How to get tweets for specific location(India)? - hadoop

I'm trying to capture tweets using twitter4j's streaming methods from the area of India. I'm using below lat & long, but I am getting below exception.
Latitude/longitude are not valid: 8.07, 68.12, 37.10, 97.42
This is my code sample.
double[][] locations = { { 8.066667,68.116667 },
{ 37.100000, 97.416667 } };
FilterQuery query = new FilterQuery().locations(locations);
Please suggest me valid latitude, longitude pair.

Finally, I got correct latitude & longitude pair.
Twitter docs say that,
A comma-separated list of longitude,latitude pairs specifying a set of
bounding boxes to filter Tweets by. Only geolocated Tweets falling
within the requested bounding boxes will be included—unlike the Search
API, the user’s location field is not used to filter tweets. Each
bounding box should be specified as a pair of longitude and latitude
pairs, with the southwest corner of the bounding box coming first.
So, This is valid coordinates for India
double[][] locations = { {68.116667 ,8.066667, },
{ 97.416667,37.100000, } };


X,Y,Z coordinates of an object in forge viewer

I am trying to draw svg/pointcloud points on individual elements in Autodesk Forge. How to get (x,y,z) coordinates of elements.
Is there a way to extract positions of individual object so that we have the position vector in world space.
What I tried so far:
I cant seem to understand how to use the positions array as described in this thread using
frags = viewer.impl.getRenderProxy( viewer.model, fragId )
positions = frags.geometry.vb
Autodesk.ADN.Viewing.Extension.MeshData.js gives me the vertices of triangles (meshes/fragments) the element is made of.
I've created a self-contained extension that you can add to your viewer and illustrates how to get the component position:
Check this repo and the TransformationExplorerExtension
The code responsible for extracting the transformation matrix is:
getFragmentWorldMatrixByNodeId(nodeId) {
let result = {
fragId: [],
matrix: [],
let viewer = this.viewer;
this.tree.enumNodeFragments(nodeId, function (frag) {
let fragProxy = viewer.impl.getFragmentProxy(viewer.model, frag);
let matrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
return result;

How to get Coordinates of each vehicle in VEINS?

I am using Veins 4.6, Sumo 0.25 and Omnet++ 5.2. I need to get the coordinates of two vehicles (nodes) at a given time, to calculate the distance between them.
I have tried to modify the file in the function handlePositionUpdate(). The Problem is when the veh0 returns its coordinate at the same time there is coordinate sent by veh1 which is very small.
How can I get the position of both the vehicles at the given time and find the distance between them?
void TraCIDemo11p :: handlePositionUpdate(cObject* obj) {
// Get vehicle ID
std::string vehID = mobility->getExternalId().c_str();
// Get coordinates of first vehicle
if (vehID == "veh0"){
firstVehX = mobility->getCurrentPosition().x;
firstVehY = mobility->getCurrentPosition().y;
firstVehZ = mobility->getCurrentPosition().z;
calculateDistance(vehID, firstVehX, firstVehY,firstVehZ);
//Get coordinates of second vehicle
if (vehID == "veh1"){
secondVehX = mobility->getCurrentPosition().x;
secondVehY = mobility->getCurrentPosition().y;
secondVehZ = mobility->getCurrentPosition().z;
calculateDistance(vehID, secondVehX, secondVehY, secondVehZ);
As far as I understood, you want to calculate the distance from the vehicle this code is running on to some other car. However, I am not sure what this other vehicle is. Is it firstVeh for instance?
If this is the case, with this code you can not have achieve what you want (as you figured out already). This code runs on every vehicle in the simulation but is independent from all other vehicles. Therefore, mobility points only to the mobility module of the current vehicle this code is running on. Thus, mobility->getCurrentPosition() always gives you only the position of exactly this vehicle.
For calculating the distance to firstVeh for example, you need its coordinates. Usually, however, you do not have any knowledge about arbitrary other vehicles in the simulation, unless you receive a message from them which includes its position (see Calculating distance between cars nodes VEINS).
If you really need to calculate the distance to an other, arbitrary vehicle (i.e. not an aforementioned sender of a message), you could get a pointer to that vehicle from the TraCIScenarioManager (see How to get count of cars in specific range). This, however, is bad practice in my opinion, since in reality you would not be aware of any other cars in the scenario, other than some sender of a message, either.
On sink node you can get list of all modules in simulation, access their coordinates and then find the distance between them using following snippet in handlePositionUpdate method of
//Get current position of the node which is going to send message
Coord senderPosition = mobility->getCurrentPosition();
//Get all available nodes in simulation
std::map<std::string, cModule*> availableCars = mobility->getManager()->getManagedHosts();
//Iterate through collection and find distance,
std::map<std::string, cModule*>::iterator it;
for(it = availableCars.begin(); it != availableCars.end(); it++)
TraCIMobility* mobility1 = TraCIMobilityAccess().get(it->second);
Coord receiverPosition = mobility1->getCurrentPosition();
//returns distance in meters
Ref: How to get count of cars in specific range

How to check input location with accuracy inside in polygon on map or not?

