Variant of Subset-Sum - algorithm

Given 3 positive integers n, k, and sum, find exactly k number of distinct elements a_i, where
a_i \in S, 1 <= i <= k, and a_i \neq a_j for i \neq j
and, S is the set
S = {1, 2, 3, ..., n}
such that
\sum_{i=1}^{k}{a_i} = sum
I don't want to apply brute force (checking all possible combinations) to solve the problem due to exponential complexity. Can someone give me a hint towards another approach in solving this problem? Also, how can we exploit the fact the set S is sorted?
Is it possible to have complexity of O(k) in this problem?

An idea how to exploit 1..n set properties:
Sum of k continuous members of natural row starting from a is
sum = k*(2*a + (k-1))/2
To get sum of such subsequence about needed s, we can solve
a >= s/k - k/2 + 1/2
a <= s/k - k/2 + 1/2
compare s and sum values and make corrections.
For example, having s=173, n=40 and k=5, we can find
a <= 173/5 - 5/2 + 1/2 = 32.6
for starting number 32 we have sequence 32,33,34,35,36 with sum = 170, and for correction by 3 we can just change 36 with 39, or 34,35,36 with 35,36,37 and so on.
Seems that using this approach we get O(1) complexity (of course, there might exist some subtleties that I did miss)

It's possible to modify the pseudo-polynomial algorithm for subset sum.
Prepare a matrix P with dimension k X sum, and initialize all elements to 0. The meaning of P[p, q] == 1 is that there is a subset of p numbers summing to q, and P[p, q] == 0 means that such a subset has not yet been found.
Now iterate over i = 1, ..., n. In each iteration:
If i ≤ sum, set P[1, i] = 1 (there is a subset of size 1 that achieves i).
For any entry P[p, q] == 1, you now know that P[p + 1, q + i] should now be 1 too. If (p + 1, q + i) is within the boundaries of the matrix, set P[p + 1, q + i] = 1.
Finally, check if P[k, sum] == 1.
The complexity, assuming that all integer math operations is constant, is Θ(n2 sum).

There is a O(1) (so to speak) solution. What follows is a formal enough (I hope) development of the idea by #MBo.
It is sufficient to assume that S is a set of all integers and find a minimal solution. Solution K is smaller than K' iff max(K) < max(K'). If max(K) <= n, then K is also a solution to the original problem; otherwise, the original problem has no solution.
So we disregard n and find K, a minimal solution. Let g = max(K) = ceil(sum/k + (k - 1)/2) and s = g + (g-1) + (g-2) + ... (g-k+1) and s' = (g-1) + (g-2) + ... + (g-k). That is, s' is s shifted down by 1. Note s' = s - k.
Obviously s >= sum and (because K is minimal) s' < sum.
If s == sum the solution is K and we're done. Otherwise consider the set K+ = {g, g-1, ..., g-k}. We know that \sum(K+ \setminus {g}) < sum and \sum(K+ \setminus {g-k}) > sum, therefore, there's a single element g_i of K+ such that \sum (K+ \setminus {g_i}) = sum. The solution isK+ \setminus {\sum(K+)-sum}.
The solution in the form of 4 integers a, b, c, d where the actual set is understood to be [a..b] \setunion [c..d] can be computed in O(1).

