VB6: Combo box style 2. Text Property behaviour - vb6

One of our VB6 project form is having a combo box. It's style is set to 2(Drop-down List Box).
When style is set to 2, its Text property becomes read-only. We cannot assign value to it.
But in our project some one has written code to assign string to Text property, and is working fine.
combobox1.Text = "Something" 'working
If i create a same kind of combo box with same properties, i am not able to assign string to text property.
I am getting error runtime error 383 'text' property is read-only
combobox2.Text = "Something" 'Not working
Can anyone help me understanding what i am missing.

The reason why someone else code worked is because they had the dropdown combo property selected and not the dropdown list. You need to add items to the combo list and then set the listindex to 0 as per below -
Combo1.AddItem "MyComboCaptionHere"
Combo1.AddItem "Hi"
Combo1.AddItem "There"
Combo1.ListIndex = 0
This will show a "caption" of MyComboCaptionHere.


Delete Record VB2010 w/ TableAdapter

This shouldn't be this hard... But it's late.
I am working on a simple form, and trying to delete a record from a connected DataSource while using a TableAdapter. Here is the SQL for the TableAdapter;
DELETE FROM Main WHERE (ID = ?) AND (tbl_Job_Name = ?)
Main is the table name, only two fields.
I am populating a ComboBox with this data, and I am using a Button to call the Delete() action like this;
Private Sub btnDeleteJob_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDeleteJob.Click
Dim deleteJobAdapter As New DCGDataSetTableAdapters.MainTableAdapter
deleteJobAdapter.DeleteQuery(ComboBox2.SelectedIndex, ComboBox2.SelectedText)
End Sub
When I break the code I can see the ID value, but the SelectedText field is blank, and of course when it runs through the record is not deleted. I would ideally like to just pass the ID of the selected record in the ComboBox to delete the record. What am I missing?
deleteJobAdapter.DeleteQuery(ComboBox2.SelectedIndex, ComboBox2.Text)
SelectedText property:
Gets or sets the text that is selected in the editable portion of a ComboBox.
Text property:
Gets or sets the text associated with this control.
You can use the SelectedText property to retrieve or change the currently selected text in a ComboBox control. However, you should be aware that the selection can change automatically because of user interaction. For example, if you retrieve the SelectedText value in a button Click event handler, the value will be an empty string. This is because the selection is automatically cleared when the input focus moves from the combo box to the button.
When the combo box loses focus, the selection point moves to the beginning of the text and any selected text becomes unselected. In this case, getting the SelectedText property retrieves an empty string, and setting the SelectedText property adds the specified value to the beginning of the text.
When I enter the code;
deleteJobAdapter.DeleteQuery(ComboBox2.SelectedIndex, ComboBox2.Text)
My break point shows the correct text from the record, but I did notice that the ID value is incorrect, the SelectedIndex returns a sequential number of the record itself, starting with "0". So it looks like SelectedIndex does not return the actual ID value...
And back to the original issue, the record selected is still not deleted.
This is what I ended up using;
Dim delJobID = ComboBox2.SelectedValue
Dim delJobRowAdpt As New DCGDataSetTableAdapters.MainTableAdapter
Dim delJobRow As DCGDataSet.MainRow
Dim intDelete As Integer
delJobRow = DCGDataSet.Main.FindByID(delJobID)

What event will fire each time a report is previewed/printed?

I would like to evauluate the value of a textbox report control and hide or display it based on its value, which I can achieve easily with VBA:
If Me.Fixed.Value = 0 Then
Me.Fixed.Visible = False
End If
That works fine, but the query I am using as the report's record source allows a range of records to be printed all at once (1 per page/report), and I want the above code to run for each page/report. I am unsure of where to put the code so that each record will play by the rules. Currently, if I choose a range of 8 records, only the first one does what I want, and as I navigate through the other records in the print preview screen the format of the report is remaining unchanged when it should be changing.
I have tried the following events:
On Current
On Load
On Got Focus
On Open
On Activate
On Page
On Format
On Print
On Paint
Where can I put my VBA so that each time I scroll through/navigate the range of records returned on that report my code runs?
You need to set the Visible property back to True as well, otherwise it will remain invisible.
I'm using the Format event of the Details section:
Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
If Me.Fixed = 0 Then
Me.Fixed.Visible = False
Me.Fixed.Visible = True
End If
End Sub
This works in Print Preview but not in Report View. There is probably a way to get this to work with the Report View, but I never use this view.
The statement can be simplified:
Me.Fixed.Visible = Not (Me.Fixed = 0)
Note that the Visible property is not available in the Detail_Paint() event, which is the event you need to use to have the conditional formatting apply in Report View. (Which might be required if you are trying to do something fancy such as simulated hyperlinks for a drill-down effect.)
A workaround is to set the ForeColor of the text box to equal the BackColor. Although the text is technically still there, it does not "show" on the displayed report, thus simulating a hidden field.
Private Sub Detail_Paint()
' Check for even numbers
If (txtID Mod 2 = 0) Then
txtID.ForeColor = vbBlack
' Set to back color to simulate hidden or transparent.
' (Assuming we are using a Normal BackStyle)
txtID.ForeColor = txtID.BackColor
End If
End Sub
Example Output:

