Multiple connections to a TCP server - go

I've developed a small Go TCP server to make a chat application. But when I try to connect clients to it, the server works fine with two clients, but whenever I tried to connect the third client it is not connected to the server. I am running on Windows. What could be the issue?
package main
import (
var allClients map[*Client]int
type Client struct {
// incoming chan string
outgoing chan string
reader *bufio.Reader
writer *bufio.Writer
conn net.Conn
connection *Client
func (client *Client) Read() {
for {
line, err := client.reader.ReadString('\n')
if err == nil {
if client.connection != nil {
client.connection.outgoing <- line
} else {
delete(allClients, client)
if client.connection != nil {
client.connection.connection = nil
client = nil
func (client *Client) Write() {
for data := range client.outgoing {
func (client *Client) Listen() {
go client.Read()
go client.Write()
func NewClient(connection net.Conn) *Client {
writer := bufio.NewWriter(connection)
reader := bufio.NewReader(connection)
client := &Client{
// incoming: make(chan string),
outgoing: make(chan string),
conn: connection,
reader: reader,
writer: writer,
return client
func main() {
allClients = make(map[*Client]int)
listener, _ := net.Listen("tcp", ":8080")
for {
conn, err := listener.Accept()
if err != nil {
client := NewClient(conn)
for clientList, _ := range allClients {
if clientList.connection == nil {
client.connection = clientList
clientList.connection = client
allClients[client] = 1

Your code is fine. I compiled in on Linux, tried with 4 connections. Everything worked as expected.


Why this websocket server does not broadcast to connected client?

Below code is a websocket broadcast server that read from a specific connection then broadcasting it to connected clients.
But this server does not broadcast despite there is no error and warnings.
Why this server does not broadcast?
In this code self.KabucomConn is origin socket so read from this socket, then broadcast to client which stored in Hub.RClients.
When new connection established, passing connection object with register channel to Hub, then Hub adds a client to RClient that stored client object.
package main
import (
var upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{
CheckOrigin: func(r *http.Request) bool {
return true
type Client struct {
hub *Hub
Conn *websocket.Conn
Send chan []byte
func (self *Client) writepump() {
for {
select {
case message := <-self.Send:
w, err := self.Conn.NextWriter(websocket.TextMessage)
if err != nil {
log.Print("writepump: nextwriter error")
type Hub struct {
RClients map[*Client]bool
KabucomConn *websocket.Conn
register chan *Client
unregister chan *Client
kabucomchan chan []byte
url url.URL
func (self *Hub) KabucomRun() {
for {
_, b, err := self.KabucomConn.ReadMessage() // read data from origin data connection
log.Println("read message")
if err != nil {
for i := 1; i <= 5; i++ { //retry re-connect up to 5 times
self.KabucomConn, _, err = websocket.DefaultDialer.Dial(self.url.String(), nil)
if i >= 5 && err != nil {
} else if err != nil {
log.Println(err, "try", i)
} else {
self.kabucomchan <- b
func (self *Hub) Run() {
defer func() {
for c, _ := range self.RClients {
for {
select {
case message := <-self.kabucomchan:
for c, _ := range self.RClients {
c.Send <- message
case c := <-self.register:
self.RClients[c] = true
case c := <-self.unregister:
delete(self.RClients, c)
func newHub() *Hub {
u := url.URL{Scheme: "ws", Host: "", Path: "/ws"}
var conn *websocket.Conn
for i := 1; i <= 5; i++ {
d, _, err := websocket.DefaultDialer.Dial(u.String(), nil)
if err != nil && i < 5 {
} else if i >= 5 {
log.Println("Hub: Kabucom connection error")
conn = d
return &Hub{RClients: make(map[*Client]bool), register: make(chan *Client), KabucomConn: conn}
func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, hub *Hub) {
conn, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil)
if err != nil {
client := &Client{Conn: conn, hub: hub, Send: make(chan []byte, 256)}
go client.writepump()
hub.register <- client
func main() {
hub := newHub()
go hub.Run()
go hub.KabucomRun()
http.HandleFunc("/ws", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
handler(w, r, hub)
http.ListenAndServe(":20021", nil)
Because you are not initializing Hub.kabucomchan.
func newHub() *Hub {
return &Hub{RClients: make(map[*Client]bool), register: make(chan *Client), KabucomConn: conn, /* kabucomchan ??? */}
Send and receive operations on channels assume that both sender c<- and receiver <-c hold a reference to the same channel, but when the channel is nil this reference doesn't exist, and the send and receive just block forever.
Properly initialize the channel in the Hub constructor:
return &Hub{
RClients: make(map[*Client]bool),
register: make(chan *Client),
KabucomConn: conn,
kabucomchan: make(chan []byte, /* buffered? */), // <--- !

