X,Y,Z coordinates of an object in forge viewer - three.js

I am trying to draw svg/pointcloud points on individual elements in Autodesk Forge. How to get (x,y,z) coordinates of elements.
Is there a way to extract positions of individual object so that we have the position vector in world space.
What I tried so far:
I cant seem to understand how to use the positions array as described in this thread using
frags = viewer.impl.getRenderProxy( viewer.model, fragId )
positions = frags.geometry.vb
Autodesk.ADN.Viewing.Extension.MeshData.js gives me the vertices of triangles (meshes/fragments) the element is made of.

I've created a self-contained extension that you can add to your viewer and illustrates how to get the component position:
Check this repo and the TransformationExplorerExtension
The code responsible for extracting the transformation matrix is:
getFragmentWorldMatrixByNodeId(nodeId) {
let result = {
fragId: [],
matrix: [],
let viewer = this.viewer;
this.tree.enumNodeFragments(nodeId, function (frag) {
let fragProxy = viewer.impl.getFragmentProxy(viewer.model, frag);
let matrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
return result;


How to change the color of the polygons of an object during a collision in Three JS?

Hello to all I begin in Three js, I would like that when my box enters in collision of my Mesh that all the polygons which are inside my Mesh change of color
Current result
here is my function which allows me to detect the collision of my 2 objects
detectCollisionObject(box) {
const meta = this.getMetaByModelUUID(this.state.meshes[0].uuid);
meta.mesh.children[0].geometry.computeBoundingBox(); //not needed if its already calculated
var box1 = meta.mesh.children[0].geometry.boundingBox.clone();
var box2 = box.geometry.boundingBox.clone();
// //return box1.intersectsBox(box2);
console.log("Collision", box1.intersectsBox(box2));
Here is a picture of what I would like to have
I thank you for your answer

Is there a way I can create a Path or Curve to use for TubeGeomety(path,...) from an existing geometry's points/vertices array?

I'm very new to both three.js & to js in general.
1st I select a polyHedron geometry with a dat.gui checkbox
which renders say a tetrahedron. these selections work.
I also have a dat.gui checkbox to either phongfill or wireframe render.
I initially wanted just a wireframe type mesh but not with all of the internal triangles. I found the edgesgeometry() function which draws pretty much what I want(hard edges only). there is however a known issue with linewidth not working in windows anymore. all lines drawn as strokeweight/width 1.
I'd like to use tubeGeometry() to draw tubes of whatever radius as opposed to 1weight lines. I know I'll have to draw something such as a sphere at/over the connection vertices for it to not look ridiculous.
geo = new THREE.TetrahedronBufferGeometry(controls0.Radius,controls0.Detail);
egeo = new THREE.EdgesGeometry( geo );
lmat = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({ color: 0x0099ff, linewidth: 4 });
ph = new THREE.LineSegments( egeo, lmat );
playing around in the console I found some geometry/bufferGeomery arrays that are likely the vertices/indices of my selected X-hedron as their sizes change with type(tetra/icosa etc) selection & detail increase/decrease:
//p = dome.geometry.attributes.uv.array;
p = egeo.attributes.position.array
//p = geo.attributes.uv.array
var path = new THREE.Curve();
path.getPoint = function (t) {
// trace the arc as t ranges from 0 to 1
var segment = (0 - Math.PI*2) *t;
return new THREE.Vector3( Math.cos(segment), Math.sin(segment), 0);
var geomet = new THREE.TubeBufferGeometry( path, 10, 0.2, 12, false );
var mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geomet, mat );
scene.add( mesh );
from above the tubeGeometry() draws fine separately as well but with the "path" made by that curve example. How can I use the vertices from my tetrahedron for example to create that "path" to pass to tubegeometry() ?
maybe a function that creates "segment vectors" from the vertices ?
I think it needs other properties of curve/path as well ?
I'm quite stuck at this point.
ANY Help, suggestions or examples would be greatly appreciated !
You can try to create a TubeGeometry for each edge. Generate a LineCurve3 as the input path. Use the vertices of the edge as the start and end vector for the line.
Consider to use something like "triangulated lines" as an alternative in order to visualize the wireframe of a mesh with a linewidth greater than 1. With the next release of three.js(R91) there are new line primitives for this. Demo:
This approach is much more performant than drawing a bunch of meshes with a TubeGeometry.

