Linking user to project without direct relationship - laravel

I am trying to figure out how to do something. I make an API call to retrieve a load of Projects.
$projects = APIHelper::returnRequestedProjects();
The API being called is on another server and what is returned is an array. Within my own Laravel project, I have a database with my own users. I do not model the projects against these users. However, each product returned above however has a user_id, which matchesa user's id within my system.
What I need to do is obtain the user model for each project. If I was dealing with a single project I could do something like this in my Controller
$user = User::where('id', $project->user_id);
As the API call returns an array of projects, I pass this directly to my view. I would then do something like this
#foreach($projects as $project)
How would I go about though matching a projects user_id to a user within my system?

If I understand you correctly, you are getting a response from a remote server with an array of data you need to get User data for.
$projects = APIHelper::returnRequestedProjects();
Therefore, inside your controller method,
$ids = [];
foreach ($projects as $project) {
$ids[] = $project['user_id']; // Assuming the user_id is the id field
$returnArray = [];
foreach ($ids as $id) {
$returnArray[] = User::where('id', $id)->first();
Pass the return array into your view:
return view('example.view', ['returnArray' => $returnArray]);
And then inside the view...
#foreach($returnArray as $value)
EDIT: To answer the question in comments...
$returnArray[$project['id']] = User::where('id', $id)->first();
Inside your views, the returnArray keys are now the actual IDs of projects you retrieved.
#foreach($returnArray as $projectId => $user)
Project ID: {{$projectId}}, User ID: {{$user->id}}

You can try this one:
foreach($projects as $project) {
$project['user'] = User::where('id', $project['used_id'])->first();


Looking up model in Laravel after returning array of objects in Controller

I am trying to do something I've never done before in Laravel and cannot figure out how to do it.
I have the following code in my Controller:
public function show($id)
//Get application for drug
$application = PharmaApplication::where('ApplNo', $id)->first();
//Get all products for given application (i.e. the different quantities and forms drug comes in)
$product = PharmaProduct::where('ApplNo', $id)->get();
foreach($product as $product){
//Get Marketing Status for drug
$marketingStatus = DB::table('pharma_marketing_statuses')
->where('ApplNo', $id)
->where('ProductNo', $product->ProductNo)
//Lookup marketing status Description
$marketingStatusDescription = PharmaMarketingSatusLookup::where('MarketingStatusID', $marketingStatus->MarketingStatusID);
return view('profiles.drug', compact('application', 'product', 'marketingStatus', 'marketingStatusDescription'));
I am trying to accomplish the following:
Get the application for a drug - this part of my code works
Return an array of objects for the products (i.e. 7 products that belong to one application). I can do this but get stuck going to the next part.
Next, I have to use the array of objects and search a table with the following columns: MarketingStatusID, ApplNo, ProductNo. I know how to query this table and get one row, but the problem is I have an array that I need to search. I imagine I have to use a loop but don't know where.
Finally, I use the MarketingStatusID to retrieve the MarketingStatusDescription which I will know how to do.
I am also getting an error message that says:
Class 'App\Http\Controllers\profiles\PharmaMarketingSatusLookup' not found
In my Controller, I have use App\PharmaMarketingStatusLookup; so I am not sure why it is searching the Controllers folder
You have a typo in your class
From PharmaMarketingSatusLookup change to PharmaMarketingStatusLookup
USE whereIn
use App\PharmaApplication;
use App\PharmaProduct;
use App\PharmaMarketingSatusLookup;
public function show($id)
$application = PharmaApplication::where('ApplNo', $id)->first();
$products = PharmaProduct::where('ApplNo', $id)->get();
$productid = array();
foreach($products as $product){
$productid[] = $product->ProductNo;
$marketingStatus = DB::table('pharma_marketing_statuses')
->where('ApplNo', $id)
->whereIn('ProductNo', $productid)
$marketingStatusDescription = PharmaMarketingSatusLookup::where('MarketingStatusID', $marketingStatus->MarketingStatusID);
return view('profiles.drug', compact('application', 'product', 'marketingStatus', 'marketingStatusDescription'));

how to display name from database in laravel

i want to display data from my database
public function generatePDF(Request $request)
$id = Auth::user()->id;
$name = User::select("NAME")->where("id", $id)->get();
$pdf = PDF::loadView('generatePDF', ['name'=>$name]);
return $pdf->stream('generatePDF.pdf');
can i display without [{"name":}], so just the value of data (name_from_database) ?
Simple use find like this
$name = User::find($id)->name;
Or direct from auth
$name = \Auth::user()->name;
To get logged in user id you can use \Auth::id()
you can use:
$user_id = User::findOrFail($id)->first();
test the laravel log file:
Use first() instead of get(), because get() will return an array and first() will return the object.
DRY Code line no.1 and no.2. simple use:
$name = auth()->user()->name;
to get the name of the currently authenticated user.
Send $name to you view is fine
$pdf = PDF::loadView('generatePDF', ['name' => $name]);
Correct your code in blade file
{{ name }} -> {{ $name }}
I hope this might help you. :)
Hello Aldi Rostiawan,
$nameGet = User::select("NAME")->where("id", $id)->get();
$nameFirst = User::select("NAME")->where("id", $id)->first();
Here in both line of code the difference is only Get and First.
Get method returns an Array of objects. So for example if the query apply on many records then the code will give you many objects in an array. Or if query will be true for only one record then also it will return an array with one object.
If you know that id is primary key of he table then only one record will be fetched then you can use First function instead if Get method.
First function always return an Object. In case if query apply on many records then also first method will return you only first record as an Object.
And it seems that you have required an Object only.
You should try this:
public function generatePDF(Request $request)
$id = Auth::user()->id;
$rsltUser = User::where("id", $id)->first();
$pdf = PDF::loadView('generatePDF', ['rsltUser'=>$rsltUser]);
return $pdf->stream('generatePDF.pdf');
use VALUE() to display name only.
in your case:
your name variable is an array containing a single object with a NAME attribute .. so to diplay that value, you should change your script to

How to pass variable from foreach to view in laravel 5.4?

