Not able to send a .bin file from computer to the micro-controller via UART, STM32F415 - terminal

I am trying to send a file(.hex file) from my computer to the micro-controller's internal flash. For time being I am using Hercules terminal to send file. My UART responds to the data sent.
My internal flash memory sector is 128Kbytes and my file is about 50Kbytes , so space is not a problem.
While sending .hex file upto a certain point in file the data gets transferred but after a while it stops . I don't understand why.
To slow it down , I have tried my UART baud rate form 115200 to 2400.
Below is the code:
i = 0;
int c;
char str[256];
printf("\n> ");
c = fgetc(stdin);
str[i++] = c;
int j = 0;
while(j < i-1)
uint64_t data;
uint64_t *pData = (uint64_t*)(str + j); //
//data = *((uint64_t*)&str[i]);
data = *pData;
if (HAL_FLASH_Program(TYPEPROGRAM_BYTE, start_address, data) != HAL_OK) {
//printf("\nSuccess: Writing a byte at (%x) ==> %c ",start_address,*((char*)&data));
Below I am attaching my Hercules terminal image :


sendmsg() with Unix domain socket blocks forever on Mac with specific sizes

I'm sending messages on Unix domain sockets on Mac with sendmsg(). However, it sometimes hangs forever.
I've called getsockopt(socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, ...) to get the size of the send buffer. (The default is 2048).
If I try sending a message larger than 2048 bytes, I correctly get
EMSGSIZE and know I need to send a smaller message.
If I try sending a message less than 2036 bytes, the message is sent fine.
If I try sending a message between 2036 and 2048 bytes, the
sendmsg call...hangs forever.
What's going on here? What's the correct way to deal with this? Is it safe to just subtract 13 bytes from the maximum size I try sending, or could I run into issues if e.g. there's other messages in the buffer already?
Here's the (simplified) code I'm using:
// Get the maximum message size
int MaxMessageSize(int socket) {
int sndbuf = 0;
socklen_t optlen = sizeof(sndbuf);
if (getsockopt(socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, &sndbuf, &optlen) < 0) {
return -1;
return sndbuf;
// Send a message
static int send_chunk(int socket, const char *data, size_t size) {
struct msghdr msg = {0};
char buf[CMSG_SPACE(0)];
memset(buf, '\0', sizeof(buf));
int iov_len = size;
if (iov_len > 512) {
int stat = send_size(socket, iov_len);
if (stat < 0) return stat;
char iov_buf[iov_len];
memcpy(iov_buf, data, size);
struct iovec io = {.iov_base = (void *)iov_buf, .iov_len = iov_len};
msg.msg_iov = &io;
msg.msg_iovlen = 1;
msg.msg_control = buf;
msg.msg_controllen = sizeof(buf);
struct cmsghdr *cmsg = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msg);
cmsg->cmsg_level = SOL_SOCKET;
cmsg->cmsg_type = SCM_RIGHTS;
cmsg->cmsg_len = CMSG_LEN(0);
msg.msg_controllen = CMSG_SPACE(0);
std::cerr << "Attempting to send message of size " << iov_len << std::endl;
ssize_t ret = sendmsg(socket, &msg, 0);
std::cerr << "sendmsg returned: " << ret << std::endl;
return ret;

