Bash script pdftk merge PDFs - bash

I have a few thousand PDFs that I need merged based on filename.
Named like:
Lastname, Firstname_12345.pdf
Instead of overwriting or appending, our software appends a number/datetime to the pdf if there are additional pages like:
Lastname, Firstname_12345_201305160953344627.pdf
For all the ones that don't have a second (or third) pdf the script doesn't need to touch. But, for all the ones that have multiples, they need to be merged into a new file *_merged.pdf? and the originals deleted.
I gave this my best effort and this is what I have so far.
#! /bin/bash
# list all pdfs to show shortest name first
LIST=$(ls -r *.pdf)
for x in "$LIST"
# Remove .pdf extension. merge pdfs. delete originals.
pdftk "$y"*.pdf cat output "$y"_merged.pdf
find "$y"*.pdf -type f ! -iname "*_merged.pdf" -delete
This script works to a certain extent. It will merge and delete the originals, but it doesn't have anything in it to skip ones that don't need anything appended to them, and when I run it in a folder with several test files it stops after one file. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Since your file names contain spaces the for loop won't work as is.
Once you have a list of file names, a test on the number of files matching y*.pdf to determine if you need to merge the pdfs.
LIST=( * )
# Remove .pdf extension. merge pdfs. delete originals.
for x in "${LIST[#]}" ; do
if [ $(ls "$y"*.pdf 2>/dev/null | wc -l ) -gt 1 ]; then
pdftk "$y"*.pdf cat output "$y"_merged.pdf
find "$y"*.pdf -type f ! -iname "*_merged.pdf" -delete


Renaming multiple files - first by finding the files in a set of subdirectories and then matching file names to a list containing the new file names

I have a set of files that are organised across a large number of sub-directories, for example:
and so on.
All the files within these directories have a similar type of name but have different numbers within the name.
I had like to rename all of these files to include another number. The correct number needed has already been appended to a given filename within a text file (temp_names.txt)
I am trying to write a bash script to rename the files in the directory to match those in temp_names.txt
I think I need to use the find command, set up a while loop for each file to be matched based on their similarity and be renamed, but I am having trouble getting this right.
In the past, I have used something like:
for file in ./Image/Square*/Data/*.tiff
read line
mv "${file}" "${line}"
done < temp_names.txt
When the files are all in the same sub-directory and are read in the same order as they appear in my text file. However, this is not the case for these files and I need a new approach. I have been trying some variants of starting like this:
find /Images/Square*/Data/ -type f -name .tiff |
while IFS= read -d '' file_name; do
But I am unsure whether I should be using rename or mv in the next line, how to match the common parts between the filename in the directory and in the text file, and then how to add a changeable string (the number at the end) to the file name.
This is a script to do your requirement:
find . -type f -name "Triangle_*.tiff" -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' file
# extract the filename, without extension
filename=$(basename "${file%.*}")
# Find that in the temp_names.txt file
newfilename=$(grep "$filename" temp_names.txt)
# extract the path of the file
filepath=$(dirname "$file")
# rename the file
mv -v "$file" "$filepath/$newfilename"
The find is recursive, so it will handle all files.
From each file, remove its extension, then grep for the name in the list of new filenames.
Since the file could be in any sub-directory, the path is extracted from the file found by find.
The mv changes the name of the file to the new name, under the same directory as the original file.
I put option -v to the mv to get some log of what is done. But you can remove it if not required.