WebSocket Server that feeds messages to clients in a round robin fashion

I have a websocket server in Go using the Gorilla websocket package. At this stage, I will have only one server serving 5 clients. I am getting some messages from upstream into the WebSocket server. My intention is to NOT BROADCAST all the messages to the connected clients. I would like to send only one copy of the message to the connected clients in a round robin fashion. It doesn't matter which client gets it as long as there is only one that gets it.
My attempted solution
I have a simple Go server, created a Pool of clients (websocket connections) that I am receiving. However, I do not see any options to round robin the messages as I mentioned above. All my clients are getting the message. How can I send only one copy of the message to the connected clients instead of broadcasting to all.
The code I have is taken from online sources and modified to my requirement. I am relatively new to Go and Websockets. Is this something even possible using Websockets?
package main
import (
func serveWs(pool *websocket.Pool, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
fmt.Println("WebSocket Endpoint Hit")
conn, err := websocket.Upgrade(w, r)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%+v\n", err)
client := &websocket.Client{
Conn: conn,
Pool: pool,
pool.Register <- client
func setupRoutes() {
pool := websocket.NewPool()
go pool.Start()
http.HandleFunc("/ws", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
serveWs(pool, w, r)
func main() {
err := http.ListenAndServe(":8080",nil)
if err != nil {
package websocket
import (
var upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{
ReadBufferSize: 1024,
WriteBufferSize: 1024,
var wsList []*websocket.Conn
func Upgrade(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (*websocket.Conn, error) {
upgrader.CheckOrigin = func(r *http.Request) bool { return true }
conn, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil)
wsList = append(wsList, conn) //Creating a list here to store all websocket clients.
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return conn, nil
package websocket
import "fmt"
type Pool struct {
Register chan *Client
Unregister chan *Client
Clients map[*Client]bool
Broadcast chan Message
func NewPool() *Pool {
return &Pool{
Register: make(chan *Client),
Unregister: make(chan *Client),
Clients: make(map[*Client]bool),
Broadcast: make(chan Message),
func (pool *Pool) Start() {
for {
select {
case client := <-pool.Register:
pool.Clients[client] = true
fmt.Println("Size of Connection Pool: ", len(pool.Clients))
for client, _ := range pool.Clients {
client.Conn.WriteJSON(Message{Type: 1, Body: "New User Joined..."})
case client := <-pool.Unregister:
delete(pool.Clients, client)
fmt.Println("Size of Connection Pool: ", len(pool.Clients))
for client, _ := range pool.Clients {
client.Conn.WriteJSON(Message{Type: 1, Body: "User Disconnected..."})
case message := <-pool.Broadcast: //This is where I need to modify the code but not sure how
fmt.Println("Sending message to all clients in Pool")
for client, _ := range pool.Clients {
if err := client.Conn.WriteJSON(message); err != nil {
package websocket
import (
type Client struct {
ID string
Conn *websocket.Conn
Pool *Pool
mu sync.Mutex
type Message struct {
Type int `json:"type"`
Body string `json:"body"`
func (c *Client) Read() {
defer func() {
c.Pool.Unregister <- c
for {
messageType, p, err := c.Conn.ReadMessage()
if err != nil {
message := Message{Type: messageType, Body: string(p)}
c.Pool.Broadcast <- message
fmt.Printf("Message Received: %+v\n", message)
Modify the pool to store clients in a slice instead of a map. Add field to record index of the previous client used.
type Pool struct {
Register chan *Client
Unregister chan *Client
Clients []*Client
Broadcast chan Message
PrevClientIndex int
Round robin instead of broadcasting:
case message := <-pool.Broadcast:
if len(pool.Clients) == 0 {
if pool.PrevClientIndex >= len(pool.Clients) {
pool.PrevClientIndex = 0
client := pool.Clients[pool.PrevClientIndex]
if err := client.Conn.WriteJSON(message); err != nil {
// handle error
Register appends to the slice:
case client := <-pool.Register:
pool.Clients = append(pool.Clients, client)
Unregister removes the client from the slice:
case client := <-pool.Unregister:
j := 0
for _, c := range pool.Clients {
if c != client {
c.Clients[j] = c
pool.Clients = pool.Clients[:j]

