Translating LINQ query into CRM QueryExpression while using 'select new' - linq

I've got the following container class:
public class AssetAndItsDepositsContainer
public jp_asset Asset { get; set; }
public jp_deposit Deposit { get; set; }
Is there a way to take the following LINQ query:
from a in serviceContext.jp_assetSet
join d in serviceContext.jp_depositsSet on a.Id equals d.jp_assetid.Id
where a.statecode == jp_assetState.Active &&
a.jp_isonhold = true
select new AssetAndItsDepositsContainer()
Asset = a,
Deposit = d
And "translate" it by using QueryExpression?
This is what I came up with so far, but I don't know how to mimic the select new expression:
QueryExpression query = new QueryExpression(jp_asset.EntityLogicalName);
query.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(true);
query.Criteria.AddCondition("statecode", ConditionOperator.Equal, (int)jp_assetState.Active);
query.Criteria.AddCondition("jp_isonhold", ConditionOperator.Equal, true);
LinkEntity link = query.AddLink(jp_deposit.EntityLogicalName, "Id", "jp_assetid", JoinOperator.Inner);
// Now what?
var res = service.RetrieveMultiple(query).Entities; // gets only jp_assets

You can't access an entire LinkEntity, you can only access its attributes as AliasedValue properties on the main Entity itself.
I would simply retrieve the Id of the second record you're looking for as part of an EntityReference and then execute a Retrieve.

You can actually construct valid Entity objects from linked entities. The only requirement is that the primary key of the linked entity must be available in the result set.
So, your code snippet could be extended like this:
var query = new QueryExpression(jp_asset.EntityLogicalName);
query.ColumnSet.AllColumns = true;
query.Criteria.AddCondition("statecode", ConditionOperator.Equal, (int)jp_assetState.Active);
query.Criteria.AddCondition("jp_isonhold", ConditionOperator.Equal, true);
LinkEntity link = query.AddLink(jp_deposit.EntityLogicalName, "Id", "jp_assetid", JoinOperator.Inner);
link.EntityAlias = "d";
link.Columns.AddColumns("jp_depositid", "jp_name");
IEnumerable<Entity> deposits = Service.RetrieveMultiple(query).Entities
.Select(e => new Entity("jp_deposit")
Id = (Guid)e.GetAttributeValue<AliasedValue>("d.jp_depositid").Value,
["jp_name"] = e.GetAttributeValue<AliasedValue>("d.jp_name")?.Value
The example above will only work reliable for inner joins. In the result set the primary key (ID) for the linked entity will always be available. Therefore it is safe to get its value using the .Value syntax. All other attribute values can be retrieved using ?.Value.
For left joins you would need to filter the result set first before performing the Select.


CRM Linq find all parents that have 0 children

How can I find (preferably using CRM Linq) parent entities that have 0 children. For example how can I find all accounts that have 0 contacts.
If you are going to use the query expression route, which I would recommend then the following code will be useful
var entityAlias = "con";
var query = new QueryExpression
EntityName = "account",
ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(true),
Criteria =
FilterOperator = LogicalOperator.And,
Conditions =
new ConditionExpression(entityAlias, "contactid",ConditionOperator.Null)
LinkEntities =
new LinkEntity
EntityAlias = entityAlias,
LinkFromEntityName = "account",
LinkFromAttributeName = "accountid",
LinkToEntityName = "contact",
LinkToAttributeName = "parentcustomerid",
Columns = new ColumnSet("parentcustomerid", "contactid"),
JoinOperator = JoinOperator.LeftOuter,
var response = service.RetrieveMultiple(query);
var accounts = response.Entities;
In this code I have not limited the columns, this will reduce performance and you should only return the columns needed.
If there is the case for more than 5000 records are going to be returned then you will need to use paging and loop the query to find all the entities,
This can be found here:
However if you are certain you want to use LINQ then you can use the following code:
public static IEnumerable<Account> FindAccountsWithNoContacts()
var contactRelationship = new Relationship("contact_customer_accounts");
foreach(var account in XrmContext.AccountSet)
yield return account;
My problem with the LINQ code is that all the enities, both the account and contact entities, will be loaded into memory. With large entity sets this can cause OutOfMemoryException, whereas the query expression route will pass the query to the Dynamics server to execute; which should make the execution of the code faster.
The thing you are looking for is left outer join. Which is unfortunately not possible in CRM using LINQ. However you can do it using query expression or FetchXML.
Here is a link that can help you:

Explicit construction of entity type in query is not allowed [duplicate]

