cannot implicitly include runtime/cgo in a shared library - go

Following my earlier question, now I'm getting this error when trying to perform all the same steps from this article, since I've upgraded from Go 1.6.1 to Go 1.7.1 (I cannot go back to Go 1.6.1 because the linker crashes when tries to compile some shared libraries).
What I did:
Installed go in ~/.go/go (this is later referred to as GOROOT).
GOROOT=~/.go/go GOPATH=~/tests go install -buildmode=shared -linkshared std
Compiled calc library:
GOROOT=~/.go/go GOPATH=~/tests go install -a -x -buildmode=shared -linkshared calc
Tried to compile app:
GOROOT=~/.go/go GOPATH=~/tests go build -a -x -linkshared -o app cashier
and received this error:
~/.go/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/link: cannot implicitly include runtime/cgo in a shared library
I tried to repeat the steps with CGO_ENABLED=0 prepended to the environment, but nothing would build this way. Giving me this error:
imports runtime/cgo: C source files not allowed when not using cgo or SWIG: gcc_fatalf.c gcc_linux_amd64.c gcc_mmap.c gcc_util.c
Is this a known bug? Is making shared libraries meant to be supported?

The only way I've been able to make working DLLs is to use buildmode=c-archive and write C stubs for all the go functions I want to export. But I was working on Windows for this, I haven't had to mess with this on Linux. It is a path to investigate.


/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.34' [duplicate]