Split encrypted messages into chunks and put them together again

I want to send GPG encrypted data via GET request of known format.
Issue #1: Data block size in the request is limited (4096 symbols), and it is not enough for a typical GPG message. So, I need to chunk it.
Issue #2: Chunks may be sent in the wrong order. Each chunk must have a unique message ID and serial number, so the messages can be put together.
GPG has the method to send encrypted data in text format (armoring). RFC 2440 standard allows chunking armored messages:
Used for multi-part messages, where the armor is split amongst Y
parts, and this is the Xth part out of Y.
Used for multi-part messages, where this is the Xth part of an
unspecified number of parts. Requires the MESSAGE-ID Armor Header
to be used.
But, unfortunately, I've found no evidence that this feature is implemented in GPG.
And no word about chunking of public keys, which, actually, can be huge too.
So I turned down the idea of using native GPG armors for chunking.
My current home-made solution: binary encrypted data are splitted into chunks, then each chunk is put into a block, which contains UUID (MessageID analog), the serial number of the block, the total number of blocks, and CRC checksum of the block.
Like that:
[ UUID ][ Number ][ Total ][ Chunk of encrypted data ][ Checksum ]
Putting the message together out of that blocks is a bigger challenge, but doable as well.
But I want more clear solution, preferably on C++.
Could you help me?
Qt provides very simple methods for data serialization. I created a class to chunk, store, and rebuild binary data, and for now I don't think I need something more simple.
But, if someone knows a better solution, please share it with me.
#include <QByteArrayView>
#include <QDataStream>
#include <QException>
#include <QUuid>
enum CHUNKER {
struct ChunkedMessage {
QByteArray Data;
class Chunker {
static quint16 GetChecksum(QByteArray *Block);
static QByteArrayList ArmorData(QByteArray *Data, qsizetype *ChunkSize);
CHUNKER AddBlock(QByteArray *Block, ChunkedMessage *Message);
struct MessageBlock {
quint32 Number;
quint32 Total;
QByteArray Data;
QMap<QUuid, quint32> Sizes;
QMap<QUuid, QMap<quint32, Chunker::MessageBlock>*> Stack;
MessageBlock DearmorChunk(QByteArray *Block);
bool CheckIntegrity(QUuid *UUID, QByteArray *Reconstructed);
Chunker::Chunker() { }
Chunker::~Chunker() { }
quint16 Chunker::GetChecksum(QByteArray *Block) { return qChecksum(QByteArrayView(*Block), Qt::ChecksumIso3309); }
QByteArrayList Chunker::ArmorData(QByteArray *Data, qsizetype *ChunkSize) {
QByteArrayList Result;
QUuid UUID = QUuid::createUuid();
qsizetype RealChunkSize = (*ChunkSize) - sizeof(UUID.toRfc4122()) - sizeof(quint32) - sizeof(quint32) - sizeof(quint16);
const quint32 ChunkCount = ((*Data).length() / RealChunkSize) + 1;
for (auto Pos = 0; Pos < ChunkCount; Pos++) {
QByteArray Block;
QDataStream Stream(&Block, QIODeviceBase::WriteOnly);
Stream << UUID.toRfc4122() << (Pos + 1) << ChunkCount << (*Data).mid(Pos * RealChunkSize, RealChunkSize);
Stream << Chunker::GetChecksum(&Block);
return Result;
Chunker::MessageBlock Chunker::DearmorChunk(QByteArray *Block) {
Chunker::MessageBlock Result;
QDataStream Stream(Block, QIODeviceBase::ReadOnly);
QByteArray ClearBlock = (*Block).chopped(sizeof(quint16));
QByteArray BytesUUID;
quint16 Checksum;
Stream >> BytesUUID >> Result.Number >> Result.Total >> Result.Data >> Checksum;
Result.UUID = QUuid::fromRfc4122(QByteArrayView(BytesUUID));
if (Chunker::GetChecksum(&ClearBlock) != Checksum) throw std::runtime_error("Checksums are not equal");
return Result;
bool Chunker::CheckIntegrity(QUuid *UUID, QByteArray *Reconstructed) {
quint32 Size = this->Sizes[*UUID];
if (this->Stack[*UUID]->size() > Size) throw std::runtime_error("Corrupted message blocks");
if (this->Stack[*UUID]->size() < Size) return false;
for (quint32 Counter = 0; Counter < Size; Counter++) {
if (!(this->Stack[*UUID]->contains(Counter + 1))) return false;
(*Reconstructed).append((*(this->Stack[*UUID]))[Counter + 1].Data);
return true;
CHUNKER Chunker::AddBlock(QByteArray *Block, ChunkedMessage *Message) {
Chunker::MessageBlock DecodedBlock = Chunker::DearmorChunk(Block);
if (!this->Sizes.contains(DecodedBlock.UUID)) {
this->Sizes[(QUuid)DecodedBlock.UUID] = (quint32)DecodedBlock.Total;
this->Stack[(QUuid)DecodedBlock.UUID] = new QMap<quint32, Chunker::MessageBlock>;
(*(this->Stack[DecodedBlock.UUID]))[(quint32)(DecodedBlock.Number)] = Chunker::MessageBlock(DecodedBlock);
QByteArray ReconstructedData;
if (this->CheckIntegrity(&DecodedBlock.UUID, &ReconstructedData)) {
(*Message).UUID = (QUuid)(DecodedBlock.UUID);
(*Message).Data = (QByteArray)ReconstructedData;
delete this->Stack[DecodedBlock.UUID];

