How to Load Coprocessor Step by Step - hadoop

can anyone shall explain how to load regionCoprocessor trough shell.i can not getting proper information about loading and deploying Coprocessor.Thanks in Advance

Please follow the steps below:
Step 1: Create an interface and extend org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.CoprocessorProtocol
Step 2: Define the method in the interface you want to execute once the co-processor call is made
Step 3: Create an instance of HTable
Step 4: Call the HTable.coprocessorExec() method with all required parameters
Please find the example below:
In the example, we are trying to get list of students whose registration number falls within some range which we are interested in.
Creating Interface Protocol:
public interface CoprocessorTestProtocol extends org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.CoprocessorProtocol{
List<Student> getStudentList(byte[] startRegistrationNumber, byte[] endRegistrationNumber) throws IOException;
Sample Student Class:
public class Student implements Serializable{
byte[] registrationNumber;
String name;
public void setRegistrationNumber(byte[] registrationNumber){
this.registrationNumber = registrationNumber;
public byte[] getRegistrationNumber(){
return this.registrationNumber;
public void setName(String name){ = name;
public int getName(){
public String toString(){
return "Student[ registration number = " + Bytes.toInt(this.getRegistrationNumber()) + " name = " + this.getName() + " ]"
Model Class: [Where the business logic to get data from HBase is written]
public class MyModel extends org.apache.hadoop.hbase.coprocessor.BaseEndpointCoprocessor implements CoprocessorTestProtocol{
List<Student> getStudentList(byte[] startRegistrationNumber, byte[] endRegistrationNumber){
Scan scan = new Scan();
InternalScanner scanner = ((RegionCoprocessorEnvironment) getEnvironment()).getRegion().getScanner(scan);
List<KeyValue> currentTempObj = new ArrayList<KeyValue>();
List<Student> studentList = new ArrayList<Student>();
Boolean hasNext = false;
Student student;
hasNext =;
student = new Student();
for(KeyValue keyValue: currentTempObj){
bytes[] qualifier = keyValue.getQualifier();
if(Arrays.equals(qualifier, Bytes.toBytes("registrationNumber")))
else if(Arrays.equals(qualifier, Bytes.toBytes("name")))
}catch (Exception e){
// catch the exception the way you want
Client class: [where the call to co-processor is made]
public class MyClient{
if (args.length < 2) {
System.out.println("Usage : startRegistrationNumber endRegistrationNumber");
public List<Student> displayStudentInfo(int startRegistrationNumber, int endRegistrationNumber){
final byte[] startKey=Bytes.toBytes(startRegistrationNumber);
final byte[] endKey=Bytes.toBytes(endRegistrationNumber);
String zkPeers = SystemInfo.getHBaseZkConnectString();
Configuration configuration=HBaseConfiguration.create();
configuration.set(HConstants.ZOOKEEPER_QUORUM, zkPeers);
HTableInterface table = new HTable(configuration, TABLE_NAME);
Map<byte[],List<Student>> allRegionOutput;
allRegionOutput = table.coprocessorExec(CoprocessorTestProtocol.class, startKey,endKey,
new Batch.Call<CoprocessorTestProtocol, List<Student>>() {
public List<Student> call(CoprocessorTestProtocol instance)throws IOException{
return instance.getStudentList(startKey, endKey);
List<Student> anotherList = new ArrayList<Student>();
for (List<Student> studentData: allRegionOutput.values()){
return anotherList;
public static void main(String args){
if (args.length < 2) {
System.out.println("Usage : startRegistrationNumber endRegistrationNumber");
int startRegistrationNumber = args[0];
int endRegistrationNumber = args[1];
for (Student student : displayStudentInfo(startRegistrationNumber, endRegistrationNumber)){
Please Note: Please have a special look on method in the example. This returns boolean and stores the current object in Object argument


