Making a spring boot fat jar file with gradle WITHOUT a spring boot gradle plug-in (no access to bootJar) - spring-boot

I have a spring-boot application in which I loaded all the necessary (or so I believe) dependencies to run without using spring-boot initializer or the spring-boot gradle plug-in. These tools are not available for me at my work. I can run the application through intellij without issues, but when attempting to run a fat jar, I am met with
No auto configuration classes found in META-INF/spring.factories.
Now the spring.factory files ARE located inside the fat jar (there are multiples of them) and they are inside the meta-inf directory.
Spring boot has so much automated functionality, I am not sure where to begin. There are a lot of similar posts and everyone just tells people to use the spring-boot gradle plugin bootJar task but as I said these are not available to me. I need to get it running without those tools,
if anyone has insight into what the issue may be or how to resolve it, any help is appreciated. I will try to add more details later.
I am using spring-boot v. 2.1.1 and spring 5.1.4


Spring Boot Maven plugin: What does it actually do?

Can someone give me an understanding of what the Spring Boot Maven plugin actually does? I have been Googling, but most of what I find doesn't give a clear picture.
The impression I have so far is that it can create a "fully executable" jar that does not need to be run via java -jar, and that it's also possible to make a more traditional jar that you would run via java -jar. I'm sure there are other variations of what it can produce as well.
I'm also under the impression that it can package up dependencies and resources. It's not at all clear to me how the resources are "accessed" by the application when it's run.
In either of the outcomes described above do I need just the jar and nothing else (i.e. no resource files, dependency jars, etc.)? In other words, is the jar self-contained? When I've opened the jar up, it does seem that everything it needs is there. Is that really the case?
Now, let's go a little further towards what I'm trying to do. I am writing a set of Spring services with REST APIs. Each service will be run in its own VM (or container - future). The services are packaged into a single jar and the service to be used is selected via Spring profile (i.e.
The way I've done things like this before has been to use the Maven assembly plugin to produce an archive (zip) for each separate service and inlcude all of the necessities (dependency jars, resource files, etc.). I'd place it where needed, unpack it, tweak some configuration and run it via an included script.
I'm getting the impression that's not "how it's done" when the Spring Boot Maven plugin is involved.
The Spring Boot Maven Plugin provides Spring Boot support in Maven, letting you package executable jar or war archives and run an application “in-place”.
It builds the uber jar which bundles in Tomcat along with your app. If you inspect the contents of the jar with jar -tf <file_name> you will see that the format is a bit different. The Spring Boot classes look normal, but then your project's files are inside a BOOT-INF folder.

Is there any particular reason why Spring boot starters using Maven? Is it straightforward to use gradle for custom starter with artifactory?

I am trying to balance time and avoid stepping on mines, on one side we have artifactory which is gradle based and need corresponding work to integrate with maven/gradle plugin(preferably with latter as most of our projects are gradle based) on another side all spring boot default starters in source are pom.xml + I only found single gradle custom repo: in several pages of search results which uses gradle. But the build file looks pretty convoluted and includes a lot of maven parts.
I am happy to invest time into gradle if someone gives a green light with example/guide/share experience. Thanks. Just to understand if there is some particular reason why the situation is like that or I am afraid of ghosts?
A Spring Boot starter is a jar file containing some compiled classes and, typically, a META-INF/spring.factories file that lists some auto-configuration classes. As such, they can be built equally well with Maven or Gradle. Spring Boot's own starters are built with Maven purely because that's the build system that the whole project uses. If we were starting again from scratch now, we'd probably chose Gradle over Maven.
Some of the third-party starters listed here are build with Gradle, for example:

IntelliJ web application resources missing from classpath

I'm using IntelliJ to build a standard java web application on top of Tomcat and Spring. I'm fairly new to IntellJ and feel like I'm missing something setup wise because I cannot seem to resolve resource files from the classpath.
Relevant Info -
IJ 2017.1.4
Tomcat 8.5.15
Java 8
Spring platform-bom:2.0.8.RELEASE
I should also mention I'm using a java only configuration, taking advantage of the Spring's annotations and the servlet 3.0+ spec.
Since I'm pretty sure this is an issue with my IJ configuration, here's a series of screenshots outlining my setup & the error. Appreciate any help on this one, it's had me stumped for a bit.
Project src
Exploded War ouptut
Code where I'm attempting to load in a file on the classpath

How to integrate JNI shared library in Spring Boot application

I tried searching on the web but I could not find any relevant tutorial or how-to for integrating JNI shared libraries into Spring Boot project. I would like to integrate GDAL library with a small Spring Boot REST application.
Is it even possible to use JNI with embedded Tomcat?
Can someone provide links or an explanation on how to include compiled jar and actual library files into a Spring Boot project?
Maven would be a prefered build option, but gradle would work too.
I'm facing exactly the same situation.
My app has an embedded JNI library that i cannot to embedd at WAR file.
To run from Eclipse, it executes normally but for WAR file build it's not possible.
I believe that the solution key is about the repackage goal of 'spring-boot-maven-plugin' but I got few information about that.

Spring Boot Gradle - avoid lib-provided folder in war file

I have a Spring Boot based application and I'm trying to switch over from Maven to Gradle. The application is supposed to build a war file, which is deployed to a web server (WildFly in our case).
Now, I have some libraries provided by the web server and thus using a "providedCompile" scope (For hibernate search and infinispan). Now, when used with Spring Boot plugin, the plugin is creating the war file with all the "providedCompile" libraries moved to a folder named "lib-provided".
How do I avoid this? On the same context, it is also adding the Spring Boot loader classes on to the war file. If possible, I need to avoid this too.
Please help! Thanks!
If you're only ever going to deploy your application as a WAR file to an app server, then you don't need it to be turned into an executable archive. You can disable this repackaging in your build.gradle file:
bootRepackage {
enabled = false