I want to count each location in my Job table by using location_id in my job table with id in location table. below code, I can count result correctly but I don't know how to pass this variable to the view. Please help?
//my code
public function index(){
$location = Location::all();
$count_location = [];
foreach ($location as $locations){
$count_location = Job::where('location_id', $locations->id)->count();
Use withCount() and view() to pass location with counted jobs to the view:
public function index(){
return view('', [
'locations' => Location::withCount('jobs')->get()
In the view:
#foreach ($locations as $location)
{{ $location->name }} has {{ $location->jobs_count }} jobs
You can return the collection of locations to the view and then loop through each object in the collection like so:
return view('index', [
'locations'=> $locations,
Then in your index.blade.php you can use something like a #foreach or #forelse loop
#foreach ($locations as $location)
{{ $location->id }}
From the looks of it you would be better off defining a relationship between locations and jobs (i.e. a "many to many" or "one to many" relationship). this would allow you to get the counts for jobs at given locations very easily like so:
Eloquent relationships are explained in the documentation here
It would be more efficient if construct your query to fetch the count of related models instead of looping through all the results.
Have a look at Counting Related Models in the documentations.
For example, to get the count of all jobs related to a location, you could do:
$locations = App\Location::withCount('jobs')->get();
foreach ($locations as $location) {
echo $location->jobs_count;
You need to adjust the code according to your models structure.
Do this
public function index(){
$locations = Location::all();
return view('index', compact('locations'));
In your Location model make a relationship by adding this
public function jobs(){
return $this->hasMany(Job::class);
In your index view do this
#foreach ($locations as $location)
Please note that Job should be there in your your model

laravel passing data to view blade

return $this->hasMany('App\Model\Order', 'customer_id')->select('name');
$customer = Model\customer::find($id);
return view('customer', array('data' => $customer));
//view (blade)
{{ $data }} //{"id":1,"name":"Tony"}
{{ $data->orders }} //[{"name":"T-shirt"},{"name":"Macbook"}]
i'm new in laravel
I have a question about passing data to view.blade
I used hasMany to join 2 table together and pass $data to view
when I try to output $data, I could not see order object inside of data object
but when I did $data->orders, it shows object
can anyone tell me how it works?
The behavior you are seeing is because Laravel lazy loads relations when they are accessed. If the relation has not been loaded, Laravel will send another query and add it to your $data object behind the scenes. That's why when you dump the $data variable, you are not seeing the orders.
To demonstrate, run the following snippet.
{{ $data }} //{"id":1,"name":"Tony"}
// Laravel will lazy load the orders relation
{{ $data->orders }} //[{"name":"T-shirt"},{"name":"Macbook"}]
// Now the $data object has the orders property.
{{ $data }} //{"id":1,"name":"Tony", "orders": [{"name":"T-shirt"},{"name":"Macbook"}]}
You have a couple options here. Here are 2.
1. Eager load relation when querying model.
$customer = Model\customer::with('orders')->find($id);
This is the preferred method as it prevents n+1 querying.
2. Load relation after model has been queried.
$customer = Model\customer::find($id);
Now when you dump the model, you will see the orders property.
In your model,
public function orders(){
return $this->hasMany('App\Model\Order', 'customer_id');
In view
{{ $data->orders->order_name }}
I hope it will works
You have defined hasMany relationship in your model. So, for a particular customer there can be multiple orders. So, it shows in array. You have to loop through:
foreach($data->orders as $order)
to get the orders.

Distinct pivot results with Eloquent

Inside my Laravel project, I'm printing out all the business cards of my contacts.
In the contact model I have:
public function organizations()
return $this->belongsToMany('Organization')->withPivot('ContractStatus')->withTimestamps();
So in that way, I can show all the companies the contact is still working for.
In the footer of my contacts overview page, I want to print out all the associated companies logo's for that particular search query.
But something like this:
#foreach($contacts as $key => $value)
#foreach($value->organizations as $organization)
Will print duplicated company logo's as soon as the search results contains 2 contacts that both work for the same company.
If you want to list a distinct collection of a collection of contacts, then don't use relation, but whereHas:
$contactsIds = $contacts->modelKeys();
$organizations = Organization::whereHas('contacts', function ($q) use ($contactsIds) {
$q->whereIn('', $contactsIds);
Another way would be this trick, in case you in fact need to load the relation:
$organizations = null;
$contacts = Contact::with(['organizations' => function ($q) use (&$organizations) {
$organizations = $q->get();
$organizations = $organizations->unique();
This will load the relation as usually and also run additional query and assign its result to $organizations.
In the controller action generate a new Collection with the organizations:
$uniqueOrganizations = new Collection();
foreach($contacts as $contact)
Then pass it to the view, to show all the different organizations
#foreach($uniqueOrganizations as $org)
//show org logo
