How to add multiple SEARCH_PATHS in one line? - xcode

I am trying something like
HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS = " $(./xyz/abd/)" + " $(./xyz/efg/)"
with xconfig file in xcode for keeping one location for project settings.
But I dont know how to put multiple paths together? Can someone help me on this?
Thank you

Try this:
HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS = "/path/1" "/path/2"
Also, next time you don't know the syntax for a bit of xcconfig file, just go to build settings pane and use the copy command (Cmd-C) and paste it on your file.


Is it possible to sort the Compile Sources list in the Build Phases section of an Xcode project?

I want to sort the files in the 'Compile Sources' section of my Xcode project according to their names. Is it possible?
Yes, you can reorder the Compile Sources section in Xcode, but not from the GUI - which is a shame considering that this is already version 6 of the IDE and they still haven't gotten around to this basic feature.
As A-Live said, you need to edit the project.pbxproj file within the yourproject.xcodeproj file. Use Finder to select the yourproject.xcodeproj file and then use the context menu to Show Package Contents. After that open the project.pbxproj file with a text editor.
Find the PBXSourcesBuildPhase section and copy everything between files = ( and ); into a new text file. Remove the leading tabs/spaces. Save that file somewhere on your disk. Open up a terminal and do this:
sort -bf -t " " -k 3 PBXSourcesBuildPhase.txt > PBXSourcesBuildPhase.sorted.txt
Open up the new PBXSourcesBuildPhase.sorted.txt file in your text editor, copy the sorted lines into the PBXSourcesBuildPhase section of your project.pbxproj (overwrite the lines that you previously copied) and save.
Now you should be able to see all the files sorted in the Compile Sources section in Xcode.
I've tested this in Xcode 6.0.1 with a small project (~150 source files) and had no problems.
Careful: you should make a backup of your project file (or better: use version control) before you try this. Just in case.
I reckon it is a shame that this is not possible.
as a workaround in most of situations, you can use the search filter on the right upper corner of the file list.
for example, I needed to add a compiler flag in many files which (fortunately) all started with the same prefix. to do so, as stated here, you have to double click on a file.
then, I filtered the files for the prefix, shift-clicked them in order to select them all, then released shift and double-clicked one of them. this way I was able to add the flag to all of the files at once
The accepted solution works fine, but it requires manual steps(open the project file, find the section for the target that you want etc.) so it is a little cumbersome and it can not be automated if you need to keep the section sorted each time you perform a build or commit.
I faced with the same problem and I created a ruby script to sort these sections. The script sorts the 'Compile Sources', 'Copy Bundle Resources’ and all the 'Copy files' sections under Build Phase for a specified or all the targets.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'xcodeproj'
require 'set'
project_file, target_name = ARGV
# open the project
project =
# find the target
targets_to_sort = { |x| == target_name || target_name.nil? }
phases_to_sort = [Xcodeproj::Project::Object::PBXSourcesBuildPhase, Xcodeproj::Project::Object::PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase, Xcodeproj::Project::Object::PBXResourcesBuildPhase]
targets_to_sort.each do |target|
puts "sorting files for target #{}"
phases_to_sort.each do |phase_to_sort| { |x| x.class == phase_to_sort }.each do |phase|
phase.files.sort! { |l, r| l.display_name <=> r.display_name }
puts 'saving project'
To sort all targets:
./sort_sources.rb MyProject.xcodeproj
Or to sort only one target:
./sort_sources.rb MyProject.xcodeproj My_Target
It requires the gem xcodeproj:
gem install xcodeproj
This is thoroughly answered, but I thought I'd share the Emacs command that sorted these in place for me. Navigate to project.pbxproj, mark all files under PBXSourcesBuildPhase, and use the command:
M-3 M-x sort-fields
...aka sorting the marked area by the 3rd column, which happens to be the filenames. C-x C-s and you're on your way.
You can reorder the entries of PBXSourcesBuildPhase section at the project.pbxproj, it worked for me but of course there's no guarantee in general for it to work. Don't forget to backup your backups first.

How to input a parameter in a custom target with cmake

I have a custom target:
COMMAND ${MSGINIT} --no-translator -i "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/data/${PACKAGE}.pot" - "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/po/es.po" -l es_MX.utf8
so, is invoked like this:
# make create-po
my idea is to change it to something like this:
# make create-po "es"
so, any user can create a custom localed po file. I don't know the word exactly for this, but I'd like to add a parameter in the target it posible with cmake? Thanks
After so long time I found this question for the same reason: Can I use CMake to initialize a .po file if I want to add a new translation? I expect to use it only once in a while for my project, so make the build system do it seems more comfortable to me than find out all the required options and paths every time.
I ended up with the following CMake snippet:
set(INIT_LANG CACHE STRING "give a locale here to create a target which initializes a related .po file")
... # integrate INIT_LANG in your command
Then, if you want to initialize a new translation file, call (assuming your build dir in under the project root):
# cmake -DINIT_LANG=es_MX.utf8 ..
... and you should get a corresponding make target:
# make create-po-es_MX.utf8
Yes, it's not as straight-forward as the OP's idea/expectation (and mine as well), but users can create new .po files by themselves (of course, this will be documented properly for them in the project ;) ).

vim - how to remove netrw?

