How to set up pocketsphinx-ruby of watsonbox? - pocketsphinx

I downloaded pocketsphinxbase_5realaplha and pocketsphinx_5realaplha at cmusphinx. But I don't know how to set up pocketsphinx-ruby, which can't understand these file. How can I use it?


Clarification of code to change target of a Shortcut(.lnk) file

I am a Java programmer, and I do not know anything about VBScript. I needed a way to modify the target path of a certain shortcut, and I according to my research, only VBScript can help me. I tried it, but there were many errors.
I tried to resolve them by a butt ton of googling, but I think there is some other problem.
Here is the code:
Set sh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set shortcut = sh.CreateShortcut("C:\Users\pedne\Desktop\Zoom.lnk")
shortcut.TargetPath = "C:\Users\pedne\AppData\Roaming\Zoom\bin\Zoom.exe ""--url=zoommtg\:// 1234 1234&pwd=12345"""
I do not know whether I need any prerequisites or external libraries for writing VBScript code, and I wrote it on notepad.I would also like to know whether there is any 100% Java or any other workaround to this. (Totally up to you)
Please excuse me if I do not understand anything about your answers as I copied the code from Change a shortcut's target from command prompt
The last error I got was at Line 3 char 1, Invalid procedure or call
Do not append the arguments to the target path. Use the Arguments property instead:
shortcut.TargetPath = "C:\Users\pedne\AppData\Roaming\Zoom\bin\Zoom.exe"
shortcut.Arguments = "--url=zoommtg\:// 1234 1234&pwd=12345"

Using a passed in parameter value to set PATH variables in a batch file

Right now I have a batch file that sets the PATH variable to all of the required directories.(there is actually a bunch more required directories, i just took them out so the code snippet would not be too long)
#echo off
set PATH=D:/src/trunk/build/bin;D:/src/trunk/build/bin/CoreTools;D:/src/trunk/build/bin/Plugins/Extensions;D:/src/trunk/build/bin/Plugins/CustomUI
set DEBRIEF_INSTALL_DIR=D:/src/trunk/DebriefSuite/D3D_Installation
set READERS=D:/src/trunk/build/bin/CoreTools/Readers
set BINARY_DIR=D:/src/trunk/build
cd D:/src/trunk/build/bin
start PROGRAM.exe --ConfigFile="D:/src/trunk/DebriefSuite/Installation/config/Projects/config.xml" ^
--Mode-File="D:/src/trunk/DebriefSuite/Installation/config/Projects/Common/anotherconfig.xml" ^
cd D:/src/trunk
It works fine, but all of the directories are hard-coded. This needs to be able to work for other computers that might have their root directory in a different location. I need to be able to pass in a root directory (something like "D:\different_root_location") and substitute it in to each place in this code that currently says "D:\src\trunk". The problem is, i am not sure what the syntax would be for something like this. I am new to writing batch files. I tried doing something like
SET ROOTDIR=%1 .....
And then
set PATH=%ROOTDIR%/build/bin;%ROOTDIR%/build/bin/CoreTools;%ROOTDIR%/build/bin/Plugins/Extensions;%ROOTDIR%/build/bin/Plugins/CustomUI ..........
start PROGRAM.exe --ConfigFile="%ROOTDIR%/DebriefSuite/Installation/config/Projects/config.xml" ^
but it did not work. I'm not really sure how to make this work! Also, any links to good sources of information about writing batch files in general would be extremely helpful since i am starting out!
Change your line so it includes the original path as well.
From this:
set PATH=D:/src/trunk/build/bin...
to this: (and Windows uses \ and not / even though it works in some cases)
set PATH=%path%;D:\src\trunk\build\bin....

Registry Edit From Batch

I would like to change the registry path's value from 0 to 1:
Is there any possible way of doing this within a batch file using the "reg" command? You can grab the syntax here. I searched it, but can not find a way to modify it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I would stay away from reg.exe, it can be blocked by a policy. I suggest to use wmic.exe.
In your case it should works like this:
:: $KEY broken for better readability
set "$KEY=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion"
set "$KEY=%$KEY%\Authentication\LogonUI\Background"
set "$VALNAME=OEMBackground"
set "VAL=1"
set "HIVE=&H80000001" &:: "&H80000001 = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"
wmic.exe /NAMESPACE:\\root\default Class StdRegProv Call^
&& echo Success.||echo failed.
To select another registry-hive, the value of hDefKey must be changed accordingt to this MSDN-Article.
Other Methods for different value types which can be used instead of SetDWORDValue can be found there as well.

How to add multiple SEARCH_PATHS in one line?

I am trying something like
HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS = " $(./xyz/abd/)" + " $(./xyz/efg/)"
with xconfig file in xcode for keeping one location for project settings.
But I dont know how to put multiple paths together? Can someone help me on this?
Thank you
Try this:
HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS = "/path/1" "/path/2"
Also, next time you don't know the syntax for a bit of xcconfig file, just go to build settings pane and use the copy command (Cmd-C) and paste it on your file.

Can i use FinalBuilder to set the name of a self extracting exe at Runtime?

When using FinalBuilder to package our website, I would like it to be able to set the filename when it creates the file set with a variable somewhere else. So the filename would be Website 1.4.exe
Has anyone got this working?
I'm new to FinalBuilder, so if you could give some more info it would be useful - like which action you're using to create the exe.
Have you tried using project variables? From what I've seen you can use them in most FB actions.
At worst you could use the rename file action:
create a new project variable ([Tools\Edit Variables\Add]) called Version and give it a default value
if you need to, you can add a Set Variable action to dynamically set the value of the variable
add a Rename action
set Rename File to the file you want to rename (including path) eg c:\Release.exe
set New Name to Release%Version%.exe
That if the Version project variable is set to 1.4, Release.exe will be renamed to Release1.4.exe