bash change absolute path in file line by line for script creation

I'm trying to create a bash script based on a input file (list.txt). The input File contains a list of files with absolute path. The output should be a bash script ( which moves the files to another location, preserve the folder structure, but changing the target folder name slightly before.
the Input list.txt File example looks like this :
The output file ( should looks like this after creation :
mv "/In/Folder_1/SomeFoldername1/somefilename_x.mp3" /gain/Folder_1/
mv "/In/Folder_2/SomeFoldername2/somefilename_y.mp3" /gain/Folder_2/
mv "/In/Folder_3/SomeFoldername3/somefilename_z.mp3" /gain/Folder_3/
The folder structure should be preserved, more or less.
after executing the created bash script (, the result should looks like this :
What I've done so far.
1. create a list of files with absolute path
find /In/ -iname "*.mp3" -type f > /home/maars/mp3/list.txt
2. create the script
cp -a /home/maars/mp3/list.txt /home/maars/mp3/
# read the list and split the absolute path into fields
while IFS= read -r line;do
fields=($(printf "%s" "$line"|cut -d'/' --output-delimiter=' ' -f1-))
done < /home/maars/mp3/
# add the target path based on variables at the end of the line
sed -i -E "s|\.mp3|\.mp3"\"" /gain/"${fields[1]}"/|g" /home/maars/mp3/
sed -i "s|/In/|mv "\""/In/|g" /home/maars/mp3/
The script just use the value of ${fields[1]}, which is Folder_1 and put this in all lines at the end. Instead of Folder_2 and Folder_3.
The current result looks like
mv "/In/Folder_1/SomeFoldername1/somefilename_x.mp3" /gain/Folder_1/
mv "/In/Folder_2/SomeFoldername2/somefilename_y.mp3" /gain/Folder_1/
mv "/In/Folder_3/SomeFoldername3/somefilename_z.mp3" /gain/Folder_1/
rsync is not an option since I need the full control of files to be moved.
What could I do better to solve this issue ?
EDIT : #Socowi helped me a lot by pointing me in the right direction. After I did a deep dive into the World of Regex, I could solve my Issues. Thank you very much
The script just use the value of ${fields[1]}, which is Folder_1 and put this in all lines at the end. Instead of Folder_2 and Folder_3.
You iterate over all lines and update fields for every line. After you finished the loop, fields retains its value (from the last line). You would have to move the sed commands into your loop and make sure that only the current line is replaced by sed. However, there's a better way – see down below.
What could I do better
There are a lot of things you could improve, for instance
Creating the array fields with mapfile -d/ fields instead of printf+cut+($()). That way, you also wouldn't have problems with spaces in paths.
Use sed only once instead of creating the array fields and using multiple sed commands. You can replace step 2 with this small script:
cp -a /home/maars/mp3/list.txt /home/maars/mp3/
sed -i -E 's|^/[^/]*/([^/]*).*$|mv "&" "/gain/\1"|' /home/maars/mp3/
However, the best optimization would be to drop that three step approach and use only one script to find and move the files:
find /In/ -iname "*.mp3" -type f -exec rename -n 's|^/.*?/(.*?)/.*/(.*)$|/gain/$1/$2|' {} +
The -n option will print what will be renamed without actually renaming anything . Remove the -n when you are happy with the result. Here is the output:
rename(/In/Folder_1/SomeFoldername1/somefilename_x.mp3, /gain/Folder_1/somefilename_x.mp3)
rename(/In/Folder_2/SomeFoldername2/somefilename_y.mp3, /gain/Folder_2/somefilename_y.mp3)
rename(/In/Folder_3/SomeFoldername3/somefilename_z.mp3, /gain/Folder_3/somefilename_z.mp3)
It's not builtin to bash, but the mmv command is nice for this kind of mv where you need to use wildcards in paths. Something like the following should work:
mmv "in/*/*/*" "#1/#3"
Note that this won't create the directories for you - but in your example above it looks like these already exist?

save filename and information from the file into a two column txt doc. ubuntu terminal

I have a question regarding the manipulation and creation of text files in the ubuntu terminal. I have a directory that contains several 1000 subdirectories. In each directory, there is a file with the extension stats.txt. I want to write a piece of code that will run from the parent directory, and create a file with the name of all the stats.txt files in the first column, and then returns to me all the information from the 5th line of the same stats.txt file in the next column. The 5th line of the stats.txt file is a sentence of six words, not a single value.
For reference, I have successfully used the sed command in combination with find and cat to make a file containing the 5th line from each stats.txt file. I then used the ls command to save a list of all my subdirectories. I assumed both files would be in alphabetical order of the subdirectories, and thus easy to merge, but I was wrong. The find and cat functions, or at least my implementation of them, resulted in a file that appeared to be random in order (see below). No need to try to remedy this code, I'm open to all solutions.
# loop through subdirectories and save the 5th line of stats.txt as a different file.
for f in ~/*; do [ -d $f ] && cd "$f" && sed -n 5p *stats.txt > final.stats.txt done;
# find the final.stats.txt files and save them as a single file
find ./ -name 'final.stats.txt' -exec cat {} \; > compiled.stats.txt
Maybe something like this can help you get on track:
find . -name "*stats.txt" -exec awk 'FNR==5{print FILENAME, $0}' '{}' + > compiled.stats

