Change frame caption forecolor - vb6

I have a radio button within a frame (frame1). On frame 2, I have a number of checkboxes. This frame (frame2) becomes editable when the radio button is selected from frame1. How can I modify my code so the Caption of frame2's forecolor changes also?
I've tried adding the following to the logic already in place for enabling the frame, but doesn't work.
frame2.ForeColor = vbRed (should work?)
frame2.Caption = vbRed
I've also tried the Hex color code with no look.
Can anyone advise?
Im using a enum to assign the radio buttons.
(Found in global declaration)
Private Enum
ExampleRef optB1_blah = 1
optB5_blah = 4
End Enum
(This code is found in a function)
If Example(ExampleRef.optB5_radiobtnchoice).Value Then
'//bug fix -
frame2.ForeColor = vbRed
'//If Not statement with unrelated logic
If vblnShowErrors Then
Err.Raise 10000, VALIDATION, "error, you cant make this choice."
End If
blnDataFail = True
End If
End If
blnMinData = Not blnDataFail
End If

Fixed this, I was looking in the wrong function, long day! The frame.ForeColor = X syntax was fine.


Proper Casing in VB6

I am doing a quiz game in VB6. I need the textbox to automatically capialize the first letter but this code
Private Sub Anstxt_Change()
Anstxt.Text = StrConv(Anstxt.Text, vbProperCase)
End Sub
causes the word to invert. So instead of "Trees" it turns into "Seert"
How do I change this?
Pay attention to where the cursor is positioned in the textbox when the event Change occurs: its at the start of the textbox. Add a Debug.Print statement to see what's going on while you type:
Private Sub Anstxt_Change()
Debug.Print StrConv(Anstxt.Text, vbProperCase)
Anstxt.Text = StrConv(Anstxt.Text, vbProperCase)
End Sub
The output looks like
Two things to notice here: the Change event is triggered twice: once from typing and once from changing the value of the textbox within the Change event. That gives you an idea that manipulating the text of a textbox in its Change event isn't a good idea. I suggest to put this code in the LostFocus event instead.
The second thing to notice is that as the cursor is always at the start of the textbox, the letters you type are inserted there in front of the existing letters. So after you change the .Text property of the textbox, you should position the cursor at the end of the textbox with the .SelStart method:
Anstxt.SelStart = Len(Anstxt.Text)
Private Sub Anstxt_Change()
Anstxt.Text = StrConv(Anstxt.Text, vbProperCase)
Anstxt.SelStart = Len(Anstxt.Text)
End Sub

Unable to allow row selection on click over mshflexgrid control in vb6

The form that has mshflexgrid control is not allowing to select the row on which the mouse click has done. Sometimes it allows selection of previous row and not the row which is been clicked
I have tried adding one to the property .RowSel of mshflexgrid to allow the row selection, it is not working for second row selection.
Private Sub MSHFlexGrid1_Click()
last_row_selected = MSHFlexGrid1.RowSel
If last_row_selected <> 1 Then last_row_selected = last_row_selected + 1
With MSHFlexGrid1
If (boolShift And vbShiftMask) = vbShiftMask Then
ElseIf (boolShift And vbCtrlMask) = vbCtrlMask Then
.Row = last_row_selected
.ColSel = .Cols - 1
.CellBackColor = vbHighlight
.CellForeColor = vbHighlightText
End If
End With
End Sub
It seems that the .RowSel property isn't taking correct value for selection of row
The result needs to be proper selection of row on which it is clicked.
In your grid Click event, try something like this:
With MSHFlexGrid1
If .Row = .RowSel Then
.Col = .Cols - 1
.ColSel = 0
End If
End With
You may need to set SelectionMode on the grid control also. The above code should work if set to flexSelectionFree
Have you set the SelectionMode property? If not, you get to it by clicking "Custom" in the properties window. This opens a dialog where SelectionMode is one of the available properties.

