ImageMagick convert tiffs to pdf with sequential file suffix - bash

I have the following scenario and I'm not much of a coder (nor do I know bash well). I don't even have a base working bash script to share, so any help would be appreciated.
I have a file share that contains tiffs (thousands) of a document management system. The goal is to convert and combine from multiple file tiffs to single file pdfs (preferably PDF/A 1a format).
The directory format:
/Document Management Root # This is root directory
./2009/ # each subdirectory represents a year
# files are stored flat - just thousands of files per year directory
The document management system stores tiffs with sequential number file names along with sequential file suffixes:
Where each page of a document is represented by the suffix. The suffix restarts when a new, non-related document is created. In the example above, 000009.001 is a single page tiff. Files 000010.001, 000011.002, and 000012.003 belong to the same document (i.e. the pages are all related). File 000013.001 represents a new document.
I need to preserve the file name for the first file of a multipage document so that the filename can be cross referenced with the document management system database for metadata.
The pseudo code I've come up with is:
for each file in {tiff directory}
while file extension is "001"
convert file to pdf and place new pdf file in {pdf directory}
convert multiple files to pdf and place new pd file in {pdf directory}
But this seems like it will have the side effect of converting all 001 files regardless of what the next file is.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
EDIT - Both answers below work. The second answer worked, however it was my mistake in not realizing that the data set I tested against was different than my scenario above.

So, save the following script in your login ($HOME) directory as TIFF2PDF
ls *[0-9] | awk -F'.' '
/001$/ { if(NR>1)print cmd,outfile; outfile=$1 ".pdf"; cmd="convert " $0;next}
{ cmd=cmd " " $0}
END { print cmd,outfile}'
and make it executable (necessary just once) by going in Terminal and running:
chmod +x TIFF2PDF
Then copy a few documents from any given year into a temporary directory to try things out... then go to the directory and run:
Sample Output
convert 000009.001 000009.pdf
convert 000010.001 000011.002 000012.003 000010.pdf
convert 000013.001 000013.pdf
If that looks correct, you can actually execute those commands like this:
~/TIFF2PDF | bash
or, preferably if you have GNU Parallel installed:
~/TIFF2PDF | parallel
The script says... "Generate a listing of all files whose names end in a digit and send that list to awk. In awk, use the dot as the separator between fields, so if the file is called 00011.0002, then $0 will be 00011.0002, $1 will be 00011 and $2 will be 0002. Now, if the filename ends in 0001, print the accumulated command and append the output filename. Then save the filename prefix with PDF extension as the output filename of the next PDF and start building up the next ImageMagick convert command. On subsequent lines (which don't end in 0001), add the filename to the list of filenames to include in the PDF. At the end, output any accumulated commands and append the output filename."
As regards the ugly black block at the bottom of your image, it happens because there are some tiny white specks in there that prevent ImageMagick from removing the black area. I have circled them in red:
If you blur the picture a little (to diffuse the specks) and then get the size of the trim-box, you can apply that to the original, unblurred image like this:
trimbox=$(convert original.tif -blur x2 -bordercolor black -border 1 -fuzz 50% -format %# info:)
convert original.tif -crop $trimbox result.tif
I would recommend you do that first to A COPY of all your images, then run the PDF conversion afterwards. As you will want to save a TIFF file but with the extension 0001, 0002, you will need to tell ImageMagick to trim and force the output filetype to TIF:
trimbox=$(convert $original -blur x2 -bordercolor black -border 1 -fuzz 50% -format %# info:)
convert $original -crop $trimbox TIF:$original
As #AlexP. mentions, there can be issues with globbing if there is a large number of files. On OSX, ARG_MAX is very high (262144) and your filenames are around 10 characters, so you may hit problems if there are more than around 26,000 files in one directory. If that is the case, simply change:
ls *[0-9] | awk ...
ls | grep "\d$" | awk ...