Change frame caption forecolor

I have a radio button within a frame (frame1). On frame 2, I have a number of checkboxes. This frame (frame2) becomes editable when the radio button is selected from frame1. How can I modify my code so the Caption of frame2's forecolor changes also?
I've tried adding the following to the logic already in place for enabling the frame, but doesn't work.
frame2.ForeColor = vbRed (should work?)
frame2.Caption = vbRed
I've also tried the Hex color code with no look.
Can anyone advise?
Im using a enum to assign the radio buttons.
(Found in global declaration)
Private Enum
ExampleRef optB1_blah = 1
optB5_blah = 4
End Enum
(This code is found in a function)
If Example(ExampleRef.optB5_radiobtnchoice).Value Then
'//bug fix -
frame2.ForeColor = vbRed
'//If Not statement with unrelated logic
If vblnShowErrors Then
Err.Raise 10000, VALIDATION, "error, you cant make this choice."
End If
blnDataFail = True
End If
End If
blnMinData = Not blnDataFail
End If
Fixed this, I was looking in the wrong function, long day! The frame.ForeColor = X syntax was fine.

How to get all the values selected in a multiselect ListBox in vb6?

I have a ListBox on my vb6 project and I've set its property to multiselect.
Now, I want to get all of the selected items on my multiselect ListBox and put it in a variable for example, or maybe on a multiline textbox. I just wanted to get the multiselected values.
Unfortunately you must loop through all elements. Here is some sample code:
Dim k As Long
Dim s As String
For k = 0 To List1.ListCount - 1
If List1.Selected(k) Then
s = List1.List(k)
' ... do something
End If

List view Double click Event

Using VB6
ID Name
001 Raja
002 Ramu
003 Sajee
Private Sub listview1_DblClick()
If Not (listview1.SelectedItem Is Nothing) Then
Textbox1.text = listview1.selectedItem(0)
Textbox2.text = listview1.SelectedItem(1)
End If
End Sub
Above code is not showing the values in the text box
How to show the list view row values in the text box.
Need VB6 Code Help
The ListView SelectedItem property does not return a collection of items selected on your ListView, so therefore you can't explicitly get the first selected item, the second selected item, etc. You will need to loop through all ListItems in your ListView and check if each is selected. If it is, do what you want to do.
One problem I see with your sample code is you're using the ListView DblClick event. I might be wrong, but it looks like whenever it fires only one ListView item can be selected (the one that fired the event). A solution for this is to put your code into a new procedure. Here's one that should work:
Private Sub GetSelectedItems()
' Make sure exactly two items are selected on our ListView.
If (CheckListViewSelectedItemCount(listview1, 2)) Then
Dim blnFoundFirstItem As Boolean
blnFoundFirstItem = False
Dim i As Integer
' Find out which items are selected.
For i = 1 To listview1.ListItems.Count
If (listview1.ListItems(i).Selected) Then
' Assign the Text of the 'first' selected item to Textbox1.Text.
If (Not blnFoundFirstItem) Then
Textbox1.Text = listview1.ListItems(i).Text
blnFoundFirstItem = True
' Assign the Text of the 'second' selected item to Textbox2.Text.
Textbox2.Text = listview1.ListItems(i).Text
End If
End If
Next i
MsgBox "You need to select two items."
End If
End Sub
I'm not sure in which order ListItems are iterated through in my For loop. It's possible that what would be assigned to Textbox1.Text in my code you might want to assign to Textbox2.Text.
Your code required at that at least two items are selected on the ListView. I don't know if VB6 has a way to return the number of selected items so I wrote a small function that does this:
' Return True if the passed ListView control has a number of selected items that's equal to the intExpectedItemCount parameter.
Private Function CheckListViewSelectedItemCount(listView As listView, intExpectedItemCount As Integer) As Boolean
Dim intSelectedItemCount As Integer
intSelectedItemCount = 0
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To listView.ListItems.Count
If (listView.ListItems(i).Selected) Then
intSelectedItemCount = intSelectedItemCount + 1
End If
Next i
CheckListViewSelectedItemCount = (intSelectedItemCount = intExpectedItemCount)
End Function
I dont have vb6 at hand and its been a while since I used it, but if memory serves me right:
ListView1.SelectedItem will return you a ListViewItem which gives you a Text property along with SubItems property that gives you access to associated columns as an array.
