What are "groups" and why there are used for? -- THREE.js - three.js

I was gonna write a HELP in gitub however it says "plaese use StackOverflow". So i am writing it here
I am trying to write a new .js file for Three.js. In BoxBufferGeometry.js, it looks like, it's adding 1 group for every 6 indices. For a box there are 6 groups. For CylinderGeometry there are 3 groups. 2 for top and bottom disks and 1 for cylinder.
So in short, can you explain how and why they are used for? Thanks for answer.


How to add a second summary and a vertical line to your graph in a forestplot?

I am building a forestplot with the forestplot package (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/forestplot/forestplot.pdf) and have come a long way but I am now stuck on 2 final issues. I am hoping someone here might have helpful advice.
I am presenting the results for my meta-analysis in a forestplot that looks a lot like this example and is based on the script provided here;
example fp
There's 2 things that I cannot seem to figure out
I want a vertical line in the graph for the mean OR
(fp_add_lines is adding a line to the total figure not just the graph part of the figure)
I want to add a second summary to the plot/graph
(fp_append_row works perfect for the first summary, but not for a second)
Anyone here who has experience with this package and knows how to tackle these issues?
I naturally prefer a clean script and not a work-around (overlaying 2 plots to get the vertical line, or manually adding a symbol for the second summary).
Many thanks in advance!

What is new-breakpoint second argument for?

Im trying to learn bourbon-neat, came across its breakpoint feature that takes a query and grid-columns. What is the use of grid-columns there? Why would you set the grid-columns like that when you can change the columns on the fly with declaration to span-columns?
Just need abit more explanation as to why you will provide a second parameter.
It is just to provide a little more flexibility. You may never use it, but for instance you may wish to have a 12 column grid for large screens and a 5 column grid for smaller columns. In this instance span-columns would not work as 12 cannot be divided by 5.
Admittedly you may not use it that often!

Randomizing pages within a block in Qualtrics?

In Qualtrics, is it possible to randomize the pages within a block? So for example, take this Block 1:
------Page Break------
1. Do you like cats?
2. Do you like dogs?
------Page Break------
3. Do you like parrots?
4. Do you like apples?
5. Do you like bananas?
------Page Break------
6. Do you like pizza?
7. Do you like fish?
------Page Break------
Is it possible randomize the order that each page appears (e.g., Q3,4,5 might appear first, Q1&2 second, and Q6&7 third).
I have a ton of survey pages, and it would be pretty painful to have to break them all up into many different blocks just to randomize them. (However, if there's an easy way to do that, I'd love to hear.)
Thanks for your help!
Edit: Even more complicated, what I also need to do is group pages together and then randomize based on groups of pages (e.g., Qs1-5 might be a group of pages, and would "travel" together during randomization).
This isn't possible, but you can shift click on the first and last question per page, click move and move all into a new block fairly quickly. That is the fastest way that I know of.

Extend data to extent of graph

I have time-sensitive data that ranges from now until 7 days from now with hourly resolution ~220 values. I was able to get them to plot following Mike Bostock's demo here: http://bost.ocks.org/mike/cubism/intro/demo-stocks.html
but I can't seem to find how to extend the timescales and data to span across the entire display. I was looking for an extent argument or xrange or width, but I haven't had any luck. I'm sure the answer is trivial, but I can't seem to find it.
var context = cubism.context()
.step(3600000) // <-- this changes the time resolution
.size(1280) // <-- this changes the width
Also, d3.time.scale.domain seems to be undefined in d3.v3.min.js.
Here's the fiddle that shows you what the code looks like (because it's calling d3.csv I wasn't sure how to get it completely working in the fiddle...so I included the csv file below the javascript.) : http://jsfiddle.net/oay7tvq0/
I think that cubism uses a single pixel for each time slice, so if you've only got 220 timesteps only 220 pixels are needed. Check the documentation to be sure. If I'm correct then you'll either have to be creative with your timeseries and extend the timestep (by repeating adjacent records) or perhaps d3 (or one of the various libraries built on it) would better suit your purposes. – user1614080
This I'm sure is the answer...

cs cart file structure

I want to learn the cs-cart file structure.
I want to make changes to the admin side functionality, can you guide me to where can I read the file structure and the functionality of files.
Any help would be appreciated.
thanks a lot in advance.
Have a look in /skins/your_skin/admin/common_templates to find templates.
If you know what you want to change e.g. last viewed items, do a global search for last_viewed_items.tpl and you'll find it is used in \shop\controllers\admin\tools.php and a number of other places.
You are just going to have to keep digging and if it were me, I would draw some sort of flow chart as I went.
Of course, once you have discovered how it all pieces together you are going to post your results here for others to discover...right?