How to fix this method renaming problem with Java 8 ASM

Recently I coded an Obfuscator with ASM in Java and wanted to rename classes, methods, and fields. But the problem is, that the code doesn't work it should too, and I have no clue how to fix that. The problem is, that if I obfuscate a jar every method in the class gets renamed, but sometimes (not every time) a bit of code is not getting renamed, so the jar can't be executed. E.g.
public abstract class ColorThread implements Runnable
private final String name;
private Thread thread;
public ColorThread(final String name) { = name;
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(this::close));
public void run() {
throw new NotOverriddenException("The Thread \"" + getName() + "\" is not overwritten.");
* This method interrupts the running thread.
public void close() {
public void start() { //<- Method gets renamed e.g "⢍⢖⣕⠟⡨⠣"
this.thread = new Thread(this, this.getName());
So this class got obfuscated but later in other code which calls:
final ConnectThread connectThread = new ConnectThread();
connectThread.start(); // <- this line
the line with connectThread.start(); isn't renamed to "connectThread.⢍⢖⣕⠟⡨⠣();". If I use another class which extends ColorThread e.g. ReceiveThread, the start method gets renamed in this bit of code.
I struggled every time with this problem if I made an Obfuscator and because of it I ended the project. But now I want to ask here if someone can help me. Sorry for this long post, but I wanted to give everything needed to see the problem.
The Project is running on Java 1.8.0_161 with ASM-All as a dependency.
To read a jar i use this method. It will store all classes in an ArrayList:
try (final JarFile jarFile = new JarFile(inputFile)) {
final Enumeration<JarEntry> jarEntryEnumeration = jarFile.entries();
while (jarEntryEnumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
final JarEntry jarEntry = jarEntryEnumeration.nextElement();
if (jarEntry.isDirectory())
final byte[] bytes = this.readInputStream(jarFile.getInputStream(jarEntry));
if (jarEntry.getName().endsWith(".class")) {
if (jarEntry.getName().endsWith("module-info.class"))
final ClassNode classNode = new ClassNode();
// new ClassReader(bytes).accept(classNode, ClassReader.EXPAND_FRAMES | ClassReader.SKIP_DEBUG);
new ClassReader(bytes).accept(classNode, ClassReader.EXPAND_FRAMES);
} else {
if (jarEntry.getName().contains("MANIFEST.MF"))
this.files.put(jarEntry.getName(), bytes);
this.manifest = jarFile.getManifest();
} catch (final Exception ex) {
After this i use my transformation system to rename the methods:
public void transform(final ArrayList<ClassNode> classes, final HashMap<String, byte[]> files) {
final String mainClass = this.getJarResources().getManifest().getMainAttributes().getValue("Main-Class").replace(".", "/");
final HashMap<String, String> methodNames = new HashMap<>();
for (final ClassNode classNode : classes) {
for (final Object methodObj : classNode.methods) {
if (!(methodObj instanceof MethodNode))
final MethodNode methodNode = (MethodNode) methodObj;
if ("<init>"))
if ( ||"main"))
methodNames.put( + "." + + methodNode.desc, this.generateString(6));
this.remapClasses(classes, methodNames);
The remap method looks like this:
public void remapClasses(final ArrayList<ClassNode> classes, final HashMap<String, String> remappedNames) {
final SimpleRemapper simpleRemapper = new SimpleRemapper(remappedNames);
for (int index = 0; index < classes.size(); index++) {
final ClassNode realNode = classes.get(index);
final ClassNode copyNode = new ClassNode();
final ClassRemapper classRemapper = new ClassRemapper(copyNode, simpleRemapper);
classes.set(index, copyNode);
At the end i write the file:
public void writeFile() {
try (final JarOutputStream jarOutputStream = new JarOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(this.outputFile), this.manifest)) {
for (final ClassNode classNode : this.classes) {
final ClassWriter writer = new ClassWriter(ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS);
jarOutputStream.putNextEntry(new JarEntry( + ".class"));
for (final Map.Entry<String, byte[]> file : this.files.entrySet()) {
final String filePath = file.getKey();
if(filePath.endsWith(".kotlin_module") || filePath.contains("maven") || filePath.contains("3rd-party-licenses"))
jarOutputStream.putNextEntry(new JarEntry(filePath));
} catch (final Exception ex) {

