Get field name which is related to contact from each entity in dynamics crm using c# - dynamics-crm

I have one function which gets data as per module name related contacts.
if (modulename == "lead" || modulename == "opportunity")
contactfield= "parentcontactid";
else if (modulename == "salesorder" || modulename == "quote" || modulename == "incident" || modulename == "invoice")
contactfield= = "customerid";
quotequery = new QueryExpression()
Distinct = false,
EntityName = modulename,
ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(true),
Criteria =
Filters =
new FilterExpression
FilterOperator = LogicalOperator.And,
Conditions =
new ConditionExpression("ownerid", ConditionOperator.Equal, userid),
new ConditionExpression(contactfield, ConditionOperator.Equal, lstcredential.Contactid.ToString())
queryentityCollection = _serviceProxy.RetrieveMultiple(quotequery).Entities;
But for all module there is different different name which is related to contact.for lead it is parentcontactid but for invoice it is customerid.
So Is there any solution for fetch attribute name related to contact from entity name?because if else for each entity is not solution as I do in starting.
Please suggest me answer.

If you are looking for a specific contact lookup on a finite set of entities I would hard code it in a name value pair collection similar to what you're doing except maybe a key value pair store:
private Dictionary<String, String> _contactMappings = new Dictionary<String, String>{"lead", "parentcontactid"}, {"incident", "contactid"};
An alternative would be querying metadata to look for contact lookups, and caching the results, but you wouldn't know which is the correct lookup. For example incident has 3 lookups to contact (contactid, responsiblecontactid, and primarycontactid).


Translating LINQ query into CRM QueryExpression while using 'select new'

I've got the following container class:
public class AssetAndItsDepositsContainer
public jp_asset Asset { get; set; }
public jp_deposit Deposit { get; set; }
Is there a way to take the following LINQ query:
from a in serviceContext.jp_assetSet
join d in serviceContext.jp_depositsSet on a.Id equals d.jp_assetid.Id
where a.statecode == jp_assetState.Active &&
a.jp_isonhold = true
select new AssetAndItsDepositsContainer()
Asset = a,
Deposit = d
And "translate" it by using QueryExpression?
This is what I came up with so far, but I don't know how to mimic the select new expression:
QueryExpression query = new QueryExpression(jp_asset.EntityLogicalName);
query.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(true);
query.Criteria.AddCondition("statecode", ConditionOperator.Equal, (int)jp_assetState.Active);
query.Criteria.AddCondition("jp_isonhold", ConditionOperator.Equal, true);
LinkEntity link = query.AddLink(jp_deposit.EntityLogicalName, "Id", "jp_assetid", JoinOperator.Inner);
// Now what?
var res = service.RetrieveMultiple(query).Entities; // gets only jp_assets
You can't access an entire LinkEntity, you can only access its attributes as AliasedValue properties on the main Entity itself.
I would simply retrieve the Id of the second record you're looking for as part of an EntityReference and then execute a Retrieve.
You can actually construct valid Entity objects from linked entities. The only requirement is that the primary key of the linked entity must be available in the result set.
So, your code snippet could be extended like this:
var query = new QueryExpression(jp_asset.EntityLogicalName);
query.ColumnSet.AllColumns = true;
query.Criteria.AddCondition("statecode", ConditionOperator.Equal, (int)jp_assetState.Active);
query.Criteria.AddCondition("jp_isonhold", ConditionOperator.Equal, true);
LinkEntity link = query.AddLink(jp_deposit.EntityLogicalName, "Id", "jp_assetid", JoinOperator.Inner);
link.EntityAlias = "d";
link.Columns.AddColumns("jp_depositid", "jp_name");
IEnumerable<Entity> deposits = Service.RetrieveMultiple(query).Entities
.Select(e => new Entity("jp_deposit")
Id = (Guid)e.GetAttributeValue<AliasedValue>("d.jp_depositid").Value,
["jp_name"] = e.GetAttributeValue<AliasedValue>("d.jp_name")?.Value
The example above will only work reliable for inner joins. In the result set the primary key (ID) for the linked entity will always be available. Therefore it is safe to get its value using the .Value syntax. All other attribute values can be retrieved using ?.Value.
For left joins you would need to filter the result set first before performing the Select.

LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.String get_Item(System.String)' method

I've looked at the various solutions here but none of them seem to work for me, probably because I'm too new to all this and am groping in the dark a bit. In the code below, the object "appointment" contains some basic LDAP information. From a list of such objects I want to be able to get a single record, based on employee id. I hope the code here is sufficient to illustrate. FTR, I've tried various formulations, including trying to use from and a select. All fail with the error given in the Title above.
IQueryable<appointment> query = null;
foreach(var record in results)
BoiseStateLdapDataObject record1 = record;
query = db.appointments.Where(x => x.student_id == record1.Values["employeeid"]);
if (query != null)
var selectedRecord = query.SingleOrDefault();
Try to move employee id getting out of query:
IQueryable<appointment> query = null;
foreach(var record in results)
var employeeId = record.Values["employeeid"];
query = db.appointments.Where(x => x.student_id == employeeId);
if (query != null)
var selectedRecord = query.SingleOrDefault();

LINQ performance when using nullable properties in select

I have an IEnumerable collection.
Using LINQ, I am populating the collection from a web service response.
Below is the sample I am using.
lookupData = from data in content["data"].Children()
select new LookupData
LookupKey = (data["data"]["key"]).ToString(),
LookupValue = (string)data["data"]["name"]
I will be using the same code for a lot of similar responses which will return a key and value.
Now, I got a scenario when I needed an additional field from the service response for few of the responses(not for all). So, I created an "Optional" property in "LookUpData" class and used as below:
lookupData = from data in content["data"].Children()
select new LookupData
LookupKey = (data["data"]["key"]).ToString(),
LookupValue = (string)data["data"]["name"],
Optional = referenceConfig.Optional != null
? (data["data"]["optional"]).ToString()
: String.Empty
The null check here is a performance issue. I do not want to use the below since I have other conditions and all together it will become a very big if else loop.
if(referenceConfig.Optional != null){
lookupData = from data in content["data"].Children()
select new LookupData
LookupKey = (data["data"]["key"]).ToString(),
LookupValue = (string)data["data"]["name"],
Optional = (data["data"]["optional"]).ToString()
lookupData = from data in content["data"].Children()
select new LookupData
LookupKey = (data["data"]["key"]).ToString(),
LookupValue = (string)data["data"]["name"]
But I have at least 10 web server response with lots of data in each.
If the value of referenceConfig.Optional is available at compile time you can do
If not - you can implement the Null Object Pattern i.e. have all of your ["data"][...] properties always return a value(for instance string.Empty if the type is string) so you won't have check explicitly in the code.

Entity Framework - LINQ selection in POCO generic List property

I'm having some issues setting a generic list property of a POCO object when from an EF context. For instance I have a very simple object that contains the following:
public class foo
public string fullName;
public Entity entity;
public List<SalesEvent> eventList;
My code to populate this object from looks something like this:
.Select(x => new foo()
fullName = x.vchFirstName + " " + x.vchLastName,
entity = new EntityVo()
address1 = x.vchAddress1,
entityId = x.iEntityId,
emailAddress = x.vchEmailAddress,
firstName = x.vchFirstName,
lastName = x.vchLastName,
city = x.vchCity,
state = x.chState,
workNumber = x.vchWorkNumber,
mobileNumber = x.vchMobileNumber,
siteId = x.iSiteId
eventList = _context.Events
.Where(e => e.iEntityId == x.iEntityId
&& e.iStatusId >= eventStatusMin
&& e.iStatusId <= eventStatusMax)
.Select(e => new List<SalesEventMatchVo>
new SalesEventMatchVo()
vehicleName = _context.Quotes.Select(q=>q).Where(q=>q.iEventId == e.iEventId).FirstOrDefault().vchMake + " " + _context.Quotes.Select(q=>q).Where(q=>q.iEventId == e.iEventId).FirstOrDefault().vchModel,
eventId = e.iEventId,
salesPerson = e.chAssignedTo,
eventStatusId =(int)e.iStatusId,
createDate = e.dtInsertDate
This issue I'm having is that I'm unable to populate the eventList property with all of the events, it's only grabbing the first record(which makes sense looking at the code). I just cant seem to figure out to populate a the entire list.
Is there a reason simply removing the FirstOrDefault at the end isn't the solution here? I feel like I might be misunderstanding something.
I think I see what you are trying to do. The issue is that you are creating a list in the select statement, when the select statement works only over one thing at a time. It is basically mapping an input type to a new output type.
Try something like this instead:
eventList = _context.Events.Where(e => e.iEntityId == x.iEntityId && //FILTER EVENTS
e.iStatusId >= eventStatusMin &&
e.iStatusId <= eventStatusMax)
.Select(e => new SalesEventMatchVo() //MAP TO SALESEVENT
vehicleName = _context.Quotes.Select(q=>q).Where(q=>q.iEventId == e.iEventId).FirstOrDefault().vchMake + " " + _context.Quotes.Select(q=>q).Where(q=>q.iEventId == e.iEventId).FirstOrDefault().vchModel,
eventId = e.iEventId,
salesPerson = e.chAssignedTo,
eventStatusId =(int)e.iStatusId,
createDate = e.dtInsertDate
As a side note, unless you actually need a List for some reason, I would store foo.eventList as IEnumerable<SalesEvent> instead. This allows you to skip the List conversion at the end, and in some scenarios enables neat tricks like delayed and/or partial execution.
Also, I'm not sure what the point of your .Select(q=>q) statements are in several lines of the SalesEventMatchVo initializer, but I'm pretty sure you can chop them out. If nothing else, you should Select after Where, as Where can reduce the work performed by all following statements.