TCP connection returns 'broken pipe' error when used multiple times

This question relates to go and its net package.
I wrote a simple tcp server handles some RPC. the client is using a chan net.Conn to manage all tcp connection on the client side. Server is running with a tcp listener.
here's the code:
package server
import (
var tcpPool chan net.Conn
func NewClient(connections int, address string) {
tcpPool = make(chan net.Conn, connections)
for i := 0; i < connections; i++ {
conn, err := net.Dial("tcp4", address)
if err != nil {
tcpPool <- conn
func SendMessage(msg []byte) ([]byte, error) {
conn := getConn()
log.Println("check conn: ", conn)
log.Println("msg: ", msg)
defer releaseConn(conn)
// send message
n, err := conn.Write(msg)
if err != nil {
} else if n < len(msg) {
log.Panic(errors.New("Message did not send in full"))
// receiving a message
inBytes := make([]byte, 0)
for {
// bufsize 1024, read bufsize bytes each time
b := make([]byte, bufSize)
res, err := conn.Read(b)
log.Println("server sends >>>>>>>>>>>>: ", res)
if err != nil {
b[0] = ReError
inBytes = append(inBytes, b[:res]...)
// message finished.
if res < bufSize {
// check replied message
if len(inBytes) == 0 {
return []byte{}, errors.New("empty buffer error")
log.Println("SendMessage gets: ", inBytes)
return inBytes, nil
func releaseConn(conn net.Conn) error {
log.Println("return conn to pool")
select {
case tcpPool <- conn:
return nil
func getConn() (conn net.Conn) {
log.Println("Take one from pool")
select {
case conn := <-tcpPool:
return conn
func StartTCPServer(network, addr string) error {
listener, err := net.Listen(network, addr)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Unable to listen on address %s\n", addr)
log.Println("Listen on", listener.Addr().String())
defer listener.Close()
for {
log.Println("Accept a connection request.")
conn, err := listener.Accept()
if err != nil {
log.Println("Failed accepting a connection request:", err)
log.Println("Handle incoming messages.")
go onConn(conn)
//onConn recieves a tcp connection and waiting for incoming messages
func onConn(conn net.Conn) {
inBytes := make([]byte, 0)
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
//later log
if err, ok := e.(error); ok {
println("recover", err.Error())
// load msg
for {
buf := make([]byte, bufSize)
res, err := conn.Read(buf)
log.Println("server reading: ", res)
inBytes = append(inBytes, buf[:res]...)
if err != nil || res < bufSize {
var req RPCRequest
err := json.Unmarshal(inBytes, &req)
if err != nil {
log.Println("rpc request: ", req)
var query UserRequest
err = json.Unmarshal(req.Query, &query)
if err != nil {
log.Println("rpc request query: ", query)
// call method to process request
// good now we can proceed to function call
// some actual function calls gets a output
// outBytes, err := json.Marshal(out)
I think this is very standard. but for some reason, I can only send message on the client side one, and then the follow 2nd and 3rd start to show some irregularity.
1st ---> success, gets response
2nd ---> client can send but nothing gets back, logs on server side shows no in coming message
3rd ---> if I send from client side one more time, it shows broken pipe error..
There are some bad handling way.
First, the flag to insure the msg from server finished is depending on io.EOF,not length
// message finished.
if res < 512 {
instead of this, reader returns an io.EOF is the only symbol that shows message finished.
Second, chan type has its property to block and not need to use the way, you really need to start a goroutine to release. The same requirement for getConn
func releaseConn(conn net.Conn) {
go func(){
tcpPool <- conn
func getConn() net.Conn {
con := <-tcpPool
return con
Third, listener should not be close, code below is bad
defer listener.Close()
The most important reason is
on the client side,
res, err := conn.Read(b) this receive the reply from the server.
when nothing reply ,it block rather than io.EOF, nor some error else.
It means ,you cann't box a lasting communicating part into a function send().
You can do a single thing to use sendmsg() to send, but never use sendmsg() to handle the reply.
you can handle reply like this
var receive chan string
func init() {
receive = make(chan string, 10)
func ReceiveMessage(con net.Conn) {
// receiving a message
inBytes := make([]byte, 0, 1000)
var b = make([]byte, 512)
for {
// bufsize 1024, read bufsize bytes each time
res, err := con.Read(b)
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
inBytes = append(inBytes, b[:res]...)
msg := string(inBytes)
fmt.Println("receive msg from server:" + msg)
receive <- msg
I found several problem in your code, but I can't tell which one leads your failure.
This is my code according to what you write and did some fixing.
package main
import (
var tcpPool chan net.Conn
var receive chan string
func init() {
receive = make(chan string, 10)
func NewClient(connections int, address string) {
tcpPool = make(chan net.Conn, connections)
for i := 0; i < connections; i++ {
conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", address)
if err != nil {
tcpPool <- conn
func SendMessage(con net.Conn, msg []byte) error {
// send message
_, err := con.Write(msg)
if err != nil {
return nil
func ReceiveMessage(con net.Conn) {
// receiving a message
inBytes := make([]byte, 0, 1000)
var b = make([]byte, 512)
for {
// bufsize 1024, read bufsize bytes each time
res, err := con.Read(b)
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
inBytes = append(inBytes, b[:res]...)
msg := string(inBytes)
fmt.Println("receive msg from server:" + msg)
receive <- msg
func getConn() net.Conn {
con := <-tcpPool
return con
func main() {
NewClient(20, "localhost:8101")
con := <-tcpPool
e := SendMessage(con, []byte("hello, i am client"))
if e != nil {
go ReceiveMessage(con)
var msg string
for {
select {
case msg = <-receive:
package main
import (
func StartTCPServer(network, addr string) error {
listener, err := net.Listen(network, addr)
if err != nil {
return err
for {
conn, err := listener.Accept()
if err != nil {
//onConn recieves a tcp connection and waiting for incoming messages
func onConn(conn net.Conn) {
inBytes := make([]byte, 0)
// load msg
for {
buf := make([]byte, 512)
res, err := conn.Read(buf)
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
inBytes = append(inBytes, buf[:res]...)
fmt.Println("receive from client:" + string(inBytes))
func main() {
if e := StartTCPServer("tcp", ":8101"); e != nil {
this works and no error.
By the way, I can't see where either on the client side or the server side you do con.Close(). It's nessasary to close it.This means a connection once got from the pool, you don't put it back. When you think a connection is over, then close it and build a new connection to fill the pool rather than put it back,beause it's a fatal operation to put a closed con back to the pool.

