how to use choice parameter in Jenkins pipeline in batch command - jenkins-pipeline

how to use choice parameter in Jenkins declarative pipeline in batch command.
I'm using following stage:
choices: 'apply\ndestroy\n',
description: '',
stage ('temp') {
steps {
echo "type ${params.DESTROY_OR_APPLY}"
bat'echo "type01 ${params.DESTROY_OR_APPLY}"'
bat'echo "type01 %{params.DESTROY_OR_APPLY}%"'
bat'echo type01 [${params.DESTROY_OR_APPLY}]'
echo does resolve to correct parameter value but under bat none of the above code works.

You almost got the syntax right.
If you change it to one of the below options, the bat command receives the value of your choice.
steps {
bat "echo type01 ${DESTROY_OR_APPLY}"
steps {
bat 'echo type01 ' + DESTROY_OR_APPLY
You can also use ${params.DESTROY_OR_APPLY} in the first or params.DESTROY_OR_APPLY in the second example if you want to use the params definition consequently in your code.


Gradle execute a command with spaces and pipe output while running

I am trying to do an Xcode build in Gradle. Requirements:
Some of my arguments have spaces in them.
I want to pipe the output through xcpretty. Otherwise gitlab complains that there is too much output and I can't see any errors toward the end of the build
I don't want to wait for the command to complete before seeing the output. I want to be able to watch it build, like any ci job
Gradle exec{} doesn't seem to let me pipe the output while building. I can save the output to a file but that doesn't let me watch the build
exec {
executable 'xcodebuild'
ext.output = {
return standardOutput.toString()
args = [
"-sdk", "iphoneos",
"-configuration", "Release",
"-scheme", "${schemeName}",
"| xcpretty"
doesn't work
I can't use groovy "xcodebuild ... CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=${"${appleIdentity}"} ... | xcpretty".execute() because my code signing identity contains spaces and for some reason groovy wants to stick its own quotes into the command string when it finds spaces.
I tried the array execute method but ended up with the same problem.
def cmd = [
'xcodebuild ',
"-sdk", "iphoneos",
"-configuration", "Release",
"-scheme", "${schemeName}"
println cmd
def proc = cmd.execute()
... except that it's even harder to debug because I can't see the actual command being executed.
I have found various solutions online but nothing that fits these requirements

Console Output in pipeline:Jenkins

I have created a complex pipeline. In each stage I have called a job. I want to see the console output for each job in a stage in Jenkins. How to get it?
The object returned from a build step can be used to query the log like this:
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('test') {
steps {
echo 'Building anotherJob and getting the log'
script {
def bRun = build 'anotherJob'
echo 'last 100 lines of BuildB'
for(String line : bRun.getRawBuild().getLog(100)){
echo line
The object returned from the build step is a RunWrapper class object. The getRawBuild() call is returning a Run object - there may be other options than reading the log line-by-line from the looks of this class. For this to work you need to either disable the pipeline sandbox or get script approvals for these methods:
method hudson.model.Run getLog int
method getRawBuild
If you are doing this for many builds, it would be worth putting some code in a pipeline shared library to do what you need or define a function in the pipeline.

jenkins pipeline function errors with no error

I am using a jenkins pipeline script to make product tests on our machines
the father of all tests looks like this
node('nightly-master') {
stage 'run'
println PRODUCTS
oliTest('win7.nightly.test', '', 'esxi', 'opsi-local-image-prepare', 'opsi-local-image-win7', PRODUCTS)
PRODUCTS is a textbox variable, enetered at the build start
the function oliTest() is this:
try {
timeout(time: 5, unit: 'HOURS') {
println SERVERID
println PRODUCTS
} catch(error) {
sh "fab -f /home/adminuser/scripts/${VIRTUALIZATIO} powerOffVm:vmName=${SERVERID}"
sh 'return 1'
the println values are printed correctly into the jenkins log
as soon as the function oliProd() is called the test fails without any error message at the forr loop in the following block
stage 'install Products'
println SERVERID
println PRODUCTS
sh " echo ${PRODUCTS}"
sh "echo ${SERVERID}"
sh "for i in ${PRODUCTS}; do opsi-admin -d method setProductActionRequestWithDependencies $i ${SERVERID} setup;done"
writing it multi line with '''COMMAND''' exists with an error, because ${SERVERID} is not expanded and left empty
Any suggestions how to make things work??
Note that you could use have triple double-quotes instead of triple single-quotes. That would have fixed that simple problem.
However, you really should be doing your iteration in the script code itself, instead of trying to do iteration in the shell.
Jon S suggested to resolve script methods such as "echo" against a reference to the "pipeline object as in oliTest(this, ...) where oliTest declares a Script parameter and passes it along to other methods/instances to be used to resolve echo as scriptObj.echo.
println in "call" method of "vars/foo.groovy" works, but not in method in class

Why won't gradle Exec task run my command?

I have read around stackoverflow and the gradle forms, but I am still stumped. The ultimate goal here is that after I copy some files, I want to set the writable flag -- because 'copy' doesn't like overwriting read-only files on 'nix (huh...), nor can it be forced to do so (harumph!).
Here is the outline of what I have:
task setPermissions (type : Exec) {
executable = 'chmod -R +w'
// ... a little while later ...
task('somethingElse') << {
// ... unrelated stuff ...
def String targetDir = "$aVar/theTarget"
// >> TASK CALL <<
setPermissions {
commandLine = [executable + " $targetDir"]
// but that doesn't work... this does...
proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("chmod -R +w $deployDir")
I have tried variations in "setPermissions".
Trial 1:
commandLine = 'chmod'
args = '-R', '+w'
In which case I appended the target directory to "args" when I called setPermissions.
Trial 2:
commandLine = 'chmod -R +w'
In which case I appended the target directory to "commandLine" when I called setPermissions. I also tried making it the only "args" value.
Trial 3:
commandLine = 'chmod', '-R', '+w'
In which case I appended the target directory to "commandLine" when I called setPermissions. I also tried making it the only "args" value.
So what am I doing wrong here that an Exec task won't run this properly, but the Rt.gR.exec() will?
You can't call a task from another task. You'll have to make one depend on the other, or call the Project.exec method from a task action. The syntax for configuring the exec method is exactly the same as for the Exec task.
PS: Have you tried to use Copy.fileMode instead of chmod?

How to continue a Jenkins build even though a build step failed?

I am using a Phing build script with Jenkins and would like to run it end to end on a job and capture all the reports. The problem is it stop building on a failed build step. Is there a way or a plugin that would continue the job even on failures?
I don't know a lot about Phing but, since it's based on Ant, if the build step you are executing has a "failonerror" attribute you should be able to set it to false so that the entire build doesn't fail if the step returns an error.
Yes, use try, catch block in you pipeline scripts
try {
// do some stuff that potentially fails
} catch (error) {
// do stuff if try fails
} finally {
// when you need some clean up to do
Or alternatively if you use sh commands to run these tests, consider running your sh scripts with the "|| true" suffix, this tells the linux sh script to exit with a result code of 0, even if your real command exited with an exit code.
stage('Test') {
def testScript = ""
def testProjects = findFiles(glob: 'test/**/project.json')
if (!fileExists('reports/xml')) {
if (!fileExists('reports')) {
sh "mkdir reports"
sh "mkdir reports/xml"
for(prj in testProjects) {
println "Test project located, running tests: " + prj.path
def matcher = prj.path =~ 'test\\/(.+)\\/project.json'
testScript += "dotnet test --no-build '${prj.path}' -xml 'reports/xml/${matcher[0][1]}.Results.xml' || true\n"
sh testScript
