laravel passing data to view blade - laravel

return $this->hasMany('App\Model\Order', 'customer_id')->select('name');
$customer = Model\customer::find($id);
return view('customer', array('data' => $customer));
//view (blade)
{{ $data }} //{"id":1,"name":"Tony"}
{{ $data->orders }} //[{"name":"T-shirt"},{"name":"Macbook"}]
i'm new in laravel
I have a question about passing data to view.blade
I used hasMany to join 2 table together and pass $data to view
when I try to output $data, I could not see order object inside of data object
but when I did $data->orders, it shows object
can anyone tell me how it works?

The behavior you are seeing is because Laravel lazy loads relations when they are accessed. If the relation has not been loaded, Laravel will send another query and add it to your $data object behind the scenes. That's why when you dump the $data variable, you are not seeing the orders.
To demonstrate, run the following snippet.
{{ $data }} //{"id":1,"name":"Tony"}
// Laravel will lazy load the orders relation
{{ $data->orders }} //[{"name":"T-shirt"},{"name":"Macbook"}]
// Now the $data object has the orders property.
{{ $data }} //{"id":1,"name":"Tony", "orders": [{"name":"T-shirt"},{"name":"Macbook"}]}
You have a couple options here. Here are 2.
1. Eager load relation when querying model.
$customer = Model\customer::with('orders')->find($id);
This is the preferred method as it prevents n+1 querying.
2. Load relation after model has been queried.
$customer = Model\customer::find($id);
Now when you dump the model, you will see the orders property.

In your model,
public function orders(){
return $this->hasMany('App\Model\Order', 'customer_id');
In view
{{ $data->orders->order_name }}
I hope it will works

You have defined hasMany relationship in your model. So, for a particular customer there can be multiple orders. So, it shows in array. You have to loop through:
foreach($data->orders as $order)
to get the orders.


Laravel eloquent "with" the easy way

I have posted a related question a few hours ago but I can not understand why Laravel eloquent is so complicated... once again I read many posts on the subject and not one gave me the solution to a very simple request.
Here is the simple example where a post belongs to one article and one user only. So the relations are defined as below in the Post model:
public function article()
return $this->belongsTo(Article::class);
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo(User::class);
I am quite new to Laravel eloquent... so I simply want to display a list of all the posts with their id, comment and related user name and article title as per relation defined in the model above. I believe that is quite simple and I just learned the "with" today.
So in the PostController, I have:
$posts = Post::orderBy($sortField,$sortOrder)
This gives me a collection with all the posts.
First question, do I have to manipulate the 2 related fields in such a way that they become easily accessible in the list view below? Or can I avoid this in controller in anyway by putting it in the query?
foreach ($posts as $post) {
$post->article = $post->article()->pluck('article');
$post->user = $post->user()->pluck('name');
In the above, the field $post->article lists all the article titles in an array (article field).
If I add [0] at the end, I get the first element of the array.
If I use [post->article_id] I get the wrong related title.
So nothing works the way I want... why is it so complicated???
Ultimately, here is what I need to do in the list view.
#foreach ($posts as $post)
<p>{{ $post->id }} : {{ $post->comment }} by {{ $post->name }} from article {{ $post->article }}</p>
By doing the query in query builder instead, I get what I want immediately... so how to do the same in eloquent?
$users = DB::table('posts')
->join('articles', '', '=', 'posts.user_id')
->join('users', '', '=', 'posts.user_id')
->select('users.*', 'articles.article', '')
It is not clear what is making you misunderstand it, so here is an explanation.
First of all, you have two belongsTo relations user & article in your post model.
When you run this
$posts = Post::orderBy($sortField,$sortOrder)
You get a collection of Posts and with the article and the user in the attributes $post->article & $post->user respectively. That queryBuild will launch 3 queries, one for the posts, one for the articles and one final for the users.
Now, in your blade, you want to access the attribute article in your Article model wich is inside the Post model so you do it like this:
#foreach ($posts as $post)
.... from article {{ $post->article->article }}</p>
Notes: When you call $post->article() you get a query builder, so you follow it with a
first() => instance of a model / null
get() => Collection of instance of a model or empty collection
pluck() => array of the attribute plucked
value() => the value of the first element as if you used pluck
... (there are other ways to get results)
When you call $post->article without parenthesis, it will run :
first() if the relation is a belongsTo
get() if the relation is belongsToMany or HasMany or....
It will give you the attribute if already fetched (either a collection or a model instance).
So, since you used with('article') in the first query (already fetched), $post->article will return an instance of the model Article and no new query will be run.