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
unsigned long int arithmeticSum(unsigned long int a, unsigned long int k, unsigned long int n, unsigned long int *A);
void printSubset(unsigned long int k, unsigned long int *A);
int main(void)
unsigned long int n, k, sum;
// scan the respective values of sum, n, and k
scanf("%lu %lu %lu", &sum, &n, &k);
// find the starting element using the formula for the sum of an A.P. having 'k' terms
// starting at 'a', common difference 'd' ( = 1 in this problem), having 'sum' = sum
// sum = [k/2][2*a + (k-1)*d]
unsigned long startElement = (long double)sum/k - (long double)k/2 + (long double)1/2;
// exit if the arithmetic progression formed at the startElement is not within the required bounds
if(startElement < 1 || startElement + k - 1 > n)
return 0;
// we now work on the k-element set [startElement, startElement + k - 1]
// create an array to store the k elements
unsigned long int *A = malloc(k * sizeof(unsigned long int));
// calculate the sum of k elements in the arithmetic progression [a, a + 1, a + 2, ..., a + (k - 1)]
unsigned long int currentSum = arithmeticSum(startElement, k, n, A);
// if the currentSum is equal to the required sum, then print the array A, and we are done
if(currentSum == sum)
printSubset(k, A);
// we enter into this block only if currentSum < sum
// i.e. we need to add 'something' to the currentSum in order to make it equal to sum
// i.e. we need to remove an element from the k-element set [startElement, startElement + k - 1]
// and replace it with an element of higher magnitude
// i.e. we need to replace an element in the set [startElement, startElement + k - 1] and replace
// it with an element in the range [startElement + k, n]
long int j;
bool done;
// calculate the amount which we need to add to the currentSum
unsigned long int difference = sum - currentSum;
// starting from A[k-1] upto A[0] do the following...
for(j = k - 1, done = false; j >= 0; j--)
// check if adding the "difference" to A[j] results in a number in the range [startElement + k, n]
// if it does then replace A[j] with that element, and we are done
if(A[j] + difference <= n && A[j] + difference > A[k-1])
A[j] += difference;
printSubset(k, A);
done = true;
// if no such A[j] is found then, exit with fail
if(done == false)
return 0;
unsigned long int arithmeticSum(unsigned long int a, unsigned long int k, unsigned long int n, unsigned long int *A)
unsigned long int currentSum;
long int j;
// calculate the sum of the arithmetic progression and store the each member in the array A
for(j = 0, currentSum = 0; j < k; j++)
A[j] = a + j;
currentSum += A[j];
return currentSum;
void printSubset(unsigned long int k, unsigned long int *A)
long int j;
for(j = 0; j < k; j++)
printf("%lu ", A[j]);