ESP32 SDCARD speed issue

I am trying to use SD Card on Wrover kit but it seems that speed is the big issue on the board itself.
At first I wanted to download file from the net and save it to SDCARD but it took too long so to test it I've written a loop to save some chars into file and create ~1MB large file on a SDCARD and it takes forever.
What could be the cause that ~1MB file could be such a long task to do.
I have combined two examples into one to do the task.
Also I have commented everything and left just part with writing to file to demonstrate issue.
/* ESP HTTP Client Example
This example code is in the Public Domain (or CC0 licensed, at your option.)
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, this
software is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include "esp_log.h"
#include "esp_system.h"
#include "nvs_flash.h"
#include "app_wifi.h"
#include "esp_http_client.h"
/* SD CARD */
#include "esp_vfs_fat.h"
#include "driver/sdmmc_host.h"
#include "driver/sdspi_host.h"
#include "sdmmc_cmd.h"
/* SD CARD */
#define USE_SPI_MODE
// Pin mapping when using SPI mode.
// With this mapping, SD card can be used both in SPI and 1-line SD mode.
// Note that a pull-up on CS line is required in SD mode.
#define PIN_NUM_MISO 2
#define PIN_NUM_MOSI 15
#define PIN_NUM_CLK 14
#define PIN_NUM_CS 13
#endif //USE_SPI_MODE
//#define MAX_HTTP_RECV_BUFFER 512
static const char *TAG = "HTTP_CLIENT";
// ------------------ GLOBAL VARS -----------------------------
// ------------------ GLOBAL VARS -----------------------------
/* Root cert for, taken from howsmyssl_com_root_cert.pem
The PEM file was extracted from the output of this command:
openssl s_client -showcerts -connect </dev/null
The CA root cert is the last cert given in the chain of certs.
To embed it in the app binary, the PEM file is named
extern const char howsmyssl_com_root_cert_pem_start[] asm("_binary_howsmyssl_com_root_cert_pem_start");
extern const char howsmyssl_com_root_cert_pem_end[] asm("_binary_howsmyssl_com_root_cert_pem_end");
esp_err_t _http_event_handler(esp_http_client_event_t *evt)
switch(evt->event_id) {
ESP_LOGE (TAG, "HTTP_EVENT_ON_HEADER, key=%s, value=%s", evt->header_key, evt->header_value);
ESP_LOGE (TAG, "HTTP_EVENT_ON_DATA, len=%d", evt->data_len);
if (!esp_http_client_is_chunked_response(evt->client)) {
// Write out data
// printf("%.*s", evt->data_len, (char*)evt->data);
if(fp == NULL){
fp = fopen("/sdcard/muzika.mp3","wb");
if(fp != NULL){
ESP_LOGE (TAG, "---------- HTTP_EVENT_ON_DATA - WRITING TO SD CARD ----------");
fp = NULL;
return ESP_OK;
static void http_download_chunk()
esp_http_client_config_t config = {
//.url = "",
.url = "",
.event_handler = _http_event_handler,
esp_http_client_handle_t client = esp_http_client_init(&config);
esp_err_t err = esp_http_client_perform(client);
if (err == ESP_OK) {
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "HTTP chunk encoding Status = %d, content_length = %d",
} else {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Error perform http request %s", esp_err_to_name(err));
static void http_test_task(void *pvParameters)
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Connected to AP, begin http example");
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Finish http example");
void app_main()
esp_err_t ret = nvs_flash_init();
ret = nvs_flash_init();
// -- app_wifi_initialise();
#ifndef USE_SPI_MODE
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Using SDMMC peripheral");
sdmmc_host_t host = SDMMC_HOST_DEFAULT();
// This initializes the slot without card detect (CD) and write protect (WP) signals.
// Modify slot_config.gpio_cd and slot_config.gpio_wp if your board has these signals.
sdmmc_slot_config_t slot_config = SDMMC_SLOT_CONFIG_DEFAULT();
// To use 1-line SD mode, uncomment the following line:
// slot_config.width = 1;
// GPIOs 15, 2, 4, 12, 13 should have external 10k pull-ups.
// Internal pull-ups are not sufficient. However, enabling internal pull-ups