Spring Mvc with Thread

Hi My thread class is showing null pointer exception please help me to resolve
public class AlertsToProfile extends Thread {
public final Map<Integer, List<String>> userMessages = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<Integer, List<String>>());
ProfileDAO profileDAO;
private String categoryType;
private String dataMessage;
public String getCategoryType() {
return categoryType;
public void setCategoryType(String categoryType) {
this.categoryType = categoryType;
public String getDataMessage() {
return dataMessage;
public void setDataMessage(String dataMessage) {
this.dataMessage = dataMessage;
public void run() {
String category=getCategoryType();
String data= getDataMessage();
List<Profile> all = profileDAO.findAll();
if (all != null) {
if (category == "All" || category.equalsIgnoreCase("All")) {
for (Profile profile : all) {
List<String> list = userMessages.get(profile.getId());
if (list == null ) {
ArrayList<String> strings = new ArrayList<String>();
userMessages.put(profile.getId(), strings);
} else {
and my service method is as follows
public class NoteManager
#Autowired AlertsToProfile alertsToProfile;
public void addNote(String type, String message, String category) {
String data = type + "," + message;
System.out.println("addNotes is done");
But when i call start() method am getting null pointer exception please help me. I am new to spring with thread concept
It pretty obvious: you instantiate your thread directly, as opposed to letting spring create AlertsToProfile and auto wire your instance.
To fix this, create a Runnable around your run() method and embed that into a method, something like this:
public void startThread() {
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// your code in here
you will want to bind the Thread instance to a field in AlertsToProfile in order to avoid leaks and stop the thread when you're done.

HttpSession attribute getting removed abnormally after adding

*After I add a session attribute using
WebUtils.setSessionAttribute(request, VBWebConstants.SESSION_ORDER_BEAN,sellerDetails);
public ModelAndView step1(HttpServletRequest request,HttpSession session){
if(logger.isTraceEnabled())logger.trace("VbSellerController ::: step1 ::: start");
if(logger.isDebugEnabled())logger.debug("[Order Step1] [Start]");
ModelAndView mav=new ModelAndView("vz-new/mina-sidor/v-orderstep1");
LoginBean user = (LoginBean) WebUtils.getSessionAttribute(request, VBWebConstants.SESSION_USER);
mav.addObject("orderNotAllowed", false);
return mav;
String orderValue = "";
orderValue = InMemoryCache.getCaProperty(PropertyEnum.MIN_ORDER_VALUE.getDatabasekey());
int minimumOrderValue = CawebUtil.isInt(orderValue);
CpSellerDetails sellerDetails=vbOrderService.getStep1Data(user.getGrp_seller_id(),user.getCatalogue_id());
if(sellerDetails != null){
mav.addObject("allowedfororder",sellerDetails.getTotalOrderValue() > minimumOrderValue);
// mav addobject add discount details Discount Object ArrayList
WebUtils.setSessionAttribute(request, VBWebConstants.SESSION_ORDER_STEP_COMPLETED,"step1");
WebUtils.setSessionAttribute(request, VBWebConstants.SESSION_ORDER_BEAN,sellerDetails);
WebUtils.setSessionAttribute(request, VBWebConstants.SESSION_ORDER_STEP_COMPLETED,null);
}catch(DataNotFoundException e){
logger.trace("Exception in retrieving data for step1",e);
if(logger.isDebugEnabled())logger.debug("[Order Step1 Exception]",e);
if(logger.isTraceEnabled())logger.trace("VbSellerController ::: step1 ::: end");
if(logger.isDebugEnabled())logger.debug("[Order Step1] [end]");
return mav;
Within this step1 method the VBWebConstants.SESSION_ORDER_BEAN session attribute is getting removed instantly after the step1() method finishes executing where as the other session attributes remains the same.When i debug the below Http Listener class
public class MyHttpSessionListener implements HttpSessionListener,HttpSessionAttributeListener {
public static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MyHttpSessionListener.class);
public void sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent se) {
//String ipAddr = ((ServletRequestAttributes)RequestContextHolder.currentRequestAttributes()).getRequest().getRemoteAddr();
HttpSession session = se.getSession();
StringBuilder sbuilder = new StringBuilder();
sbuilder.append("\n").append("----------- Session Created -------------- ");
Enumeration<String> sessionAttrs = session.getAttributeNames();
while (sessionAttrs.hasMoreElements()) {
String name = sessionAttrs.nextElement();
sbuilder.append("\n").append(" session created ").append(name);
sbuilder.append("\n").append(" session created time "+ CawebUtil.getTimeStampInString(new Timestamp(session.getCreationTime())));
sbuilder.append("\n").append("---------------------------------------------------- ").append("\n");
public void sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent se) {
HttpSession session = se.getSession();
String ipAddr = ((ServletRequestAttributes)RequestContextHolder.currentRequestAttributes()).getRequest().getRemoteAddr();
logger.debug(" session destroyed " +ipAddr);
}catch (Exception e) {
public void attributeAdded(HttpSessionBindingEvent se) {
String ipAddr = ((ServletRequestAttributes)RequestContextHolder.currentRequestAttributes()).getRequest().getRemoteAddr();
HttpSession session = se.getSession();
StringBuilder sbuilder = new StringBuilder();
sbuilder.append("\n").append("----------- Attribute added -------------- from ").append(ipAddr);
sbuilder.append("\n").append(" session max inactive time "+ session.getMaxInactiveInterval());
sbuilder.append("\n").append(" session id "+ session.getId());
sbuilder.append("\n").append(" session attribute added "+ se.getName()).append(" = ").append(se.getValue());
sbuilder.append("\n").append(" session created time "+ CawebUtil.getTimeStampInString(new Timestamp(session.getCreationTime())));
public void attributeRemoved(HttpSessionBindingEvent se) {
if(logger.isDebugEnabled() ){
StringBuilder sbuilder = new StringBuilder();
sbuilder.append("\n").append("----------- Attribute removed -------------- from ");//.append(ipAddr);
sbuilder.append("\n").append(" session attribute removed "+ se.getName()).append(" = ").append(se.getValue());
public void attributeReplaced(HttpSessionBindingEvent se) {
StringBuilder sbuilder = new StringBuilder();
sbuilder.append("\n").append("----------- Attribute replaced -------------- from ");//.append(ipAddr);
sbuilder.append("\n").append(" session attribute "+ se.getName()).append(" = ").append(se.getValue());
I found that the session attribute is getting removed.Checked through the entire code I couldn't find what's the reason...???
Here is the CPSellerDetails class which i try to add to the session there are other 2 session attributes among which one is a string object and other is a bean.could it the size of the class that is the cause for session attribute being removed abnormally
public class CpSellerDetails implements Serializable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4627284179051380310L;
private List<SellerProduct> sellerList ;
private float totalOrderValue ;
private VbCpInfoBean cpinfoBean;
private Integer orderno;
private float invoiceAmount;
private Date orderedDate;
private ArrayList<DiscountVO> discounts;
private Address billingInfo;
public VbCpInfoBean getCpInfoBean() {
return cpinfoBean;
public void setCpInfoBean(VbCpInfoBean infoBean) {
this.cpinfoBean = infoBean;
public List<SellerProduct> getSellerList() {
return sellerList;
public void setSellerList(List<SellerProduct> sellerList) {
this.sellerList = sellerList;
public float getTotalOrderValue() {
return totalOrderValue;
public void setTotalOrderValue(float totalOrderValue) {
this.totalOrderValue = totalOrderValue;
public float getInvoiceAmount() {
return invoiceAmount;
public void setInvoiceAmount(float invoiceAmount) {
this.invoiceAmount = invoiceAmount;
public Integer getOrderno() {
return orderno;
public void setOrderno(Integer orderno) {
this.orderno = orderno;
public Date getOrderedDate() {
return orderedDate;
public void setOrderedDate(Date orderedDate) {
this.orderedDate = orderedDate;
public ArrayList<DiscountVO> getDiscounts() {
return discounts;
public void setDiscounts(ArrayList<DiscountVO> discounts) {
this.discounts = discounts;
public Address getBillingInfo() {
return billingInfo;
public void setBillingInfo(Address billingInfo) {
this.billingInfo = billingInfo;

