Sitemap XML File does not contain any product, category or content pages URLs - sitemap

I want to create a Sitemap XML File and use the "Product Data Feeds" Option in Intershop 7.7. I choose the "Sitemap XML (HTTPS)" Type and the default entries on this page (Products and Categories are checked). In the generated Sitemap XML File are no URL's listed. Any ideas how to do this and which right settings I have to choose?

ICM 7.7 does not generate sitemap files which are directly accessible from the administrative backoffice. It generates sitemap index files. These contain pointers to the actual XML sitemaps where are the URLs. This is just as defined in the sitemap standard. Product data, categories and content occupy different sitemap files.
Here is an example sitemap index file that points to an actual product XML sitemap:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sitemapindex xmlns="">
The product URL data is located within the referred file, example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="" xmlns:image="">
But not all products are listed in the map by default. Some conditions should be fulfilled otherwise a product may be filtered. To generate a non-empty map:
Make sure that URL rewriting is enabled for the channel (you may enable/disable URL rewriting from the Oprations backoffice).
Make sure that you have online products in the channel (offline products are skipped).
Make sure that some of the online products have valid prices for the currency chosen in the site map configuration (products without prices in the specified currency are filtered).
Create and run the site map feed with products.
Rules also exist for categories. E.g. empty categories are excluded.


Removing Masshead Magento Extension from certain categories

As I describe in the title, what i want to do is to remove the Masshead extension from certain categories in magento. Any ideas how can that be done?
The module will be most likely including a block on the categories page. This block will be defined in the modules layout xml file. You need to find the definition to identify the name of the block and the name of the parent block/container it is being included in. As you want to keep it on some categories but remove it from others, the simplest solution I can think of would to be to use Magento's Administration Area for the categories you want to remove it from and add some layout update xml to these specific categories.
I normally do this with statements like the following under Admin->Catalog->Manage Categories. Select the appropriate category and then click on Custom Design where you will find the Custom Layout Update field to out the XML in;
<reference name="content">
<remove name="masshead.blockname" />
You could go about it the other way and remove it from all categories by changing the layout xml file of the module to not include it and use layout update xml in the admin area per each category you want to include it on. Really depends on if there are more categories you want on it than not or vice versa.

Canoncial tag magento

I am busy with a magento site, and I have a product in my site and the cannoncial tag is:
<link rel="canonical" href="....../product" />
But I want my cannoncial tag to be:
<link rel="canonical" href=".......category/product" />
How can I fix this, I searched on Google, but nothing helped.
That is not something to be 'fixed', it is normal behaviour.
The point of the canonical tag is that your product could appear in any number of categories which would otherwise generate multiple urls for the same product and therefore duplicate content issues.
Because Magento has no concept of a preferred category for a product, the neatest solution is have a canonical url of type
Yes, as PixieMedia noticed, the default Magento doesn't offer the category priority option for the product canonical URLs.
SEO Suite by MageWorx ( has advanced settings for product canonical URLs. With the tool you can set the following canonical URL parameters:
the longest URL:
the deepest/full category path URL:
the shortest URL that includes a category:
Also, you can define the individual settings for each product canonical URL - e.g. choose it from the list of all existing URLs or assign your own one.
Whichever canonical URL you may choose, they will be included into an XML and HTML Sitemaps generated by this extension.

Different product page layouts on different stores with magento multi-store

So here is my quandry..
I have three stores all with seperate themes.
I want the actual layout of the product page to vary between stores. So for instance I would like to include full description on one and only short descitopn on the other and would like to add a tag line field in another. Basically all three will need complete sepearate layouts.
I think the product page layout is drawn from app/design/front/base (as a standard layout).
Can I include the relevant files (and directories) from base into app/design/frontend/default/theme to allow me to achieve the above?
I think the file I need to edit/copy is the view.phtml? Can you confirm this also?
You need to also copy catalog.xml to related theme of store. If want to remove description or add other details of products.
you have to copy view.phtml to related theme of your store and modify/add/delete the code in view.phtml
to remove anything just comment the code in view.phtml file.

Magento - Different image gallery block for specific products or categories

I'm trying to change how the image gallery is displayed but only for specific products or specific categories. Using the developer display hints, I can see that the block I want to modify for certain products is output by media.phtml.
Suppose I have an alternate file called media-special.phtml, what XML do I need to use and where do I put that XML, to use media-special.phtml instead of media.phtml for specific products or specific categories?
Both categories and products allow you to save layout xml along with the entity record. In this field for the desired entities, add the following:
<action method="setTemplate" block="">

Better configurable products - also load the related products

We are using the Magento module DerModPro_BCP (Betterconfigurable Products).
We have configurable products based on simple products. Some of these simple products have related products.
When selecting a configuration option, the related products of the assigned simple product should be loaded.
What is the right approach to add blocks to reload when changing options?
The extension renders the full simple product during the AJAX request and extracts the necessary data via Xpath queries from the generated HTML. Then it sends this data to the browser where CSS queries are used to replace the content in the page
Create a new module with a following config.xml
In the node global/bcp/update_selector_list add a new node <related />
In default/dermodpro_bcp add <update_related_.... entries to defined the Xpaths and CSS paths
In addition, catalog/product/list/related.phtml has to be modified in your theme to contain an empty <div> as a placeholder, if no related products are defined.