The following command would convert the whole /Document Management Root tree (assuming it's actual absolute path) properly processing all subfolders even with names including whitespace characters and properly skipping all other files not matching the 000000.000 naming pattern:
find '/Document Management Root' -type f -regextype sed -regex '.*/[0-9]\{6\}.001$' -exec bash -c 'p="{}"; d="${p:0: -10}"; n=${p: -10:6}; m=10#$n; c[1]="$d$n.001"; for i in {2..999}; do k=$((m+i-1)); l=$(printf "%s%06d.%03d" "$d" $k $i); [[ -f "$l" ]] || break; c[$i]="$l"; done; echo -n "convert"; printf " %q" "${c[#]}" "$d$n.pdf"; echo' \; | bash
To do a dry run just remove the | bash in the end.
Updated to match the 00000000.000 pattern (and split to multiple lines for clarity):
find '/Document Management Root' -type f -regextype sed -regex '.*/[0-9]\{8\}.001$' -exec bash -c '
p1num="10#${pages[1]: -12:8}"
for i in {2..999}; do
nextpage=$(printf "%s%08d.%03d" "${pages[1]:0: -12}" $((p1num+i-1)) $i)
[[ -f "$nextpage" ]] || break
echo -n "convert"
printf " %q" "${pages[#]}" "${pages[1]:0: -3}pdf"
' \; | bash


Batch resize images when one side is too large (linux)

I know that image resizing on the command line is something ImageMagick and similar could do unfortunately I do only have very basic bash scripting abilities so I wonder if this is even possible:
check all directories and subdirectories for all files that are an image
check width and height of the image
if any of both exceeds X amount of pixels resize it to X while keeping aspect ratio.
replace old file with new file (old file shall be removed/deleted)
Thank you for any input.
Implementation might be not so trivial even for advanced users. As a one-liner:
find \ # 1
~/Downloads \ # 2
-type f \ # 3
-exec file \{\} \; \ # 4
| awk -F: '{if ($2 ~/image/) print $1}' \ # 5
| while IFS= read -r file_path; do \ # 6
mogrify -resize 1024x1024\> "$file_path"; \ # 7
done # 8
Lines 1-4 are an invocation of the find command:
Specify a directory to scan.
Specify you need files only.
Per each found item run file command. Example outputs per file:
/Downloads/391A6 625.png: PNG image data, 1024 x 810, 8-bit/color RGB, interlaced
/Downloads/STRUCTURED NODES IN UML 2.0 ACTIVITES.pdf: PDF document, version 1.4
Note how file names are delimited from their info by : and info about PNG contains image word. This also will be true for other image formats.
Use awk to filter only those files which have image word in their info. This gives us image files only. Here, -F: specifies that the delimiter is :. This gives us the variable $1 to contain the original file name and $2 for the file info. We search image word in file info and print file name if it's present.
This one is a bit tricky. Lines 6-8 read the output of awk line by line and invoke the mogrify command to resize images. Here we do not use piping and xargs, as if file paths contain spaces or other characters which must be escaped,
we will get xargs unterminated quote errors and it's a pain to handle that.
Invoke the mogrify command of ImageMagic. Unlike convert, which is also ImageMagic's command, mogrify changes files in-place without creating new ones. Here, 1024x1024\> tells to resize image to have max size of 1024x1024. The \> part tells to preserve aspect ratio, so that the final image will have the biggest side of 1024px. Other side will be smaller than that, unless the original image is square. Pay attention to the ;, as it's needed inside loops.
Note, it's safe to run mogrify several times over the same file: if a file's size already corresponds to your target dimensions, it will not be resized again. However, it will change file's modification time, though.
Additionally, you may need not only to resize images, but to compress them as well. Please, refer to my gist to see how this can be done:
If your goal is just to reduce big images in size, e.g. bigger than 300K, you may:
find /path/to/dir -type f -size +300k
and as before combine it with mogrify -strip -interlace Plane -format jpg -quality 85 -define jpeg:extent=300KB "$FILE_PATH"
In such case new jpg files will be created for non-jpg originals and originals will need to be removed. Refer to the gist to see how this can be done.
You can do that with a bash unix shell script looping over your directories. You must identify all the file formats you want such as jpg and png, etc. Then for each directory, loop over each file of the given list of formats. Then use ImageMagick to resize the files.
dirlist="path2/directory1 path2/directory2 ...."
for dir in $dirlist; do
cd "$dir"
imglist=`ls | grep -i ".jpg\|.png"`
for img in $imglist; do
convert $img -resize "200x200>" $img