InstantiationException when using SQLData and OracleCallableStatement Struct Mapping

I cannot figure out an answer to the following problem. Hope somebody can help me. I am mapping JAVA class to a Struct as described here:
I have an Oracle Object:
create or replace TYPE DK1 AS OBJECT( zahl CHAR(1) );
and corresponding JAVA class:
public class DK1 implements SQLData {
private String sql_type;
public static final int _SQL_TYPECODE = OracleTypes.STRUCT;
private String zahl;
public DK1(String sql_type, String z) {
this.sql_type = sql_type;
public String getSQLTypeName() throws SQLException {
return sql_type;
public void readSQL(SQLInput stream, String typeName) throws SQLException {
sql_type = typeName;
public void writeSQL(SQLOutput stream) throws SQLException {
public String getSql_type() {
return sql_type;
public void setSql_type(String sql_type) {
this.sql_type = sql_type;
public String getZahl() {
return zahl;
public void setZahl(String zahl) {
this.zahl = zahl;
my test method is the following:
public class SQLDataExample {
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());
OracleConnection conn = (OracleConnection) DriverManager.getConnection(
"jdbc:oracle:thin:#................", "...",
Dictionary<String, Class<?>> map = (Dictionary) conn.getTypeMap();
map.put("BONI.DK1", Class.forName("com.gwb.db.objects.DK1"));
OracleCallableStatement cs = (OracleCallableStatement) conn.prepareCall("{call BOX.DK(?)}");
DK1 dd = new DK1("BONI.DK1", "1");
cs.setObject(1, dd);
cs.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.STRUCT, "BONI.DK1");
DK1 df = (DK1) cs.getObject(1);
Now, the last step
DK1 df = (DK1) cs.getObject(1);
in this procedure fails and although I have tried so many things in the last couple of days, I cannot get it to run! I get a
Exception in thread "main" java.sql.SQLException: Inconsistent Java-
ans SQL-Objecttypes: InstantiationException: com.gwb.db.objects.DK1
If I replace getObject with getSTRUCT I see that the DB procedure works and returns values as expected. I cannnot figure out why a I unable to map a JAVA Object.
I would be very grateful for any help or tipps!
Thank you in advance
I forgot the default constructor
public DK1() { }

