Need to create animation on clicking any option in MCQ - appcelerator

i need to create a MCQ question with 4 options. On clicking any option i need proper correct mark with some color animation over it. how to do this animation part in appcelerator Titanium. Share link to achieve it.

Animations are handled by the view object in Appcelerator. So, for example, if you put your answers in a label object, inside a view, then you can apply a animation. See the documentation and examples here:!/api/Titanium.UI.Animation


how to do a horizontal carousel layout in nativescript?

As the picture above demonstrates, I want a layout that could contain A,B,C 3 sections. But only section B would be visible, A & C should be hidden, but when user swipe on section B, they could see the content of section A or C. I know ScrollView could do this, but I don't want it to be scrollable to the user. I want to programmatically control the behaviour when user swipes on it. Similar to the carousel. I have tried normal layout like GridLayout, FlexboxLayout...they all will contain the elements in the page, they just didnt let them overflow. So anyone has any idea on how to work around on it, please let me know, thanks.
I would recommend using nativescript-carousel ( to achieve this. I think that is pretty much what you are after - just hide the indicator (dots). There are demos on that page for how to use with vanilla javascript, angular, or vue.
It makes use of DKCarouselView for iOS and ViewPager for Android.
You can also hook onto the slide tap and change events easily enough, which is all in the demo usage instructions.

Flutter how to add a button in a list view that persists after scrolling to a certain point..

How would I create the shuffle play button shown here: in flutter? Is there a specific widget or library I could utilize? Anything helps thanks!
You could use a NestedScrollView with a SliverPersistentHeader as one of the widgets inside the array of headerSliverBuilder, to achieve the effect of persisting the header after you scroll up.
You can refer to this tutorial for the same

How to animate BoxView position?

I want to have two buttons side by side, and a BoxView, which will stand under the button which is pressed, therefore it must be able to slide from under one button, to another. I tried looking for that but cannot find anything related to Xamarin Forms position animation. How can I do that?
Any resources or advices on doing what I'm trying to do will be welcomed, thanks.
Use LayoutTo(position, duration, easing) method like:
yourBoxView.LayoutTo(new Rectangle(x,y,width,height),500,Easing.Linear)

Trying to add my animation to my idle state, but it just keeps saying "None(Motion)"

I have pulled the animation to the Motion tab both by dragging and trough the select motion search function but neither makes the animation stick to my idle state. Can someone give me a pointer to what im doing wrong?
One reason could be that the animations are marked as legacy.
Select one or many animation, in the inspector next to the lock, right click, then Debug. Untick the Legacy. No need to save or else.
The animation which you're trying to set is for another model!
You should use an animation that is for the model.
Or if you insist on using that animation select animation from assets and do a "Control + D" to duplicate it and use new one.
Use the Animator, not the animation controller. I made this mistake when I was following a tutorial. This is only relevant if you are animating .anim files within unity itself. Animation controller is the way to go if you import animations for your specific model.

TriggerType Expression Blend 4

I was wondering if it is possible to assign an eventtrigger to a source outside the current artboard.
Example: I have a text box that I want to slide out of one content presenter into another when a button is selected. I have it set up so the box slides out of one and I need to bind the box to slide into the new content presenter when the previous trigger was selected.
What you described sounds an awful lot like the FluidMoveBehavior from the Blend SDK. It's a more advanced Blend concept, but it's quite snazzy and should provide a nice animation as your move your control from one container to another. Here's a quick tutorial on it.
