Can't find Google Play Services in components in Xamarin Android project - xamarin

I am trying to add the Google Play Services component to my Xamarin application because I need to integrate google maps api into the application. When I try to search Google play services in components I can't find Google Play Services. I see other components such as Google Play services-ads or Google Play Services- App Indexing but no Google Play Services.
I installed the Google play services client in the sdk manager:
And the minimum api level that the app is targeting is level 19. Still I can't find Google Play Services. Here is a screenshot of the all the results:
According to the above website google play services-All does not exist anymore and now their are individual packages. So now I have to install Google Play Services-Maps.

You can use NuGet to download Google Play Services Maps to your project.
Or you can download the component from the component store
The Google Play Services library was too large at one point and google decided to separate the concerns into a smaller packages for many reasons such as hitting 64K reference limit too fast even though you only used a small subset of the APIs for your application.
You can read an overview guide on this topic here:


How to implement Google Analytics for an electron based windows app using universal-analytics?

I want to implement google analytics on my windows app which is primarily built using electron based front-end and Java Spring-boot based back-end. I was not able to find suitable solutions for the same online.
You need to use Measurement Protocol, a standard set of rules for collecting and sending hits from any internet-connected device to Analytics:

Is it possible for a 3rd party app to video call a teams user?

I would like a Teams user to video call an other Teams user using external hardware (usb camera) and using mobile devices (android first).
What can Teams apps do?
Collaborate on items in external systems. One of the core scenarios
for a custom Teams app is to bring information or items into Teams
from some other place, and have a conversation around it. You can push
information into Teams, enable your users to search for and pull it on
demand, or make it available in an embedded web view.
I guess I could develop a small web application and a server which could act as a bridge.
Android app streams a video to my webserver, teams web app loads video stream from my server. Could that work?
I've found some other people asking similar things, and they did not get an answer.
The easiest would be, if teams had a real sdk, but it seems to me, that it only has support for very limited "plugins".
Currently This is not supported in Teams.

Multiplayer APIs in Google Play Games Services will no longer be available. How to migrate to Firebase?

I have published my app ("Match4app") recently with multiplayer feature, after months of hard working, using the Multiplayer APIs in Google Play Games Services.
Now, I received an email from Google:
Real-time multiplayer in Play Game Services is going away on March 31, 2020.
We’d like to inform you that on March 31, 2020, the real-time and turn-based multiplayer APIs in Google Play Games Services will no longer be available.
Action required
Because some of your games use one or both of these APIs (listed below), you’ll need to find replacements in order to continue offering multiplayer experiences. Migration options include using Firebase Realtime Database for multiplayer hosting and Google Cloud OpenMatch for matchmaking. You can log into your Cloud account to use Firebase Realtime Database for free with the Spark Plan.
We know this change requires extra work on your part, and we thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know by filling out.
How difficult is this "extra work" to migrate my game to "Firebase Realtime Database" and "Google Cloud OpenMatch" ?
Is there any tutorial with simple step-by-step instructions such as "1. replace mGoogleSignInClient.silentSignIn() with "FirebaseSignInBlaBlaBla... 2.replace this by this, etc." ?
If there is no simple migration and this requires an implementation from the scratch, is there any tutorial to make a multiplayer game with "Firebase Realtime Database" and "Google Cloud OpenMatch" ?
This "Spark Plan" seems to be free. However, this comes with limitations according to this link:
Simultaneous connections: 100.
Is there any other "free" alternative, similar to the deprecated Google APIs ?
There's lots of work to do. It's a re-write from scratch.
No. You still need to sign in, but you need to do a whole lot of OAuth stuff in order
to authorise your client via Google Play Services and your Firebase database.
There's a few youtube videos on it, but they always go the easy route of providing random opponents. None of them provide a player search if you want to play against a certain opponent (like GPG used to do).
Not that I could see. I'm moving our game to random players as there seems to be no real solution. Google Cloud OpenMatch seems very nebulous. I can't work out if it's a backend only, or whether I have to install it on my own server.

Can I use Google API without Google Compute Engine? (Cloud SDK)
These series of videos use Google Compute Engine to access Google Cloud vision API.
But, I only want to use Google cloud vision API on my local computer.
I found Cloud SDK is an option but I don't understand how it works.
Does it link my computer to Google Compute Engine?
Then, do I still have to pay for the Engine?
To Sum up the question.
Is there any way that I only pay for Google Cloud Vision API without paying for Google Compute Engine?
TL;DR - Yes you can - they are separate services and you can use them either independently or combine them if needed. You pay only for what you use.
Google Compute Engine
The first youtube video link you shared is for using Google Compute Engine (GCE), which is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) option in Google Cloud. You can use this to set up VMs, custom networks, instance groups, load balancers and other infrastructure.
Google Cloud Vision
Google Cloud Vision is a more specific service which helps you with just Image analysis. It is a service independent of Google Compute Engine and you need not use Google Compute Engine to use the Cloud Vision APIs (although you can do that too if you wish in the future).
In other words - yes, you need not pay for Google Compute Engine to use just the Cloud Vision APIs.
Both Cloud Vision and Google Compute Engine are cloud services part of Google Cloud Platform. Both of them require first creating a project (using Google Cloud Console) and setting up billing before you can use either of those services (or in fact any of the Google Cloud services).
Trying the Cloud Vision API
Here is a quickstart tutorial with detailed steps to try Cloud Vision API directly in the browser.
If you prefer using Cloud SDK and the Cloud client libraries, here is a detailed example with steps.

Google API for Google Services

Normally I can find just about anything using a serach engine. But this time I seemed to have failed
I wanted to know if it is possible to get a list of services that are enabled and disabled such as GMail, Google+, YouTube, ect. I know I can do this through the Services tab on the Organizations and Users page. However I want to create an application that will allow me to enable and disable services from the app and not have to login to a webpage.
I have been poking around in the google apis and the only one that I found that is almost there is the discovery api but it does not list the core google services and there isn't a way to enable or disable the services.
Basically I just want to know, is there a way to do this and maybe where to look.