I'm very new to Yesod and I'm having trouble building Yesod statically
so I can deploy to Heroku.
I have changed the default .cabal file to reflect static compilation
if flag(production)
cpp-options: -DPRODUCTION
ghc-options: -Wall -threaded -O2 -static -optl-static
ghc-options: -Wall -threaded -O0
And it no longer builds. I get a whole bunch of warnings and then a
slew of undefined references like this:
Linking dist/build/personal-website/personal-website ...
/usr/lib/ghc-7.0.3/libHSrts_thr.a(Linker.thr_o): In function
Linker.c:(.text+0x407): warning: Using 'dlopen' in statically linked
applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc
version used for linking
/usr/lib/ghc-7.0.3/unix- In
function `__hsunix_getpwent':
HsUnix.c:(.text+0xa1): warning: Using 'getpwent' in statically linked
applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc
version used for linking
/usr/lib/ghc-7.0.3/unix- In
function `__hsunix_getpwnam_r':
HsUnix.c:(.text+0xb1): warning: Using 'getpwnam_r' in statically
linked applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the
glibc version used for linking
/usr/lib/libpq.a(thread.o): In function `pqGetpwuid':
(.text+0x15): warning: Using 'getpwuid_r' in statically linked
applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc
version used for linking
/usr/lib/libpq.a(ip.o): In function `pg_getaddrinfo_all':
(.text+0x31): warning: Using 'getaddrinfo' in statically linked
applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc
version used for linking
libHSnetwork- In function `sD3z_info':
(.text+0xe4): warning: Using 'gethostbyname' in statically linked
applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc
version used for linking
libHSnetwork- In function `sFKc_info':
(.text+0x12d): warning: Using 'getprotobyname' in statically linked
applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc
version used for linking
libHSnetwork- In function `sFDs_info':
(.text+0x4c): warning: Using 'getservbyname' in statically linked
applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc
version used for linking
/usr/lib/libpq.a(fe-misc.o): In function `pqSocketCheck':
(.text+0xa2d): undefined reference to `SSL_pending'
/usr/lib/libpq.a(fe-secure.o): In function `SSLerrmessage':
(.text+0x31): undefined reference to `ERR_get_error'
/usr/lib/libpq.a(fe-secure.o): In function `SSLerrmessage':
(.text+0x41): undefined reference to `ERR_reason_error_string'
/usr/lib/libpq.a(fe-secure.o): In function `initialize_SSL':
(.text+0x2f8): undefined reference to `SSL_check_private_key'
/usr/lib/libpq.a(fe-secure.o): In function `initialize_SSL':
(.text+0x3c0): undefined reference to `SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations'
(... snip ...)
If I just compile with just -static and without -optl-static
everything builds fine but the application crashes when it tries to
start on Heroku.
2011-12-28T01:20:51+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Starting process with command
`./dist/build/personal-website/personal-website -p 41083`
2011-12-28T01:20:51+00:00 app[web.1]: ./dist/build/personal-website/
personal-website: error while loading shared libraries:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
2011-12-28T01:20:52+00:00 heroku[web.1]: State changed from starting
to crashed
I tried adding to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH as suggested in here
and then got the following error:
2011-12-28T01:31:23+00:00 app[web.1]: ./dist/build/personal-website/
personal-website: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.14' not found
(required by ./dist/build/personal-website/personal-website)
2011-12-28T01:31:23+00:00 app[web.1]: ./dist/build/personal-website/
personal-website: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.14' not found
(required by /app/dist/build/personal-website/
2011-12-28T01:31:25+00:00 heroku[web.1]: State changed from starting
to crashed
2011-12-28T01:31:25+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Process exited
It seems that the version of libc that I'm compiling against is
different. I tried also adding libc to the batch of libraries the
same way I did for libgmp but this results in a segmentation fault
when the application starts on the Heroku side.
Everything works fine on my PC. I'm running 64bit archlinux with ghc
7.0.3. The blog post on the official Yesod blog looked pretty easy
but I'm stumped at this point. Anyone have any ideas? If there's a way to get this thing working without building statically I'm open to that too.
Per Employed Russians answer I did the following to fix this.
First created a new directory lib under the project directory and copied the missing shared libraries into it. You can get this information by running ldd path/to/executable and heroku run ldd path/to/executable and comparing the output.
I then did heroku config:add LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./lib so when the application is started the dynamic linker will look for libraries in the new lib directory.
Finally I created an ubuntu 11.10 virtual machine and built and deployed to Heroku from there, this has an old enough glibc that it works on the Heroku host.
I've since written a tutorial on the Yesod wiki
I have no idea what Yesod is, but I know exactly what each of your other errors means.
