How to implement Google Analytics for an electron based windows app using universal-analytics? - windows

I want to implement google analytics on my windows app which is primarily built using electron based front-end and Java Spring-boot based back-end. I was not able to find suitable solutions for the same online.

You need to use Measurement Protocol, a standard set of rules for collecting and sending hits from any internet-connected device to Analytics:


Does jBASE support Realtime Interactions?

Does jBASE support web sockets or any other similar technology to offer real-time interaction capabilities? For example, if I am creating a web based dashboard, can I show real time updates on the charts with a jBASE backend?
Please note, this answer applies to the Zumasys iteration of jBASE not the Temenos T24 flavor.
As of jBASE 5.7.10, jBASE supports building web based dashboards like this by utilizing the jAgent module to create RESTful APIs that you can use to serve traffic from your jBASE system. You can read more about jAgent at our Introduction to jAgent guide and you can see more about the the PICK libraries we provide for REST API development at our APIs page.
You may also be interested in our full-stack-with-pick tutorial on GitHub, which includes lessons on:
How to set up demo data in jBASE
How to set up REST API get endpoints
How to set up a simple Vue.js environment
How to display a database record with Vue.js
This would give you a recipe on building APIs to access the information you're looking to convey in a dashboard, as well as an idea of how to begin working on the dashboard (as it so happens there are many great, free Vue.js based dashboards available on the internet).
For what it is worth we are evaluating expanding the protocols and technology available within the next iteration of jAgent, including but not limited to a look at implementing web sockets. chat app with nativescript

I loved with loopback. But I am new with fireloop. fireloop working fine with angular 4 webapp client but when I try to use fireloop with nativeapp client (nativescript) its SDK only work for REST API. its Real-time feature not working.
debug logs only show 'Creating a new connection with: '
for example:
Creating a new connection with:
only this just logging in console.
I need some guide to settings up fireloop real-time feature with nativeapp.
sorry for my language.
I think it has to do with the websocket api. I presume for the real time you might actually be using that. Its is related to a question I asked earlier regarding angularfire2 and nativescript.
Here is one response: angular-fire2 is expected to run in a browser/server. Mobile devices have different specifications, more limitations, they work differently. Mobile SDKs are also optimized and made to work with the device's operating system and application lifecycle events. The same does not apply to node.js backends.
angular fire2 and nativescript

looking for Parse alternative server

I'm a hobby developer that use as my database and website host, as Facebook is going to shutdown, I'm now looking for alternative Parse server.
I use Parse's Cloud Code Hosting to build Dynamic Web App, and Parse itself to store data collected from the website I've build, with custom Cloud Code to help getting and managing data. I've build a Windows Phone app for myself to manage the data I've collected too.
Is there any alternative server that has my requirement?
Dynamic Website
Database host
Custom Cloud Code (with BeforeSave and AfterSave trigger)
with Windows Phone SDK (or REST API if doesn't have)
Very thank you for helping me!
Try out Hasura.
Hasura ( Hasura is a neat PaaS + BaaS solution. It is now competing with Firebase, Kinvey, Heroku et al. There is a full comparison page here: Compare | Hasura ( . The difference majorly lies in infra ownership as well as no tech lock-in due to open-source components(like docker, kubernetes,postgres) building the major chunk of the platform. Check it out. There is also an option to explore ( Hasura by building your own blog web app and a todo app in under 15 mins.
Hasura should fit in perfectly for your needs.
DISCLAIMER : Hasura Engineer here.
I'm using Simbla website application development. It doesn't support all of your requirments but it has great UI builder with a backend parse database.
You can try using the parse open source server it has cloud code and you can use a custom database with it.

How to move database to my own server and still use SDK?

I'm using SDK services for my Android app.
I've seen that Parse had released their Android SDK as an open source project on Github on this address.
My app is almost finished, and when I'm uploading it to the Play Store, I don't want to be controlled by (I mean that I don't want to be blocked someday, or I don't know that), so I want to move my whole database to my own server that hosted on a secure company.
I've checked the open source project on Github and realized that all I need to use it on my own server is to generate an Application ID and a client key.
So I want to ask if someone knows how to generate an Application ID and a client key of Parse to use it on my own server, or that you maybe knows another way of moving it to my server? And one more question: Today I'm using also Facebook SDK with my app. If I will move my database to my own server, will I still be able to use Facebook SDK on my app?
I have write an article about how to migrate parse to a custom server.
There's a massive difference between Parse open-sourcing their SDKs compared to revealing their entire backend architecture and its configuration.
The open-sourced SDKs are essentially wrappers for Parse's REST API along with some convenience functions and logic for natively interpreting the JSON data Parse is transmitting.
At a high level, Parse uses MongoDB for its core database and is entirely hosted using AWS (Amazon Web Services). The entire architecture is highly complex and is not something you could just drag and drop onto your own software stack or hardware backend.
To help give you a better idea of how Parse achieves all of their services, here's an interesting presentation their Dev Ops team gave at an AWS convention. Suffice it to say, hosting the backend services for over 180,000 apps requires a complex infrastructure and that is the "secret sauce" so to speak for Parse and is why Facebook purchased them for over $85 million two years ago.

layer vs quickblox baas comparison

layer vs quickblox , which is better(easier to implement,performance features)
for messages,voip, and video chat,
and do I need to add with those messaging solutions for content storage.
Some of the differentiating points are:
Quickblox supports video and audio calling, layer doesn't.
Layer provides SDK for iOS, android and Javascript & unity sdk are in queue. Quickblox provides sdk for iOS, android and js.
All the above mentioned are only for client. If you want to control something from your server then you have to use Rest APIs.
Layer provides Rest and Websocket API but Quickblox only provides rest API.
Quickblox states that their js sdk can be used on node.js server. But I was getting This browser not supported error in connecting to chat from node.js server. The same error is also specified here. This means that there is not way to get real time notification on new message/user on your server with Quickblox.
Quickblox free tier customer support sucks (for eg. see here (no response on any ticket), here and here). I found Layer's support very good.
Layer's documentation is too good. Quickblox's is confusing. Also quickblox have no doc describing there basic concepts.
Layer also provides support for UIKs.
Quickblox provides in house user management, layer does not. But you can use Parse to do that as defined in layer docs.
Layer has platform API to bulk and system level actions like sending announcements and they also provide engagement analytics on those.
I also find this small layer's feature very useful.
There are many more differences. I just started using chat Baas last week. Will update the answer with time.