Using Linq commands and Linq To SQL datacontext, Im trying to instance an Entity called "Produccion" from my datacontext in this way:
Demo.View.Data.PRODUCCION pocoProduccion =
join a in db.ATENCIONs on m.cmp equals a.cmp
join e in db.EXAMENXATENCIONs on a.numeroatencion equals e.numeroatencion
join c in db.CITAs on e.numerocita equals c.numerocita
where e.codigo == codigoExamenxAtencion
select new Demo.View.Data.PRODUCCION
cmp = a.cmp,
bonificacion = comi,
valorventa = precioEstudio,
codigoestudio = lblCodigoEstudio.Content.ToString(),
codigopaciente = Convert.ToInt32(lblCodigoPaciente.Content.ToString()),
codigoproduccion = Convert.ToInt32(lblNroInforme.Content.ToString()),
codigopromotor = m.codigopromotor,
fecha = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString()),
numeroinforme = Convert.ToInt32(lblNroInforme.Content.ToString()),
revisado = false,
codigozona = (c.codigozona.Value == null ? Convert.ToInt32(c.codigozona) : 0),
codigoclinica = Convert.ToInt32(c.codigoclinica),
codigoclase = e.codigoclase,
While executing the above code, I'm getting the following error that the stack trace is included:
System.NotSupportedException was caught
Message="The explicit construction of the entity type 'Demo.View.Data.PRODUCCION' in a query is not allowed."
en System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.QueryConverter.VisitMemberInit(MemberInitExpression init)
en System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.QueryConverter.VisitInner(Expression node)
en System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.QueryConverter.Visit(Expression node)
en System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.QueryConverter.VisitSelect(Expression sequence, LambdaExpression selector)
en System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.QueryConverter.VisitSequenceOperatorCall(MethodCallExpression mc)
en System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.QueryConverter.VisitMethodCall(MethodCallExpression mc)
en System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.QueryConverter.VisitInner(Expression node)
en System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.QueryConverter.Visit(Expression node)
en System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.QueryConverter.VisitFirst(Expression sequence, LambdaExpression lambda, Boolean isFirst)
en System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.QueryConverter.VisitSequenceOperatorCall(MethodCallExpression mc)
en System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.QueryConverter.VisitMethodCall(MethodCallExpression mc)
en System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.QueryConverter.VisitInner(Expression node)
en System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.QueryConverter.ConvertOuter(Expression node)
en System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.SqlProvider.BuildQuery(Expression query, SqlNodeAnnotations annotations)
en System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.SqlProvider.System.Data.Linq.Provider.IProvider.Execute(Expression query)
en System.Data.Linq.DataQuery`1.System.Linq.IQueryProvider.Execute[S](Expression expression)
en System.Linq.Queryable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IQueryable`1 source)
en Demo.View.InformeMedico.realizarProduccionInforme(Int32 codigoExamenxAtencion, Double precioEstudio, Int32 comi) en D:\cs_InformeMedico\app\InformeMedico.xaml.cs:línea 602
en Demo.View.InformeMedico.UpdateEstadoEstudio(Int32 codigo, Char state) en D:\cs_InformeMedico\app\InformeMedico.xaml.cs:línea 591
en Demo.View.InformeMedico.btnGuardar_Click(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) en D:\cs_InformeMedico\app\InformeMedico.xaml.cs:línea 683
Is that now allowed in LINQ2SQL?
Entities can be created outside of queries and inserted into the data store using a DataContext. You can then retrieve them using queries. However, you can't create entities as part of a query.
I am finding this limitation to be very annoying, and going against the common trend of not using SELECT * in queries.
Still with c# anonymous types there is a workaround, by fetching the objects into an anonymous type, and then copy it over into the correct type.
For example:
var q = from emp in employees where emp.ID !=0
select new {Name = emp.First + " " + emp.Last, EmployeeId = emp.ID }
var r = q.ToList();
List<User> users = new List<User>(r.Select(new User
Name = r.Name,
EmployeeId = r.EmployeeId
And in the case when we deal with a single value (as in the situation described in the question) it is even easier, and we just need to copy directly the values:
var q = from emp in employees where emp.ID !=0
select new { Name = emp.First + " " + emp.Last, EmployeeId = emp.ID }
var r = q.FirstOrDefault();
User user = new User { Name = r.Name, EmployeeId = r.ID };
If the name of the properties match the database columns we can do it even simpler in the query, by doing select
var q = from emp in employees where emp.ID !=0
select new { emp.First, emp.Last, emp.ID }
One might go ahead and write a lambda expression that can copy automatically based on the property name, without needing to specify the values explictly.
Here's another workaround:
Make a class that derives from your LINQ to SQL class. I'm assuming that the L2S class that you want to return is Order:
internal class OrderView : Order { }
Now write the query this way:
var query = from o in db.Order
select new OrderView // instead of Order
OrderID = o.OrderID,
OrderDate = o.OrderDate,
