yargs .command error: second argument to option must be an object - yargs

Suppose I have a file "test.js":
var args = require('yargs')
.command('command', 'command usage here', {alias: "c"} )
Then I run:
>node test command
I got this error:
second argument to option must be an object
If I remove the 3rd parameter of .command:
var args = require('yargs')
.command('command', 'command usage here')
Everything is fine.
I must make a dumb mistake. But I just cannot figure it out.

Your 3rd argument is not required, that's why it works when you remove it. I'm pretty sure the 3rd argument has to be a function call.
var args = require('yargs')
'command explanation',
//insert yargs.options here
demand: true,//if you require the command
alias: 'c',// you will enter -c to use it
description: 'explain what it does'
an example of usage might be:
C:\WorkingDirectory>node app.js command -c run
your code could include console.log(args.c);//prints out run


How to structure one of many commands in yargs?

I have read the yargs documetation multiple times, but can't figure out this one. Here are my requirements:
My CLI should provide two commands: cmd1 and cmd2.
The user must specify one of these two commands, otherwise the CLI must print a help message and exit.
This is my attempt:
async function main() {
await yargs(process.argv.slice(2))
.command('cmd1', 'Command 1', {}, () => console.log('Executing command1'))
.command('cmd2', 'Command 2', {}, () => console.log('Executing command2'))
Following commands work as expected:
my-cli cmd1 # prints "Executing command1"
my-cli cmd2 # prints "Executing command2"
However following commands quit silently:
my-cli cmd3
What am I missing?
According to the documentation and the refine of OP, the correct yarg code handling undefined arguments is as follow:
async function main() {
await yargs(process.argv.slice(2))
.command('cmd1', 'Command 1', {}, () => console.log('Executing command1'))
.command('cmd2', 'Command 2', {}, () => console.log('Executing command2'))
strictCommands(): accepts only defined commands (i.e. does not accept undefined command like cmd3) Documentation
demandCommand(): accepts minimum 1 argument (i.e. does not accept a command with no argument); 1 is the default value of minimum; can also add max option to constraint to exactly 1 argument by demandCommand(1, 1) Documentation

how to use choice parameter in Jenkins pipeline in batch command

how to use choice parameter in Jenkins declarative pipeline in batch command.
I'm using following stage:
choices: 'apply\ndestroy\n',
description: '',
stage ('temp') {
steps {
echo "type ${params.DESTROY_OR_APPLY}"
bat'echo "type01 ${params.DESTROY_OR_APPLY}"'
bat'echo "type01 %{params.DESTROY_OR_APPLY}%"'
bat'echo type01 [${params.DESTROY_OR_APPLY}]'
echo does resolve to correct parameter value but under bat none of the above code works.
You almost got the syntax right.
If you change it to one of the below options, the bat command receives the value of your choice.
steps {
bat "echo type01 ${DESTROY_OR_APPLY}"
steps {
bat 'echo type01 ' + DESTROY_OR_APPLY
You can also use ${params.DESTROY_OR_APPLY} in the first or params.DESTROY_OR_APPLY in the second example if you want to use the params definition consequently in your code.

How can I run a sub function in Bash

How can I run a 'sub function' from a script in command line? Example:
main_function() {
sub_function() {
echo "hello world"
I tried to source this file and call the function from another script:
source script_1.sh
But I get
script_2.sh: line 3: sub_function: command not found
while I expected to just get hello world.
Thus defined the sub_function will be defined after function is called.
function() {
sub_function() {
source script_1.sh
... should work ... except you should rename function, as it's a reserved word
The step missing in your question is to invoke function first - its action is to define sub_function.
Note that sub_function doesn't 'belong' to function in any way - its definition is just a side-effect of running function.
P.S. I assume you aren't really trying to call it function - that's a reserved word in bash.

Why won't gradle Exec task run my command?

I have read around stackoverflow and the gradle forms, but I am still stumped. The ultimate goal here is that after I copy some files, I want to set the writable flag -- because 'copy' doesn't like overwriting read-only files on 'nix (huh...), nor can it be forced to do so (harumph!).
Here is the outline of what I have:
task setPermissions (type : Exec) {
executable = 'chmod -R +w'
// ... a little while later ...
task('somethingElse') << {
// ... unrelated stuff ...
def String targetDir = "$aVar/theTarget"
// >> TASK CALL <<
setPermissions {
commandLine = [executable + " $targetDir"]
// but that doesn't work... this does...
proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("chmod -R +w $deployDir")
I have tried variations in "setPermissions".
Trial 1:
commandLine = 'chmod'
args = '-R', '+w'
In which case I appended the target directory to "args" when I called setPermissions.
Trial 2:
commandLine = 'chmod -R +w'
In which case I appended the target directory to "commandLine" when I called setPermissions. I also tried making it the only "args" value.
Trial 3:
commandLine = 'chmod', '-R', '+w'
In which case I appended the target directory to "commandLine" when I called setPermissions. I also tried making it the only "args" value.
So what am I doing wrong here that an Exec task won't run this properly, but the Rt.gR.exec() will?
You can't call a task from another task. You'll have to make one depend on the other, or call the Project.exec method from a task action. The syntax for configuring the exec method is exactly the same as for the Exec task.
PS: Have you tried to use Copy.fileMode instead of chmod?

command line arguments in bash to Rscript

I have a bash script that creates a csv file and an R file that creates graphs from that.
At the end of the bash script I call Rscript Graphs.R 10
The response I get is as follows:
Error in is.vector(X) : subscript out of bounds
Calls: print ... <Anonymous> -> lapply -> FUN -> lapply -> is.vector
Execution halted
The first few lines of my Graphs.R are:
args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
CorrAns = args[1]
No idea what I am doing wrong? The advice on the net appears to me to say that this should work. Its very hard to make sense of commandArgs
With the following in args.R
and the following in args.sh
Rscript args.R 10
I get the following output from bash args.sh
[1] "10"
and no error. If necessary, convert to a numberic type using as.numeric(commandArgs(TRUE)[1]).
Just a guess, perhaps you need to convert CorrAns from character to numeric, since Value section of ?CommandArgs says:
A character vector containing the name
of the executable and the
user-supplied command line arguments.
UPDATE: It could be as easy as:
args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
(CorrAns = args[1])
(CorrAns = as.numeric(args[1]))
Reading the docs, it seems you might need to remove the TRUE from the call to commandArgs() as you don't call the script with --args. Either that, or you need to call Rscript Graphs.R --args 10.
commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
trailingOnly logical. Should only
arguments after --args be returned?
Rscript args.R 10 where 10 is the numeric value we want to pass to the R script.
print(as.numeric(commandArgs(TRUE)[1]) prints out the value which can then be assigned to a variable.