First, you should not try to link statically. The warning you get is exactly right: if you link statically, and use one of the routines for which you are getting the warning, then you must arrange to run on a system with exactly the same version of as the one you used at build time.
Contrary to popular belief, static linking produces less, not more, portable executables on Linux.
Your other (static) link errors are caused by missing libopenssl.a at link time.
But let's assume that you are going to go the "sane" route, and use dynamic linking.
For dynamic linking, Linux (and most other UNIXes) support backward compatibility: an old binary continues to work on newer systems. But they don't support forward compatibility (a binary built on a newer system will generally not run on an older one).
But that's what you are trying to do: you built on a system with glibc-2.14 (or newer), and you are running on a system with glibc-2.13 (or older).
The other thing you need to know is that glibc is composed of some 200+ binaries that must all match exactly. Two key binaries are /lib/ and /lib/ (but there are many more:,, etc. etc). If some of these binaries came from different versions of glibc, you usually get a crash. And that is exactly what you got, when you tried to place your glibc-2.14 on the LD_LIBRARY_PATH -- it no longer matches the system /lib/ld-linux.
So what are the solutions? There are several possibilities (in increasing difficulty):
You could copy (the target of /lib/ld-linux symlink) to the target system, and invoke it explicitly:
/path/to/ --library-path <whatever> /path/to/your/executable
This generally works, but can confuse an application that looks at argv[0], and breaks for applications that re-exec themselves.
You could build on an older system.
You could use appgcc (this option has disappeared, see this for description of what it used to be).
You could set up a chroot environment matching the target system, and build inside that chroot.
You could build yourself a Linux-to-olderLinux crosscompiler
You have several issues.
You should not build production binaries on bleeding edge distributions. The libraries on the production system will not be forward compatible.
You should not link glibc statically - it will always at runtime try to load additional libraries. For example cpu-based assembly. That is what your first warnings are about.
The last linker errors look like they are related to a missing openssl library on the command line.
But all in all - downgrade your distribution.
I had similar problems launching to Heroku (which uses glibc-2.11) where I had an application that required glibc-2.14, but I did not have access to the source and could not re-build it. I tried many things and nothing worked.
My workaround was to launch the service on Amazon Elastic Beanstalk and just provide an API interface.
I found the information provided useful as well, I think the various descriptions miss a critical issue I also ran into while forcing an updated version of Vagrant to start working again.
It's the dependency references internal to something like complicated installs, like Yesod to Heroku. Those interanl refences need to be preserved.
This is the script I wrote to make problems go away (at least, hopefully, for a little while):
cd $HOME/
# Install the basic build system utilities.
yum groupinstall -y "Development tools"
yum install -y curl patchelf
# Grab the tarball with the GNU libc source code.
curl -Lfo glibc-${GLIBC_VERSION}.tar.gz "${GLIBC_VERSION}.tar.gz"
echo "a3b2086d5414e602b4b3d5a8792213feb3be664ffc1efe783a829818d3fca37a glibc-${GLIBC_VERSION}.tar.gz" | sha256sum -c || exit 1
# Extract the secrets and get ready to rumble.
tar xzvf glibc-${GLIBC_VERSION}.tar.gz
# The configure script requrires an independent build directory.
mkdir -p glibc-build && cd glibc-build
# Configure glibc with a GLIBC_PREFIX so it doesn't conflict with distro libc files..
../glibc-${GLIBC_VERSION}/configure --prefix="${GLIBC_PREFIX}" --libdir="${GLIBC_PREFIX}/lib" \
--libexecdir="${GLIBC_PREFIX}/lib" --enable-multi-arch
# Compile and then install GNU libc.
make -j8 && make install
# Download and install Vagrant.
curl -Lfo vagrant_${VAGRANT_VERSION}_x86_64.rpm "${VAGRANT_VERSION}/vagrant_${VAGRANT_VERSION}_x86_64.rpm"
echo "990e8d2159032915f21c0f1ccdcbca1a394f7937e06e43dc1dabe605d208dc20 vagrant_${VAGRANT_VERSION}_x86_64.rpm" | sha256sum -c || exit 1
yum install -y vagrant_${VAGRANT_VERSION}_x86_64.rpm
# Patch the binaries and shared libraries inside the Vagrant directory, so they use the new version of GNU libc.
(find /opt/vagrant/ -type f -exec file {} \; )| grep "dynamically linked" | awk -F':' '{print $1}' | while read FILE ; do
patchelf --set-rpath /opt/vagrant/embedded/lib:/opt/vagrant/embedded/lib64:/usr/glibc/lib:/usr/lib64:/lib64:/lib --set-interpreter /usr/glibc/lib/ "${FILE}"
The script should be pretty easy to understand, and adapt easily to whatever MacGuffin you want to make work, provied you understand it.
The only tricky part is the rpath you pass to patchelf. Upi need to make sure you preserve the search paths, and precedence your software requires. Or you end up fixing one problem only to create another equally frustrating roadblock.
P.S. Don't forget the update the hashes for any file you down. In particular, you need to compile/install a different version of GNU libc, you will need to update that hash to match the version you want to use.