Inconsistency with control location and control appearance

I have my "about" form looking like this on my computer (Win7 32 bits) and in the IDE
And on at least one PC (under Win7 64 bits), it looks like that :
2 questions about this :
Why is my OK button not appearing when there is nothing to hide it in my code? How can I solve that? The OK button appears when I click the other button or when I click on its location.
Why are my buttons and my labels shifted to the right, going out of the form I designed in VB6? There is nothin in my code to change their position.
A bit of information :
My buttons are inside a "Frame" control. This frame control is supposed to be 840 twips (VB6 unit...Why couldn't they use pixel?!) from the left and 525 from top. My labels are not inside anything.
Thank you.
Edit : the only code managing the windows is in the form_load. FraAbout is containing the buttons you see above, FraSplash contains a progressbar. The ZOrder make buttons always appear on top.
Private Sub Form_Load()
On Error Resume Next
Timer1.Enabled = False
LblRevision = App.FileDescription
SendMessage pb1.Hwnd, PBM_SETBARCOLOR, 0, ByVal RGB(114, 191, 68)
FraAbout.Visible = False: FraSplash.Visible = False
Me.ForeColor = 0: Me.DrawStyle = 0: Me.BorderStyle = vbFixedSingle: Me.Refresh
If AppLoaded Then
FraAbout.Visible = True
t = 0: pb1.value = pb1.min: FraSplash.Visible = True: Timer1.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub
This all came from... my configuration panel. Here is how to fix the problem if you have it. I was at 125, just put it back to 100 :

vb6 use same button on 2 textbox

Hi our instructor asked us to create a calculator that only uses button
for the value input in, It should have enter value1 on 1st textbox and then the other value on the next textbox in vb6
is there a way to use the same button to enter a value on the next textbox?
lets say after you press button 3 it will show on textbox1
Text1.Text = "3"
my problem is it wont go to the next textbox after it show the number 3
I've already tried
If Text2.Setfoucs = True Then
Text2.Text = "3"
Text1.Text = "3"
End If
Its giving me error.
I just wanted to use the same button on the second textbox
after it was used on the 1st textbox
I thought of using another bunch of buttons and set visible = true after the
1st button was pressed so that the nextone will be
Text2.Text = "3"
Im just a beginner on VB6 any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
here is what the project looks like
setFocus is a function, not a variable, and it doesn't return a value, so you can't use it in an if clause.
Here is my suggestion to accomplish what you're trying to do:
Add a GotFocus event to each of your textboxes, that sets a variable. Like so:
Private selectedTxtBox As Integer
Private Sub Text1_GotFocus()
selectedTxtBox = 1
End Sub
Private Sub Text2_GotFocus()
selectedTxtBox = 2
End Sub
Then on your button, you can do:
If selectedTxtBox = 1 Then
Text1.Text = "3"
ElseIf selectedTxtBox = 2 Then
Text2.Text = "3"
End If

What event will fire each time a report is previewed/printed?

I would like to evauluate the value of a textbox report control and hide or display it based on its value, which I can achieve easily with VBA:
If Me.Fixed.Value = 0 Then
Me.Fixed.Visible = False
End If
That works fine, but the query I am using as the report's record source allows a range of records to be printed all at once (1 per page/report), and I want the above code to run for each page/report. I am unsure of where to put the code so that each record will play by the rules. Currently, if I choose a range of 8 records, only the first one does what I want, and as I navigate through the other records in the print preview screen the format of the report is remaining unchanged when it should be changing.
I have tried the following events:
On Current
On Load
On Got Focus
On Open
On Activate
On Page
On Format
On Print
On Paint
Where can I put my VBA so that each time I scroll through/navigate the range of records returned on that report my code runs?
You need to set the Visible property back to True as well, otherwise it will remain invisible.
I'm using the Format event of the Details section:
Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
If Me.Fixed = 0 Then
Me.Fixed.Visible = False
Me.Fixed.Visible = True
End If
End Sub
This works in Print Preview but not in Report View. There is probably a way to get this to work with the Report View, but I never use this view.
The statement can be simplified:
Me.Fixed.Visible = Not (Me.Fixed = 0)
Note that the Visible property is not available in the Detail_Paint() event, which is the event you need to use to have the conditional formatting apply in Report View. (Which might be required if you are trying to do something fancy such as simulated hyperlinks for a drill-down effect.)
A workaround is to set the ForeColor of the text box to equal the BackColor. Although the text is technically still there, it does not "show" on the displayed report, thus simulating a hidden field.
Private Sub Detail_Paint()
' Check for even numbers
If (txtID Mod 2 = 0) Then
txtID.ForeColor = vbBlack
' Set to back color to simulate hidden or transparent.
' (Assuming we are using a Normal BackStyle)
txtID.ForeColor = txtID.BackColor
End If
End Sub
Example Output:
