Algorithm for a Program which can convert Roman to Decimal - algorithm

I need some help regarding algorithm, I have attached a problem in it which says that i have to develop an algorithm for a program which can convert Roman to Decimal.
I don't know how to do it, would prefer a complete algorithm but any help is appreciated.
It is an algorithm not a program!

The idea is to traverse the roman numeral string from end to start. For each character, add the corresponding number to the result. For some special
cases, such as ‘I’, ‘X’, ‘C’, check if the result is greater than the corresponding number. If yes, we need to subtract the number
from the result. If no, we need to add the number to the result.
res = 0
for each character c backwards:
if c =='I'
res += res + (res >= 5 ? -1 : 1)
else if c=='V'
res += res + 5
else if c=='X'
res += 10 * (res >= 50 ? -1 : 1)
else if c=='L'
res += 50;
else if c == 'C'
res += 100 * (res >= 500 ? -1 : 1)
else if c== 'D'
res += 500
else if c=='M'
res += 1000
return res
For example: MMDCCCXCIX
= 9 + MMDCCCXC (as 10 > 5)
= 109 + MMDCCCX
= 99 + MMDCCC (as 109 > 50)
= 199 + MMDCC
= 299 + MMDC
= 399 + MMD
= 899 + MM
= 1899 + M
= 2899


