Shopware get mainnumber from article - smarty

I need to get some attributes from the main article of an article variant. An example:
The user got article SW1234.4 selected. The shop should show the attribute "test" from the main article SW1234 and not from the variant SW1234.4.
I´m thinking about some smarty var with {$sArticle.mainnumber.attr4}
How is this possible?

you should try "{debug}" at first. (Enable popups!)
Now you can see which variables you have access to, maybe the information you are looking for is already stored in a smarty variable.
The Other way would be a custom Plugin which does a select on your articles table and gets the desired information which you than can assign to your view.
$this->View()->assign($varname, $value);
I know my reply is a little late, but I am new to this website as a contributer.
Which Shopware Version?
Are u using the responsive theme?
Please provide a little more information. :)


How to create a link in a apex-pl/sql-region?

for a Application in Apex i want to create some links with the htp-class with the properties:
The link must refers to a internal page of the app.
If the Link is clicked, i want to set the value of a "hidden-item" in the refered page
Some ideas?
Please, read the following documentation chapter: Understanding URL Syntax. It will answer on both of your questions.
some links with the htp-class
I don't know what is htp-class. May be, you mean HTP package or HTML class attribute.
Just want to note that you can use built-in capabilities of such APEX components like Reports and Lists to generate links to the pages of your app including item values setting. Here are the links to the docs: Lists, Column Link in IR, Column Link in Classic Report.
Good luck,

Getting article create date joomla

I'm trying to get article's created timestamp or date so I can format it with css. I've searched on google and on the forum but, I'm confused on the result.
I've done this:
echo $this->article->created;
echo $this->item->created;
And is giving me a blank result.
What am I doing wrong?
Looking at the page layout
Line 114 you see how the date is rendered in 2.5.
<dd class="create">
<?php echo JText::sprintf('COM_CONTENT_CREATED_DATE_ON', JHtml::_('date', $this->item->created, JText::_('DATE_FORMAT_LC2'))); ?>
So to style it you can just use the create class or you can make a layout override.
This is assuming you want it in an article. If you want it in a list or something look at the appropriate layout for that. And if you want to override the date format itself do that in a layout override.
The element you want seems to vary by version, so make sure whatever you are cribbing off of, matches your installation.
First of All where you are trying to display the created date.
1) In normal article views like default joomla catgory ,blog or any other view.
You should check the following.
The article options that available on the right side options of articles the created date is show true.
Then Also make sure If it assigned to a menu there also these options available there also
make true.
Then you will get the created date in the articles default view.
2)If you are trying with a custom code section you can find some codes like this.
$useDefList = (($params->get('show_author')) OR ($params->get('show_category')) OR ($params->get('show_parent_category'))
OR ($params->get('show_create_date')) OR ($params->get('show_modify_date')) OR ($params->get('show_publish_date'))
OR ($params->get('show_hits')));
on the article default view of joomla.In any version of joomla these should be based on article options values.
Hope this may help you...

Wordpress NextGen Slider in Post

I am configuring an image slider for a wordpress page's individual blog posts. Wanted to do this quickly so looked at incorporating the NextGen slider, but it seems like it is more geared towards putting images on wordpress 'pages' rather than wordpress 'posts'.
I want to create individual posts, each with a different NextGen slider. Whats the best way to organize this using the wordpress framework?
Currently, my slider lives at ''. Can I set up NextGen so that different galleries point to '', '', etc.? If not, is there another way that you have found to perform this task?
Thank you.
Use the following shortcode in the body of your post.
[slideshow id,width,height]
Where the variable names have the intuitive meaning. You have to go to the plugin settings to retrieve the slideshow ids. This also means you can have different slideshows for different posts.
Building on Srijans answer, but the correct syntax is [nggallery id=x] , where 'x' equals the id of your gallery. Insert this shortcode the body of your post and go from there.

How to use setColumns() in JQGrid?

Hi I wish to set the Column values for my grid using setColumns(). Now I don't know how to use the said function.
Can someone help me with this?
I already know how to use columnChooser. But what I want to happen is to set the grid depends on per users preference. I mean, per customer has its own default columns to be displayed that is saved in the database.
So now, once the page load per customer, the columns for that customer will be the one to be shown on the screen. So I need something that can do this when the page loads. And so far the only option is setColumn (even setcolumn is not the best option).
Do you have anything to offer?
Please help.
The setColumn method is old and is not more supported started with jqGrid 4.0.0. You can include grid.setcolumns.js from the plugins directory to use setColumn, but I don't recommend you to use it.
You should use more powerful columnChooser method instead. I recommend you to look at the following answer which describes how to use columnChooser.

Is it possible to use HTML invoice?

I found it very hard to customize PDF invoice that Magento use. Not only hard to customize, but my client does not like it as well.
Is it possible to disable PDF invoice and use HTML invoice?
I googled it, but found nothing.
There are three real options here to get better invoices:
Write a better invoice system that
still uses PDFs. I've done this for
a client, it takes a long time. Unfortunately, there is no really good way to change the PDFs that Magento generates by default.
Replace the controller/action that
generate the PDFs with ones that
will simply output HTML.
Same as above, but override the
mass-action dropdown to contain your
new entries. This is probably the
easiest, and you can add more
reports while you're at it. Take a
look at
specifically _prepareMassaction
Hope that helps.
grateful, grateful
But I find it a shame that magento does not have thi in core
