How to remove lines appear only once in a file using bash - bash

How can I remove lines appear only once in a file in bash?
For example, file foo.txt has:
after process the file, only
will remain.
Note the file is sorted already.

If your duplicated lines are consecutives, you can use uniq
uniq -D file
from the man pages:
-D print all duplicate lines

Just loop the file twice:
$ awk 'FNR==NR {seen[$0]++; next} seen[$0]>1' file file
firstly to count how many times a line occurs: seen[ record ] keeps track of it as an array.
secondly to print those that appear more than once

Using single pass awk:
awk '{freq[$0]++} END{for(i in freq) for (j=1; freq[i]>1 && j<=freq[i]; j++) print i}' file
Using freq[$0]++ we count and store frequency of each line.
In the END block if frequency is greater than 1 then we print those lines as many times as the frequency.

Using awk, single pass:
$ awk 'a[$0]++ && a[$0]==2 {print} a[$0]>1' foo.txt
If the file is unordered, the output will happen in the order duplicates are found in the file due to the solution not buffering values.

Here's a POSIX-compliant awk alternative to the GNU-specific uniq -D:
awk '++seen[$0] == 2; seen[$0] >= 2' file
This turned out to be just a shorter reformulation of James Brown's helpful answer.
Unlike uniq, this command doesn't strictly require the duplicates to be grouped, but the output order will only be predictable if they are.
That is, if the duplicates aren't grouped, the output order is determined by the the relative ordering of the 2nd instances in each set of duplicates, and in each set the 1st and the 2nd instances will be printed together.
For unsorted (ungrouped) data (and if preserving the input order is also important), consider:
fedorqui's helpful answer (elegant, but requires reading the file twice)
anubhava's helpful answer (single-pass solution, but a little more cumbersome).


How can I delete the lines in a text file that exits in another text file [duplicate]

