.
It's not recognized when I try and use it in a MVC2 web app within Visual Studio 2010.
EDIT - I'm using visual studio 2010 which comes with mvc2 'built in' when i try and use Html.serialize on a view or partial view it's not appearing in intellisense. Am i missing a reference or something?
It hasn't gone anywhere. It is right there, wherever you are able to use the html extensions. Eg, Views, PartialViews.
For example:
<%= Html.Serialize("wizardData", Model)%>
Are you trying to use it in a controller? To use it as shown in the article you quote, you need to use it in a view.
You see, we really don't know because you haven't given us any detail to work with. Show us some code, and we will move your earth. Well, try to anyway.
I see you are new, so when asking questions, try to give as much detail as possible. You can edit your post, just mark out what you have done. The more context we get, the more we can help.
I found out why! I was having similar problems too.
You need to download ASP.NET 2 Futures and use the DLLs provided there instead of the usual Mvc DLL.
It is implemented in SerializationExtensions class.
It's in the MVCFutures assembly and not part of the out the box MVC framework. You will need to add the package via nuget or manual download and then add a using/imports statement to Microsoft.Web.Mvc before you can use it in your view.
