Flash sms class 0 nokia - sms

I searched a lot of things about the Flash sms class 0, and I'm really interested in the AT+command to send flash sms to any number.
But I read that this command can be used only on specefic devices, like some versions of Nokia.
Also, some people did this on a basic Terminal on OS X with a 3G+ key.
Please can someone explain me which phone do I need to execute the AT commands, or what 3G+ key do I need ?
I didn't find a real tutorial on how to do that...
For example if I buy an old Nokia phone, is it OK for sending the AT commands ?
Thank you.

You don't have to get a Nokia phone..
I use a gsm modem - https://www.amazon.com/Generic-Wavecom-Q2303A-Interface-Commands/dp/B00BD0V57I
You can connect to it via sample telnet and run any (supported) AT command. Way simpler...
And I have no idea what do you mean by key 3G+ :/


Debugging stm32f4 via bluetooth

I'm rather unexperienced on the field of microcontrollers, I come from a Java background so the question might seem a bit noob but I didn't find much information on this.
So is it possible to debug an STM32F4 board via bluetooth (using eclipse or some othe IDE)? And if so could you send me some links that might help? We're building a robotic car controlled by a discovery board and debugging using an USB cable is not really an option if we don't want to disassemble the whole stuff every time something goes wrong. Hence this would really come in handy. So any help is appreciated
For doing this you would need to find a "Bluetooth Enabled" Debugger. I have never seen any and not sure whether there exists such thing or not.
I would suggest you one thing:
Assuming you have bluetooth connectivity between your board and your Machine,
Insert Debug strings: Send some strings from your board to your PC via Bluetooth. These strings will give you what's going on in Circuit.
For example, After Initialization, send "Init Completed" and like that. You can see these strings and see what's wrong.
I usually do this for my Wireless Device.
What you're wanting to do is really not practical; you're coming at this from way too high a level and trying to imagine the system as if it were running an operating system from the word go.
When you get the STM32 it as empty shell; you need to program it to do what you need to do and the only [sensible] way to get register-level debugging is to use a JTAG interface.
If, and this is a big if, you get it working reliably, but just want to give some debug information back while it is running, you could write a load of routines within the code to send out debugging messages when it enters certain parts of the program - and send it out over Bluetooth - but this is nothing like what you're used to single stepping through your Java code with Eclipse. If you want to do that kind of thing, you are going to have to put a little connector on that allows you to connect your JTAG or two-wire debugger cable to the processor. Even then, when you do that, you will be completely resetting your program and not simply single stepping through from where it went wrong.
You could insert a monitor program within your program to send out register values, program status etc over Bluetooth, but you still have to write the inital code and the only way to do this with out a ridiculous amount of trail and error is via your JTAG or two-wire interface.
Would this product work? It's a "IOGEAR Bluetooth Serial Adapter, GBC232A" for connecting to a serial port over bluetooth. I'm interested in wireless debugging too because my surface-clone dev computer only has one usb and this seems like it could be convenient over a tangle of usb cords and a usb hub. I have zero experience with any of this, so maybe you could validate or invalidate it as an option. I figure it just needs a proper serial connector wired up on the board and power from on-board?

retrieving detailed usb midi device information on windows xp

The function midiOutGetDevCaps returns a structure MIDIOUTCAPS.
I'd need more specific information when querying a usb midi device on windows xp, in particular I'd need the information displayed under "Location" when opening the respective device using the Device Manager.
I need this information in order to programmatically distinguish between several MIDI Interfaces connected to a computer. Using midiOutGetDevCaps, I uniformly get "USB Audio Device" for every midi usb interface connected to the computer, so distinguishing between the interfaces is impossible.
To make matters worse, this string is localized, so e.g. on a German Windows you'll get "USB Audiogerät" instead of "USB Audio Device".
I guess it depends on how desperate you are. I've had my own run in with USB devices. In my case I needed to enumerate certain USB COM port related devices . . . regardless if they are currently attached to the system or not.
It is all company proprietary code, sorry I cannot post it, but the search for all information regarding USB related devices starts here (Perl):
$hostnamePrefix = "//$hostname/";
my $baseKey = "${hostnamePrefix}HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/";
my $regVidList = Win32::TieRegistry->new("${baseKey}Enum/USB/", $optionsRef);
If memory serves me it is a reasonably straight forward structure. I believe you actually have to loop through two separate sections of the registry to get everything you need . . . if you are desperate enough to attempt this, I'm happy to answer questions where I can, but posting code would required approval from our legal department. (Not impossible, but it would take weeks to obtain.)
Also, while this will work on XP . . . I have no idea how it will work on Win7. (I don't know either way, nobody has tried it yet that I am aware of.)
Coding this was not that bad (resulting Perl Script is around 1000 lines of code which is almost 50% comments), but working out all the relationships between the keys and the special cases took several days.