How to dynamically switch between two arrays for attribute in my blade template

I have a controller method which retrieves data from a Queue, the queue can have a relationship to either a Guest or a Customer model.
In my blade template I iterate over the Queue and need to display either Guest.Name or Customer.Name depending on which column is populated.
$queue = Queue::where('business_id', '=', $business_id);
$customer_bag = $queue->pluck('user_id');
$guest_bag = $queue->pluck('guest_id');
$customers = User::whereIn('id', $customer_bag)->get();
$guests = Guest::whereIn('id', $guest_bag)->get();
return view('myqueue', compact(['queue', 'customers', 'guests']));
Blade Template
#foreach($queue as $quee)
{{ $customers->find($quee->user_id) ? $customers->find($quee->user_id)->name : $guests->find($quee->guest_id)->name }}
When I use this and the guest_id is blank I get an error stating "Trying to get property 'name' of non-object". How can I correctly detect which one to use?
I think so many problems with your code.
Firstly, $queue is findOrFail() which returns a single object data(not array or collection that can be used for foreach.) I think you need to change to get()
Also $customers and $guests are a collection, so you can not use find() method.
Then you didn't define $quee in the #foreach, so it's will give error result.
I think this code will return as you expected if you fix above problems:
#foreach($queue as $quee)
{{ \App\Customer::find($quee->user_id)->name ?? \App\Guest::find($quee->guest_id)->name ?? "no name" }}
But a better approach is using relation from your queue model:
public function customer()
return $this->belongsTo(Customer::class);
public function guest()
return $this->belongsTo(Guest::class);
public function getNameAttribute()
return $this->customer?$this->customer->name:($this->guest->name??"no name");
and in the blade view
#foreach($queue as $quee)
{{ $quee->name }}
The issue turned out to be that one of my test data records didn't have a value in the guest_id when it should have, this caused the blade template to fail render.

I am trying to return users and items datas from invoice

this is my function in Invoice Controller
public function edit(invoice $invoice, $id)
$invoice = Invoice::with('users', 'items.products')->findOrFail($id);
return view(compact('invoice'));
in my View I did
{{ $invoice->user_id->email }}
The relationship you are loading is named users so that is the name of the dynamic property for that relationship. user_id is the User's id, not the relationship.
{{ $invoice->users->email }}
This is also assuming there is always a User for the invoice.
Laravel 6.x Docs - Eloquent - Relationships - Relationship Methods vs Dynamic Properties
Side Note:
The naming could use some work since there should only be one user for an invoice I would assume, so singular. Use plural when something can have many, singular when it has one or none. The relationship should be named user.
You are using the wrong property, $invoice->user_id is probably is the raw integer value coming from the database. You need to call the relation like so:
{{ $invoice->user->email }}
$invoice->user will return the user object that is related to the $invoice->user_id id.
you forgot view name to return
public function edit(invoice $invoice, $id)
$invoice = Invoice::with('users', 'items.products')->findOrFail($id);
return view('invoice.edit',compact('invoice'));
and access with relationship name
{{ $invoice->users->email }}

Fetch pivot table data in laravel 4.2

I have created a pivot table post_tag and inserting data into it using sync method.
Now I want to fetch respective tags of a post to show in the view like following
{{ $post->tags }}
How can I do this? Thanks in advance.
You have to convert your object to array. In laravel, you can use like this.
{{ $post->tags->toArray() }}
For more detail in documentation.
In your Post model.
public function tags()
return $this->hasMany('Tag'); // One to Many
return $this->belongsToMany('Tag'); // Many to many
You can get like this.
$tags = Post::find($postId)->tags;
$post = Post::find($postId);
$tags = $post->tags;
Hope it will be work for you.

Laravel 4 - Getting database results into a view

Im having a bit of trouble learning to get my data into my view, and i was hoping someone could help me.
I have the following function in my model
public function getPrivateMessages()
$userId = Auth::user()->id;
$messages = DB::table('pm_conversations')
->where(function($query) use ($userId) {
$query->where('user_one', $userId)
->where('user_one_archived', 0);
->orWhere(function($query) use ($userId) {
$query->where('user_two', $userId)
->where('user_two_archived', 0)
How would i pass it to my controller, then into my view?
Im a bit lost.
Assuming that this is your Conversation model, you need to return those messages you queried:
public function getPrivateMessages()
return $messages;
Use it in your controller to pass to your View:
class HomeController extends Controller
public function index()
$conversation = Conversation::find(1);
return View::make('index')->with('privateMessages', $conversation->getPrivateMessages());
And in your view show whatever you need to:
#foreach($privateMessages as $privateMessage)
In your controller, you would call this in one of your actions:
$pms = MyModel->getPrivateMessages();
return View::make('layout')
->with('pms', $pms);
Note that MyModel should be replaced with the actual name of your model. The ->with('pms',$pms) bit says, pass the contents of the variable $pms to the 'layout' view and assign it to a variable named 'pms' in that view. Feel free to customize the name of the view to match whatever view you want to use and pick different variable names if you are so inclined.
Then, in your view you would use it like this:
#foreach($pms as $pm)
<p>From: {{ $pm->user_one}}</p>
<p>{{ $pm->message }}</p>
Here, we're just looping over each of the private messages and outputting a few fields (user_one and message, you'd want to use the names of whatever columns you have in the database).
For more info see these sections of the docs:
Basic controllers
inside your view
<?php $var=DB::table('tablename')->get(); ?>
#foreach($var as $variable)
{{ $variable->tablefield }}
here we are accessing the table named 'tablename' from our database (abbrievated as DB) and then accessing all the columns of the table through get method. Then we are storing them in a random variable (say var so the that we can loop it easily). And then we are simply looping through to print our column data(as in the case above)
