UiPath PDF activities - uipath

I am trying to read a PDF as text, and I can write it back with junk in it, which is fine as I have a parser component to get the bits I need.
My question is how can I read specific parts of the PDF and ignore the rest?

If your PDF is well formatted, you can do it using text scraping, but that means you need to open the PDF file and it must be visible for Native Scraping to work


How do I output Rich Text to a printable format from Laravel

I have a Laravel application that allows users to build method statements. They can build rich text Method Statements using Laravel-Trix editor which allows the inclusion of images. All this works fine but I need to output the completed report to PDF, or at least some format that allows me to print the report.
I have tried FPDF, SnappyPDF, and DomPDF. DomPDF will output the formatted text but not the images.
Does anyone know how to achieve this. I don't have to use Trix but it is easy to use in Laravel.
Thanks in advance.

How do I embed full pdfs using ReStructured Text?

How do I embed a pdf using reStructured Text? With the following directive, I only get the first page.
.. image:: /pdfs/cv.pdf
For context, I'm trying to do this in a Pelican based blog.
A plugin for Pelican called pdf-img description says:
Searches for any tags within your article for which the source is a PostScript, EPS, or PDF file. It will produce a PNG preview of the file and this PNG will be displayed as the image. This preview will also act as a link to the original file. If the PDF/PS/EPS file is a multi-page document, then only the first page will be used for the preview.
That explains why you get those results.
I could find no plugin that "embeds a PDF" (by which I assume you want to embed a PDF viewer within your Pelican blog that would display the entire PDF, allowing the viewer to scroll through it in an iframe or something like that), but you can try searching for others.

Ruby pdf testing in browser

Has anyone been able to find a way to test pdf's with ruby within the browser? I have tried a few different ways and the only way I have been able to get any pdf testing to work is to save off the pdf and use the pdf_reader gem. This only seems to work on pdf's that, when the link is clicked, opens up a dialog box with the options to open or save the pdf. Unfortunately I have not been able to find a way to do anything like this with pdf's that are opened in browser, with no dialog box options to save it. Any ideas?
Maybe testing it in the browser isnt the best way. When you say test the pdf what are you trying to do? I wouldnt test the pdf in the browser if I was you.
Try docsplit, if you want to verify its contents.
Docsplit is a command-line utility and Ruby library for splitting apart documents into their component parts: searchable UTF-8 plain text via OCR if necessary, page images or thumbnails in any format, PDFs, single pages, and document metadata (title, author, number of pages...)
You are not inventing a browser, or a PDF generator.
Use unit tests to check your back-end modules can take data in, and write PDF out, then serve the PDF in a website and let the browser do its thing. Test (as what Rails calls a "functional test") that the MVC will produce a web page containing a link to the PDF, and you are done.
You can use gem 'mechanize' to download an online PDF (the PDF with in a browser) on your computer and then read it via gem PDF reader.

Converting an Image type PDF to an OCR enabled PDF

I'm not sure if my title is overly descriptive of what I'm trying to do so I will try and elabarate.
I've been asked to develop a small application where someone can upload a PDF to the website. The website is coded in ASP classic but I don't mind going down the route of .net.
Once uploaded the code needs to check if the PDF is text based if it is not it needs to then convert the document over to the text type PDF.
Does anyone have an idea of a component that can do this image PDF to text PDF conversion? So far i've looked into:
I didn't overly understand what the ghost thing was doing and the websupergoo solution appeared to be converting images into text files?
I think you could use one of several websites that let you upload an image and send you back an OCR'ed data. Try www.ocrsdk.com, it is a cloud based OCR SDK recently launched by ABBYY. It's now in closed beta so it's completely free to use.
If you can afford a commercial option, you could use Amyuni PDF Creator .Net with asp.net, or Amyuni PDF Creator ActiveX if you want to stay on asp-classic. Take a look on the OCR module for PDF-Image to PDF-Text processing.
Usual disclaimer applies

Converting Word to PDF Using SharePoint 2010 Word Automation Services

I have tried to find out the way I can put locks or disable the copy and paste on the PDF file after the conversion. I looked at the ConversionJobSettings properties but I couldn’t be able to accomplish this.
Based on what I have read, the sharepoint2010 Word Automation services API provides very limited capability in manipulating the conversion logics but is there any way I can lock down the content so that it cannot be copied?
Thank for your help
You will either need to code something up yourself or get a third party product such as this one, which allows conversion as well as PDF manipulation including security and watermarking.
Note that I worked on this product, so I am obviously biased. Having said that, it works brilliantly.
The only way to prevent copy and paste (as text) is to create image versions of the pages and saves those as a PDF.
a possible solution:
1) Use Word automation to print to a PostScript (PS) printer driver to get a .ps file
2) Use GhostScript to convert the PS to tif files
3) Create a PDF using the tif files (possibly with GhostScript too)