Count number of 1 digits in 11 to the power of N

I came across an interesting problem:
How would you count the number of 1 digits in the representation of 11 to the power of N, 0<N<=1000.
Let d be the number of 1 digits
N=2 11^2 = 121 d=2
N=3 11^3 = 1331 d=2
Worst time complexity expected O(N^2)
The simple approach where you compute the number and count the number of 1 digits my getting the last digit and dividing by 10, does not work very well. 11^1000 is not even representable in any standard data type.
Powers of eleven can be stored as a string and calculated quite quickly that way, without a generalised arbitrary precision math package. All you need is multiply by ten and add.
For example, 111 is 11. To get the next power of 11 (112), you multiply by (10 + 1), which is effectively the number with a zero tacked the end, added to the number: 110 + 11 = 121.
Similarly, 113 can then be calculated as: 1210 + 121 = 1331.
And so on:
11^2 11^3 11^4 11^5 11^6
110 1210 13310 146410 1610510
+11 +121 +1331 +14641 +161051
--- ---- ----- ------ -------
121 1331 14641 161051 1771561
So that's how I'd approach, at least initially.
By way of example, here's a Python function to raise 11 to the n'th power, using the method described (I am aware that Python has support for arbitrary precision, keep in mind I'm just using it as a demonstration on how to do this an an algorithm, which is how the question was tagged):
def elevenToPowerOf(n):
# Anything to the zero is 1.
if n == 0: return "1"
# Otherwise, n <- n * 10 + n, once for each level of power.
num = "11"
while n > 1:
n = n - 1
# Make multiply by eleven easy.
ten = num + "0"
num = "0" + num
# Standard primary school algorithm for adding.
newnum = ""
carry = 0
for dgt in range(len(ten)-1,-1,-1):
res = int(ten[dgt]) + int(num[dgt]) + carry
carry = res // 10
res = res % 10
newnum = str(res) + newnum
if carry == 1:
newnum = "1" + newnum
# Prepare for next multiplication.
num = newnum
# There you go, 11^n as a string.
return num
And, for testing, a little program which works out those values for each power that you provide on the command line:
import sys
for idx in range(1,len(sys.argv)):
power = int(sys.argv[idx])
except (e):
print("Invalid number [%s]" % (sys.argv[idx]))
if power < 0:
print("Negative powers not allowed [%d]" % (power))
number = elevenToPowerOf(power)
count = 0
for ch in number:
if ch == '1':
count += 1
print("11^%d is %s, has %d ones" % (power,number,count))
When you run that with:
time python3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1000
you can see that it's both accurate (checked with bc) and fast (finished in about half a second):
11^0 is 1, has 1 ones
11^1 is 11, has 2 ones
11^2 is 121, has 2 ones
11^3 is 1331, has 2 ones
11^4 is 14641, has 2 ones
11^5 is 161051, has 3 ones
11^6 is 1771561, has 3 ones
11^7 is 19487171, has 3 ones
11^8 is 214358881, has 2 ones
11^9 is 2357947691, has 1 ones
11^10 is 25937424601, has 1 ones
11^11 is 285311670611, has 4 ones
11^12 is 3138428376721, has 2 ones
11^1000 is 2469932918005826334124088385085221477709733385238396234869182951830739390375433175367866116456946191973803561189036523363533798726571008961243792655536655282201820357872673322901148243453211756020067624545609411212063417307681204817377763465511222635167942816318177424600927358163388910854695041070577642045540560963004207926938348086979035423732739933235077042750354729095729602516751896320598857608367865475244863114521391548985943858154775884418927768284663678512441565517194156946312753546771163991252528017732162399536497445066348868438762510366191040118080751580689254476068034620047646422315123643119627205531371694188794408120267120500325775293645416335230014278578281272863450085145349124727476223298887655183167465713337723258182649072572861625150703747030550736347589416285606367521524529665763903537989935510874657420361426804068643262800901916285076966174176854351055183740078763891951775452021781225066361670593917001215032839838911476044840388663443684517735022039957481918726697789827894303408292584258328090724141496484460001, has 105 ones
real 0m0.609s
user 0m0.592s
sys 0m0.012s
That may not necessarily be O(n2) but it should be fast enough for your domain constraints.
Of course, given those constraints, you can make it O(1) by using a method I call pre-generation. Simply write a program to generate an array you can plug into your program which contains a suitable function. The following Python program does exactly that, for the powers of eleven from 1 to 100 inclusive:
def mulBy11(num):
# Same length to ease addition.
ten = num + '0'
num = '0' + num
# Standard primary school algorithm for adding.
result = ''
carry = 0
for idx in range(len(ten)-1, -1, -1):
digit = int(ten[idx]) + int(num[idx]) + carry
carry = digit // 10
digit = digit % 10
result = str(digit) + result
if carry == 1:
result = '1' + result
return result
num = '1'
print('int oneCountInPowerOf11(int n) {')
print(' static int numOnes[] = {-1', end='')
for power in range(1,101):
num = mulBy11(num)
count = sum(1 for ch in num if ch == '1')
print(',%d' % count, end='')
print(' if ((n < 0) || (n > sizeof(numOnes) / sizeof(*numOnes)))')
print(' return -1;')
print(' return numOnes[n];')
The code output by this script is:
int oneCountInPowerOf11(int n) {
static int numOnes[] = {-1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,2,1,1,4,2,3,1,4,2,1,4,4,1,5,5,1,5,3,6,6,3,6,3,7,5,7,4,4,2,3,4,4,3,8,4,8,5,5,7,7,7,6,6,9,9,7,12,10,8,6,11,7,6,5,5,7,10,2,8,4,6,8,5,9,13,14,8,10,8,7,11,10,9,8,7,13,8,9,6,8,5,8,7,15,12,9,10,10,12,13,7,11,12};
if ((n < 0) || (n > sizeof(numOnes) / sizeof(*numOnes)))
return -1;
return numOnes[n];
which should be blindingly fast when plugged into a C program. On my system, the Python code itself (when you up the range to 1..1000) runs in about 0.6 seconds and the C code, when compiled, finds the number of ones in 111000 in 0.07 seconds.
Here's my concise solution.
def count1s(N):
# When 11^(N-1) = result, 11^(N) = (10+1) * result = 10*result + result
result = 1
for i in range(N):
result += 10*result
# Now count 1's
count = 0
for ch in str(result):
if ch == '1':
count += 1
return count
En c#:
private static void Main(string[] args)
var res = Elevento(1000);
var countOf1 = res.Select(x => int.Parse(x.ToString())).Count(s => s == 1);
private static string Elevento(int n)
if (n == 0) return "1";
//Otherwise, n <- n * 10 + n, once for each level of power.
var num = "11";
while (n > 1)
// Make multiply by eleven easy.
var ten = num + "0";
num = "0" + num;
//Standard primary school algorithm for adding.
var newnum = "";
var carry = 0;
foreach (var dgt in Enumerable.Range(0, ten.Length).Reverse())
var res = int.Parse(ten[dgt].ToString()) + int.Parse(num[dgt].ToString()) + carry;
carry = res/10;
res = res%10;
newnum = res + newnum;
if (carry == 1)
newnum = "1" + newnum;
// Prepare for next multiplication.
num = newnum;
//There you go, 11^n as a string.
return num;

