Can install cocoapods 1.1.0.rc.2 correctly - ruby

I am trying to install the cocoapods beta version 1.1.0.rc.2 because one of the pods i use needs this version. I did the following:
localhost:d.b.g. Melder DBG_MacAB$ mkdir -p §HOME/Software/ruby
localhost:d.b.g. Melder DBG_MacAB$ export GEM_HOME=§HOME/Software/ruby
localhost:d.b.g. Melder DBG_MacAB$ gem install cocoapods --pre
Fetching: cocoapods-1.1.0.rc.2.gem (100%)
Successfully installed cocoapods-1.1.0.rc.2
Parsing documentation for cocoapods-1.1.0.rc.2
Installing ri documentation for cocoapods-1.1.0.rc.2
1 gem installed
localhost:d.b.g. Melder DBG_MacAB$ export
After the seemingly successful install i checked the version and got this.
localhost:d.b.g. Melder DBG_MacAB$ pod --version
This is what i get from pod env.
CocoaPods : 1.0.1
Ruby : ruby 2.0.0p648 (2015-12-16 revision 53162) [universal.x86_64-darwin15]
RubyGems : 2.4.8
Host : Mac OS X 10.11.6 (15G1004)
Xcode : 8.0 (8A218a)
Git : git version 2.8.4 (Apple Git-73)
Ruby lib dir : /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/lib
Repositories : master - # bfe37dea873630a4c6be6e71567f7a405a7853e5
After suggested from a member of the cocoapods github site i tried.
localhost:d.b.g. Melder DBG_MacAB$ pod _1.1.0.rc.2_ --version
So something seems to be fishy. Can someone point me in the right direction? Maybe i have to delete cocoapods and reinstall it, is there a way to do that via the terminal?

Solved my issue, i had more than one version of cocoapods installed, three versions in fact. I used gem list --local | grep cocoapods in the terminal to see all of them. Then i proceeded to uninstall everything and after reinstalling i had the pod version i wanted.


cocopods-genrate plugin not found

OS : macOS (12.6.1)
CPU : Intel (R) Core - i5
JAVA : OpenJdk 19
Xcode : 14.1
ruby : 2.7
gems : 3.3.11
Im trying to set up the environment for Kotlin Multiplatform for iOS and Android i installed kdoctor, Xcode, Android Studio,OpenJdk and ruby2.7.
Everything is working according to plan but i'am not able to install cocoapods and cocoapods-genrate i tried official documentation of cocoapods and used this command. but kdoctor is not ditectiong cocoapods,
sudo gem install cocoapods
i also tried brew method by this command
brew install cocoapods
now cocoapods is detected but cocoapods-genrate plugin is not detected. and showed this message
"* cocopods-genrate plugin not found
Get cocopods-genrate from"
i tred this command but nothing happend.
gem install cocoapods-generate
how to properly install cocopods and cocopods-genrate to set up the environment for Kotlin Multiplatform for iOS and Android?
I used this command to install cocoapods
sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods
Then this command to install cocoapods-generate
sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods-generate
and finaly pod setup --verbose to setup the cocoapods.
I followed this answer and now cocoapods and cocoapods-generate is ditected by kdoctor.
How do I install CocoaPods?

LoadError - incompatible library version - /Users/user/gems/gems/ffi-1.13.1/lib/ffi_c.bundle

When I try to install modules using pod install command in directory ios of react native project, I get the following error:
LoadError - incompatible library version - /Users/user/gems/gems/ffi-1.13.1/lib/ffi_c.bundle
How can I fix it so that my command is executed successfully?
To solve this problem I tried to uninstall ffi-1.13.1 and tried to install versions ffi-1.13.0, ffi-1.12 and do the command pod install again. The same error was displayed.
Also issues were opened in Github repositories CocoaPods, React Native Mapbox
Use the below command
gem install ffi
This fixed the same issue in my system (Big Sur)
The error for me occured after changing/uninstalling my Ruby version.
Try this:
Install rvm (if you don't have it) \curl -sSL | bash
install latest ruby (3.0.0p0) rvm install ruby#latest and set it as default rvm use ruby-3.0.0 --default
A few times install cocoapods gem install cocoapods
pod install