Find unreferenced png files in an Xcode workspace

I have an Xcode workspace with several hundred png files and would like to list those which are unreferenced.
Example pngs:
Reference example for "promo_icon" (XML file):
Reference example for "promo_icon" (Objective-C):
[UIImage imageNamed:#"promo_icon"]
I want to get a list of filenames including "capture-bg-1" (presuming it has no matches like "promo_icon" does).
A little wrinkle is that there is a .pbxproj file (XML) that has a reference to every png file in the workspace so that file needs to be excluded from the search.
The following command gets all the unique filename parts (excluding folder and everything after '#' and '.') for evaluation.
find . -name *.png -exec basename {} \;| sed 's/[.#].*$//' | uniq
The grep part into which I would pipe the filename parts is the problem. This grep finds the files that do or do not reference 'promo_icon' and lists the references. An empty return value (no references) would be a png file I'm looking for a list of:
grep -I -R promo_icon . | grep -v pbxproj
However I can't figure out how to combine the two in a functional way. There is this snippet ( for doing this in sh but it doesn't work.
An easier way to do this might be to put the list of all PNG names into one file, one per line. Then put the list of all references to PNG names into another file, one per line. Then grep -v -f the first file against the second. Whatever is returned is your answer.
find . -name '*.png' -printf %f | sed -e 's/[.#].*$//' | sort -u > pngList
grep -RI --exclude .pbxproj -e '<string>.*png</string>' \
-e 'UIImage imageNamed' . > pngRefs
grep -v -f pngList pngRefs
And you can clean up the results with sed and sort -u from there.
The above approach could produce some wrong answers if you have any PNGs whose names are proper substrings of other PNGs. For example, if you have promo_icon and cheese_promo_icon and promo_icon is never referenced but cheese_promo_icon is referenced, the above approach will not detect that promo_icon is unreferenced.
To deal with this problem, you can surround your PNG name patterns with \b (word-boundary) sequences:
find . -name '*.png' -printf %f | sed -e 's/^/\\b/' -e 's/$/\\b/' -e 's/[.#].*$//' | sort -u > pngList
This way your pngList file will contain lines like this:
so when you grep it against the list of references it will only match when the name of each PNG is the entire name in the image ref (and not a substring of a longer name).
This is the script that finds unreferenced images in an Xcode project. One gotcha is that people may use string formatting to construct references to images and that's unaccounted for here. Mac users will want to install findutils via brew to get a version of find with printf:
# Finds unreferenced PNG assets in an xcode project
# Get a list of png file stems, stripping out folder information, 'png' extension
# and '#2x' parts of the filename
for png in `find . -name '*.png' -printf '%f\n' | sed -e 's/[.#].*$//' | sort -u`
# Loop through the files and print out a list of files not referenced. Keep in mind
# that some files like 'asset-1' may be referred to in code like 'asset-%d' so be careful
name=`basename $png`
if ! grep -qRI --exclude project.pbxproj --exclude-dir Podfile $png . ; then
echo "$png is not referenced"

Visit all subdirectories and extract first page from every pdf

I have a few folders with E-Books and I want to extract first page from every book. There are over two hundred books so doing this manually it's a big pain in the back and will be very time consuming.
I have a command that does the job for single file
pdftk TehInput.pdf cat 1 output cover_TehInput.pdf
How do I wrap this into a single script that visits everything and assigns the name to output like cover_wtv-original-name-is.pdf? All the output files might be everywhere like in the directory where script was started or near the original file.
You want to use the find command for this. Something like:
find . -iname '*.pdf' -exec pdftk '{}' cat 1 output '{}'.cover.pdf ';'
This will find all PDFs from the current directory (.) downwards, and execute
pdftk filename.pdf cat 1 output filename.pdf.cover.pdf
on it. It's the whole path that will get passed to pdftk, so you'll end up with the cover PDFs in the same directory as the original files. (You could do something to get rid of the .pdf.cover.pdf extensions if you need to.)
If you use no blanks or newlines in filenames:
find . -iname '*.pdf' -printf "%h %f\n" | sed -E 's|(.*) (.*)|echo pdftk \1/\2 cat 1 output \1/cover_\2|' | sh
If output is okay, remove "echo ".