positional sum of 2 numbers

How to sum 2 numbers digit by digit with pseudo code?
Note: You don't know the length of the numbers - if it has tens, hundreds, thousands...
Units should be add to units, tens to tens, hundreds to hundreds.....
If there is a value >= 10 in adding the units you need to put the value of that ten with "the tens"....
I tried
Add digit(x) in A to Sum(x)
Add digit(x) in B to Sum(x)
If Sum(x) > 9, then (?????)
digit(x) = digit(x+1)
while digit(x) in A and digit(x) in B is > 0
How to show the result?
I am lost with that.....
Please help!
Try this,
n = minDigit(a, b) where a and b are the numbers.
let sum be a number.
m = maxDigit(a,b)
allocate maxDigit(a,b) + 1 memory for sum
carry = 0;
for (i = 1 to n)
temp = a[i] + b[i] + carry
// reset carry
carry = 0
if (temp > 10)
carry = 1
temp = temp - 10;
sum[i] = temp
// one last step to get the leftover carry
if (digits(a) == digits(b)
sum[n + 1] = carry
if (digits(a) > digits(b)
toCopy = a
toCopy = b
for (i = n to m)
temp = toCopy[i] + carry
// reset carry
carry = 0
if (temp > 10)
carry = 1
temp = temp - 10;
sum[i] = temp
Let me know if it helps
A and B are the integers you want to sum.
Note that the while loop ends when all the three integers are equal to zero.
carry = 0
sum = 0
d = 1
while (A > 0 or B > 0 or carry > 0)
tmp = carry + A mod 10 + B mod 10
sum = sum + (tmp mod 10) * d
carry = tmp / 10
d = d * 10
A = A / 10
B = B / 10

MATLAB code running slow on MacBookPro, triple while loop

I have been running a MATLAB program for almost six hours now, and it is still not complete. It is cycling through three while loops (the outer two loops are n=855, the inner loop is n=500). Is this a surprise that it is taking this long? Is there anything I can do to increase the speed? I am including the code below, as well as the variable data types underneath that.
while i < (numAtoms + 1)
pointAccessible = ones(numPoints,1);
j = 1;
while j <(numAtoms + 1)
if (i ~= j)
while k < (numPoints + 1)
if (pointAccessible(k) == 1)
sphereCoord = [cell2mat(atomX(i)) + p + sphereX(k), cell2mat(atomY(i)) + p + sphereY(k), cell2mat(atomZ(i)) + p + sphereZ(k)];
neighborCoord = [cell2mat(atomX(j)), cell2mat(atomY(j)), cell2mat(atomZ(j))];
coords(1,:) = [sphereCoord];
coords(2,:) = [neighborCoord];
if (pdist(coords) < (atomRadius(j) + p))
k = k + 1;
j = j+1;
remainingPoints(i) = sum(pointAccessible);
i = i +1;
Variable Data Types:
numAtoms = 855
numPoints = 500
p = 1.4
atomRadius = <855 * 1 double>
pointAccessible = <500 * 1 double>
atomX, atomY, atomZ = <1 * 855 cell>
sphereX, sphereY, sphereZ = <500 * 1 double>
remainingPoints = <855 * 1 double>

How to convert a decimal base (10) to a negabinary base (-2)?

