I'm trying to implement something in sage and I keep getting the following error:
*Error in lines 38-53
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/projects/42e45a19-7a43-4495-8dcd-353625dfce66/.sagemathcloud/", line 879, in execute
exec compile(block+'\n', '', 'single') in namespace, locals
File "", line 13, in <module>
File "sage/modules/vector_integer_dense.pyx", line 185, in sage.modules.vector_integer_dense.Vector_integer_dense.__setitem__ (build/cythonized/sage/modules/vector_integer_dense.c:3700)
raise ValueError("vector is immutable; please change a copy instead (use copy())")
ValueError: vector is immutable; please change a copy instead (use copy())*
I have pinpointed the exact location (the line between "print 'marker 1'" and "print 'marker 2'" in the while-loop at the end, see code below) and it seems that I'm not allowed to change the entries of the matrix "weights" (which I defined before the loop) from inside the loop. The error message says to use the copy() function, but I don't see how that would solve my problem since I would only be making a local copy and the next iteration of the loop wouldn't get these changed values, right? So does anyone know how to define this matrix so that I can change it from inside the loop? If it's not possible, can someone explain why?
Thanks for your help.
m = 3 # Dimension of inputs to nodes
n = 1 # Dimension of output
v = 4 # Number of training vectors
r = 0.1 # Learning Rate
T = 10 # Number of iterations
# Input static Biases, i.e. sum must be smaller than this vector. For dynamic biases, set this vector to 0, increase m by one and set xi[0]=-1 for all inputs i (and start the acual input at xi[1])
bias = list(var('s_%d' % i) for i in range(n))
bias[0] = 0.5
# Input the training vectors and targets
x0 = list(var('s_%d' % i) for i in range(m))
x1 = list(var('s_%d' % i) for i in range(m))
x2 = list(var('s_%d' % i) for i in range(m))
x3 = list(var('s_%d' % i) for i in range(m))
targets = matrix(v,n,[[target00],[target10],[target20],[target30]])
# Initialize weights, or leave at 0 (i.e.,change nothing)
print weights.transpose()
z = 0
a = list(var('s_%d' % j) for j in range(n))
Q = inputs*weights
S = copy(Q)
for i in range(v):
y = copy(a)
for j in range(n):
if S[i][j] > bias[j]:
y[j] = 1
y[j] = 0
for k in range(m):
print 'marker 1'
weights[k][j] = weights[k][j] + r*(targets[i][j]-y[j])*inputs[i][k]
print 'marker 2'
print weights.transpose
z +=1
This is a basic property of Sage vectors - they are immutable Python objects by default.
sage: M = matrix([[2,3],[3,2]])
sage: M[0][1] = 5
ValueError: vector is immutable; please change a copy instead (use copy())
Notice that the error is that the vector is immutable. That is because you have taken the 0 row, which is a vector (immutable, hashable I guess, etc.).
But if you use the following syntax, you should be golden.
sage: M[0,1] = 5
sage: M
[2 5]
[3 2]
Here you are modifying the element directly. Hope this helps, enjoy Sage!
Im struggling with my thesis on wave energy devices. Since I am a newbie to FORTRAN 90, I would like to improve my programming skills. Therefore, I just picked up an example from
and tried to implement what is explained in the homepage. Basically it is about to program the Cholesky factorization of a 3x3 matrix A. I know there are already packages that do the decomposition for Fortran, but I would like to experience myself the effort in learning how to program.
There is no error in compilation, but the results do not match. I basically find out all the elements despite of the element L(3,3). Attached, you can find the code I've created from scratch in Fortran 90:
Program Cholesky_decomp
implicit none
!size of the matrix
REAL :: sum1, sum2
! Assign values to the matrix
A(1,:)=(/ 25, 15, -5 /)
A(2,:)=(/ 15, 18, 0 /)
A(3,:)=(/ -5, 0, 11 /)
! Initialize values
do i=1,n
do k=1,i
do j=1,k-1
if (i==k) then
elseif (i > k) then
end if
end do
end do
end do
!write output
do i=1,m
print "(3(1X,F6.1))",L(i,:)
end do
End program Cholesky_decomp
Can you tell me what is the mistake in the code? I get L(3,3)=0 when it should be L(3,3)=3. I'm totally lost, and just for the record: on the Rosetta code homepage there is no solution for fortran, so any any hint is appreciated.