// does make a difference some boards, so we do that here.
gpio_set_pull_mode(15, GPIO_PULLUP_ONLY); // CMD, needed in 4- and 1- line modes
gpio_set_pull_mode(2, GPIO_PULLUP_ONLY); // D0, needed in 4- and 1-line modes
gpio_set_pull_mode(4, GPIO_PULLUP_ONLY); // D1, needed in 4-line mode only
gpio_set_pull_mode(12, GPIO_PULLUP_ONLY); // D2, needed in 4-line mode only
gpio_set_pull_mode(13, GPIO_PULLUP_ONLY); // D3, needed in 4- and 1-line modes
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Using SPI peripheral");
sdmmc_host_t host = SDSPI_HOST_DEFAULT();
sdspi_slot_config_t slot_config = SDSPI_SLOT_CONFIG_DEFAULT();
slot_config.gpio_miso = PIN_NUM_MISO;
slot_config.gpio_mosi = PIN_NUM_MOSI;
slot_config.gpio_sck = PIN_NUM_CLK;
slot_config.gpio_cs = PIN_NUM_CS;
// This initializes the slot without card detect (CD) and write protect (WP) signals.
// Modify slot_config.gpio_cd and slot_config.gpio_wp if your board has these signals.
#endif //USE_SPI_MODE
// Options for mounting the filesystem.
// If format_if_mount_failed is set to true, SD card will be partitioned and
// formatted in case when mounting fails.
esp_vfs_fat_sdmmc_mount_config_t mount_config = {
.format_if_mount_failed = false,
.max_files = 5,
.allocation_unit_size = 16 * 1024
// Use settings defined above to initialize SD card and mount FAT filesystem.
// Note: esp_vfs_fat_sdmmc_mount is an all-in-one convenience function.
// Please check its source code and implement error recovery when developing
// production applications.
sdmmc_card_t* card;
ret = esp_vfs_fat_sdmmc_mount("/sdcard", &host, &slot_config, &mount_config, &card);
if (ret != ESP_OK) {
if (ret == ESP_FAIL) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Failed to mount filesystem. "
"If you want the card to be formatted, set format_if_mount_failed = true.");
} else {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Failed to initialize the card (%s). "
"Make sure SD card lines have pull-up resistors in place.", esp_err_to_name(ret));
// Card has been initialized, print its properties
sdmmc_card_print_info(stdout, card);
// Use POSIX and C standard library functions to work with files.
// First create a file.
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Opening file");
FILE* f = fopen("/sdcard/hello.txt", "w");
if (f == NULL) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Failed to open file for writing");
// ------------------------ WRITE INTO FILE -------------------
int j=0;
for(int i = 0 ; i < 1048576 ; i++,j++){
//fprintf(f, "Hello %s!\n", card->;
fprintf(f, "X");
if(j > 1024){
j = 0;
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "File written");
// ------------------------ WRITE INTO FILE -------------------
//-- xTaskCreate(&http_test_task, "http_test_task", 8192, NULL, 5, NULL);
//xTaskCreate(&http_test_task, "http_test_task", 16384, NULL, 5, NULL);
Your example is writing one byte at a time. That won't get you an accurate idea of how the overall speed of writing to the SD card - your code will spend a disproportionate amount of time processing the individual writes.
If you want to get a more accurate idea of how fast you can write to the card, try writing 1024 bytes (or even more) at a time. Benchmarks that measure maximum throughput and performance-sensitive applications will always write as much data as they can at a time in order to minimize the overhead of the write.
Also, don't use fprintf() if possible. It has extra overhead because it parses the format string. Try fwrite() - it will have less overhead and will give you a better idea of what you can expect in the best case.
Try something like this instead:
char *buf = malloc(1024);
if(buf) {
for(int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
fwrite(buf, 1, 1024, f);
vTaskDelay(3); // you'll speed this up if you can omit this
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "File written");
} else
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "malloc() failed");