Compile Go for windows/arm and arm64 with buildmode=c-shared

I need to compilet a go library via C to a DLL that can be used through PInvoke on ARM/ARM64 Windows. I find many open issues, topics and discussions about this and it sounds like it might partially work. But if I try it like this:
export CC="arm-none-eabi-gcc"
export CXX="arm-none-eabi-g++"
export GOOS="windows"
export GOARCH="arm"
export GOARM=7
export CGO_ENABLED="1"
go build -ldflags="-s -w" -o my_library.dll -buildmode c-shared
I get the result buildmode c-shares is not supported on windows/arm. So it seems to still be not supported.
Another problem is that I need to set CGO_ENABLED and route the compiling through a C/C++-Toolchain as I have to add a C-file generated by SWIG. I tried the above on Ubunu 20.04 with the toolchain of the package gcc-arm-none-eabi.
I'm no C/C++/Go-pro - but the same works for nearly all other platforms like Windows, Linux, Android, Mac and iOS. The latter also is based on ARM64, so I do not really understand why this is not possible - though I value the difficulties with all this.
So, if someone with more in-depth-knowledge can help me here that would be great.
Just to clarifiy: I do not want/need to compile Go itself for ARM/ARM64. I need to compile a Go-program for that platform (to use my library from .Net on e.g. the Surface or a Hololens).
Update from 04.08.2021:
Go 1.17rc2 should include windows arm64 now. And I got the hint to use Zig for cross-compiling. So I've changed my build pipeline to something like this (I'm using Azure Devops in a Ubuntu VM):
go get -v
/home/vsts/go/bin/go1.17rc2 download
/home/vsts/go/bin/go1.17rc2 version
sudo snap install zig --classic --beta
zig version
export CC="zig cc -target aarch64-windows-gnu"
export CXX="zig c++ -target aarch64-windows-gnu"
export GOOS="windows"
export GOARCH="arm64"
export GOARM=7
export CGO_ENABLED="1"
/home/vsts/go/bin/go1.17rc2 build -ldflags="-s -w" -o storj_uplink.dll -buildmode c-shared -tags extended
I then get this error:
2021-08-03T19:24:52.0641737Z # runtime/cgo
2021-08-03T19:24:52.0642803Z info: Usage: zig [command] [options]
2021-08-03T19:24:52.0643827Z Commands:
2021-08-03T19:24:52.0644276Z build Build project from build.zig
2021-08-03T19:24:52.0645203Z init-exe Initialize a `zig build` application in the cwd
2021-08-03T19:24:52.0645768Z init-lib Initialize a `zig build` library in the cwd
2021-08-03T19:24:52.0646407Z ast-check Look for simple compile errors in any set of files
2021-08-03T19:24:52.0646936Z build-exe Create executable from source or object files
2021-08-03T19:24:52.0647468Z build-lib Create library from source or object files
2021-08-03T19:24:52.0647994Z build-obj Create object from source or object files
2021-08-03T19:24:52.0648390Z fmt Reformat Zig source into canonical form
2021-08-03T19:24:52.0648753Z run Create executable and run immediately
2021-08-03T19:24:52.0649088Z test Create and run a test build
2021-08-03T19:24:52.0649551Z translate-c Convert C code to Zig code
2021-08-03T19:24:52.0650109Z ar Use Zig as a drop-in archiver
2021-08-03T19:24:52.0650576Z cc Use Zig as a drop-in C compiler
2021-08-03T19:24:52.0651070Z c++ Use Zig as a drop-in C++ compiler
2021-08-03T19:24:52.0651549Z dlltool Use Zig as a drop-in dlltool.exe
2021-08-03T19:24:52.0652033Z lib Use Zig as a drop-in lib.exe
2021-08-03T19:24:52.0652495Z ranlib Use Zig as a drop-in ranlib
2021-08-03T19:24:52.0652962Z env Print lib path, std path, cache directory, and version
2021-08-03T19:24:52.0653531Z help Print this help and exit
2021-08-03T19:24:52.0653879Z libc Display native libc paths file or validate one
2021-08-03T19:24:52.0654250Z targets List available compilation targets
2021-08-03T19:24:52.0654579Z version Print version number and exit
2021-08-03T19:24:52.0655062Z zen Print Zen of Zig and exit
2021-08-03T19:24:52.0655445Z General Options:
2021-08-03T19:24:52.0655982Z -h, --help Print command-specific usage
2021-08-03T19:24:52.0656502Z error: unknown command: -E
2021-08-03T19:25:03.2047129Z #
2021-08-03T19:25:03.2048568Z /home/vsts/go/pkg/mod/ undefined: JOBOBJECT_BASIC_LIMIT_INFORMATION
2021-08-03T19:25:03.2049594Z /home/vsts/go/pkg/mod/ undefined: WSAData
2021-08-03T19:25:03.2050606Z /home/vsts/go/pkg/mod/ undefined: Servent
2021-08-03T19:25:03.2051572Z /home/vsts/go/pkg/mod/ undefined: Servent
2021-08-03T19:25:04.7947309Z ##[error]Bash exited with code '1'.
Basically "unknown command: -E" which is described here. But from my understanding this should work already. And furthermore this blog post does it directly with zig, too.