Invalid `Podfile` file: Unable to locate the executable `node`

I'm trying to run my App on IMB Cloud. Server run is OK. NPM Installed and Started. When POD Install from cd /ios it shows error:
denisbondar#MBP-Denis ios % pod install
[!] Invalid Podfile file: [!] Unable to locate the executable node.
# from /Users/denisbondar/Documents/kickapp/starter-kit/mobile-app/ios/Podfile:48
# -------------------------------------------
# end
# -------------------------------------------
Any thoughts? Thanks!
I had the same Issue. As I was trying to run a React Native App, and I needed some node module I have to run
brew install node
Just had the same issue, after updating cocoa pods the installation passed:
sudo gem install cocoapods
brew remove cocoapods && sudo gem install cocoapods
If you're running into this issue on an M1 Mac, this is what fixed it for me:
sudo arch -x86_64 gem install ffi
In your /ios directory:
arch -x86_64 pod install
I am aware that the commands I ran in order to fix my build have already been mentioned on this page, but I'll try to provide the order I ran them + some backstory.
For me the problem was that I've initally installed cocoapods using homebrew and I couldn't get it to update past version 1.5.2. Tried different approaches but pod --version still printed 1.5.2.
Then I've tried installing cocoapods using gems with:
sudo gem install cocoapods
Even if it displayed that the installation of cocoapods 1.10.1 was successful, the command line from terminal still pointed to the homebrew version of cocoapods, and pod --version still printed out 1.5.2. So I had to remove it, by calling:
brew remove cocoapods
After that the command line pointed to the gems version of cocoapods (1.10.1). And the build was successful.
Also, my friend tried to follow the exact same steps and his build still failed until he tried installing:
sudo arch -x86_64 gem install ffi
then after the installation he ran:
arch -x86_64 pod install
Again, I am a MAC OS noobie, so I don't understand very well yet what's the deal with this ffi. It just helped my friend getting his build done, so I thought it might also help somebody else.
For me problem was that I have cocoa pods installed by brew install cocoapods and brew install --cask cocoapods.
So to fix I run
brew remove cocoapods
brew remove --cask cocoapods
brew install cocoapods
After that I have latest version of cocoapods and everything worked.

Cocoapods1.3.2 Xcode8 pod install Generating Pods project Abort trap: 6

192:podss etcxm$ pod install --verbose
Analyzing dependencies
Inspecting targets to integrate
Using ARCHS setting to build architectures of target Pods-podss: (``)
Resolving dependencies of Podfile
Comparing resolved specification to the sandbox manifest
Downloading dependencies
-> Installing FMDB (2.6.2)
Copying FMDB from
/Users/etcxm/Library/Caches/CocoaPods/Pods/Release/FMDB/2.6.2-854a0 to
- Running pre install hooks
Generating Pods project
- Creating Pods project
- Adding source files to Pods project
- Adding frameworks to Pods project
- Adding libraries to Pods project
- Adding resources to Pods project
- Linking headers
- Installing targets
- Installing target FMDB iOS 4.3
- Installing target Pods-podss iOS 8.0
- Running post install hooks
- Writing Xcode project file to Pods/Pods.xcodeproj
- Generating deterministic UUIDs
Abort trap: 6
I've tried reinstall cocoa pods, but not succeed.
My solution was:
Removing all cocoapods gems:
sudo gem uninstall cocoapods
sudo gem uninstall cocoapods-core
sudo gem uninstall cocoapods-deintegrate
sudo gem uninstall cocoapods-downloader
sudo gem uninstall cocoapods-plugins
sudo gem uninstall cocoapods-search
sudo gem uninstall cocoapods-stats
sudo gem uninstall cocoapods-try
sudo gem uninstall cocoapods-trunk
Then installing latest pre release version:
sudo gem install cocoapods --pre
First uninstall Ruby 2.3.1, and install version 2.2.5, and after that reinstall cocoapods may resolve your issue.
Please try, and let me know if it's fix your problem.

Can't upgrade cocoapods from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1

$ gem update cocoapods
Updating installed gems
Nothing to update
$ pod --version
$ gem install cocoapods
Successfully installed cocoapods-1.0.1
Parsing documentation for cocoapods-1.0.1
Done installing documentation for cocoapods after 3 seconds
1 gem installed
$ pod --version
How can I upgrade to 1.0.1?
I think the problem is I installed two cocoapods via sudo gem install cocoapods and gem install cocoapods
So I remove all of them and install again, the version is correct now.
You can upgrade cocoapods by run following cmd:
upgrade to the latest version by running gem update cocoapods
upgrade to spec version by running gem install cocoapods -v 1.0.1