I want to write a program to convert from decimal to negabinary.
I cannot figure out how to convert from decimal to negabinary.
I have no idea about how to find the rule and how it works.
Example: 7(base10)-->11011(base-2)
I just know it is 7 = (-2)^0*1 + (-2)^1*1 + (-2)^2*0 + (-2)^3*1 + (-2)^4*1.
The algorithm is described in Basically, you just pick the remainder as the positive base case and make sure the remainder is nonnegative and minimal.
7 = -3*-2 + 1 (least significant digit)
-3 = 2*-2 + 1
2 = -1*-2 + 0
-1 = 1*-2 + 1
1 = 0*-2 + 1 (most significant digit)
def neg2dec(arr):
n = 0
for i, num in enumerate(arr[::-1]):
n+= ((-2)**i)*num
return n
def dec2neg(num):
if num == 0:
digits = ['0']
digits = []
while num != 0:
num, remainder = divmod(num, -2)
if remainder < 0:
num, remainder = num + 1, remainder + 2
return ''.join(digits[::-1])
Just my two cents (C#):
public static int[] negaBynary(int value)
List<int> result = new List<int> ();
while (value != 0)
int remainder = value % -2;
value = value / -2;
if (remainder < 0)
remainder += 2;
value += 1;
Console.WriteLine (remainder);
return result.ToArray();
There is a method (attributed to Librik/Szudzik/Schröppel) that is much more efficient:
uint64_t negabinary(int64_t num) {
const uint64_t mask = 0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA;
return (mask + num) ^ mask;
The conversion method and its reverse are described in more detail in this answer.
Here is some code that solves it and display the math behind it.
Some code taken from "Birender Singh"
def neg2dec(arr):
n = 0
for i, num in enumerate(arr[::-1]):
n+= ((-2)**i)*num
return n
def dec2neg(num):
oldNum = num
if num == 0:
digits = ['0']
digits = []
while num != 0:
num, remainder = divmod(num, -10)
if remainder < 0:
num, remainder = num + 1, remainder + 10
print(str(oldNum) + " = " + str(num) + " * -10 + " + str(remainder))
oldNum = num
return ''.join(digits[::-1])
-8374932 = 837494 * -10 + 8
837494 = -83749 * -10 + 4
-83749 = 8375 * -10 + 1
8375 = -837 * -10 + 5
-837 = 84 * -10 + 3
84 = -8 * -10 + 4
-8 = 1 * -10 + 2
1 = 0 * -10 + 1

I want a function in VB SCRIPT to calculate numerology

I want a function to calculate numerology.For example if i enter "XYZ" then my output should be 3 .
Here is how it became 3:
X = 24
Y = 25
Z = 26
on adding it becomes 75 which again adds up to 12 (7+5) which again adds up to 3(1+2) . Similarly whatever names i should pass,my output should be a single digit score.
Here you are:
Function Numerology(Str)
Dim sum, i, char
' Convert the string to upper case, so that 'X' = 'x'
Str = UCase(Str)
sum = 0
' For each character, ...
For i = 1 To Len(Str)
' Check if it's a letter and raise an exception otherwise
char = Mid(Str, i , 1)
If char < "A" Or char > "Z" Then Err.Raise 5 ' Invalid procedure call or argument
' Add the letter's index number to the sum
sum = sum + Asc(char) - 64
' Calculate the result using the digital root formula (
Numerology = 1 + (sum - 1) Mod 9
End Function
In vbscript:
Function numerology(literal)
result = 0
for i = 1 to Len(literal)
'' // for each letter, take its ASCII value and substract 64,
'' so "A" becomes 1 and "Z" becomes 26
result = result + Asc(Mid(literal, i, 1)) - 64
'' // while result is bigger than 10, let's sum it's digits
while(result > 10)
partial = 0
for i = 1 to Len(CStr(result))
partial = partial + CInt(Mid(CStr(result), i, 1))
result = partial
numerology = result
End Function
I have no idea what this could possible be used for but it was fun to write anyway.
Private Function CalcStupidNumber(ByVal s As String) As Integer
s = s.ToLower
If (s.Length = 1) Then 'End condition
Return Integer.Parse(s)
Catch ex As Exception
Return 0
End Try
End If
'cover to Values
Dim x As Int32
Dim tot As Int32 = 0
For x = 0 To s.Length - 1 Step 1
Dim Val As Integer = ConvertToVal(s(x))
tot += Val
Return CalcStupidNumber(tot.ToString())
End Function
Private Function ConvertToVal(ByVal c As Char) As Integer
If (Char.IsDigit(c)) Then
Return Integer.Parse(c)
End If
Return System.Convert.ToInt32(c) - 96 ' offest of a
End Function
