How to integrate swagger with spring cloud function - spring-boot

I have one spring boot application having three spring cloud function which I am able to execute via postman or curl successfully .Now my next step is to add swagger documentation for the same. I have followed all configuration that we do to add swagger with normal spring boot project. And it is up and running but problem is that my functions URL are not listed in swagger since Request Mapping or API operations annotations are not getting picked up maybe those are just functions not a controller that's y. So if someone could help how to integrate so i can document all cloud functions that I am creating.


How can generate a swagger from my spring boot application?

I have created a web rest API using Spring boot and I would like to generate a swagger page with the APIs documentation. How can I do that?
There is a Spring project dedicated to this:
You can annotate your classes and an OpenAPI document will be generated from them.
The OpenAPI document can be consumed in many ways (one of those is the Swagger UI, another is to generate clients from it).

what is service url in spring starter project? Alternatives for default service url

I am new to Spring boot.
While creating a New Spring Starter project in STS there is a Service URL dropdown defaults to as given below.
I searched in stack overflow but didn't find any information about it.
What is the use of specifying this? Why it has been given as editable? Is there any alternative available instead of
I noticed that tried with any other URL, it tries to parse as json and gives exception given below.
JSONException: A JSONObject text must begin with '{' at character 3
Need clarification, what is happening in background?
It is a simple client server architecture which various UI clients such as Spring Boot CLI , IDE or official web UI talk to the same backend HTTP API that actually generates the spring starter project.
The service URL is the URL of this HTTP API. Spring Team already deploy an official one at which you can simply use it.
But in case if you want to build your own customised version , you can checkout its source codes , modify according to your needs and deployed to your own server. Then change the service URL to your API server 's URL in order to use it.

Spring boot REST - Swagger Docs using Spring FOX and generate client SDK in same build

I am using java spring boot framework to create REST api for my project and I am using "springfox-swagger2 and springfox-swagger-ui" for generating swagger documentation. I am able to see my documentation using the url http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html.
How can I generate swagger.json / spec.json to a file without launching web url? I am planning to create client classes also in same build using this json.

mimic swagger api on spring boot application

I got a Spring boot REST based proxy server application with standard REST End point exposed(GET, POST,PUT and DELETE) to outside world.
Any requests coming from external world then will be routed to actual functionality internally.
Now the requirement is to expose all the API supported by my REST proxy server. As I mentioned I do not have static controller path in my code for individual APIs. So would like to get your input how to create swagger support for all the internal APIs that my proxy server support. Is there are a way I can generate swagger schema manually to mimics the controller path? Or is there any other way to solve this problem?
Thanks in advance.

Can spring boot generate rest api document as the error page?

Is there a way that make Spring generate documents of all my rest APIs automatically and set it as the error page?
Spring REST Docs is the tool to help you to produce documentation for your RESTful services that is accurate and readable.
An alternative is swagger, with the swagger annotion, it is eaiser to integrate with existing RESTful services and generated the swagger UI page.
Then customize the spring boot error page