// etc.
Cast the result back into Order, like this:
return query.Cast<Order>().ToList(); // or .FirstOrDefault()
(or use something more sensible, like BLToolkit / LINQ to DB)
Note: I haven't tested to see if tracking works or not; it works to retrieve data, which is what I needed.
I have found that if you do a .ToList() on the query before trying to contruct new objects it works
I just ran into the same issue.
I found a very easy solution.
var a = att as Attachment;
Func<Culture, AttachmentCulture> make =
c => new AttachmentCulture { Culture = c };
var culs = from c in dc.Cultures
let ac = c.AttachmentCultures.SingleOrDefault(
x => x.Attachment == a)
select ac == null ? make(c) : ac;
return culs;
I construct an anonymous type, use IEnumerable (which preserves deferred execution), and then re-consruct the datacontext object. Both Employee and Manager are datacontext objects:
var q = dc.Employees.Where(p => p.IsManager == 1)
.Select(p => new { Id = p.Id, Name = p.Name })
.Select(item => new Manager() { Id = item.Id, Name = item.Name });
Within the book "70-515 Web Applications Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 - Self paced training kit", page 638 has the following example to output results to a strongly typed object:
IEnumerable<User> users = from emp in employees where emp.ID !=0
select new User
Name = emp.First + " " + emp.Last,
EmployeeId = emp.ID
Mark Pecks advice appears to contradict this book - however, for me this example still displays the above error as well, leaving me somewhat confused. Is this linked to version differences? Any suggestions welcome.
I found another workaround for the problem that even lets you retain your result as IQueryale, so it doesn't actually execute the query until you want it to be executed (like it would with the ToList() method).
So linq doesn't allow you to create an entity as a part of query? You can shift that task to the database itself and create a function that will grab the data you want. After you import the function to your data context, you just need to set the result type to the one you want.
I found out about this when I had to write a piece of code that would produce a IQueryable<T> in which the items don't actually exist in the table containing T.
pbz posted a work around by creating a View class inherited from an entity class that you could be working with. I'm working with a dbml model of a table that has > 200 columns. When I try and return the whole table I get "Root Element missing" errors. I couldn't find anyone who wanted to deal with my particular issue so I was looking at rewriting my entire approach. Just creating a view class for the entitiy class worked in my case.
As pbz suggests : Create a view class that inherits from your entity class. For me this is tbCamp so :
internal class tbCampView : tbCamp
Then use the view class in your query :
using (var dc = ConnectionClass.Connect(Dev))
var camps = dc.tbCamps.Select(s => new tbCampView
active =,
idCamp = s.idCamp,
campName = s.campName
SmartTableViewer(camps, dg1);
private void SmartTableViewer<T>(IEnumerable<T> allRecords)
// Build sorted rows back into new table
var table = new DataTable();
// Create columns based on type
if (allRecords is IEnumerable<tbCamp> tbCampRecords)
// Get the columns you want
foreach (var record in tbCampRecords)
// Make a new row
var r = table.NewRow();
// Add the contents to each column of the row
r["idCamp"] = record.idCamp;
r["campName"] = record.campName;
// Add the row to the table.
MessageBox.Show("Unhandled type. Add support for new data type in SmartTableViewer()");
// Update table in grid
dg1.DataSource = table.DefaultView;
Here is what happens when you try and create an entity class object in the query.
I didn't want to have to use an anonymous type if I could help it because I wanted the type to be tbCamp. Since tbCampView is of type tbCamp the is operator works well. see Brian Hasden's answer Passing a generic List<> in C#
I'm surprised this is even an issue but with larger tables I run into this error so I thought I would just show it here :
When trying to read this table into memory I get the following error. There are < 2000 rows but the columns are > 200 for each. I don't know if that is an issue or not.
If I just want a few columns I need to create a custom class and handle that which isn't that big of a pain. With the approach pbz provided I don't have to worry about it.
Here is the entire project in case it helps someone.
public partial class Form1 : Form
private const bool Dev = true;
public Form1()
private void btnGetAllCamps_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
using (var dc = ConnectionClass.Connect(Dev))
IQueryable<tbCampView> camps = dc.tbCamps.Select(s => new tbCampView
// Project columns as needed.
active =,
idCamp = s.idCamp,
campName = s.campName
// pass in as a
private void SmartTableViewer<T>(IEnumerable<T> allRecords)
// Build sorted rows back into new table
var table = new DataTable();
// Create columns based on type
if (allRecords is IEnumerable<tbCamp> tbCampRecords)
// Get the columns you want
foreach (var record in tbCampRecords)
//var newRecord = record;
// Make a new row
var r = table.NewRow();
// Add the contents to each column of the row
r["idCamp"] = record.idCamp;
r["campName"] = record.campName;
// Add the row to the table.
MessageBox.Show("Unhandled type. Add support for new data type in SmartTableViewer()");
// Update table in grid
dg1.DataSource = table.DefaultView;
internal class tbCampView : tbCamp