Only primitive types ('such as Int32, String, and Guid') are supported in this context when I try updating my viewmodel

I am having some trouble with a linq query I am trying to write.
I am trying to use the repository pattern without to much luck. Basically I have a list of transactions and a 2nd list which contains the description field that maps against a field in my case StoreItemID
public static IList<TransactionViewModel> All()
var result = (IList<TransactionViewModel>)HttpContext.Current.Session["Transactions"];
if (result == null)
var rewardTypes = BusinessItemRepository.GetItemTypes(StoreID);
HttpContext.Current.Session["Transactions"] =
result =
(from item in new MyEntities().TransactionEntries
select new TransactionViewModel()
ItemDescription = itemTypes.FirstOrDefault(r=>r.StoreItemID==item.StoreItemID).ItemDescription,
TransactionDate = item.PurchaseDate.Value,
TransactionAmount = item.TransactionAmount.Value,
return result;
public static List<BusinessItemViewModel>GetItemTypes(int storeID)
var result = (List<BusinessItemViewModel>)HttpContext.Current.Session["ItemTypes"];
if (result == null)
HttpContext.Current.Session["ItemTypes"] = result =
(from items in new MyEntities().StoreItems
where items.IsDeleted == false && items.StoreID == storeID
select new BusinessItemViewModel()
ItemDescription = items.Description,
StoreID = items.StoreID,
StoreItemID = items.StoreItemID
return result;
However I get this error
Unable to create a constant value of type 'MyMVC.ViewModels.BusinessItemViewModel'. Only primitive types ('such as Int32, String, and Guid') are supported in this context.
I know its this line of code as if I comment it out it works ok
ItemDescription = itemTypes.FirstOrDefault(r=>r.StoreItemID==item.StoreItemID).ItemDescription,
How can I map ItemDescription against my list of itemTypes?
Any help would be great :)
This line has a problem:
ItemDescription = itemTypes.FirstOrDefault(r=>r.StoreItemID==item.StoreItemID)
Since you are using FirstOrDefault you will get null as default value for a reference type if there is no item that satifies the condition, then you'd get an exception when trying to access ItemDescription - either use First() if there always will be at least one match or check and define a default property value for ItemDescription to use if there is none:
ItemDescription = itemTypes.Any(r=>r.StoreItemID==item.StoreItemID)
? itemTypes.First(r=>r.StoreItemID==item.StoreItemID)
: "My Default",
If itemTypes is IEnumerable then it can't be used in your query (which is what the error message is telling you), because the query provider doesn't know what to do with it. So assuming the that itemTypes is based on a table in the same db as TransactionEntities, then you can use a join to achieve the same goal:
using (var entities = new MyEntities())
HttpContext.Current.Session["Transactions"] = result =
(from item in new entities.TransactionEntries
join itemType in entities.ItemTypes on item.StoreItemID equals itemType.StoreItemID
select new TransactionViewModel()
ItemDescription = itemType.ItemDescription,
TransactionDate = item.PurchaseDate.Value,
TransactionAmount = item.TransactionAmount.Value,
CustomerName = rewards.CardID//TODO: Get customer name
I don't know the structure of your database, but hopefully you get the idea.
I had this error due a nullable integer in my LINQ query.
Adding a check within my query it solved my problem.
query with problem:
var x = entities.MyObjects.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Obj_Id.Equals(y.OBJ_ID));
query with problem solved:
var x = entities.MyObjects.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Obj_Id.HasValue && s.Obj_Id.Value.Equals(y.OBJ_ID));