Thank you very much in advance.
You want to set sum1 and sum2 to zero for each iteration of the i and k loops.
I've finally found out how to solve the problem for greater order, 4x4 matrices, etc. as presented in the link I attached above. Here is the final code:
Program Cholesky_decomp
!LBH # ULPGC 06/03/2014
!Compute the Cholesky decomposition for a matrix A
!after the attached
!note that the matrix A is complex since there might
!be values, where the sqrt has complex solutions.
!Here, only the real values are taken into account
implicit none
REAL :: sum1, sum2
! Assign values to the matrix
A(1,:)=(/ 25, 15, -5 /)
A(2,:)=(/ 15, 18, 0 /)
A(3,:)=(/ -5, 0, 11 /)
!!!!!!!!!!!!another example!!!!!!!
!A(1,:) = (/ 18, 22, 54, 42 /)
!A(2,:) = (/ 22, 70, 86, 62 /)
!A(3,:) = (/ 54, 86, 174, 134 /)
!A(4,:) = (/ 42, 62, 134, 106 /)
! Initialize values
!for greater order than m,n=3 add initial row value
!for instance if m,n=4 then add the following line
do i=1,n
do k=1,i
do j=1,k-1
if (i==k) then
elseif (i > k) then
end if
end do
end do
end do
!write output
do i=1,m
print "(3(1X,F6.1))",L(i,:)
end do
End program Cholesky_decomp
Look forward to hear about comments, better ways to program it, corrections and any kind of feedback. Thanks 2 francescalus for answering so quickly!
Regards, lbh
New to Ruby, and trying to find a 3 digits number "abc":
for a in 0..9
for b in 0..9
for c in 0..9
if a*a+b*b+c*c == (100*a+10*b+c)/11.0
puts "#{a}#{b}#{c}"
This is too lengthy, is any way to optimize it, or write it in another "ruby" way?
Solution from: Wolfram Alpha :)
Here's another fun solution. Not really faster, just more compact and perhaps more ruby-like if that was what you were looking for:
(0..9).to_a.repeated_permutation(3).select { |a,b,c|
a*a+b*b+c*c == (100*a+10*b+c)/11.0
=> [[0, 0, 0], [5, 5, 0], [8, 0, 3]]
This is equivalent to finding a,b,c such that
100*a + 10*b + c = 11 * (a*a + b*b +c*c)
i.e. 100*a + 10*b + c must be divisible by 11. Simple number theory tells you that when a,b,c are digits, this means that
`a + c - b`
must be a multiple of 11 so
`a + c = b or a + c = 11 +b`
So for a given values of a and b you only need to check two values of c : b -a and 11 +b -a rather than 10. You can cut the search space in two again: if a > b you only need to check the latter of those two values and if a <= b you need only check the former.
Thus instead of checking 1000 triplets of numbers you should only need to check 100, which should be 10 times faster.
for a in 0..9
for b in 0..9
if a > b
c = 11 +b -a
c = b - a
if a*a+b*b+c*c == (100*a+10*b+c)/11.0
puts "#{a}#{b}#{c}"
Locked. This question and its answers are locked because the question is off-topic but has historical significance. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions.
Here is the task, inspired by the well-known British TV game show Countdown. The challenge should be pretty clear even without any knowledge of the game, but feel free to ask for clarifications.
And if you fancy seeing a clip of this game in action, check out this YouTube clip. It features the wonderful late Richard Whitely in 1997.
You are given 6 numbers, chosen at random from the set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100}, and a random target number between 100 and 999. The aim is to use the six given numbers and the four common arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division; all over the rational numbers) to generate the target - or as close as possible either side. Each number may only be used once at most, while each arithmetic operator may be used any number of times (including zero.) Note that it does not matter how many numbers are used.
Write a function that takes the target number and set of 6 numbers (can be represented as list/collection/array/sequence) and returns the solution in any standard numerical notation (e.g. infix, prefix, postfix). The function must always return the closest-possible result to the target, and must run in at most 1 minute on a standard PC. Note that in the case where more than one solution exists, any single solution is sufficient.