Recursively concatenating (joining) and renaming text files in a directory tree

I am using a Mac OS X Lion.
I have a folder: LITERATURE with the following structure:
Chapters 01-05.txt
Chapters 06-10.txt
Chapters 11-end.txt
I want to recursively concatenate the chapters that are split into multiple files (not all are). Then, I want to write the concatenated file to its parent's parent directory. The name of the concatenated file should be the same as the name of its parent directory.
For example, after running the script (in the folder structure shown above) I should get the following.
Chapters 01-05.txt
Chapters 06-10.txt
Chapters 11-end.txt
In this example, the parent directory is THE BROTHER OF DAPHNE and the parent's parent directory is YATES, DORNFORD.
[Updated March 6th—Rephrased the question/answer so that the question/answer is easy to find and understand.]
It's not clear what you mean by "recursively" but this should be enough to get you started.
titlecase () { # adapted from
local arr
echo "${arr[#]^}"
for book in LITERATURE/?/*/*; do
title=$(titlecase ${book##*/})
for file in "$book"/*; do
cat "$file"
done >"$book/$title"
echo '# not doing this:' rm "$book"/*.txt
This loops over LITERATURE/initial/author/BOOK TITLE and creates a file Book Title (where should a space be added?) from the catenated files in each book directory. (I would generate it in the parent directory and then remove the book directory completely, assuming it contains nothing of value any longer.) There is no recursion, just a loop over this directory structure.
Removing the chapter files is a bit risky so I'm not doing it here. You could remove the echo prefix from the line after the first done to enable it.
If you have book names which contain an asterisk or some other shell metacharacter this will be rather more complex -- the title assignment assumes you can use the book title unquoted.
Only the parameter expansion with case conversion is beyond the very basics of Bash. The array operations could perhaps also be a bit scary if you are a complete beginner. Proper understanding of quoting is also often a challenge for newcomers.
cat Chapters*.txt > FinaleFile.txt.raw
Chapters="$( ls -1 Chapters*.txt | sed -n 'H;${x;s/\
//g;s/ *Chapters //g;s/\.txt/ /g;s/ *$//p;}' )"
mv FinaleFile.txt.raw "FinaleFile ${Chapters}.txt"
cat all txt at once (assuming name sorted list)
take chapter number/ref from the ls of the folder and with a sed to adapt the format
rename the concatenate file including chapters
Shell doesn't like white space in names. However, over the years, Unix has come up with some tricks that'll help:
$ find . -name "Chapters*.txt" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 cat >> final_file.txt
Might do what you want.
The find recursively finds all of the directory entries in a file tree that matches the query (In this case, the type must be a file, and the name matches the pattern Chapter*.txt).
Normally, find separates out the directory entry names with NL, but the -print0 says to separate out the entries names with the NUL character. The NL is a valid character in a file name, but NUL isn't.
The xargs command takes the output of the find and processes it. xargs gathers all the names and passes them in bulk to the command you give it -- in this case the cat command.
Normally, xargs separates out files by white space which means Chapters would be one file and 01-05.txt would be another. However, the -0 tells xargs, to use NUL as a file separator -- which is what -print0 does.
Thanks for all your input. They got me thinking, and I managed to concatenate the files using the following steps:
This script replaces spaces in filenames with underscores.
# We are going to iterate through the directory tree, up to a maximum depth of 20.
for i in `seq 1 20`
# In UNIX based systems, files and directories are the same (Everything is a File!).
# The 'find' command lists all files which contain spaces in its name. The | (pipe) …
# … forwards the list to a 'while' loop that iterates through each file in the list.
find . -name '* *' -maxdepth $i | while read file
# Here, we use 'sed' to replace spaces in the filename with underscores.
# The 'echo' prints a message to the console before renaming the file using 'mv'.
item=`echo "$file" | sed 's/ /_/g'`
echo "Renaming '$file' to '$item'"
mv "$file" "$item"
This script concatenates text files that start with Part, Chapter, Section, or Book.
# Here, we go through all the directories (up to a depth of 20).
for D in `find . -maxdepth 20 -type d`
# Check if the parent directory contains any files of interest.
if ls $D/Part*.txt &>/dev/null ||
ls $D/Chapter*.txt &>/dev/null ||
ls $D/Section*.txt &>/dev/null ||
ls $D/Book*.txt &>/dev/null
# If we get here, then there are split files in the directory; we will concatenate them.
# First, we trim the full directory path ($D) so that we are left with the path to the …
# … files' parent's parent directory—We will write the concatenated file here. (✝)
ppdir="$(dirname "$D")"
# Here, we concatenate the files using 'cat'. The 'awk' command extracts the name of …
# … the parent directory from the full directory path ($D) and gives us the filename.
# Finally, we write the concatenated file to its parent's parent directory. (✝)
cat $D/*.txt > $ppdir/`echo $D|awk -F'/' '$0=$(NF-0)'`.txt
Now, we delete all the files that we concatenated so that its parent directory is left empty.
find . -name 'Part*' -delete
find . -name 'Chapter*' -delete
find . -name 'Section*' -delete
find . -name 'Book*' -delete
The following command will delete empty directories. (✝) We wrote the concatenated file to its parent's parent directory so that its parent directory is left empty after deleting all the split files.
find . -type d -empty -delete
[Updated March 6th—Rephrased the question/answer so that the question/answer is easy to find and understand.]

Script to prepend all filenames within a directory

I've found an issue with adobes bates numbering tool, where file names are messing up the order in which they are numbered.
I was hoping to write a script that users would be able to click on and add the folder extension for all the files.
Then the script would prepend all the file names within the folder with a 000001filename.pdf 000002filename.pdf etc...
I've never combined scripts before but i've found scripts that either rename OR prepend. and i couldn't find anything that would rename sequentially with preceding 0's.
without much testing:
n=0 # or 1 if you like
format="%06d" # format of prefix
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f | # only one level, no dirs but also no symlinks etc
cut -d/ -f2 | # remove leading ./
sort | # plugin your sorting here
while read file
prefix=`printf "%06d" $n`
mv "$file" "$prefix$file" # but mv is dangerous!