linq: Using methods in select clause

I'm breaking my head with this and decided to share my problem with you
I want to create an anonymous select from several tables, some of them may contain more than one result. i want to concatenate these results into one string
i did something like this:
var resultTable = from item in dc.table
select new
name= CreateString((from name in item.Ref_Items_Names
select name.Name).ToList()),
and the CreateString() is:
private string CreateString(List<string> list)
StringBuilder stringedData = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
stringedData.Append(list[i] + ", ");
return stringedData.ToString();
my intentions were to convert the "name" query to list and then sent it to CreateString() to convert it to one long concatenated string.
I tried using .Aggregate((current,next) => current + "," + next);
but when i try to convert my query to DataTable like below:
public DataTable ToDataTable(Object query)
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
IDbCommand cmd = dc.GetCommand(query as IQueryable);
SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter();
adapter.SelectCommand = (SqlCommand)cmd;
return dt;
I'm getting exception that "dc.GetCommand()" can't understand query with Aggregate method
later I tried to even use this simple query:
var resultTable = from itemin dc.table
select new
name = CreateString()
When CreateString() returns "success", nothing was inserted to "name"
why there is no way of using methods in select clause?
Thank you
There is difference between LINQ to objects and LINQ to some-db-provider. Generally speaking, when using IQueryable, you can't use any methods, except the ones your provider understands.
What you can do is to retrieve the data from the database and then do the formatting using LINQ to objects:
var data = from item in dc.table
where /* some condition */
select item;
var result = from item in data.AsEnumerable()
select new
name = SomeFunction(item)
The AsEnumerable() extension method forces processing using LINQ to objects.
Forgive me if I've miss interpreted your question. It seems that what you are trying to do is abstract your select method for reuse. If this is the case, you may consider projection using a lambda expression. For example:
internal static class MyProjectors
internal static Expression<Func<Object1, ReturnObject>> StringDataProjector
return d => new Object1()
//assignment here
Now you can select your datasets as such:
As for the concatenation logic, what about selecting to some base class with an IEnumerable<string> property and a read-only property to handle the concatenation of the string?

Only primitive types ('such as Int32, String, and Guid') are supported in this context when I try updating my viewmodel

