XCode doesn't display teams other than my own - xcode

My Apple ID has been added to another team. I can see this other team in iTunes connect. However, I cannot see it in XCode, under account preferences. I also cannot see it in the Apple Developer Member Center. Therefore, I have no way at all of making provisioning profiles for it.
How do I solve this? Have I missed a step?


Xcode does not show all my teams

Here is what I see at Xcode -> Preferences -> Accounts:
Here is what I see at developer.apple.com -> Certificates, Identifiers & ProfilesWill:
However, according to iTunesConnect I am on another team:
How I got into this situation:
I have previously used my account to upload and release software to iTunesConnect
The admin for Kim Rubin has not made any changes to my access level in the meantime
I have purchased a new MacBook (now regretting) and allowed Xcode to create a new certificate (always clicking whatever the default Xcode response was)
Please explain why Xcode does not recognize my other team membership.
Downstream this is also causing other problems. (Specifically, I cannot upload to iTC because Xcode is trying to sign with the wrong team.) But right now I am only asking about the root cause above.
I tried to get more information in my comments, but without more information, I can explain what I think is happening. You state that your access hasn't changed, but you previously used the account to upload and submit the app through iTunes Connect. You never mention that you used your account to actually build and sign the application that you submitted. I'm guessing you either did not, or if you did it was using manual signing and the old Mac had the iOS distribution code signing identity on it.
It appears you have been granted an iTunes Connect role, but not Apple Developer role. In order to have the team show up in Xcode and allow for things like creation of a certificate / profile, you need to be at least an Admin role on the developer account. When you clicked "Fixed issue" in Xcode, because you only had your personal dev account available, Xcode tried to create a cert and profile on your new account. That will result in a build that was improperly signed, as you need it to be signed with the correct account's certificate and profile.
You can either have the owner of the account add you as a development team admin, or you can have someone on the team send you the iOS distribution certificate and provisioning profile.
In case of my team member who's role was "Customer Support", changing the role to "Developer" was not enough. The solution was to delete his account and recreate it with "Developer" role in Itunes Connect, and only after accepting new invitation the team was showing up in Xcode.

Adding another team to xcode

I want to submit my app with someone else's developer account in itunes connect. I want to export the ipa file with their team. I added their account to my xcode under Team dropdown in general tab. but I get the warning "No code signing identities found" I wanted to ask what are the steps to solve this issue.
Thanks very much

Stop Xcode 5 creating provisioning profiles?

Xcode 5 keeps creating a developer provisioning profile for one of my apps that I don't need. I have already tested the app with the Xcode Team Provisioning Profile and released it with another distribution profile and I do not require a development profile with a specific bundle id.
How do I stop Xcode from creating it?
Unfortunately, you don't!
I contacted Apple Developer Technical Support and sent them the following:
DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEM - How do I import existing distribution Provisioning Profiles from the Provisioning Portal into Xcode 5 but without Xcode creating/managing new development "iOS Team Provisioning Profiles"? Another way to ask the question is, how do turn OFF Xcode Managed Provisioning Profiles, but still import existing profiles from portal?
STEPS TO REPRODUCE In the Provisioning Portal create a new bundle id and then create a new distribution provisioning profile. (but do NOT create a development profile). From within Xcode, go to Preferences > Accounts > Click Team Name > View Details > Click Refresh button. Xcode will now create a development profile that I do not want created, it will show up in both Xcode and the Provisioning Portal. I do NOT want Xcode to create any new profiles... I only want it to import all existing ones that are in the portal.
This was the response I got back from Apple Developer Technical Support:
Thank you for contacting Apple Developer Technical Support (DTS). Our engineers have reviewed your request and have concluded that there is no supported way to achieve the desired functionality given the currently shipping system configurations. If you would like for Apple to consider adding support for such features in the future, please submit an enhancement request via the Bug Reporter tool at: http://bugreport.apple.com
So it appears that Apple has added a new feature (Xcode Managed Profiles) with no way to turn it off, and with the side effect of it creating unwanted provisioning profiles.
So please submit a bug report to http://bugreport.apple.com and specifically ask for the following... Ability to import provisioning profiles from provisioning portal along with the ability to turn off Xcode Managed Profiles.

App profile needs to be renewed?

I just clicked on Organiser in XCode (I'm running latest publicly available version), and I noticed on one of my apps profiles it says "renew" so I click on that and I get an error msg, saying..
The given profile was not found on the provisioning portal.
Please refresh your provisioning profiles before attempting to renew
I don't understand any of that. So...
1) What is it asking me to renew? a development profile? do I need to renew developer profiles? what happens if I don't?
2) Why am I getting an error? what does it mean by "refresh my provisioning profiles" ?
3) Do I have to do this (whatever this is and however I have to fix it) for all profiles? development and distribution?
well i dont know if you have found an answer or not but here is my answer.
you need a valid developer and also distribution profile ( i am sure you are aware of this already) to upload your app. if your app is uploaded and is in the app store you still have maintain a valid developer profile in order for your app to stay in the app store. otherwise they will bring it down.
the fact that it asks you to refresh your developer profile is related to the new system of developer profiles that all of a sudden got introduced. there is no need of renewing your profiles every 3 months anymore. your profiles are good for a year. you have to go to organizer in xcode and select all the profiles you have in there. delete them and then go to your team or your own name on the right pane and there you find the refresh button down at the bottom of the window. when you use that it resyncs your profiles with the developer site.
yes you may have to do that for all of your profiles if you have not done that in past three months.
i hope you find my answer useful.
Just go to the developers site and revoke the ones that are about to expire or already expired. Then remove them from keychain and xcode also. Then in keychain create a new certificate request and on the Dev site create new profiles. After creating the new ones download them so they can synch with keychain. After that go the organizer and refresh. Xcode will synch with developer site and will download the new ones. Make sure you connect your test devices so the new profiles can be updated as well. That should do the trick.

How do I change teams in Xcode 4.4

In 4.3 and under the first time you tried to do a team based action, such as refresh provisioning profiles, it would ask you to log in. It no longer does this in 4.4, it just assumes a team and refreshes... how do I teach Xcode there are multiple teams? It lists them under the teams in side bar of the organizer, but won't let me refresh their profiles, or select them when creating new profiles.
To clarify, each team is under a different developer ID, and I can't find any way to log in to different developer IDs to refresh the provisioning profiles. I can still log in to different ID's when submitting apps to the app store, however this doesn't seem to affect the provisioning profile refresh login ID.
Seems to be fixed in Xcode 4.4.1 (released yesterday, 7th August 2012).
And as Ivan stated correctly: It seems that all profiles from all teams are synced as long as you have the same apple id across all teams.
(Tested this by removing all profiles from Xcode in the Organizer and hit "Refresh")
If you have different apple ids across multiple teams and the login dialog is still missing, you might have saved your credentials in your keychain. See comments #2 and #3 of this answer for a workaround.
There is a strange way to add a new identity (user/pass). If you build and archive and then go to Distribute -> Save for Enterprise, then open the Code Signing Identity list there will be an item marked "Refresh code signing identity" at the end. If you select it you'll be prompted to enter username and password. Hope this helps.
For reference, since I found this page searching for XCode 5.1 - getting XCode to sync new teams on the same Apple ID, click 'View Details' on any teams that are there to see the provisioning profiles for that specific team, then hit the refresh icon. It will also download any new teams added to the ID.