Websocket freezes if disconnected abnormally

I've created a simple websocket that publishes a JSON stream. I't works fine most of the time except for few cases where I think while looping through the clients to send them message, it gets hung up on a client that is being disconnected abnormally. What measure can I add to this code to mitigate it?
import (
type client struct {
socket *websocket.Conn
send chan *Message
func (c *client) read() {
defer c.socket.Close()
for {
_, _, err := c.socket.ReadMessage()
if err != nil {
log.Info("Websocket: %s", err)
func (c *client) write() {
defer c.socket.Close()
for msg := range c.send {
err := c.socket.WriteJSON(msg)
if err != nil {
import (
const (
socketBufferSize = 1024
messageBufferSize = 256
var upgrader = &websocket.Upgrader{
ReadBufferSize: socketBufferSize,
WriteBufferSize: socketBufferSize,
type Stream struct {
Send chan *Message
join chan *client
leave chan *client
clients map[*client]bool
func (s *Stream) Run() {
for {
select {
case client := <-s.join: // joining
s.clients[client] = true
case client := <-s.leave: // leaving
delete(s.clients, client)
case msg := <-s.Send: // send message to all clients
for client := range s.clients {
client.send <- msg
func (s *Stream) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, res *http.Request) {
socket, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, res, nil)
if err != nil {
defer func() {
client := &client{
socket: socket,
send: make(chan *Message, messageBufferSize),
s.join <- client
defer func() { s.leave <- client }()
go client.write()
See the Gorilla Chat Application for an example of how to avoid blocking on a client.
The key parts are:
Use a buffered channel for sending to the client. Your application is already doing this.
Send to the client using select/default to avoid blocking. Assume that the client is blocked on write when the client cannot immediately receive a message. Close the client's channel in this situation to cause the client's write loop to exit.
Write with a deadline.