Finding kth element in the nth order of Farey Sequence

Farey sequence of order n is the sequence of completely reduced fractions, between 0 and 1 which when in lowest terms have denominators less than or equal to n, arranged in order of increasing size. Detailed explanation here.
The problem is, given n and k, where n = order of seq and k = element index, can we find the particular element from the sequence. For examples answer for (n=5, k =6) is 1/2.
There are many less than optimal solution available, but am looking for a near-optimal one. One such algorithm is discussed here, for which I am unable to understand the logic hence unable to apply the examples.
Can some please explain the solution with more detail, preferably with an example.
Thank you.
I've read the method provided in your link, and the accepted C++ solution to it. Let me post them, for reference:
Editorial Explanation
Several less-than-optimal solutions exist. Using a priority queue, one
can iterate through the fractions (generating them one by one) in O(K
log N) time. Using a fancier math relation, this can be reduced to
O(K). However, neither of these solution obtains many points, because
the number of fractions (and thus K) is quadratic in N.
The “good” solution is based on meta-binary search. To construct this
solution, we need the following subroutine: given a fraction A/B
(which is not necessarily irreducible), find how many fractions from
the Farey sequence are less than this fraction. Suppose we had this
subroutine; then the algorithm works as follows:
Determine a number X such that the answer is between X/N and (X+1)/N; such a number can be determined by binary searching the range
1...N, thus calling the subroutine O(log N) times.
Make a list of all fractions A/B in the range X/N...(X+1)/N. For any given B, there is at most one A in this range, and it can be
determined trivially in O(1).
Determine the appropriate order statistic in this list (doing this in O(N log N) by sorting is good enough).
It remains to show how we can construct the desired subroutine. We
will show how it can be implemented in O(N log N), thus giving a O(N
log^2 N) algorithm overall. Let us denote by C[j] the number of
irreducible fractions i/j which are less than X/N. The algorithm is
based on the following observation: C[j] = floor(X*B/N) – Sum(C[D],
where D divides j). A direct implementation, which tests whether any D
is a divisor, yields a quadratic algorithm. A better approach,
inspired by Eratosthene’s sieve, is the following: at step j, we know
C[j], and we subtract it from all multiples of j. The running time of
the subroutine becomes O(N log N).
Relevant Code
#include <cassert>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
const int kMaxN = 2e5;
typedef int int32;
typedef long long int64_x;
// #define int __int128_t
// #define int64 __int128_t
typedef long long int64;
int64 count_less(int a, int n) {
vector<int> counter(n + 1, 0);
for (int i = 2; i <= n; i += 1) {
counter[i] = min(1LL * (i - 1), 1LL * i * a / n);
int64 result = 0;
for (int i = 2; i <= n; i += 1) {
for (int j = 2 * i; j <= n; j += i) {
counter[j] -= counter[i];
result += counter[i];
return result;
int32 main() {
// ifstream cin("");
// ofstream cout("farey.out");
int64_x n, k; cin >> n >> k;
assert(1 <= n);
assert(n <= kMaxN);
assert(1 <= k);
assert(k <= count_less(n, n));
int up = 0;
for (int p = 29; p >= 0; p -= 1) {
if ((1 << p) + up > n)
if (count_less((1 << p) + up, n) < k) {
up += (1 << p);
k -= count_less(up, n);
vector<pair<int, int>> elements;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i += 1) {
int b = i;
// find a such that up/n < a / b and a / b <= (up+1) / n
int a = 1LL * (up + 1) * b / n;
if (1LL * up * b < 1LL * a * n) {
} else {
if (1LL * a * n <= 1LL * (up + 1) * b) {
} else {
if (__gcd(a, b) != 1) {
elements.push_back({a, b});
sort(elements.begin(), elements.end(),
[](const pair<int, int>& lhs, const pair<int, int>& rhs) -> bool {
return 1LL * lhs.first * rhs.second < 1LL * rhs.first * lhs.second;
cout << (int64_x)elements[k - 1].first << ' ' << (int64_x)elements[k - 1].second << '\n';
return 0;
Basic Methodology
The above editorial explanation results in the following simplified version. Let me start with an example.
Let's say, we want to find 7th element of Farey Sequence with N = 5.
We start with writing a subroutine, as said in the explanation, that gives us the "k" value (how many Farey Sequence reduced fractions there exist before a given fraction - the given number may or may not be reduced)
So, take your F5 sequence:
k = 0, 0/1
k = 1, 1/5
k = 2, 1/4
k = 3, 1/3
k = 4, 2/5
k = 5, 1/2
k = 6, 3/5
k = 7, 2/3
k = 8, 3/4
k = 9, 4/5
k = 10, 1/1
If we can find a function that finds the count of the previous reduced fractions in Farey Sequence, we can do the following:
int64 k_count_2 = count_less(2, 5); // result = 4
int64 k_count_3 = count_less(3, 5); // result = 6
int64 k_count_4 = count_less(4, 5); // result = 9
This function is written in the accepted solution. It uses the exact methodology explained in the last paragraph of the editorial.
As you can see, the count_less() function generates the same k values as in our hand written list.
We know the values of the reduced fractions for k = 4, 6, 9 using that function. What about k = 7? As explained in the editorial, we will list all the reduced fractions in range X/N and (X+1)/N, here X = 3 and N = 5.
Using the function in the accepted solution (its near bottom), we list and sort the reduced fractions.
After that we will rearrange our k values, as in to fit in our new array as such:
k = -, 0/1
k = -, 1/5
k = -, 1/4
k = -, 1/3
k = -, 2/5
k = -, 1/2
k = -, 3/5 <-|
k = 0, 2/3 | We list and sort the possible reduced fractions
k = 1, 3/4 | in between these numbers
k = -, 4/5 <-|
k = -, 1/1
(That's why there is this piece of code: k -= count_less(up, n);, it basically remaps the k values)
(And we also subtract one more during indexing, i.e.: cout << (int64_x)elements[k - 1].first << ' ' << (int64_x)elements[k - 1].second << '\n';. This is just to basically call the right position in the generated array.)
So, for our new re-mapped k values, for N = 5 and k = 7 (original k), our result is 2/3.
(We select the value k = 0, in our new map)
If you compile and run the accepted solution, it will give you this:
Input: 5 7 (Enter)
Output: 2 3
I believe this is the basic point of the editorial and accepted solution.

Optimize: Divide an array into continuous subsequences of length no greater than k such that sum of maximum value of each subsequence is minimum