{50, 100, 4, 2, 2, 4}, target 203
e.g. 100 * 2 + 2 + (4 / 4) (exact)
e.g. (100 + 50) * 4 * 2 / (4 + 2) (exact)
{25, 4, 9, 2, 3, 10}, target 465
e.g. (25 + 10 - 4) * (9 * 2 - 3) (exact)
{9, 8, 10, 5, 9, 7}, target 241
e.g. ((10 + 9) * 9 * 7) + 8) / 5 (exact)
{3, 7, 6, 2, 1, 7}, target 824
e.g. ((7 * 3) - 1) * 6 - 2) * 7 (= 826; off by 2)
Other than mentioned in the problem statement, there are no further restrictions. You may write the function in any standard language (standard I/O is not necessary). The aim as always is to solve the task with the smallest number of characters of code.
Saying that, I may not simply accept the answer with the shortest code. I'll also be looking at elegance of the code and time complexity of the algorithm!
My Solution
I'm attempting an F# solution when I find the free time - will post it here when I have something!
Please post all answers in the following format for the purpose of easy comparison:
Number of characters: ???
Fully obfuscated function:
(code here)
Clear (ideally commented) function:
(code here)
Any notes on the algorithm/clever shortcuts it takes.
Number of characters: 548 482 425 421 416 413 408
from operator import *
def C(N,T):
R=range(1<<n(N));M=[{}for i in R];p=1
for i in range(n(N)):M[1<<i][1.*N[i]]="%d"%N[i]
while p:
for i in R:
for j in R:
if not i&j:m.update((f(x,y),"("+s+o+t+")")for(y,t)in M[j].items()if y for(x,s)in M[i].items() for(o,f)in zip('+-*/',(add,sub,mul,div)))
return min((abs(x-T),e)for t in M for(x,e)in t.items())[1]
you can call it like this:
>>> print C([50, 100, 4, 2, 2, 4], 203)
Takes about half a minute on the given examples on an oldish PC.
Here's the commented version:
def countdown(N,T):
# M is a map: (bitmask of used input numbers -> (expression value -> expression text))
M=[{} for i in range(1<<len(N))]
# initialize M with single-number expressions
for i in range(len(N)):
M[1<<i][1.0*N[i]] = "%d" % N[i]
# allowed operators
ops = (("+",lambda x,y:x+y),("-",lambda x,y:x-y),("*",lambda x,y:x*y),("/",lambda x,y:x/y))
# enumerate all expressions
while 1:
# test to see if we're done (last iteration didn't change anything)
for x in M: c +=len(x)
if c==n: break
# loop over all values we have so far, indexed by bitmask of used input numbers
for i in range(len(M)):
for j in range(len(M)):
if i & j: continue # skip if both expressions used the same input number
for (x,s) in M[i].items():
for (y,t) in M[j].items():
if y: # avoid /0 (and +0,-0,*0 while we're at it)
for (o,f) in ops:
# pick best expression
for t in M:
for(x,e) in t.items():
L.sort();return L[0][1]
It works through exhaustive enumeration of all possibilities. It is a bit smart in that if there are two expressions with the same value that use the same input numbers, it discards one of them. It is also smart in how it considers new combinations, using the index into M to prune quickly all the potential combinations that share input numbers.
Number of characters: 361 350 338 322
Fully obfuscated function:
p[]=[];p(a:w)=(a,w):a%p w
q[]=[];q(a:w)=[((a,b),v)|(b,v)<-p w]++a%q w
y=m z(zip[(-),(/),(+),(*)]"-/+*")++m flip(take 2 y)
r w=do{((a,b),v)<-q w;o<-y;c<-o a b;c:r(c:v)}
c t=snd.minimum.m(\a->(abs(fst a-f t),a)).r.m(\a->(f a,show a))
Clear function:
-- | add an element on to the front of the remainder list
onRemainder :: a -> [(b,[a])] -> [(b,[a])]
a`onRemainder`w = map (\(b,as)->(b,a:as)) w
-- | all ways to pick one item from a list, returns item and remainder of list
pick :: [a] -> [(a,[a])]
pick [] = []
pick (a:as) = (a,as) : a `onRemainder` (pick as)
-- | all ways to pick two items from a list, returns items and remainder of list
pick2 :: [a] -> [((a,a),[a])]
pick2 [] = []
pick2 (a:as) = [((a,b),cs) | (b,cs) <- pick as] ++ a `onRemainder` (pick2 as)