How can we receive a volume attaching notification

When a volume is attached to file system, on Windows,
the Window explorer detects the volume and refreshes automatically.
I wonder the technique.
How do an program(include device driver) get the notification?
-Of course, it doesn’t mean a polling. I want to get an event(or a message).
I would like to get the notification when a network volume(like SMB) is attached.
Thanks in advance.
You're going to have to do some research, but basically you just need to register with the Windows IO Manager so that when the device is connected, some part of your code is called. RegisterDeviceNotification() is probably a good place to get started. When the device is connected, the IO Manager will send you a message, so you should make sure you have a proper callback setup for the message.
It would not hurt to read up on Windows Devices Services from the Windows System API. Depending on what you are doing, you may or may not need a driver as the generic driver provided by Microsoft is often good enough. For drivers, check out the Windows Driver Kit, it contains an excellent collection of sample drivers, as well as Win32 code for interfacing with drivers and working with hardware.
Good luck!

SMS war continues, ideas welcome

I am trying to make U9 telit modem send SMS messages. I think I handle protocol correctly, at least, I manage to send them, but only under these circumstances: the native application was executed beforehand, and killed by task manager (without giving it a chance to initialize things).
It looks like the supplied application is good at doing certain initialization/deinitialization which is critical. I also see the difference between the two states in output of AT+CIND command. When I am trying to do things on my own, it returns zeroes (including signal quality), but when I run the same command after killing the native application, the output looks reasonable.
I am out nearly of ideas. I have tried many things, including attempts to spy at modem's COM ports (didn't work). Haven't tried setting windows hooks to see what the application is trying to get thru.
Perhaps you have encountered a similar situation?
Agg's "Advanced Serial Port Monitor" actually helped a lot. Sometimes it caused blue screen, but it helped uncover secret commands which seem to help. AT+PCFULL is not described anywhere on the net, for example. The real trigger of non-operatio was AT+CFUN, the power disable/standby feature.
Also, it appeared that we have more issues. At first, the modem appears on the bus only as disk drive. It doesn't want to appear as any other devices before the drivers are installed. So, the U9 Telit software sends an IOCTL to disk driver to tell the modem to reappear as more devices (modem, 3 serial ports, another disk drive).

How can I redirect Windows COM port output to a file?

Is there a simple way of redirecting serial port output to a file, that I can put into place on a test Windows desktop system without changing any code?
I'm trying to debug a problem in a serial receipt printer module and I don't have the real device handy today. I don't want to start making any changes to the code if I can help it, I just want to capture what is currently being output at the moment so that I can review it in a file.
It's Windows XP, if that makes any difference.
Another option is through command line:
type com1: >> data.log
Another option: Use putty and turn on logging.
A quick google led me to RS232 Data Logger - I haven't tried it, but if it does what it says on the tin it should be OK for you. Edit: it appears to be incoming, not outgoing. Might be worth a try though :-)
You could run the printer module in a VM. VMWare allows you to redirect serial ports to files and named pipes.
Similar to VMWare, Virtual PC (& Virtual Server) can also redirect a COM port to a text file and setup is very simple.
I think in the control pandel, printers, you can add manual printer and install dummay one
So you can printing to a file for example
If you are developer use Serial Port component from .NET or if you don't are a developer and only want get information to file use windows HyperTerminal
I don't know if you can redirect COM ports but you can use com0com for that kind of job.
For example, you can pair (COM1, COM2), so you can write to COM1 and read from COM2.