I have a large file A (consisting of emails), one line for each mail. I also have another file B that contains another set of mails.
Which command would I use to remove all the addresses that appear in file B from the file A.
So, if file A contained:
and file B contained:
Then file A should be left with:
Now I know this is a question that might have been asked more often, but I only found one command online that gave me an error with a bad delimiter.
Any help would be much appreciated! Somebody will surely come up with a clever one-liner, but I'm not the shell expert.
If the files are sorted (they are in your example):
comm -23 file1 file2
-23 suppresses the lines that are in both files, or only in file 2. If the files are not sorted, pipe them through sort first...
See the man page here
grep -Fvxf <lines-to-remove> <all-lines>
works on non-sorted files (unlike comm)
maintains the order
cat <<EOF > A
cat <<EOF > B
grep -Fvxf B A
-F: use literal strings instead of the default BRE
-x: only consider matches that match the entire line
-v: print non-matching
-f file: take patterns from the given file
This method is slower on pre-sorted files than other methods, since it is more general. If speed matters as well, see: Fast way of finding lines in one file that are not in another?
Here's a quick bash automation for in-line operation:
remove-lines() (
grep -Fvxf "$remove_lines" "$all_lines" > "$tmp_file"
mv "$tmp_file" "$all_lines"
GitHub upstream.
remove-lines lines-to-remove remove-from-this-file
See also:
awk to the rescue!
This solution doesn't require sorted inputs. You have to provide fileB first.
awk 'NR==FNR{a[$0];next} !($0 in a)' fileB fileA
How does it work?
NR==FNR{a[$0];next} idiom is for storing the first file in an associative array as keys for a later "contains" test.
NR==FNR is checking whether we're scanning the first file, where the global line counter (NR) equals to the current file line counter (FNR).
a[$0] adds the current line to the associative array as key, note that this behaves like a set, where there won't be any duplicate values (keys)
!($0 in a) we're now in the next file(s), in is a contains test, here it's checking whether current line is in the set we populated in the first step from the first file, ! negates the condition. What is missing here is the action, which by default is {print} and usually not written explicitly.
Note that this can now be used to remove blacklisted words.
$ awk '...' badwords allwords > goodwords
with a slight change it can clean multiple lists and create cleaned versions.
$ awk 'NR==FNR{a[$0];next} !($0 in a){print > FILENAME".clean"}' bad file1 file2 file3 ...
Another way to do the same thing (also requires sorted input):
join -v 1 fileA fileB
In Bash, if the files are not pre-sorted:
join -v 1 <(sort fileA) <(sort fileB)
You can do this unless your files are sorted
diff file-a file-b --new-line-format="" --old-line-format="%L" --unchanged-line-format="" > file-a
--new-line-format is for lines that are in file b but not in a
--old-.. is for lines that are in file a but not in b
--unchanged-.. is for lines that are in both.
%L makes it so the line is printed exactly.
man diff
for more details
This refinement of #karakfa's nice answer may be noticeably faster for very large files. As with that answer, neither file need be sorted, but speed is assured by virtue of awk's associative arrays. Only the lookup file is held in memory.
This formulation also allows for the possibility that only one particular field ($N) in the input file is to be used in the comparison.
# Print lines in the input unless the value in column $N
# appears in a lookup file, $LOOKUP;
# if $N is 0, then the entire line is used for comparison.
awk -v N=$N -v lookup="$LOOKUP" '
BEGIN { while ( getline < lookup ) { dictionary[$0]=$0 } }
!($N in dictionary) {print}'
(Another advantage of this approach is that it is easy to modify the comparison criterion, e.g. to trim leading and trailing white space.)
You can use Python:
python -c '
lines_to_remove = set()
with open("file B", "r") as f:
for line in f.readlines():
with open("file A", "r") as f:
for line in [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()]:
if line not in lines_to_remove:
You can use -
diff fileA fileB | grep "^>" | cut -c3- > fileA
This will work for files that are not sorted as well.
Just to add to the Python answer to the user above, here is a faster solution:
python -c '
lines_to_remove = None
with open("partial file") as f:
lines_to_remove = {line.rstrip() for line in f.readlines()}
remaining_lines = None
with open("full file") as f:
remaining_lines = {line.rstrip() for line in f.readlines()} - lines_to_remove
with open("output file", "w") as f:
for line in remaining_lines:
f.write(line + "\n")
Raising the power of set subtraction.
To get the file after removing the lines which appears on another file
comm -23 <(sort bigFile.txt) <(sort smallfile.txt) > diff.txt
Here is a one liner that pipes the output of a website and removes the navigation elements using grep and lynx! you can replace lynx with cat FileA and unwanted-elements.txt with FileB.
lynx -dump -accept_all_cookies -nolist -width 1000 | grep -Fxvf unwanted-elements.txt
To remove common lines between two files you can use grep, comm or join command.
grep only works for small files. Use -v along with -f.
grep -vf file2 file1
This displays lines from file1 that do not match any line in file2.
comm is a utility command that works on lexically sorted files. It
takes two files as input and produces three text columns as output:
lines only in the first file; lines only in the second file; and lines
in both files. You can suppress printing of any column by using -1, -2
or -3 option accordingly.
comm -1 -3 file2 file1
This displays lines from file1 that do not match any line in file2.
Finally, there is join, a utility command that performs an equality
join on the specified files. Its -v option also allows to remove
common lines between two files.
join -v1 -v2 file1 file2