Second update from 04.08.2021
Go is now calling zig! The workaround using a bash-script is working. Now I get the following error:
2021-08-04T11:54:47.2530981Z #
2021-08-04T11:54:47.2532284Z /home/vsts/go/pkg/mod/ undefined: JOBOBJECT_BASIC_LIMIT_INFORMATION
2021-08-04T11:54:47.2533180Z /home/vsts/go/pkg/mod/ undefined: WSAData
2021-08-04T11:54:47.2534002Z /home/vsts/go/pkg/mod/ undefined: Servent
2021-08-04T11:54:47.2534797Z /home/vsts/go/pkg/mod/ undefined: Servent
2021-08-04T11:54:57.4223210Z # runtime/cgo
2021-08-04T11:54:57.4224911Z /snap/zig/3678/lib/libc/mingw/secapi/vsprintf_s.c:39:10: warning: implicit declaration of function '__ms_vsnprintf' is invalid in C99 [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
2021-08-04T11:54:57.4225714Z return __ms_vsnprintf (_DstBuf, _Size, _Format, _ArgList);
2021-08-04T11:54:57.4226223Z ^
2021-08-04T11:54:57.4226624Z 1 warning generated.
2021-08-04T11:54:57.4227534Z /snap/zig/3678/lib/libc/mingw/math/arm/s_trunc.c/snap/zig/3678/lib/libc/mingw/math/arm/s_truncf.c:24:10: fatal error: '../bsd_private_base.h' file not found
2021-08-04T11:54:57.4228188Z #include "../bsd_private_base.h"
2021-08-04T11:54:57.4228651Z ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2021-08-04T11:54:57.4229332Z :26:10: fatal error: '../bsd_private_base.h' file not found
2021-08-04T11:54:57.4229850Z #include "../bsd_private_base.h"
2021-08-04T11:54:57.4230310Z ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2021-08-04T11:54:57.4230966Z 1 error generated.
2021-08-04T11:54:57.4231397Z 1 error generated.
2021-08-04T11:54:57.4522549Z ##[error]Bash exited with code '1'.
Update from 05.08.2021:
I finally found a toolchain that at least does not throw an error. But now it quits silently without generating a DLL. Not sure what happens now, though. This is my call:
go get -v
/home/vsts/go/bin/go1.17rc2 download
/home/vsts/go/bin/go1.17rc2 version
tar -xf gcc-arm-10.3-2021.07-x86_64-arm-none-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz
cd gcc-arm-10.3-2021.07-x86_64-arm-none-linux-gnueabihf
cd bin
export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)
cd ..
cd ..
cd uplink-c
export CC="arm-none-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -v"
export CXX="arm-none-linux-gnueabihf-g++ -v"
export GOOS="windows"
export GOARCH="arm64"
export GOARM=7
export CGO_ENABLED="1"
home/vsts/go/bin/go1.17rc2 build -ldflags="-s -w" -o storj_uplink.dll -buildmode c-shared -tags extended -v
I do not want/need to compile Go itself for ARM/ARM64. I need to compile a Go-program for that platform
That should work, using Go 1.17 beta
Its documentation do mention:
Go 1.17 adds support of 64-bit ARM architecture on Windows (the windows/arm64 port).
This port supports cgo.
The OP topperdel refers in the comments to CL 326310:
cmd/internal/sys: mark windows/arm64 as c-shared-capable
The platform supports c-shared now, so flip this on.
I've given this a small smoke test using WireGuard Tunnel Library, and it was able to pass packets and generally function well.
Since the WireGuard Tunnel Library uses quite a bit of Go functionality under the hood, I think it's a decent test that a lot of things that should be working are working. So this commit enables it.
In order to get all tests passing, we make a few small changes, such as
passing -Wno-dll-attribute-on-redeclaration to clang and avoiding
loading shared libraries into Powershell on arm.
As illustrated by those issues, this is this is still a work in progress:
issue 46502 ("runtime: several tests are failing on windows-arm64-aws builder due to redeclaration warnings (upgraded to errors in testing)"),
issue 46701 ("Powershell on arm64/arm cannot load arm64/arm binaries because it is an intel process")
The test part is now (June 13th, 2021) closed with golang/go commit 1ed0d12:
runtime: testprogcgo: don't call exported Go functions directly from Go
Instead route through a C function, to avoid declaration conflicts
between the declaration needed in the cgo comment and the declaration
generated by cgo in _cgo_export.h.
This is not something user code will ever do, so no need to make it
work in cgo.
I mentioned in the comments
From ziglang/zig issue 7342, zig should be supported now.
Example, with Go 1.17 : "Zig Makes Go Cross Compilation Just Work" from Loris Cro (VP of community #ziglang):
CC="zig cc -target x86_64-linux" \
CXX="zig c++ -target x86_64-linux" \
go build --tags extended
You would need to adapt the arch targets to your need
Note: a bash shell session is needed. So git bash on Windows, for instance.