Bash script pdftk merge PDFs

I have a few thousand PDFs that I need merged based on filename.
Named like:
Lastname, Firstname_12345.pdf
Instead of overwriting or appending, our software appends a number/datetime to the pdf if there are additional pages like:
Lastname, Firstname_12345_201305160953344627.pdf
For all the ones that don't have a second (or third) pdf the script doesn't need to touch. But, for all the ones that have multiples, they need to be merged into a new file *_merged.pdf? and the originals deleted.
I gave this my best effort and this is what I have so far.
#! /bin/bash
# list all pdfs to show shortest name first
LIST=$(ls -r *.pdf)
for x in "$LIST"
# Remove .pdf extension. merge pdfs. delete originals.
pdftk "$y"*.pdf cat output "$y"_merged.pdf
find "$y"*.pdf -type f ! -iname "*_merged.pdf" -delete
This script works to a certain extent. It will merge and delete the originals, but it doesn't have anything in it to skip ones that don't need anything appended to them, and when I run it in a folder with several test files it stops after one file. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Since your file names contain spaces the for loop won't work as is.
Once you have a list of file names, a test on the number of files matching y*.pdf to determine if you need to merge the pdfs.
LIST=( * )
# Remove .pdf extension. merge pdfs. delete originals.
for x in "${LIST[#]}" ; do
if [ $(ls "$y"*.pdf 2>/dev/null | wc -l ) -gt 1 ]; then
pdftk "$y"*.pdf cat output "$y"_merged.pdf
find "$y"*.pdf -type f ! -iname "*_merged.pdf" -delete

Splitting a binary file on binary delimiter?