I have plotted polygon on a map using MkMapView successfully. Now I want to check user location inside this polygon with accuracy. suppose I have latitude = 50.840473 and longitude = -0.146755 and accuracy = 60 then, for a location situated 30 meters outside of the plotted polygon on the map .
How can I calculate this distance = 30-meter using Latitude, longitude, Accuracy . because without using accuracy I have successfully check user location inside the polygon or not. using below code.
func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, rendererFor overlay: MKOverlay) -> MKOverlayRenderer
if overlay is MKPolygon {
let polygonRenderer = MKPolygonRenderer(overlay: overlay)
polygonRenderer.fillColor =
polygonRenderer.strokeColor =
polygonRenderer.lineWidth = 3
let currentMapPoint: MKMapPoint = MKMapPointForCoordinate(CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(50.840473, -0.146755))
let polygonViewPoint: CGPoint = polygonRenderer.point(for: currentMapPoint)
if polygonRenderer.path.contains(polygonViewPoint)
print("Your location was inside your polygon.")
return polygonRenderer
return MKOverlayPathRenderer()
using this code I have been checked successfully input lat long location inside the polygon. But how to use accuracy parameter to check how much distance between input location and plotted polygon.

Unable to get the location bound of Sketchup model using Sketchup Ruby API

I have a Sketchup 3d model that is geo-located. I can get the geo-location of the model as follows :-
latitude = Sketchup.active_model.attribute_dictionaries["GeoReference"]["Latitude"]
longitude = Sketchup.active_model.attribute_dictionaries["GeoReference"]["Longitude"]
Now i want to render this model on a 3D globe. So i need the location bounds of the 3d model.
Basically i need bounding box of the model on 2d map.
Right now i am extracting the same from the corners of a model(8 corner).
// This will return left-front-bottom corner.
lowerCorner = Sketchup.active_model.bounds.corner(0)
// This will return right-back-top corner.
upperCorner = Skectup.active_model.bounds.corner(6)
But it returns simple geometrical points in meters, inches depending upon the model.
For example i uploaded this model in sketchup. Following are the values of geo-location, lowerCorner and upperCorner respectively that i'm getting by using the above code for the above model.
geoLocation : 25.141407985864, 55.18563969191 //lat,long
lowerCorner : (-9483.01089", -6412.376053", -162.609524") // In inches
upperCorner : (-9483.01089", 6479.387909", 12882.651999") // In inches
So my first question is what i'm doing is correct or not ?
Second question is If yes for the first how can i get the values of lowerCorner and upperCorner in lat long format.
But it returns simple geometrical points in meters, inches depending upon the model.
Geom::BoundingBox.corner returns a Geom::Point3d. The x, y and z members of that is a Length. That is always returning the internal value of SketchUp which is inches.
However, when you use Length.to_s it will use the current model's unit settings and format the values into that. When you call Geom::Point3d.to_s it will use Length.to_s. On the other hand, if you call Geom::Point3d.inspect it will print the internal units (inches) without formatting.
Instead of tapping into the attributes of the model directly like that I recommend you use the API methods of geo-location: Sketchup::Model.georeferenced?
By the sound of it you might find Sketchup::Model.point_to_latlong useful.
Example - I geolocated a SketchUp model to the town square of Trondheim, Norway (Geolocation: 63°25′47″N 10°23′36″E):
model = Sketchup.active_model
bounds = model.bounds
# Get the base of the boundingbox. No need to get the top - as the
# result doesn't contain altiture information.
(0..3).each { |i|
pt = bounds.corner(i)
latlong = model.point_to_latlong(pt)
latitude = latlong.x.to_f
longitude = latlong.y.to_f
puts "#{pt.inspect} => #{longitude}, #{latitude}"

Balloon in amMap country map

I'm using amMap country map and want to show all country names in balloons without rollover or hover on that country. Means all balloons are visible on map load.
Showing more than one rollover balloon, or making it appear without hovering on a country is not possible, I'm afraid.
What you can do is to display a "label" on each of those countries. A label is an instance of MapImage with a text label and no actual image.
Placing an image/label for each country using longitude/latitude coordinate can be quite tedious work. Therefore you can use the following example which places area title in the geometrical center of each area automatically.
The above map is for the United States, but you can use the code in it to process labels on just about any map.
The following code is responsible for that:
map.addListener("init", function () {
// set up a longitude exceptions for certain areas
var longitude = {
"US-CA": -130,
"US-FL": 120,
"US-TX": 1,
"US-LA": 40
var latitude = {
"US-AK": -85
setTimeout(function () {
// iterate through areas and put a label over center of each
map.dataProvider.images = [];
for( x in map.dataProvider.areas ) {
var area = map.dataProvider.areas[ x ];
area.groupId =;
var image = new AmCharts.MapImage();
image.latitude = latitude[ ] || map.getAreaCenterLatitude( area );
image.longitude = longitude[ ] || map.getAreaCenterLongitude( area );
image.label ='-').pop();
image.title = area.title;
image.linkToObject = area;
image.groupId =;
map.dataProvider.images.push( image );
}, 100)
Please note, that sometimes country/state shapes will not make the dead center a perfect logical place to place a label. For those situations use the longitude and latitude overrides to adjust position of the label for the particular country.
