How do I perform a rename on only one "from" in a Gradle Copy task? - gradle

I am trying to copy from multiple "from" locations on a single Gradle Copy task. For one of those - and only one - I want to also perform a rename operation.
This code works:
task dist(type: Copy) {
from task1
rename { filename -> filename.replace '-all.jar', '.jar' }
from task2 { exclude "lib" }
into "${projectDir}/dist"
But the renaming operation also affects task2. I tried doing it this way:
task dist(type: Copy) {
from task1 { rename { filename -> filename.replace '-all.jar', '.jar' } }
from task2 { exclude "lib" }
into "${projectDir}/dist"
But it does not do the renaming operation. The exclude operation on task2 works as expected. Is it possible? Am I missing something in the syntax?

Someone posted the solution here and deleted it before I could accept/reply, so I'm posting the correct form here for future reference:
task dist(type: Copy) {
from (task1) { rename { filename -> filename.replace '-all.jar', '.jar' } }
from (task2) { exclude "lib" }
into "${projectDir}/dist"
Thanks, Opalo!


Copy file from another project in a Gradle task

Given is the following Gradle task:
task copyResource(type: Copy) {
from('.') {
include '../anotherProject/password.txt'
into 'build/docker'
On task execution the include is ignored. What is the correct way to reference to a file from another project directory?
Try this :
task copyResource(type: Copy) {
from('../anotherProject') {
include 'password.txt'
into 'build/docker'
or even simpler :
task copyResource(type: Copy) {
into 'build/docker'

Gradle Copy Task Is UP-TO-DATE After Manually Deleting a File

I am forced to use Gradle 2.3 in this project.
I am trying to copy a set of dependencies from a custom configuration to a specific dir.
If I delete one of the files manually, Gradle still marks the task as UP-TO-DATE and I end up with an incomplete set of files.
task copyFiles(type: Copy) {
from configurations.zips
into 'zip-dir'
configurations.zips.allDependencies.each {
rename "-${it.version}", ''
This works as expected in v4.0.2 though.
To work around it I am counting files in that dir.
task copyFiles(type: Copy) {
outputs.upToDateWhen {
def count = new File('zip-dir').listFiles().count { ==~ /.*zip/ }
count == configurations.zips.files.size()
from configurations.zips
into 'zip-dir'
configurations.zips.allDependencies.each {
rename "-${it.version}", ''
Which issue and version of gradle was this fixed in and is there a better workaround than what I have so far?
You can just run it always with
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
or not use a type Copy for your task and
task copyFiles {
doLast {
copy {
from configurations.zips
into 'zip-dir'
configurations.zips.allDependencies.each {
rename "-${it.version}", ''
Note that this is a workaround not the solution

Gradle zip: how to include and rename one file easily?

Create a zip adding file "hello/world.xml" under directory "foo/bar" as "hello/universe.xml"
task myZip(type: Zip) {
from ("foo/bar") {
include "hello/world.xml"
filesMatching("hello/*") {
it.path = "hello/universe.xml"
filesMatching(...) will impact performance obviously.
What is a better way? like:
task myZip(type: Zip) {
from ("foo/bar") {
include ("hello/world.xml") {
rename "hello/universe.xml"
But rename is not supported with include.
I don't get why you are using filesMatching at all. You are only including one single file in your child CopySpec. Simply rename it and everything is fine:
task myZip(type: Zip) {
from ('foo/bar') {
include 'hello/world.xml'
rename { 'hello/universe.xml' }
If you want to include multiple files (or even copy all), but only want to rename one of them, specify which file(s) to rename with a regular expression as first argument:
task myZip(type: Zip) {
from 'foo/bar'
rename 'hello/world.xml' 'hello/universe.xml'
If the last one did not work, try:
rename ('', '')

What is the best way to parameterize a task on Gradle?

I need to create two different .properties files from two different .properties.dist if they don't exist, so I'm using a Copy task and I'm specifying the from and the into accordingly.
At the moment I had to create two different tasks, each of which is creating a file like this:
task copyAndRenameDialling(type: Copy){
from './dist/'
into './properties/'
rename{ String fileName ->
task copyAndRenameFiles(type: Copy){
from './dist/'
into './properties/'
rename{ String fileName ->
task copyAndRenameProperties {
dependsOn << copyAndRenameDialling
dependsOn << copyAndRenameFiles
and I run the task with gradle copyAndRenameProperties.
Is it possible to make the two Copy tasks parameterized based on the name of the file, so that I have only one generic copyAndRename?
If so, how can I pass the parameter to the task?
I'd do it like this:
task copyAndRenameProperties(type: Copy) {
from 'dist'
include '*.properties.dist'
into 'properties'
rename { it - ~/\.dist$/ }
eachFile { if (file("properties/$").file) it.exclude() }
or if you really only want those two specific files
task copyAndRenameProperties(type: Copy) {
from 'dist/'
from 'dist/'
into 'properties'
rename { it - ~/\.dist$/ }
eachFile { if (file("properties/$").file) it.exclude() }
task copyAndRenameProperties(type: Copy) {
from 'dist'
include '', ''
into 'properties'
rename { it - ~/\.dist$/ }
eachFile { if (file("properties/$").file) it.exclude() }

Gradle copy without overwrite

Is there a way to avoid overwriting files, when using task type:Copy?
This is my task:
task unpack1(type:Copy)
duplicatesStrategy= DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE
from zipTree(rootDir.getPath()+"/app-war/app.war")
into rootDir.getPath()+"/tmp"
duplicatesStrategy= DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE
from rootDir.getPath()+"/tmp"
into "WebContent"
I want to avoid to specify all the files using exclude 'file/file*'.
It looks like that duplicatesStrategy= DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE doesn't work. I read about an issue on gradle 0.9 but I'm using Gradle 2.1.
Is this problem still there?
Or am I misunderstanding how this task should be used properly?
A further refinement of BugOrFeature's answer. It's using simple strings for the from and into parameters, uses the CopySpec's destinationDir property to resolve the destination file's relative path to a File:
task ensureLocalTestProperties(type: Copy) {
from zipTree('/app-war/app.war')
into 'WebContent'
eachFile {
if (it.relativePath.getFile(destinationDir).exists()) {
You can always check first if the file exists in the destination directory:
task copyFileIfNotExists << {
if (!file('destination/directory/myFile').exists())
copy {
Sample based on Peter's comment:
task unpack1(type: Copy) {
def destination = project.file("WebContent")
from rootDir.getPath() + "/tmp"
into destination
eachFile {
if (it.getRelativePath().getFile(destination).exists()) {