Optimize O(n^2) algorithm to O(n log n).
Problem Statement
Given array A of n positive integers. Divide the array into continuous subsequences of length no greater than k such that sum of maximum value of each subsequence is minimum. Here's an example.
If n = 8 and k = 5 and elements of the array are 1 4 1 3 4 7 2 2, best solution is 1 | 4 1 3 4 7 | 2 2. The sum would be max{1} + max{4, 1, 3, 4, 7} + max{2, 2} = 1 + 7 + 2 = 10.
O(n^2) solution
Let dp[i] be the minimum sum as in problem statement for subproblem array A[0] ... A[i]. dp[0] = A[0] and, for 0 < i < n (dp[-1] = 0),
// A, n, k, - defined
// dp - all initialized to INF
dp[0] = A[0];
for (auto i = 1; i < n; i++) {
auto max = -INF;
for (auto j = i; j >= 0 && j >= i-k+1; j--) {
if (A[j] > max)
max = A[j];
auto sum = max + (j > 0 ? dp[j-1] : 0);
if (sum < dp[i])
dp[i] = sum;
// answer: dp[n-1]
O(n log n) ?
The problem author claimed that it was possible to solve this in O(n log n) time, and there are some people who were able to pass the test cases. How can this be optimized?
NOTE: I'm gonna change slightly your dynamic programming relation, so that there is no special case if j = 0. Now dp[j] is the answer for the first j termsA[0], ..., A[j-1] and:
dp[i] = min(dp[j] + max(A[j], ..., A[i-1]), i-k <= j < i)
The answer of the problem is now dp[n].
Notice that if j < i and dp[j] >= dp[i], you won't need dp[j] in the following transitions, because max(A[j], ..., A[l]) >= max(A[i], ..., A[l]) (so it will be always better to cut at i instead of j.
Furthermore let C[j] = max(A[j+1], ..., A[l]) (where l is our current index in the dynamic programming step, ie. i in your C++ program).
Then you can keep in memory some set of indices x1 < ... < xm (the "interesting" indices for the transitions of your dynamic programming relation) such that: dp[x1] < ... < dp[xm] (1). Then automatically C[x1] >= ... >= C[xm] (2).
To store {x1, ..., xm}, we need some data structure that supports the following operations:
Pop back (when we move from i to i+1, we must say that i-k is now unreachable) or front (cf. insertion).
Push front x (when we have computed dp[i], we insert it while preserving (1), by deleting the corresponding elements).
Compute min(dp[xj] + C[xj], 1 <= j <= m).
Thus some queue to store x1, ..., xk together with a set to store all dp[xi] + C[xi] will be enough.
How do we both preserve (1) and update C when we insert an element i?
Before computing dp[i], we update C with A[i-1]. For that we find the smallest element xj in the set x s.t. C[xj] <= A[i-1]. Then (1) and (2) imply dp[j'] + C[j'] >= dp[j] + C[j] for all j' >= j, so we update C[xj] to A[i-1] and we delete x(j+1), ..., xm from the set (*).
When we insert dp[i], we just delete all elements s.t. dp[j] >= dp[i] by popping front.
When we remove i-k, it may be possible that some element destroyed in (*) is now becoming best. So if necessary we update C and insert the last element.
Complexity : O(n log n) (there could be at most 2n insertions in the set).
This code sums up the main ideas:
template<class T> void relaxmax(T& r, T v) { r = max(r, v); }
vector<int> dp(n + 1);
vector<int> C(n + 1, -INF);
vector<int> q(n + 1);
vector<int> ne(n + 1, -INF);
int qback = 0, qfront = 0;
auto cmp = [&](const int& x, const int& y) {
int vx = dp[x] + C[x], vy = dp[y] + C[y];
return vx != vy ? vx < vy : x < y;
set<int, decltype(cmp)> s(cmp);
dp[0] = 0;
q[qfront++] = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
C[i] = A[i - 1];
auto it_last = lower_bound(q.begin() + qback, q.begin() + qfront, i, [=](const int& x, const int& y) {
return C[x] > C[y];
for (auto it = it_last; it != q.begin() + qfront; ++it) {
C[*it] = A[i - 1];
ne[*it] = i;
if (it == it_last) s.insert(*it);
dp[i] = dp[*s.begin()] + C[*s.begin()];
while (qback < qfront && dp[q[qfront]] >= dp[i]) {
q[qfront++] = i;
C[i] = -INF;
if (q[qback] == i - k) {
s.erase(i - k);
if (qback + 1 != qfront && ne[q[qback]] > q[qback + 1]) {
s.erase(q[qback + 1]);
relaxmax(C[q[qback + 1]], C[i - k]);
s.insert(q[qback + 1]);
// answer: dp[n]
This time I stress-tested it against your algorithm: see here.
Please let me know if it's still unclear.