I'm working on a shell script to convert MPO stereographic 3D images into standard JPEG images. A MPO file is just two JPEG images, concatenated together.
As such, you can split out the JPEG files by finding the byte offset of the second JPEG's magic number header (0xFFD8FFE1). I've done this manually using hexdump/xxd, grep, head, and tail.
The problem here is grep: what can I use to search a binary directly for a specific magic number, and get back a byte offset? Or should I not use a shell script for this at all? Thanks.
You can do this using bbe ( which is a sed like program for binary files:
In order to extract the first JPEG use:
bbe -b '/\xFF\xD8\xFF\xE1/:' -e 'D 2' -o first_jpeg mpo_file
And for the second one:
bbe -b '/\xFF\xD8\xFF\xE1/:' -e 'D 1' -o second_jpeg mpo_file
Note that this will not work if the JPEG's magic number occurs somewhere else in the MPO file.
I think that Bart is on to your biggest problem.. If that binary sequence repeats during the process, you will get partial JPEGs.
I did a quick test by concatenating some JPEGs and then extracting them with awk (please note that the magic number in my files ended in 0xE0 and not 0xE1):
# for i in *.jpg ; do cat $i ; done > test.mpo
# awk 'BEGIN {RS="\xFF\xD8\xFF\xE0"; FILENUM=-1} {FILENUM++; if (FILENUM == 0) {next}; FILENAME="image0"FILENUM".jpg"; printf "%s",RS$0 > FILENAME;}' test.mpo
# file image0*.jpg
image01.jpg: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01
image010.jpg: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01
image011.jpg: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01
This seemed to work ok for me, but the above mentioned issues are still unhandled and very real.
I've found a much better explanation of MPO file structure (and how to process it correctly) at
Edit, October 2019:
Since the blog entry now 404s, here is the script that I wrote based on it. I haven't used it in many years.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Script to convert 3D MPO files, as used in the Fuji FinePix series of 3D cameras, into standard JPEG files.
# Based on work by David Glover, posted at
# This script requires exiftool and ImageMagick.
FILENAME="$(basename $FULLNAME)"
DIRNAME="$(dirname $FULLNAME)"
# Create output directories
mkdir -p "$DIRNAME"/stereoscopic-rl/
mkdir -p "$DIRNAME"/stereoscopic-mpo/
mkdir -p "$DIRNAME"/stereoscopic-anaglyph/
mkdir -p "$DIRNAME"/monoscopic-l/
mkdir -p "$DIRNAME"/monoscopic-r/
# Create separate left and right images
exiftool -trailer:all= "$FULLNAME" -o "$DIRNAME"/monoscopic-l/"$BASENAME"-left.jpg
exiftool "$FULLNAME" -mpimage2 -b > "$DIRNAME"/monoscopic-r/"$BASENAME"-right.jpg
# Move the MPO file to its new home
mv "$FULLNAME" "$DIRNAME"/stereoscopic-mpo/
# Determine parallax value and create cropped images for stereo generation
# 36 is only appropriate for 4:3 or 3:2 images
parallax=$(exiftool -b -Parallax "$DIRNAME"/monoscopic-r/"$BASENAME"-right.jpg)
parallax=$(echo "$parallax"*36+0.5 | bc | cut -d . -f 1)
# The above pipeline can't deal with a parallax of zero
# In theory, this fix doesn't cover values between zero and -1
# TODO improve the calculation
if [ ! $parallax ]; then
echo $parallax
if [ $parallax -ge 0 ]; then
convert "$DIRNAME"/monoscopic-l/"$BASENAME"-left.jpg -crop +"$parallax"+0 "$DIRNAME"/monoscopic-l/"$BASENAME"-left-cropped.jpg
convert "$DIRNAME"/monoscopic-r/"$BASENAME"-right.jpg -crop -"$parallax"+0 "$DIRNAME"/monoscopic-r/"$BASENAME"-right-cropped.jpg
convert "$DIRNAME"/monoscopic-l/"$BASENAME"-left.jpg -crop -"$((-1*$parallax))"+0 "$DIRNAME"/monoscopic-l/"$BASENAME"-left-cropped.jpg
convert "$DIRNAME"/monoscopic-r/"$BASENAME"-right.jpg -crop +"$((-1*$parallax))"+0 "$DIRNAME"/monoscopic-r/"$BASENAME"-right-cropped.jpg
# Create stereoscopic images for cross-eye (right-left) and anaglyph (red-cyan) viewing
convert "$DIRNAME"/monoscopic-r/"$BASENAME"-right-cropped.jpg "$DIRNAME"/monoscopic-l/"$BASENAME"-left-cropped.jpg +append "$DIRNAME"/stereoscopic-rl/"$BASENAME"-stereoscopic-rl.jpg
composite -stereo 0 "$DIRNAME"/monoscopic-r/"$BASENAME"-right-cropped.jpg "$DIRNAME"/monoscopic-l/"$BASENAME"-left-cropped.jpg "$DIRNAME"/stereoscopic-anaglyph/"$BASENAME"-stereoscopic-anaglyph.jpg
# Clean up separated parallax-corrected images
rm "$DIRNAME"/monoscopic-l/"$BASENAME"-left-cropped.jpg
rm "$DIRNAME"/monoscopic-r/"$BASENAME"-right-cropped.jpg
exit 0
I think a very simple home brew approach will be your best bet. The code for doing this would be very small, depending on all the special cases of your binary file format.
Use mmap to get a convenient view of your file in memory.
Start scanning, and save the byte-offset in a variable, say start.
Scan until you reach your delimiter, saving the ending offset, in say end.
Create a new file
Memory-map the new file
Copy the byte-range from start to end into the new file.
Close the new file and start scanning again.
FFE1 is not part of the some jpeg "magic number", it's the APP1 marker. And it's not guaranteed to come right after the SOI marker FFD8. Also, you should be careful that some jpeg images embed a thumbnail jpeg in an EXIF block. That will most likely also contain an APP1 marker.
