Git Bash Error: could not fork child process [closed] - bash

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Git Bash was working fine until today. Now I get the following error upon launch. If I press enter it then closes:
Error: could not fork child process: Resource temporarily unavailable
(-1). DLL rebasing may be required. See 'rebaseall / rebase --help'.
I've tried reinstalling, restarting, installing different versions, nothing seems to help. When googling around, all the similar issues aren't exactly the same and the answers are pretty much latin to me.
Currently running Git version 2.10.1 64 bit on Windows 7. A work computer.
GitBash screenshot

l'm late,your problem caused by window system bit,if you windown system is 32bit please down git for 32bit,64bit system down git 64bit.


Git CMD versus Command Prompt in Windows OS [closed]

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Closed 9 days ago.
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Is there any substantive difference between using the Git CMD app versus Command Prompt for operating Git in Windows?
They seem to operate the same and use the same syntax within the context of using Git. I'm just trying to understand why the Git download for Windows includes Git CMD if Command Prompt achieves the exact same thing when using Git.
Please note: I am not asking for the difference between Git CMD and Git Bash.

How to download BASH on Windows 8.1 [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Currently, I am learning to use "BASH" and I don't know how to download it on my pc.
So it would be appreciated if someone lets me know how to download it on WINDOWS 8.1.
You have basically two choices.
Install Git for Windows. Git comes with its own bash.
Install the Windows Ubuntu sub system.
I prefer the Git bash approach because this also knows other Windows installed applications. The Ubuntu sub system acts more separated.
Have fun.

Bash on Windows 10 is not working [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am planning to compile and run code in a linux environment. Before moving to a linux environment I want to try it out, virtual box and dual boot will take my memory. So, after updating my windows 10 anniversary updates, I was able to install bash (ubuntu) natively to my windows 10 through windows features. After installing bash when I try to run bash it's popping and closing a windows immediately. how can I solve this. I tried this with two pc, no luck. How can I solve this issue. Which registry file should I change ?
Turn your windows to developer mode, go to settings -> search for developer, then change to developer mode. Restart your pc. It should work now

Unable to launch certain applications in MAC [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I've searched everywhere and can't seem to find a single answer to satisfy my issue. I have a few applications on Mac (10.9.2) that no longer open via their icons. I can open a Terminal window and type 'open /Applications/[app_name]' and they work fine but attempting to open via the LaunchPad fails. IntelliJ is the most recent application that is causing me headaches. When I click on the icon I receive the following error in the system log:[306] (com.jetbrains.intellij.ce.76944[5866]): Exited with code: 1
I have checked my UID and I am 503 so I should be able to open it. This only happens with certain applications though. Network Connect (Juniper Networks) is another one that has recently started to cause issues:[306] ([6000]): Exited with code: 1
Any help in understanding what is going on would be greatly appreciated!!
I love how I keep being the one to answer my own question but anyways, I found the solution. I ended up reverting the LaunchPad back to its default settings by using the following command:
rm ~/Library/Application\ Support/Dock/*.db; killall Dock
Once the dock database was rebuilt everything worked as expected. Hopefully this helps other out there who have this problem.

dll error / mysterious system crashes [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I bought my mom this cheap dell for use in her kitchen. She literally does nothing but facebook games, youtube, and email on this computer.
She keeps getting an error about:
The only problem, is that the error message appears and then within a few seconds the entire system just shuts down. So I'm not sure if its missing this .dll, or what specifically the issue is. There is nothing particularly wrong with the computer except that sometimes it just randomly displays this message then shuts down.
Is there an easy fix? Or should I just wipe the drive and reinstall windows?
I just went ahead and installed Ubuntu 12.04 on the system.
