What is the best way to parameterize a task on Gradle? - gradle

I need to create two different .properties files from two different .properties.dist if they don't exist, so I'm using a Copy task and I'm specifying the from and the into accordingly.
At the moment I had to create two different tasks, each of which is creating a file like this:
task copyAndRenameDialling(type: Copy){
from './dist/dialling.properties.dist'
into './properties/'
rename{ String fileName ->
task copyAndRenameFiles(type: Copy){
from './dist/files.properties.dist'
into './properties/'
rename{ String fileName ->
task copyAndRenameProperties {
dependsOn << copyAndRenameDialling
dependsOn << copyAndRenameFiles
and I run the task with gradle copyAndRenameProperties.
Is it possible to make the two Copy tasks parameterized based on the name of the file, so that I have only one generic copyAndRename?
If so, how can I pass the parameter to the task?

I'd do it like this:
task copyAndRenameProperties(type: Copy) {
from 'dist'
include '*.properties.dist'
into 'properties'
rename { it - ~/\.dist$/ }
eachFile { if (file("properties/$it.name").file) it.exclude() }
or if you really only want those two specific files
task copyAndRenameProperties(type: Copy) {
from 'dist/dialling.properties.dist'
from 'dist/file.properties.dist'
into 'properties'
rename { it - ~/\.dist$/ }
eachFile { if (file("properties/$it.name").file) it.exclude() }
task copyAndRenameProperties(type: Copy) {
from 'dist'
include 'dialling.properties.dist', 'file.properties.dist'
into 'properties'
rename { it - ~/\.dist$/ }
eachFile { if (file("properties/$it.name").file) it.exclude() }


Copy file from another project in a Gradle task

Given is the following Gradle task:
task copyResource(type: Copy) {
from('.') {
include '../anotherProject/password.txt'
into 'build/docker'
On task execution the include is ignored. What is the correct way to reference to a file from another project directory?
Try this :
task copyResource(type: Copy) {
from('../anotherProject') {
include 'password.txt'
into 'build/docker'
or even simpler :
task copyResource(type: Copy) {
into 'build/docker'

How do I perform a rename on only one "from" in a Gradle Copy task?

I am trying to copy from multiple "from" locations on a single Gradle Copy task. For one of those - and only one - I want to also perform a rename operation.
This code works:
task dist(type: Copy) {
from task1
rename { filename -> filename.replace '-all.jar', '.jar' }
from task2 { exclude "lib" }
into "${projectDir}/dist"
But the renaming operation also affects task2. I tried doing it this way:
task dist(type: Copy) {
from task1 { rename { filename -> filename.replace '-all.jar', '.jar' } }
from task2 { exclude "lib" }
into "${projectDir}/dist"
But it does not do the renaming operation. The exclude operation on task2 works as expected. Is it possible? Am I missing something in the syntax?
Someone posted the solution here and deleted it before I could accept/reply, so I'm posting the correct form here for future reference:
task dist(type: Copy) {
from (task1) { rename { filename -> filename.replace '-all.jar', '.jar' } }
from (task2) { exclude "lib" }
into "${projectDir}/dist"
Thanks, Opalo!

Using a wildcard in gradle copy task

I'd like to copy a directory using a wildcard, however the from method of the Gradle copy task doesn't accept a wildcard.
// this doesn't work
task copyDirectory(type: Copy) {
from "/path/to/folder-*/"
into "/target"
// this does
task copyDirectory(type: Copy) {
from "/path/to/folder-1.0/"
into "/target"
Just use 'include' task property to specify exact files ot directories you need to copy, something like this:
task copyDirectory(type: Copy) {
from "/path/to/"
include 'test-*/'
into "/target"
Update: if you want to copy only directories content, then you have to deal with every file separately, something like this:
task copyDirectory(type: Copy) {
from "/path/to/"
include 'test-*/'
into "/target"
eachFile {
def segments = it.getRelativePath().getSegments() as List
return it
includeEmptyDirs = false

Gradle copy without overwrite

Is there a way to avoid overwriting files, when using task type:Copy?
This is my task:
task unpack1(type:Copy)
duplicatesStrategy= DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE
from zipTree(rootDir.getPath()+"/app-war/app.war")
into rootDir.getPath()+"/tmp"
duplicatesStrategy= DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE
from rootDir.getPath()+"/tmp"
into "WebContent"
I want to avoid to specify all the files using exclude 'file/file*'.
It looks like that duplicatesStrategy= DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE doesn't work. I read about an issue on gradle 0.9 but I'm using Gradle 2.1.
Is this problem still there?
Or am I misunderstanding how this task should be used properly?
A further refinement of BugOrFeature's answer. It's using simple strings for the from and into parameters, uses the CopySpec's destinationDir property to resolve the destination file's relative path to a File:
task ensureLocalTestProperties(type: Copy) {
from zipTree('/app-war/app.war')
into 'WebContent'
eachFile {
if (it.relativePath.getFile(destinationDir).exists()) {
You can always check first if the file exists in the destination directory:
task copyFileIfNotExists << {
if (!file('destination/directory/myFile').exists())
copy {
Sample based on Peter's comment:
task unpack1(type: Copy) {
def destination = project.file("WebContent")
from rootDir.getPath() + "/tmp"
into destination
eachFile {
if (it.getRelativePath().getFile(destination).exists()) {

Change copy task destination

I would like to change the destination dir for file copy depending on the chosen build.
This does not work since the task graph is executed in execution phase but the copyTask is set in configuration phase.
How can I achieve this?
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { taskGraph ->
if (taskGraph.hasTask(buildRelease)){
File toDir=file('test/r')
println('Copy to: ' + toDir.getName())
}else if (taskGraph.hasTask(buildDevel)) {
File toDir=file('test/d')
println('Copy to: ' + toDir.getName())
task buildDevel (dependsOn: ['copyTask']){}
task buildRelease (dependsOn: ['copyTask']){}
task copyTask(type: Copy) {
from "test"
into toDir
include 'a.txt'
This may help You (You need to create a.txt file on the same level as build.gradle is located:
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { taskGraph ->
def cp = project.copyTask
if (taskGraph.hasTask(buildRelease)){
cp.into 'lol1'
} else if (taskGraph.hasTask(buildDevel)) {
cp.into 'lol2'
task buildDevel (dependsOn: ['copyTask']){}
task buildRelease (dependsOn: ['copyTask']){}
task copyTask(type: Copy) {
from file('.')
include 'a.txt'
This will also work:
task buildDevel
task buildRelease
buildDevel.doFirst {
buildRelease.doFirst {
def cp(to) {
copy {
from file('.')
into to
include 'a.txt'
