How do I embed full pdfs using ReStructured Text? - image

How do I embed a pdf using reStructured Text? With the following directive, I only get the first page.
.. image:: /pdfs/cv.pdf
For context, I'm trying to do this in a Pelican based blog.

A plugin for Pelican called pdf-img description says:
Searches for any tags within your article for which the source is a PostScript, EPS, or PDF file. It will produce a PNG preview of the file and this PNG will be displayed as the image. This preview will also act as a link to the original file. If the PDF/PS/EPS file is a multi-page document, then only the first page will be used for the preview.
That explains why you get those results.
I could find no plugin that "embeds a PDF" (by which I assume you want to embed a PDF viewer within your Pelican blog that would display the entire PDF, allowing the viewer to scroll through it in an iframe or something like that), but you can try searching for others.


How to open image file using pdftron

I want to load an image file using the pdftron webviewer api.
For pdf files it's working fine but I want to load image files and add annotations to them.
In the user guide there is no information regarding working with images.
Yes, WebViewer can do this out of the box.
There are a number of image formats supported. Here is the breakdown.
Simply pass the image URL to WebViewer initialDoc constructor parameter, or to WebViewer.loadDocument().
If your URL does not have a proper file extension, then you can do the following.
myWebViewer.loadDocument("mydomain/generic_url_to_image", {filename: "input.png"})
This works with both PDFNetJS Lean and Full editions.
You can utilize the browser's HTML5 canvas to load the images, and then generate PNG/JPG from the HTML5 canvas, and then pass the follow the instructions above.
JP2 or multiple images in one document.
Using PDFNetJS Full edition, which does not come with the standard WebViewer download, you have full control over PDF creation.
PDFNetJS Full Download:
Using PDFNetJS Full you would follow the AddImage sample code to construct a PDF with the image(s) in it.

UiPath PDF activities

I am trying to read a PDF as text, and I can write it back with junk in it, which is fine as I have a parser component to get the bits I need.
My question is how can I read specific parts of the PDF and ignore the rest?
If your PDF is well formatted, you can do it using text scraping, but that means you need to open the PDF file and it must be visible for Native Scraping to work

Sphinx contents search results

I am currently using the read the doc theme for sphinxdoc version 1.4.6. When I search contents the queries display the title and the start of restructure text files instead of the the title and start of the html page. Is there any possible way I can change that?
Try the sphinx extension "sphinxprettysearchresults" (
Their website says this:
To display search results, Sphinx is fetching the source files of search hits and rendering excerpts in raw markup (Example).
This extension removes the markup from these source files (during build time), so the search results look decent.
However, when I load it on my project, I get an error, which I will have to report.
Maybe it works fine in your project.

Replace image in bitmap image object without opening document in word 2007 (any language)

I have a word 2007 document that is being used here as a template. In this template there are some bitmap image objects that are currently blank. The task is to write some text on these images.
The manual way is to edit the document and using paint I write the text on each of these images. But I am looking for a more dynamic way. Anything that can help me achieve my purpose.
I tried to do it using PHP but failed. PHPWord: Replaced image doesn't gets actually replaced
You can try DocxTemplater, which is a Javascript Library I maintain:
You can do that in the browser, but it works only in modern browsers (Chrome, FF, Safari latest versions). I recommend you to use nodejs.
Github Repository:

Why pdftk produced pdf files will not render in Firefox?

I have a site -
On this site I have 2 pdf files. One file has blurred data and the other is clear, both files were created with pdftk.
In order to blur out some personal data in the pdf I used Inkscape. But Inkscape only opens/edits one PDF page at a time. After I made my edits in Inkscape I saved the files as .pdf formatted files. At that point I had three separate pdf files, pages 1 through 3. I then used pdftk to concatenate the 3 files into one.
The final pdftk-produced files are on Just click the public information button.
In Chrome viewing inline works fine.
Downloading the file from Firefox works fine too.
But viewing inline on Firefox it renders blank pages. How can I fix this?
Also, I know that pdf files not produced with pdftk will render correctly on both Chrome and Firefox.
Thanks for your help.
FireFox has a lovely new feature: It now uses the PDF.js library to render PDF files, instead of calling out to an Adobe Reader plugin, or forcing you to save the file to disk. Unfortunately, it seem that PDF.js isn't quite perfect yet. A quick search shows that other people have the same issue, but the only "solution" I've seen offered boils down to "file a bug report at or".
Also: Do the three individual PDF files render in FireFox, before you use pdftk to concatenate them?