GWT retrieve list from datastore via serviceimpl

Hi I'm trying to retrieve a linkedhashset from the Google datastore but nothing seems to happen. I want to display the results in a Grid using GWT on a page. I have put system.out.println() in all the classes to see where I go wrong but it only shows one and I don't recieve any errors. I use 6 classes 2 in the server package(ContactDAOJdo/ContactServiceImpl) and 4 in the client package(ContactService/ContactServiceAsync/ContactListDelegate/ContactListGui). I hope someone can explain why this isn't worken and point me in the right direction.
public class ContactDAOJdo implements ContactDAO {
public LinkedHashSet<Contact> listContacts() {
PersistenceManager pm = PmfSingleton.get().getPersistenceManager();
String query = "select from " + Contact.class.getName();
System.out.print("ContactDAOJdo: ");
return (LinkedHashSet<Contact>) pm.newQuery(query).execute();
public class ContactServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements ContactService{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private ContactDAO contactDAO = new ContactDAOJdo() {
public LinkedHashSet<Contact> listContacts() {
LinkedHashSet<Contact> contacts = contactDAO.listContacts();
System.out.println("service imp "+contacts);
return contacts;
public interface ContactService extends RemoteService {
LinkedHashSet<Contact> listContacts();
public interface ContactServiceAsync {
void listContacts(AsyncCallback<LinkedHashSet <Contact>> callback);
public class ListContactDelegate {
private ContactServiceAsync contactService = GWT.create(ContactService.class);
ListContactGUI gui;
void listContacts(){
contactService.listContacts(new AsyncCallback<LinkedHashSet<Contact>> () {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
System.out.println("delegate "+caught);
public void onSuccess(LinkedHashSet<Contact> result) {
System.out.println("delegate "+result);
public class ListContactGUI {
protected Grid contactlijst;
protected ListContactDelegate listContactService;
private Label status;
public void init() {
status = new Label();
contactlijst = new Grid();
status.setText("Contact list is being retrieved");
public void service_eventListRetrievedFromService(LinkedHashSet<Contact> result){
System.out.println("1 service eventListRetreivedFromService "+result);
status.setText("Retrieved contactlist list");
this.contactlijst.resizeRows(1 + result.size());
int row = 1;
this.contactlijst.setWidget(0, 0, new Label ("Voornaam"));
this.contactlijst.setWidget(0, 1, new Label ("Achternaam"));
for(Contact contact: result) {
this.contactlijst.setWidget(row, 0, new Label (contact.getVoornaam()));
this.contactlijst.setWidget(row, 1, new Label (contact.getVoornaam()));
System.out.println("voornaam: "+contact.getVoornaam());
System.out.println("2 service eventListRetreivedFromService "+result);
public void placeWidgets() {
System.out.println("placewidget inside listcontactgui" + contactlijst);
public void service_eventListContactenFailed(Throwable caught) {
status.setText("Unable to retrieve contact list from database.");
It could be the query returns a lazy list. Which means not all values are in the list at the moment the list is send to the client. I used a trick to just call size() on the list (not sure how I got to that solution, but seems to work):
public LinkedHashSet<Contact> listContacts() {
final PersistenceManager pm = PmfSingleton.get().getPersistenceManager();
try {
final LinkedHashSet<Contact> contacts =
(LinkedHashSet<Contact>) pm.newQuery(Contact.class).execute();
contacts.size(); // this triggers to get all values.
return contacts;
} finally {
But I'm not sure if this is the best practice...