I am having some trouble with a linq query I am trying to write.
I am trying to use the repository pattern without to much luck. Basically I have a list of transactions and a 2nd list which contains the description field that maps against a field in my case StoreItemID
public static IList<TransactionViewModel> All()
var result = (IList<TransactionViewModel>)HttpContext.Current.Session["Transactions"];
if (result == null)
var rewardTypes = BusinessItemRepository.GetItemTypes(StoreID);
HttpContext.Current.Session["Transactions"] =
result =
(from item in new MyEntities().TransactionEntries
select new TransactionViewModel()
ItemDescription = itemTypes.FirstOrDefault(r=>r.StoreItemID==item.StoreItemID).ItemDescription,
TransactionDate = item.PurchaseDate.Value,
TransactionAmount = item.TransactionAmount.Value,
return result;
public static List<BusinessItemViewModel>GetItemTypes(int storeID)
var result = (List<BusinessItemViewModel>)HttpContext.Current.Session["ItemTypes"];
if (result == null)
HttpContext.Current.Session["ItemTypes"] = result =
(from items in new MyEntities().StoreItems
where items.IsDeleted == false && items.StoreID == storeID
select new BusinessItemViewModel()
ItemDescription = items.Description,
StoreID = items.StoreID,
StoreItemID = items.StoreItemID
return result;
However I get this error
Unable to create a constant value of type 'MyMVC.ViewModels.BusinessItemViewModel'. Only primitive types ('such as Int32, String, and Guid') are supported in this context.
I know its this line of code as if I comment it out it works ok
ItemDescription = itemTypes.FirstOrDefault(r=>r.StoreItemID==item.StoreItemID).ItemDescription,
How can I map ItemDescription against my list of itemTypes?
Any help would be great :)
This line has a problem:
ItemDescription = itemTypes.FirstOrDefault(r=>r.StoreItemID==item.StoreItemID)
Since you are using FirstOrDefault you will get null as default value for a reference type if there is no item that satifies the condition, then you'd get an exception when trying to access ItemDescription - either use First() if there always will be at least one match or check and define a default property value for ItemDescription to use if there is none:
ItemDescription = itemTypes.Any(r=>r.StoreItemID==item.StoreItemID)
? itemTypes.First(r=>r.StoreItemID==item.StoreItemID)
: "My Default",
If itemTypes is IEnumerable then it can't be used in your query (which is what the error message is telling you), because the query provider doesn't know what to do with it. So assuming the that itemTypes is based on a table in the same db as TransactionEntities, then you can use a join to achieve the same goal:
using (var entities = new MyEntities())
HttpContext.Current.Session["Transactions"] = result =
(from item in new entities.TransactionEntries
join itemType in entities.ItemTypes on item.StoreItemID equals itemType.StoreItemID
select new TransactionViewModel()
ItemDescription = itemType.ItemDescription,
TransactionDate = item.PurchaseDate.Value,
TransactionAmount = item.TransactionAmount.Value,
CustomerName = rewards.CardID//TODO: Get customer name
I don't know the structure of your database, but hopefully you get the idea.
I had this error due a nullable integer in my LINQ query.
Adding a check within my query it solved my problem.
query with problem:
var x = entities.MyObjects.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Obj_Id.Equals(y.OBJ_ID));
query with problem solved:
var x = entities.MyObjects.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Obj_Id.HasValue && s.Obj_Id.Value.Equals(y.OBJ_ID));

Subsonic 3 Linq Projection Issue

OK I'm banging my head against a wall with this one ;-)
Given tables in my database called Address, Customer and CustomerType, I want to display combined summary information about the customer so I create a query to join these two tables and retrieve a specified result.
var customers = (from c in tblCustomer.All()
join address in tblAddress.All() on c.Address equals address.AddressId
join type in tblCustomerType.All() on c.CustomerType equals type.CustomerTypeId
select new CustomerSummaryView
CustomerName = c.CustomerName,
CustomerType = type.Description,
Postcode = address.Postcode
return View(customers);
CustomerSummaryView is a simple POCO
public class CustomerSummaryView
public string Postcode { get; set; }
public string CustomerType { get; set; }
public string CustomerName { get; set; }
Now for some reason, this doesn't work, I get an IEnumerable list of CustomerSummaryView results, each record has a customer name and a postcode but the customer type field is always null.
I've recreated this problem several times with different database tables, and projected classes.
Anyone any ideas?
I can't repro this issue - here's a test I just tried:
public void Joined_Projection_Should_Return_All_Values() {
var qry = (from c in _db.Customers
join order in _db.Orders on c.CustomerID equals order.CustomerID
join details in _db.OrderDetails on order.OrderID equals details.OrderID
join products in _db.Products on details.ProductID equals products.ProductID
select new CustomerSummaryView
CustomerID = c.CustomerID,
OrderID = order.OrderID,
ProductName = products.ProductName
Assert.True(qry.Count() > 0);
foreach (var view in qry) {
Assert.True(view.OrderID > 0);
This passed perfectly. I'm wondering if you're using a reserved word in there?
This post seems to be referring to a similar issue...
Yes, the reason Rob's example works is because his projection's property names match exactly, whereas John's original example has a difference between CustomerType and type.Description.
This shouldn't have been a problem, but it was - the Projection Mapper was looking for properties of the same name and wasn't mapping a value if it didn't find a match. Therefore, your projection objects' properties would be default values for its type if there wasn't an exact name match.
The good news is, I got the latest source today and built a new Subsonic.Core.dll and the behavior is now fixed.
So John's code above should work as expected.
I just downloaded the latest build from 3/21/2010, which is about 2 months after the last poster on this thread, and the problem still exists in the packaged binary. Bummer.
Here what I have to do:
var data =
(from m in Metric.All()
where m.ParentMetricId == parentId
select new
var treeData =
from d in data
select new TreeViewItem
Text = d.MetricName,
Value = d.MetricId.ToString(),
LoadOnDemand = true,
Enabled = true,
return new JsonResult { Data = treeData };
If I try to do the projection directly from the Subsonic query, the Text property ends up with the ID, and the Value property ends up with the Name. Very strange.