SUM exactly using K elements solution

Problem: On a given array with N numbers, find subset of size M (exactly M elements) that equal to SUM.
I am looking for a Dynamic Programming(DP) solution for this problem. Basically looking to understand the matrix filled approach. I wrote below program but didn't add memoization as i am still wondering how to do that.
#include <stdio.h>
#define SIZE(a) sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0])
int binary[100];
int a[] = {1, 2, 5, 5, 100};
void show(int* p, int size) {
int j;
for (j = 0; j < size; j++)
if (p[j])
printf("%d\n", a[j]);
void subset_sum(int target, int i, int sum, int *a, int size, int K) {
if (sum == target && !K) {
show(binary, size);
} else if (sum < target && i < size) {
binary[i] = 1;
foo(target, i + 1, sum + a[i], a, size, K-1);
binary[i] = 0;
foo(target, i + 1, sum, a, size, K);
int main() {
int target = 10;
int K = 2;
subset_sum(target, 0, 0, a, SIZE(a), K);
Is the below recurrence solution makes sense?
Let DP[SUM][j][k] sum up to SUM with exactly K elements picked from 0 to j elements.
DP[i][j][k] = DP[i][j-1][k] || DP[i-a[j]][j-1][k-1] { input array a[0....j] }
Base cases are:
DP[0][0][0] = DP[0][j][0] = DP[0][0][k] = 1
DP[i][0][0] = DP[i][j][0] = 0
It means we can either consider this element ( DP[i-a[j]][j-1][k-1] ) or we don't consider the current element (DP[i][j-1][k]). If we consider current element, k is reduced by 1 which reduces the elements that needs to be considered and same goes when current element is not considered i.e. K is not reduced by 1.
Your solution looks right to me.
Right now, you're basically backtracking over all possibilities and printing each solution. If you only want one solution, you could add a flag that you set when one solution was found and check before continuing with recursive calls.
For memoization, you should first get rid of the binary array, after which you can do something like this:
bool subset_sum(int target, int i, int sum, int *a, int size, int K) {
if (sum == target && !K) {
memo[i][sum][K] = true;
return memo[i][sum][K];
} else if (sum < target && i < size) {
if (memo[i][sum][K] != -1)
return memo[i][sum][K];
memo[i][sum][K] = foo(target, i + 1, sum + a[i], a, size, K-1) ||
foo(target, i + 1, sum, a, size, K);
return memo[i][sum][K]
return false;
Then, look at memo[_all indexes_][target][K]. If this is true, there exists at least one solution. You can store addition information to get you that next solution, or you can iterate with an i from found_index - 1 to 0 and check for which i you have memo[i][sum - a[i]][K - 1] == true. Then recurse on that, and so on. This will allow you to reconstruct the solution using just the memo array.
To my understanding, if only the feasibility of the input has to be checked, the problem can be solved with a two-dimensional state space
bool[][] IsFeasible = new bool[n][k]
where IsFeasible[i][j] is true if and only if there is a subset of the elements 1 to i which sum up to exactly j for every
1 <= i <= n
1 <= j <= k
and for this state space, the recurrence relation
IsFeasible[i][j] = IsFeasible[i-1][k-a[i]] || IsFeasible[i-1][k]
can be used, where the left-hand side of the or-operator || corresponds to selecting the i-th item and the right-hand side corresponds to to not selecting the i-th item. The actual choice of items could be obtained by backtracking or auxiliary information saved during evaluation.