buildroot uboot saveenv to emmc fat partition

I'm attempting to save the uboot environment to the FAT partition of an mmc device on a CM3 rpi module. The OS has been built in buildroot I can printenv and this shows the inbuilt env in the binary. The saveenv command is recognised, firstly states it's saving to fat and the filename is uboot-env.bin. The file exists and is found but the function bcm2835_transfer_block_pio seems to write nothing and repeatedly spits out fsm 1, hsts 000001. The mmc is selected as dev0 partition1 (0:1) in buildroot. Anyone come across this error and know how to fix it?
Source for mmc driver:
static int bcm2835_transfer_block_pio(struct bcm2835_host *host, bool is_read)
struct mmc_data *data = host->data;
size_t blksize = data->blocksize;
int copy_words;
u32 hsts = 0;
u32 *buf;
if (blksize % sizeof(u32))
return -EINVAL;
buf = is_read ? (u32 *)data->dest : (u32 *)data->src;
if (is_read)
data->dest += blksize;
data->src += blksize;
copy_words = blksize / sizeof(u32);
* Copy all contents from/to the FIFO as far as it reaches,
* then wait for it to fill/empty again and rewind.
while (copy_words) {
int burst_words, words;
u32 edm;
burst_words = min(SDDATA_FIFO_PIO_BURST, copy_words);
edm = readl(host->ioaddr + SDEDM);
if (is_read)
words = edm_fifo_fill(edm);
words = SDDATA_FIFO_WORDS - edm_fifo_fill(edm);
if (words < burst_words) {
int fsm_state = (edm & SDEDM_FSM_MASK);
if ((is_read &&
(fsm_state != SDEDM_FSM_READDATA &&
fsm_state != SDEDM_FSM_READWAIT &&
fsm_state != SDEDM_FSM_READCRC)) ||
(!is_read &&
(fsm_state != SDEDM_FSM_WRITEDATA &&
fsm_state != SDEDM_FSM_WRITESTART1 &&
fsm_state != SDEDM_FSM_WRITESTART2))) {
hsts = readl(host->ioaddr + SDHSTS);
printf("fsm %x, hsts %08x\n", fsm_state, hsts);
} else if (words > copy_words) {
words = copy_words;
copy_words -= words;
/* Copy current chunk to/from the FIFO */
while (words) {
if (is_read)
*(buf++) = readl(host->ioaddr + SDDATA);
writel(*(buf++), host->ioaddr + SDDATA);
return 0;

