Can spring boot generate rest api document as the error page? - spring

Is there a way that make Spring generate documents of all my rest APIs automatically and set it as the error page?

Spring REST Docs is the tool to help you to produce documentation for your RESTful services that is accurate and readable.
An alternative is swagger, with the swagger annotion, it is eaiser to integrate with existing RESTful services and generated the swagger UI page.
Then customize the spring boot error page


How can generate a swagger from my spring boot application?

I have created a web rest API using Spring boot and I would like to generate a swagger page with the APIs documentation. How can I do that?
There is a Spring project dedicated to this:
You can annotate your classes and an OpenAPI document will be generated from them.
The OpenAPI document can be consumed in many ways (one of those is the Swagger UI, another is to generate clients from it).

How to integrate swagger with spring cloud function

I have one spring boot application having three spring cloud function which I am able to execute via postman or curl successfully .Now my next step is to add swagger documentation for the same. I have followed all configuration that we do to add swagger with normal spring boot project. And it is up and running but problem is that my functions URL are not listed in swagger since Request Mapping or API operations annotations are not getting picked up maybe those are just functions not a controller that's y. So if someone could help how to integrate so i can document all cloud functions that I am creating.

Can we Integrating Swagger with JAX-RS with out creating JSON configuration file?

I have been using swagger for a while with spring boot applications. It is very easy with spring since i only have to specify the package info.
But recently i was going through a few documents on how to integrate swagger with JAX-RS, i found it requires more involvement from developer by specifying api information's on a JSON.
Do we have any other solution?

Create a web application using Spring framework for back-end but without using Spring MVC.s

I want to learn the Spring Framework and therefore I decided to make a web application using it, but I don't want to use Spring MVC as it still uses JSP. What all projects from Spring can be used if I want to have a UI which can be made using React / Angular and the backend is managed by Spring.
You have to use REST API, and pass data to front-end JS framework via JSON.
Look here:
Start with creating a simple Rest Controller with Spring Boot.
Then you have to choose your JavaScript framework (jQuery, Angular, React),
and make a HTTP request to URL typed in your #RestController.
You can achieve this by using AJAX method from your JS framework.
Try this,it will speed up your development
Restful Web Service with Spring Boot
by the way,if you want to use Angular/React+Spring Boot you can use JHipster, this tool will just do the basic setup for your Angular/React+Spring Boot application in couple of minutes,the website has a clear video tutorial you can use it will only take about 15 min approx

Spring XD as a Rest Endpoint

Can we integrate Spring XD and Spring MVC, so that we can ingest/process data sent to the REST end point?
We have huge amounts of data collected in a Spring MVC app and are wondering if we could use Spring XD for this.
The http source is a stripped-down http server (based on netty); it is not a full Spring MVC server. For that, you would need a custom source with an embedded tomcat/jetty.
See Artem's comment on this answer for a suggestion about how to embed tomcat in a module.