I was testing and unfortunately it did install a lot of things I do not want.
For example, right now (with empty .vimrc) when I open vim I get
" ============================================================================
" Netrw Directory Listing (netrw v149)
" /Users/user/.vim/bundle
" Sorted by name
" Sort sequence: [\/]$,\<core\%(\.\d\+\)\=\>,\.h$,\.c$,\.cpp$,\~\=\*$,*,\.o$,\.obj$,\.info$,\.swp$,\.bak$,\~$
" Quick Help: <F1>:help -:go up dir D:delete R:rename s:sort-by x:exec
" ============================================================================
thing. I am in the beginning of my journey with VIM so I don't know what is new and right now I don't want to use it.
I am on OSX Mavericks with home-brew installed. Still, I cannot find where is this coming from and how to remove it.
Look at the first few lines of $VIMRUNTIME/plugin/netrwPlugin.vim:
" Load Once: {{{1
if &cp || exists("g:loaded_netrwPlugin")
If you want to disable it, just add
let loaded_netrwPlugin = 1
to your vimrc file.
You can remove the commented section by adding let g:netrw_banner=0 to your .vimrc
Since netrw's pages recommend removing older versions of netrw before updating it, I wound up finding a different way from the answers posted here. This might be especially useful for those of you looking to remove netrw (that is, uninstall netrw) before upgrading:
Download, which can also be found under the netrw heading at
Open vim and do :so netrwclean.vba.gz, giving the full path to wherever you saved the file if necessary.
:NetrwClean to remove user-local copies or :NetrwClean! to remove both user-local and centrally-installed copies of netrw. Note of course that you'll need the right system-privileges to touch the files that will be removed, so you may wish to start vim as root.
(Optional) download the new version of the netrw vimball and :so netrw.vba.gz to update.
I don’t think that this installed Netrw — it comes bundled with Vim. You can learn more about Netrw on its page at
What you’re getting now is (as it says) Netrw’s directory listing, which enables you to navigate within a directory from inside Vim.
Just remove these files (from your vim installation e.g. /usr/share/vim/vim74) and it will be gone

How do you a configure a Visual Studio custom build tool to depend on a lot of files?

I need to make sure a custom build tool that operates on a lot of files is always run when one of those files are changed.
I know you can specify "Additional Dependencies" for the custom build tool, but is there a better way than specifying one file per line?
Just made the build tool depend on one file. Created another custom build tool that runs before it and that touches this file if any of the real dependencies have changed. The advantage is that I now have quite a lot of flexibility and don't need to change any of the project settings if the dependencies change - that's taken care of via a database that the new custom build tool accesses.
"Additional Dependencies" is the correct and only documented way. You could adjust the contents of this field for the build tool in the Project file using an external tool to save on the troubles of doing a copy & paste & typo-adjust.
It won't be quite as reliable, but you could put all files in a subfolder and just make the folder a dependency.
A little bit hack:
(1) group the dependency files into a separate folder
(2) create a jscript file detect.js as follow:
var output = WScript.arguments(0);
var folder = WScript.arguments(1);
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var objOutput = fso.GetFile(output);
var objFolder = fso.GetFolder(folder);
// if the output file is older than input folder,
// delete output file to force regenerate
if (objOutput.DateLastModified < objFolder.DateLastModified) {
} else {
// if the output file is older than one of files in the input folder,
// delete output file to force regenerate
var e = new Enumerator(objFolder.Files);
for (; !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()) {
if (objOutput.DateLastModified < e.item().DateLastModified)
(2) Add command lines to Pre-Build Event as follow:
cscript.exe /nologo detect.js $(Output) $(InputFolder)
(3) Setup the Custom Buld Step to force the Pre-Build Event to occur, i.e.
Command Line: echo --------------
Outputs: echo.fake
Execute After: PreBuildEvent

How can I make Textmate always ignore the /log folder in the "Find in Project" search?

How can I make Textmate always ignore the /log folder in the "Find in Project" search?
Add the log folder to the excludeInFolderSearch option in your ~/.tm_properties file, e.g.:
excludeInFolderSearch = "{$excludeInFolderSearch,$extraExcludes,log}"
I found a easier way to do it.
Go to Settings > Advanced > Folder References
And add |log| to the pattern.
valid for TextMate 1
Other answers did not work for me on TextMate 2.0-beta.12. After many frustrating attempts, this line was able to exclude the log, vendor, tmp and .git directories from fuzzy searching.
excludeInFileChooser = "{$excludeInFileChooser,log,vendor,tmp,.git}"
I added this line to a .tm_properties file in my project directory. I verified that this also works if you decide to put the .tm_properties in the home directory.
Use excludeInFileChooser for modifying search paths in Textmate's "Go To File" navigation feature, which is activated by ⌘T.
Use excludeInFolderSearch for modifying paths when searching for text within the files of a directory, which is activated by either ⌘F or ⌘↑F
None of these worked for me. What worked was adding the following in a .tm_properties file (project root)
excludeDirectories = "{node_modules,}"
No $exclude variable. Add trailing comma.
For Textmate 2:
Click on the top menu Textmate, then Preferences.
Navigate to the second tab, called Projects.
On the "Exclude files matching" just add 'log' to the end of the list, for example:
This should do it, the log folder should no longer be searched, or used as match when opening a file.
Use AckMate, and read hot to change the normal Find in Project Shift+Cmd+F here
Alternatively you could explicitly tell Mate to look at a specific subset of folders.
~/project/mate app db models
Project find will be restricted to those folders.
Or to just remove the log dir you could add an alias to ~/.profile:
alias m="ls | grep -v 'log' | xargs mate"
Just remove reference to log folder from project tree.
Also you may right click on *.log files and mark then as binary (they will not be searched).
For TextMate2 it should be: excludeDirectories = "{$excludeDirectories,log}"