libusb data transfer

Hii I have to make a code to read data from usb drive which can be pendrive and later a data acquisition card . i have written this much of code which detects all usb connection n print their info. Altough i don't know how to proceed further . I m also confused as to reading data from say pendrive means as in opening some files or what? Please also tell how to find endpoint of device currently i'm jsut using hit n trial to find it .
PLEASE help me out .I have read whole documentation on synchronous and asynchronous I/O.
enter code here
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <libusb-1.0/libusb.h>
// This program detects usb and print out their details
int main (int argc, char *argv)
libusb_device **devList = NULL;
libusb_device *devPtr = NULL;
libusb_device_handle *devHandle = NULL;
libusb_context *ctx = NULL; //a libusb session
struct libusb_device_descriptor devDesc;
unsigned char strDesc[256];
ssize_t numUsbDevs = 0; // pre-initialized scalars
ssize_t idx = 0;
int retVal = 0;
// test out the libusb functions
printf ("*************************\n USB Detection Program:\n*************************\n");
retVal = libusb_init (&ctx);
if(retVal < 0) {
printf ("%d",retVal," Init Error "); //there was an error
return 1;
// Get the list of USB devices visible to the system.
numUsbDevs = libusb_get_device_list (ctx, &devList);
// Loop through the list, looking for the device
while (idx < numUsbDevs)
printf ("\n\n[%d]\n", idx+1);
// Get next device pointer out of the list, use it to open the device.
devPtr = devList[idx];
retVal = libusb_open (devPtr, &devHandle);
if (retVal != LIBUSB_SUCCESS)
// Get the device descriptor for this device.
retVal = libusb_get_device_descriptor (devPtr, &devDesc);
if (retVal != LIBUSB_SUCCESS)
// Get the string associated with iManufacturer index.
printf ("iManufacturer = %d", devDesc.iManufacturer);
if (devDesc.iManufacturer > 0)
retVal = libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii
(devHandle, devDesc.iManufacturer, strDesc, 256);
if (retVal < 0)
printf (" string = %s", strDesc);
// Get string associated with iProduct index.
printf (" \niProduct = %d", devDesc.iProduct);
if (devDesc.iProduct > 0)
retVal = libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii
(devHandle, devDesc.iProduct, strDesc, 256);
if (retVal < 0)
printf (" string = %s", strDesc);
// Get string associated with iSerialNumber index.
printf (" \niSerialNumber = %d", devDesc.iSerialNumber);
if (devDesc.iSerialNumber > 0)
retVal = libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii
(devHandle, devDesc.iSerialNumber, strDesc, 256);
if (retVal < 0)
printf (" string = %s", strDesc);
// Print product id and Vendor id
printf (" \nProductid = %d", devDesc.idProduct);
printf (" \nVendorid = %d", devDesc.idVendor);
// Close and try next one.
libusb_close (devHandle);
devHandle = NULL;
// Selection of device by user
{ printf("\n\nselect the device : ");
if(idx > numUsbDevs)
{printf("Invalid input, Quitting.............");
break; }
devPtr = devList[idx-1];
retVal = libusb_open (devPtr, &devHandle);
if (retVal != LIBUSB_SUCCESS)
retVal = libusb_get_device_descriptor (devPtr, &devDesc);
if (retVal != LIBUSB_SUCCESS)
printf (" \nProductid = %d", devDesc.idProduct);
printf (" \nVendorid = %d", devDesc.idVendor);
unsigned char data[4] ; //data to read
//data[0]='a';data[1]='b';data[2]='c';data[3]='d'; //some dummy values
int r; //for return values
r = libusb_claim_interface(devHandle, 1); //claim interface 0 (the first) of device
if(r < 0) {
printf("\nCannot Claim Interface");
return 1;
printf("\nClaimed Interface");
int actual_length; //used to find out how many bytes were written
r = libusb_bulk_transfer(devHandle,LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_IN, data, 2, &actual_length, 0);
if (r == 0 && actual_length == sizeof(data)) {
// results of the transaction can now be found in the data buffer
// parse them here and report button press
else {
r = libusb_release_interface(devHandle, 1); //release the claimed interface
if(r!=0) {
printf("\nCannot Release Interface");
return 1;
printf("\nReleased Interface");
idx=numUsbDevs +2;
} // end of while loop
if (devHandle != NULL)
// Close device if left open due to break out of loop on error.
libusb_close (devHandle);
libusb_exit (ctx); //close the session
printf ("\n*************************\n Done\n*************************\n");
return 0;
// EOF