Fastest way -- Appending a line to a file only if it does not already exist

given this question Appending a line to a file only if it does not already exist
is there a faster way than the solution provided by #drAlberT?
grep -q -F 'string' || echo 'string' >>
I have implemented the above solution and I have to iterate it over a 500k lines file (i.e. check if a line is not already in a 500k lines set). Moreover, I've to run this process for a lot of times, maybe 10-50 million times. Needless to say it's kind of slow as it takes 25-30ms to run on my server (so 3-10+ days of runtime in total).
EDIT: the flow is the following: I have a file with 500k lines, each time I run, I get maybe 10-30 new lines and I check if they are already there or not. If not I add them, then I repeat many times. The order of my 500k lines files is important as I'm going through it with another process.
EDIT2: the 500k lines file is always containing unique lines, and I only care about "full lines", no substrings.
Thanks a lot!
Few suggested improvements:
Try using awk instead of grep so that you can both detect the string and write it in one action;
If you do use grep don't use a Bash loop to feed each potential match to grep and then append that one word to the file. Instead, read all the potential lines into grep as matches (using -f file_name) and print the matches. Then invert the matches and append the inverted match. See last pipeline here;
Exit as soon as you see the string (for a single string) rather than continuing to loop over a big file;
Don't call the script millions of times with one or just a few lines -- organize the glue script (in Bash I suppose) so that the core script is called once or a few times with all the lines instead;
Perhaps use multicores since the files are not dependent on each other. Maybe with GNU Parallel (or you could use Python or Ruby or Perl that has support for threads).
Consider this awk for a single line to add:
$ awk -v line=line_to_append 'FNR==NR && line==$0{f=1; exit}
END{if (!f) print line >> FILENAME}' file
Or for multiple lines:
$ awk 'FNR==NR {lines[$0]; next}
$0 in lines{delete lines[$0]}
END{for (e in lines) print e >> FILENAME}' lines file
Some timings using a copy of the Unix words file (235,886 lines) with a five line lines file that has two overlaps:
$ echo "frob
big slob" > lines
$ time awk 'FNR==NR {lines[$0]; next}
$0 in lines{delete lines[$0]}
END{for (e in lines) print e >> FILENAME}' lines words
real 0m0.056s
user 0m0.051s
sys 0m0.003s
$ tail words
big slob
Edit 2
Try this as being the best of both:
$ time grep -x -f lines words |
awk 'FNR==NR{a[$0]; next} !($0 in a)' - lines >> words
real 0m0.012s
user 0m0.010s
sys 0m0.003s
grep -x -f lines words find the lines that ARE in words
awk 'FNR==NR{a[$0]; next} !($0 in a)' - lines invert those into lines that are NOT in words
>> words append those to the file
Turning the millions of passes over the file into a script with millions of actions will save you a lot of overhead. Searching for a single label at each pass over the file is incredibly inefficient; you can search for as many labels as you can comfortably fit into memory in a single pass over the file.
Something along the following lines, perhaps.
awk 'NR==FNR { a[$0]++; next }
$0 in a { delete a[$0] }
END { for (k in a) print k }' strings bigfile >
If you can't fit strings in memory all at once, splitting that into suitable chunks will obviously allow you to finish this in as many passes as you have chunks.
On the other hand, if you have already (effectively) divided the input set into sets of 10-30 labels, you can obviously only search for those 10-30 in one pass. Still, this should provide you with a speed improvement on the order of 10-30 times.
This assumes that a "line" is always a full line. If the label can be a substring of a line in the input file, or vice versa, this will need some refactoring.
If duplicates are not valid in the file, just append them all and filter out the duplicates:
cat myfile mynewlines | awk '!n[$0]++' > mynewfile
This will allow appending millions of lines in seconds.
If order additionally doesn't matter and your files are more than a few gigabytes, you can use sort -u instead.
Have the script read new lines from stdin after consuming the original file. All lines are stored in an associative array (without any compression such as md5sum).
Appending the suffix 'x' is targeted to handle inputs such as '-e'; better ways probably exist.
declare -A aa
while read line; do aa["x$line"]=1;
done < file.txt
while read line; do
if [ x${aa[$line]} == x ]; then
echo "x$line" >> file.txt