Compile go program with C dependency for Windows

Building go works fine for pure go project with pure go dependencies. But when building a project with a C dependency, it fails on Windows:
go build -a -o bin/xyz.exe ./xyz/main.go
go: downloading v1.4.2
go: downloading v1.4.2
In file included from C:\Users\VssAdministrator\go\pkg\mod\\confluentinc\confluent-kafka-go.v1#v1.4.2\kafka\00version.go:24:
./librdkafka/rdkafka.h:83:10: fatal error: sys/socket.h: No such file or directory
#include <sys/socket.h> /* for sockaddr, .. */
compilation terminated.
mingw32-make: *** [Makefile:10: build-windows] Error 2
##[error]Cmd.exe exited with code '2'.
Finishing: CmdLine
As can be seen from the output above, I'm using a Makefile, and my azure-pipelines.yml looks like this:
- script: 'make package-windows'
Here's my Makefile:
go build -a -o bin/xyz.exe ./xyz/main.go
I also tried setting GOOS and GOARCH, to no avail:
GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -a -o bin/xyz.exe ./xyz/main.go
So how can I build this?
This doesn't have much to do with Go - it seems you're doing everything correctly in that regard. The issue is that the library you're using needs sys/socket.h which simply doesn't exist on Windows (see Using sys/socket.h functions on windows).
Your options are similar to what's mentioned in the other answer:
Try to build using Cygwin.
Modify the library to use Winsock instead of sys/socket.h.
Find a different library, one that supports Windows (the author of the library you're using specifically said Windows is not supported).

Compile cgo lib on Cygwin64: "ld: cannot find -lmingw32"

I'm trying to use a cgo library on Windows, namely
I use Cygwin64 and installed with all "Development" packages, so gcc is availabe.
But running go get results in:
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/5.3.0/../../../../x86_64-pc-cygwin/bin/ld: cannot find -lmingwex
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/5.3.0/../../../../x86_64-pc-cygwin/bin/ld: cannot find -lmingw32
If I search for "mingwex" and "mingw32" in the Cygwin installer, I get no results. Am I looking for the wrong names or are they not available on 64 bit systems?
Or is there a better way to use the library on Windows?
Note that the README states that
However, if you install go-sqlite3 with go install, you don't need gcc to build your app
but I get the same error message if I use go install.
$ go version
go version go1.6.2 windows/amd64
What finally worked for me (instead of Cygwin) is to download TDM MinGW-w64 from and set the PATH such that gcc from C:\TDM-GCC-64\bin is used.
You can also install package mingw64-i686-gcc-core from Cygwin.
The binary will be /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-gcc.exe so you probably need to copy it as /usr/bin/gcc.exe.
I have encountered the same issue as well. It seems to me that cygwin is not fully compatible with cgo. Instead, I have used
From the cgo documentation
In order to use cgo on Windows, you'll also need to first install a gcc compiler (for instance, mingw-w64) and have gcc.exe (etc.) in your PATH environment variable before compiling with cgo will work.

building my own gcc version

My distro (CentOS 6.3) comes with gcc 4.4.6. Since I wanted to try out the Fortran2003 features I decided to compile gcc 4.7.
I followed the steps I found online: compiled separately first gmp, mpc, mpfr, ppl and cloog and the compiled gcc.
I run the configured script as:
configure --prefix=... --with-gmp=... --with-mpfr=... --with-mpc=... --program-suffix=-4.7 --enable-cloog-backend=isl --with-ppl=... --with-cloog=... --disable-multilib
This worked all right and I was able to compile with make & make install.
Now, when trying my new compiler with a simple test program (a hello world kind of thing) I get the error:
gfortran-4.7 -o test test.F90
/home/amcastro/gcc-4.7/output/libexec/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/4.7.0/f951: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
So I decide to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/amcastro/gcc-4.7/output/lib
and then I can compile.
When running I get the error:
./test: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
So I set LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/amcastro/gcc-4.7/output/lib:/home/amcastro/gcc-4.7/output/lib64
and now the program runs normally.
The question is: Why is that my distro version of gcc (4.4.6) does not need me to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH? how does the distro gcc know where to look for these dynamically liked libraries? should I somehow make them to link statically?
I read also that setting LD_LIBRARY_FLAG is not a good idea. Is there another solution?
Thank you in advance
