Trying to ftp to my website using Filezilla and Cyberduck both are showing empty directories under root. What could I be doing wrong? There are many files in file manger on Cpanel.
The Problem is that I logged in from ftp account I had created in C panel and not the master root account. Now it works.
I have installed a new bitnami/magento stack on my server and it all deployed billiantly. I enable ssh and was able to log in via default user bitnami:bitnami as per post installation instructions.
I could then sftp via FileZilla with these credentials but when trying to create new files and folders I recieved a ACCESS DENIED for the user.
I assume the folder bitnami/magento only had read access for the user bitnami so I then gave full r+w access to user bitnami on this folder. I could then r+w but it killed the magento front end and i suddenly got a 503 error.
I assume magento uses root user to access the files and once i changed the user for this folder it killed everything.
I re-installed the server and deplyed the stack again but my knowledge is not good enough to work out how to enable r+w access on this folder for the user or to create a new user account for this folder and not kill the front and backend.
Any assistane gets Kudos
I was doing a complete redesign of a website for a client and everything was going fine until I went to ftp it. The login and password that he gave me works fine, but when I try to upload the files an error message pops up saying:
An FTP error occurred - cannot create new folder. Access denied. The file may not exist or there could be a permission problem. Make sure you have proper authorization on the server and the server is properly configured.
I can see the files that are already on the server, so I know I'm connected fine, but how do I get this website online? Do I contact the previous coder of the website to make the files writable? Or is the problem elsewhere?
Any help would be appreciated!
A hosting service may require you to place all files to /www for example and deny access to anything else. You may try to reset user rights via that webhost's web interface. If the service allows for some ssh access, you can try using that to see where your problem is. If SFTP works, even better, you can use just that instead.
so I thought I will give this software a try after years with Dreamweaver, but I got a problem browsing my files with its ftp browser.
When I log in with a different ftp client, I can see my files without any problem, but in the phpD client, I can only browse "aspnet_client".
Any idea why ?
It seems some broken FTP clients cant get the correct path to your username directory, this specific client trying to access the root directory, all you have to do is provide him your ftp path (instead of the default '/'), usually - your username.
It has been 2 hours that I' trying to allow a FTP user to have grant access to all directories.
I've add a FTP user with Webmin. I'm able to connect with a FTP client but when I'm trying to change directory to a virtual site (in /home/*), I have
550 ****: No such file or directory
I just want this new user to have the same right as root user. (for ftp directories access).
Does someone can help me ?
Thanks you in advance !
webmin has restrictions on creating ftp users with root permissions, there is a setting somewhere i think to disable this though, reply if you are still interested.
I'm new to Joomla and trying to help on a project.
I'm trying to switch host providers for my live Joomla Website.
I've successfully connected to FTP within Dreamweaver and the sites files are not displaying. Locally, I see the folder 'htdcos' with only 'contact.php' in it and only '.ftpquota' on the remote end. How can I access the websites files to back them to my hard drive to re-upload them to the new host?
Use a FTP such as FileZilla Dreamweaver is not that much compatible with Joomla's architecture.
Most of the web hosting companies, provides a back-end (CPanel) where you can zip the website root folder and upload it to the site and extract them, that way its very easy to deploy your joomla website.