How to set vertex colors of THREE.Points object in three.js

I am trying to write a function that creates a point cloud from mesh. I also want to control colors of every vertex of that point cloud. So far I tried to assign colors of geometry but colors doesnt being updated.
InteractablePointCloud_simug=function(object, editor){
var signals=editor.signals;
var vertexSize=0.3;
var pointMat= new THREE.PointsMaterial({size:vertexSize , vertexColors:THREE.VertexColors});
var colors=[];
var colorStep=0.1;
for (var i = 0; i < object.geometry.vertices.length; i++) {
//get points from mesh of original object
var points=new THREE.Points(object.geometry,pointMat);
//Update colors
//Add points object to scene
I think this is probably doable on other video cards, but mine does not seem to like it.
Theoretically.. if your material color is white.. it should multiply times the vertex color ( which is basically like using the vertex color ), but since you did not specify black as your color, this is not the problem ).
If your code is not working on your computer ( not on mine either ), you will have to go nuclear... and just create a new selectedPointsGeometry and a new selectedPointsMesh
Grab a couple of vertices from the original.. copy them.. put them in a vertices array.. and run an update method ( you have to recreate the geo and mesh every time.. at least on my PC, I tried calling every single update method, and had to resort to recreating )
mind the coffee script. #anchor is the container
updateSelectedVertices: (vertices) ->
if #selectedParticles
#anchor.remove #selectedParticles
#pointGeometry = new THREE.Geometry()
#pointGeometry.vertices = vertices
#selectedParticles = new (THREE.PointCloud)(
#pointGeometry.verticesNeedUpdate = true
#selectedParticles.scale.copy #particles.scale
#selectedParticles.sortParticles = true
#anchor.add #selectedParticles
selectedPointMaterial is defined elsewhere. Just use a different color ( and different size ).. than your non selected point cloud.
IE.. use black and size 5 for non selected point cloud , and use yellow and 10 for the selected one.
My other mesh is called #particles.. and I just have to copy the scale. (this is the non-selected point cloud)
Now my selected points show as yellow

Rendering geoJSON using D3 and Leaflet using imageOverlay

Quick version: I’m having trouble displaying a d3 element on a static image displayed by Leaflet. It works if I use d3noob’s (http://bl.ocks.org/d3noob/9211665) example…but I’m having trouble extending it. I’m guessing it’s because of the lang and long translation or the projection but I’m not sure what I need to change. I’m trying to display the geoJSON in the centre of the image (my code on JSFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/g_at_work/qyhf0qz0/12/)
Longer version:
I'm trying to extend d3noob’s example so that I can display geoJSON on static images using Leaflet and D3 (an requirement from my boss unfortunately). I was able to reproduce d3noob’s tile based example but I've had trouble with the static version.
I've been able to display the static image but I've not been able to display the blue rectangle on the image. I'm not sure what I need to do to manipulate the position of the blue rectangle described in the JSON.
I've tried playing around with setting the coordinates in the projectPoint function but no luck:
function projectPoint(x, y) {
var point = map.latLngToLayerPoint(new L.LatLng(y, x));
this.stream.point(point.x, point.y);
At this stage I’m thinking I need to describe a new projection but I’m not sure what.
Here is the code which I’m using to display the static image:
var map = new L.Map("map", {maxZoom:1,center: [0,0], zoom: 3,crs:L.CRS.Simple});
var southWest = map.unproject([0,882],map.getMaxZoom());
var northEast = map.unproject([1085,0],map.getMaxZoom());
var imageBounds = new L.LatLngBounds(southWest,northEast);
It would be great if someone could suggest a strategy for maniuplating the position of the rectangle (I’m new to d3 and leaflet)
Thanks a bunch
so after some tinkering I found that creating a new projection enabled me to set the location and scale the map so I could place it where I needed it to be :
var center = d3.geo.centroid(geoShapeInstance);
var scale = [800000];
var offset = [175, 1];
var projection = d3.geo.mercator().scale(scale).center(center).translate(offset);
var path = d3.geo.path().projection(projection);
Fiddling with the 'offset' variable allowed me to set the location and playing with the 'scale' variable allowed me to resize the map (scale is a [x,x] value)
Hope this helps someone.

dojo.gfx matrix transformation

Matrix transformations has got my head spinning. I've got a dojox.gfx.group which I want to be draggable with Mover and then be able to rotate it around a certain point on the surface. My basic code looks like this:
this.m = dojox.gfx.matrix,
updateMatrix: function(){
var mtx = this.group._getRealMatrix();
var trans_m = this.m.translate(mtx.dx, mtx.dy);
this.group.setTransform([this.m.rotateAt(this.rotation, 0, 0), trans_m]);
The rotation point is at (0,0) just to keep things simple. I don't seem to understand how the group is being rotated.
Any reference to simplistic tutorial on matrix transformations would also help. The ones I've checked out haven't help too much.
Try the official dojox.gfx matrix tutorial. See if the official documentation helps.
The official documentation is where my head started spinning. Been staring at that for quite a long time because I couldn't make out how to feed the new coordinates into upcoming matrix transformations.
I've finally managed to figure out the problem though. It was a matter of connecting a listener to when the Mover triggers onMoveStop:
dojo.connect(movable, "onMoveStop", map, "reposition");
I then get the new moved distances and feed them into any rotation or scaling matrix translations in my graphic class:
updateMatrix: function(){
//So far it is the group which is being rotated
if (this.group) {
this.curr_matrix = this.initial_matrix;
this.m.rotateAt(this.rotation, this.stage_w_2, this.stage_h_2),
this.m.scaleAt(this.scaling, this.stage_w_2, this.stage_h_2),
// this.m.rotateAt(this.rotation, mid_x, mid_y),
// this.m.scaleAt(this.scaling, mid_x, mid_y),
// this.initial_matrix]);
reposition: function(){
mtx = this.group._getRealMatrix();
this.curr_matrix = this.m.translate(mtx.dx, mtx.dy);
Life's dandy again. Thanks Eugene for the suggestions.
