getting error 'Non HTTP response message: Connection timed out: connect' when i am trying to run jmeter script in visual studio team service. - visual-studio

When i am running jmeter scrpt via Visual studio team services, error 'HttpError Non HTTP response code: Agent000 | Thread Group | 4 /login/login.aspx | Non HTTP response message: Connection timed out: connect' is thrown for all the samplers.
number of thread is-1
loop count- forever
However when i run the same script locally it runs successfully.
Just to add more: 'warning-jmeter.util.SSLManager: Keystore file not found, loading empty keystore' is also thrown before the error comes. does this have to do anything with failing requests?

Is your targeted website available publicly ?
If not, then it's your problem.
Try accessing it from outside your company, if it fails , it will confirm your issue.


org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException: [server] failed to respond error after installing Kaspersky

We have installed Kaspersky anti-virus a few days ago, and when we ran our old Jmeter tests, it raises the exception below.
org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException: target server failed to respond
at org.apache.http.impl.conn.DefaultHttpResponseParser.parseHead(
at org.apache.http.impl.conn.DefaultHttpResponseParser.parseHead( ...
When we ran some sample requests in Postman, it also raised errors like socket hang-up or connection reset, but after adding Postman to Kaspersky's exception list, the application executed the tests normally.
We tried adding the jmeter.bat and ApacheJmeter.jar file to the exception list, but Jmeter still raised the NoHttpResponseException even with the exact same request we ran with Postman (we used the test-script recording).
Are we missing more files to be added to the exception list?
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Try adding java.exe and javaw.exe to the exception list

How to generate logs in jmeter when launching test from non-GUI

I am doing load test using 5 slaves machines. Upon reaching 50,000 users I am having connection reset errors and handshake errors. I have followed the steps mentioned in Jmeter report giving errors with distributed mode but errors don`t appear in result tree
When I use, there is a long list appearing and it difficult to go through such a long list to find any error.
Can someone help with the different kinds of logs that can be generated and how to generate them as I am testing from non GUI mode. I have read many posts and so far I have not been successful to find the cause of these errors.
Is it related with sockets recycle? Is it from JMeter or the Client machines?
The errors are :
Non HTTP response code: HTTP response message: Couldn't kickstart handshaking
Non HTTP response code: HTTP response message: Connection reset
Non HTTP response code: HTTP response message: readHandshakeRecord
jmeter -n -t sso.jmx > stdout.txt 2>&1

Jmeter report giving errors with distributed mode but errors don`t appear in result tree

I am running my test in distributed mode from the GUI. I have some 20,000 users and two vitual machines have more than 4 VPCUs and 80 Gg memory. I can`t see any stress on any of the machines, neither the slaves or masters, nor the server under test and I could hardly see any error in the GUI. However, in the report, I am having the following errors:
Non HTTP response code: HTTP response
message: Couldn't kickstart handshaking
Non HTTP response code: HTTP response
message: readHandshakeRecord
Non HTTP response code: HTTP response
message: Connection reset
The errors are only 0.05%
Can anyone help me what these errors mean and how can I correct them.
You are not seeing the error in GUI because i.e. View Results Tree listener shows only 500 last results, it is controllable by view.results.tree.max_results JMeter Property and if you add the next line to file:
next time you run JMeter you will see each and every request in the View Results Tree listener.
Be informed that GUI mode should be used for tests development and debugging, execution should happen in command-line non-GUI mode
For Couldn't kickstart handshaking and readHandshakeRecord - you can get some troubleshooting information by enabling debug logging for SSL, it can be done by adding the next line to file:
For Connection reset - see JMeterSocketClosed wiki article
If you have access to your application logs - check them for any suspicious entries
More information:
Apache JMeter Properties Reference
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide

Kindly share if any attribute can be set in properties file or anywhere in jmeter to update the waiting time and maximum tries to get server response

Getting 'response code 504 - GATEWAY TIMEOUT' when run jmeter scripts in distributed mode (1 master, 2 slaves in aws - ec2 instances). Kindly share if any attribute/value can be set in properties file or anywhere in jmeter to update the waiting time and maximum tries to get server response.
Actually you are getting the response already so you don't need to change any properties as they will not have any effect. If you need to retry the request in case of receiving HTTP status code 504 follow the next steps:
Store response code into a JMeter Variable using Regular Expression Extractor like:
Once done you can put your HTTP Request under the While Controller and use the following condition: ${__javaScript("${code}" != "200",)}.
This way JMeter will retry executing the sampler until response code will not become 200.

Wrong protocol or connection state for the requested transaction or request error on Windows Server 2012

We are migrate a old vb application from windows server 2000 to 2012, after the installation, the application give following errors when running:
<40006> Wrong protocol or connection state for the requested
transaction or request (Winsock-->[WSUtils]frmClient.gfSendData
LN1-->[WSUtils]Client.SendData LN1-->[IIMMC]Client.msSendData
LN0-->[IIMMC]Client.LockSchedule LN0-->[IIMMC]frmMain.cmdLock_Click
We dont have any source code for this application. How could I explore to find the reason caused the error? Thanks.