awk output is acting weird

cat TEXT | awk -v var=$i -v varB=$j '$1~var , $1~varB {print $1}' > PROBLEM HERE
I am passing two variables from an array to parse a very large text file by range. And it works, kind of.
if I use ">" the output to the file will ONLY be the last three lines as verified by cat and a text editor.
if I use ">>" the output to the file will include one complete read of TEXT and then it will divide the second read into the ranges I want.
if I let the output go through to the shell I get the same problem as above.
It appears awk is reading every line and printing it. Then it goes back and selects the ranges from the TEXT file. It does not do this if I use constants in the range pattern search.
I undestand awk must read all lines to find the ranges I request.
why is it printing the entire document?
How can I get it to ONLY print the ranges selected?
This is the last hurdle in a big project and I am beating my head against the table.
give this a try, you didn't assign varB in right way:
yours: awk -v var="$i" -varB="$j" ...
mine : awk -v var="$i" -v varB="$j" ...
Aside from the typo, you can't use variables in //, instead you have to specify with regular ~ match. Also quote your shell variables (here is not needed obviously, but to set an example). For example
seq 1 10 | awk -v b="3" -v e="5" '$0 ~ b, $0 ~ e'
should print 3..5 as expected
It sounds like this is what you want:
awk -v var="foo" -v varB="bar" '$1~var{f=1} f{print $1} $1~varB{f=0}' file
$ cat file
$ awk -v var="foo" -v varB="bar" '$1~var{f=1} f{print $1} $1~varB{f=0}' file
but without sample input and expected output it's just a guess and this would not address the SHELL behavior you are seeing wrt use of > vs >>.
Here's what happened. I used an array to input into my variables. I set the counter for what I thought was the total length of the array. When the final iteration of the array was reached, there was a null value returned to awk for the variable. This caused it to print EVERYTHING. Once I correctly had a counter with the correct number of array elements the printing oddity ended.
As far as the > vs >> goes, I don't know. It did stop, but I wasn't as careful in documenting it. I think what happened is that I used $1 in the print command to save time, and with each line it printed at the end it erased the whole file and left the last three identical matches. Something to ponder. Thanks Ed for the honest work. And no thank you to Robo responses.

Bash comparing two different files with different fields

I am not sure if this is possible to do but I want to compare two character values from two different files. If they match I want to print out the field value in slot 2 from one of the files. Here is an example
# File 1
Date D
Tamb B
# File 2
F gge0001x gge0001y gge0001z
D 12-30-2006 12-30-2006 12-30-2006
T 14:15:20 14:15:55 14:16:27
B 15.8 16.1 15
Here is my thought behind the problem I want to do
if [ (field2) from (file1) == (field1) from (file2) ] ; do
echo (field1 from file1) and also (field2 from file2) on the same line
which prints out "Date 12-30-2006"
"Tamb 15.8"
" ... "
and continually run through every line from essentially file 1 printing out any matches that there are. I am assuming these will need to be some sort of array involved. Any thoughts on if this is the correct logic and if this is even possible?
This reformats file2 based on the abbreviations found in file1:
$ awk 'FNR==NR{a[$2]=$1;next;} $1 in a {print a[$1],$2;}' file1 file2
Date 12-30-2006
Tamb 15.8
How it works
This reads each line of file1 and saves the information in array a.
In more detail, NR is the number of lines that have been read in so far and FNR is the number of lines that have been read in so far from the current file. So, when NR==FNR, we know that awk is still processing the first file. Thus, the array assignment, a[$2]=$1 is only performed for the first file. The statement next tells awk to skip the rest of the code and jump to the next line.
$1 in a {print a[$1],$2;}
Because of the next statement, above, we know that, if we get to this line, we are working on file2.
If field 1 of file2 matches any a field 2 of file1, then print a reformatted version of the line.

Number of total records

I'm quite new using AWK. I just discover the FNR variable. I just wonder if it is possible to get the number of total records before processing the file?
So the FNR at the end of the file.
I just need it to do something like that
awk 'FNR<TOTALRECORDS-4 {print}'
In order to delete the 4 last lines of the files.
If you merely want to print all but the last 4 lines of a file, use a different tool. But if you are doing some other processing with awk and need to incorporate this, just store the lines in a buffer and print them as needed. That is, store the most recent 4 lines, and print the last one in the buffer when you get a newline. For example:
awk 'NR>4 { print a[i%4]} {a[i++%4]=$0}' input
This keeps 4 lines in the array a. If we are in the first 4 lines of the file, do nothing but store the line in a. If we are on a line greater than 4, the first thing you do is print the line 4 lines back (stored in a at index i%4) You can put commands that manipulate $0 between these two action statements as needed.
To remove the last 4 lines from a file, you can just use head:
head -n -4 somefile > outputfile