Go WebSocket server: Use of closed network connection

I'm working on a websocket server and for some reason it outputs:
"WSARecv tcp Use of closed network connection."
I don't know why it says that because I haven't closed the connection at any point in time.
Below are some source code files of the server. If needed, the full source code is here on GitHub.
package net
import (
pnet "kekocity/misc/packet"
type Connection struct {
socket *websocket.Conn
txChan chan pnet.INetMessageWriter
rxChan chan pnet.INetMessageReader
user interfaces.IUser
func NewConnection(_socket *websocket.Conn) *Connection {
// The pointer allow us to modify connection struct from outside
connection := &Connection{
socket: _socket,
txChan: make(chan pnet.INetMessageWriter),
rxChan: make(chan pnet.INetMessageReader),
go connection.ReceivePoller()
go connection.SendPoller()
return connection
func (c *Connection) AssignToUser(_user interfaces.IUser) {
if _user == nil {
panic("net.connection: the user interface can not be nil!")
c.user = _user
_user.SetNetworkChans(c.rxChan, c.txChan)
* ReceivePoller and SendPoller starts listening when the first packet is verified and the new connection is started
func (c *Connection) ReceivePoller() {
for {
packet := pnet.NewPacket()
var buffer []uint8
err := websocket.Message.Receive(c.socket, &buffer)
if err == nil {
copy(packet.Buffer[0:len(buffer)], buffer[0:len(buffer)])
} else {
func (c *Connection) SendPoller() {
for {
// Read messages from transmit channel
message := <-c.txChan
if message == nil {
log.Println("SenPoller", "The message is nil, break the loop")
// Convert netmessage to packet
packet := message.WritePacket()
// Create byte buffer
buffer := packet.GetBuffer()
data := buffer[0:packet.GetMsgSize()]
// Send bytes off to the internetz
websocket.Message.Send(c.socket, data)
func (c *Connection) parsePacket(_packet pnet.IPacket) {
log.Println("net.connection:", "Received new packet!")
func (c *Connection) Close() {
// Close channels
// Close the socket
c.user = nil
package net
// <imports>
import (
pnet "kekocity/misc/packet"
cmap "kekocity/misc/concurrentmap"
var server *Server
type Server struct {
port int
connectedUsers *cmap.ConcurrentMap
func init() {
server = newServer()
func newServer() *Server {
return &Server{
port: 8080,
connectedUsers: cmap.New(),
func Listen(_port int) {
server.port = _port
log.Printf("Listening for connections on port %d!", _port)
http.Handle("/ws", websocket.Handler(clientConnection))
err := http.ListenAndServe(fmt.Sprintf(":%d", _port), nil)
if err != nil {
panic("ListenAndServe: " + err.Error())
func clientConnection(clientsock *websocket.Conn) {
packet := pnet.NewPacket()
buffer := make([]uint8, pnet.PACKET_MAXSIZE)
recv, err := clientsock.Read(buffer)
if err == nil {
copy(packet.Buffer[0:recv], buffer[0:recv])
parseFirstMessage(clientsock, packet)
} else {
if err.Error() != "EOF" {
log.Println("net.server", "Client connection error:", err.Error())
func parseFirstMessage(_conn *websocket.Conn, _packet *pnet.Packet) {
_message := _packet.ToString()
// If the first packet length is < 1 close the socket
if len(_message) < 1 {
// Create the connection
connection := NewConnection(_conn)
// Authentication wrapper
authPacket := &message.AuthMessage{}
user, err := helpers.AuthHelper.AuthenticateUsingCredentials(_message)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Invalid credentials!")
authPacket.Status = "error"
} else {
// Need to check if its already logged
authPacket.Status = "success"
connection.txChan <- authPacket
// Send bad auth message and close
connection.txChan <- authPacket
Full source code: github
The context in the request is canceled right after the handler finishes.
serverHandler{c.server}.ServeHTTP(w, w.req)
This is the reason why your context. In this diagram, you can find how the context is created in the server.Serve method.
It is described in more detail in the blog post: HTTP context livetime.
In the websocket, the situation is very similar. The context is closed just after the handler finishes.
func (s Server) serveWebSocket(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
rwc, buf, err := w.(http.Hijacker).Hijack()
if err != nil {
panic("Hijack failed: " + err.Error())
// The server should abort the WebSocket connection if it finds
// the client did not send a handshake that matches with protocol
// specification.
defer rwc.Close() // <- here! It's executed when the s.Handler(conn) exites
conn, err := newServerConn(rwc, buf, req, &s.Config, s.Handshake)
if err != nil {
if conn == nil {
panic("unexpected nil conn")
To fix that, you can create a new context from context.Background(), add some timeouts if needed and use it instead.