Efficient way to count subsets with given sum

Given N numbers I need to count subsets whose sum is S.
Note : Numbers in array need not to be distinct.
My current code is :
int countSubsets(vector<int> numbers,int sum)
vector<int> DP(sum+1);
int currentSum=0;
for(int i=0;i<numbers.size();i++)
for (int j=min(sum,currentSum);j>=numbers[i];j--)
DP[j]+=DP[j - numbers[i]];
return DP[sum];
Can their be any efficient way than this ?
Constraints are :
1 ≤ N ≤ 14
1 ≤ S ≤ 100000
1 ≤ A[i] ≤ 10000
Also their are 100 test cases in a single file. So please help if their exist better solution than this one
N is small (2^20 - is about 1 milion - 2^14 is really small value) - just iterate over all subsets, below I wrote pretty fast way to do that (bithacking). Treat integers as sets (that's enumerating subsets in Lexicographical order)
int length = array.Length;
int subsetCount = 0;
for (int i=0; i<(1<<length); ++i)
int currentSet = i;
int tempIndex = length-1;
int currentSum = 0;
while (currentSet > 0) // iterate over bits "from the right side"
if (currentSet & 1 == 1) // if current bit is "1"
currentSum += array[tempIndex];
currentSet >>= 1;
subsetCount += (currentSum == targetSum) ? 1 : 0;
You can use the fact that N is small: it is possible to generate all possible subsets of the given array and check if its sum is S for each of them. The time complexity is O(N * 2 ** N) or O(2 ** N)(it depends on the way of the generation). This solution should be fast enough for the given constraints.
Here is a pseudo code of an O(2 ** N) solution:
result = 0
void generate(int curPos, int curSum):
if curPos == N:
if curSum == S:
// Do not take the current element.
generate(curPos + 1, curSum)
// Take it.
generate(curPos + 1, curSum + numbers[curPos])
generate(0, 0)
A faster solution based on the meet in the middle technique:
Let's generate all subsets for the first half of the array using the algorithm described above and put their sums into a map(which maps a sum to the number of subsets that have it. It can be either a hash table or just an array because S is relatively small). This step takes O(2 ** (N / 2)) time.
Now let's generate all subsets for the second half and for each of them add the number of subset that sum up to S - currentSum e in the first half(using the map constructed in 1.), where the currentSum is the sum of all elements in the current subseta. Again, we have O(2 ** (N / 2)) subsets and each of them is processed in O(1).
The total time complexity is O(2 ** (N / 2)).
A pseudo code for this solution:
Map<int, int> count = new HashMap<int, int>() // or an array of size S + 1.
result = 0
void generate1(int[] numbers, int pos, int currentSum):
if pos == numbers.length:
generate1(numbers, pos + 1, currentSum)
generate1(numbers, pos + 1, currentSum + numbers[pos])
void generate2(int[] numbers, int pos, int currentSum):
if pos == numbers.length:
result += count[S - currentSum]
generate2(numbers, pos + 1, currentSum)
generate2(numbers, pos + 1, currentSum + numbers[pos])
generate1(the first half of numbers, 0, 0)
generate2(the second half of numbers, 0, 0)
If N is odd, the middle element can go to either the first half or to the second one. It doesn't matter where it goes as long as it goes to exactly one of them.

Given a sequence of n positive integers, find a subsequence of length k such that the sum over the absolute values of the differences is maximal

We are given a sequence of n positive integers, which I will denote as a0, a1, …, an-1. We are also given an integer k, and our task is to:
find a subsequence of length exactly k (denoted as b0, b1, …, bk-1), such that abs(b1 - b0) + abs(b2 - b1) + … + abs(bk-1 - bk-2) is maximal; and
output the sum (no need to output the entire subsequence).
I have been trying to solve this using a dynamic programming approach but all my efforts have been futile.
EDIT: k <= n. The elements in the sequence b must appear in the same order as they appear in a (otherwise, this would be solved by simply finding max, min, ... or min, max, ...).
Example input:
n = 10
k = 3
1 9 2 3 6 1 3 2 1 3
16 (the subsequence is 1 9 1, and abs(9 - 1) + abs(1 - 9) = 8 + 8 = 16)
Any help / hints would be greatly appreciated.
I managed to solve this problem. Here's the full code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int abs(int a)
return (a < 0) ? -a : a;
int solve(int *numbers, int N, int K)
int **storage = malloc(sizeof(int *) * N);
int i, j, k;
int result = 0;
for (i = 0; i < N; ++i)
*(storage + i) = calloc(K, sizeof(int));
// storage[i][j] keeps the optimal result where j + 1 elements are taken (K = j + 1) with numbers[i] appearing as the last element.
for (i = 1; i < N; ++i) {
for (j = 1; j < K; ++j) {
for (k = j - 1; k < i; ++k) {
if (storage[i][j] < storage[k][j - 1] + abs(numbers[k] - numbers[i]))
storage[i][j] = storage[k][j - 1] + abs(numbers[k] - numbers[i]);
if (j == K - 1 && result < storage[i][j])
result = storage[i][j];
for (i = 0; i < N; ++i)
free(*(storage + i));
return result;
int main()
int N, K;
scanf("%d %d", &N, &K);
int *numbers = malloc(sizeof(int) * N);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < N; ++i)
scanf("%d", numbers + i);
printf("%d\n", solve(numbers, N, K));
return 0;
The idea is simple (thanks to a friend of mine for hinting me at it). As mentioned in the comment, storage[i][j] keeps the optimal result where j + 1 elements are taken (K = j + 1) with numbers[i] appearing as the last element. Then, we simply try out each element appearing as the last one, taking each possible number of 1, 2, ..., K elements out of all. This solution works in O(k * n^2).
I first tried a 0-1 Knapsack approach where I kept the last element I had taken in each [i][j] index. This solution did not give a correct result in just a single test case, but it worked in O(k * n). I think I can see where it would yield a suboptimal solution, but if anyone is interested, I can post that code, too (it is rather messy though).
The code posted here passed on all test cases (if you can detect some possible errors, feel free to state them).