-- | a value, and how it was computed
type Item = (Rational, String)
-- | a specification of a binary operation
type OpSpec = (Rational -> Rational -> Rational, String)
-- | a binary operation on Items
type Op = Item -> Item -> Maybe Item
-- | turn an OpSpec into a operation
-- applies the operator to the values, and builds up an expression string
-- in this context there is no point to doing +0, -0, *0, or /0
combine :: OpSpec -> Op
combine (op,os) (ar,as) (br,bs)
| br == 0 = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (ar`op`br,"("++as++os++bs++")")
-- | the operators we can use
ops :: [Op]
ops = map combine [ ((+),"+"), ((-), "-"), ((*), "*"), ((/), "/") ]
++ map (flip . combine) [((-), "-"), ((/), "/")]
-- | recursive reduction of a list of items to a list of all possible values
-- includes values that don't use all the items, includes multiple copies of
-- some results
reduce :: [Item] -> [Item]
reduce is = do
((a,b),js) <- pick2 is
op <- ops
c <- maybe [] (:[]) $ op a b
c : reduce (c : js)
-- | convert a list of real numbers to a list of items
items :: (Real a, Show a) => [a] -> [Item]
items = map (\a -> (toRational a, show a))
-- | return the first reduction of a list of real numbers closest to some target
countDown:: (Real a, Show a) => a -> [a] -> Item
countDown t is = snd $ minimum $ map dist $ reduce $ items is
where dist is = (abs . subtract t' . fst $ is, is)
t' = toRational t
Any notes on the algorithm/clever shortcuts it takes:
In the golf'd version, z returns in the list monad, rather than Maybe as ops does.
While the algorithm here is brute force, it operates in small, fixed, linear space due to Haskell's laziness. I coded the wonderful #keith-randall algorithm, but it ran in about the same time and took over 1.5G of memory in Haskell.
reduce generates some answers multiple times, in order to easily include solutions with fewer terms.
In the golf'd version, y is defined partially in terms of itself.
Results are computed with Rational values. Golf'd code would be 17 characters shorter, and faster if computed with Double.
Notice how the function onRemainder factors out the structural similarity between pick and pick2.
Driver for golf'd version:
main = do
print $ c 203 [50, 100, 4, 2, 2, 4]
print $ c 465 [25, 4, 9, 2, 3, 10]
print $ c 241 [9, 8, 10, 5, 9, 7]
print $ c 824 [3, 7, 6, 2, 1, 7]
Run, with timing (still under one minute per result):
[1076] : time ./Countdown
(203 % 1,"(((((2*4)-2)/100)+4)*50)")
(465 % 1,"(((((10-4)*25)+2)*3)+9)")
(241 % 1,"(((((10*9)/5)+8)*9)+7)")
(826 % 1,"(((((3*7)-1)*6)-2)*7)")
real 2m24.213s
user 2m22.063s
sys 0m 0.913s
Ruby 1.9.2
Number of characters: 404
I give up for now, it works as long as there is an exact answer. If there isn't it takes way too long to enumerate all possibilities.
Fully Obfuscated
def b a,o,c,p,r
o+c==2*p ?r<<a :o<p ?b(a+['('],o+1,c,p,r):0;c<o ?b(a+[')'],o,c+1,p,r):0
w=a=%w{+ - * /}
4.times{w=w.product a}
b [],0,0,3,g=[]
catch(0){w.product(g).each{|c,f|{|o|o.reverse! if o[0]=='('};n.permutation{|m|h[x=eval(*'')]=d;throw 0 if x==l}}}
puts c.gsub(/(\d*)\.\d*/,'\1')+"=#{k}"
Coming soon
Test script
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
].each do |b|
start =
puts "{[#{b[0]*', '}] #{b[1]}} gives #{`echo "#{b[0]*' '} #{b[1]}" | ruby count-golf.rb`.strip} in #{}"
→ ./test.rb
{[50, 100, 4, 2, 2, 4] 203} gives 100+(4+(50-(2)/4)*2)=203.0 in 3.968534736
{[25, 4, 9, 2, 3, 10] 465} gives 2+(3+(25+(9)*10)*4)=465.0 in 1.430715549
{[9, 8, 10, 5, 9, 7] 241} gives 5+(9+(8)+10)*9-(7)=241.0 in 1.20045702
{[3, 7, 6, 2, 1, 7] 824} gives 7*(6*(7*(3)-1)-2)=826.0 in 193.040054095
The function used for generating the bracket pairs (b) is based off this one: Finding all combinations of well-formed brackets
Ruby 1.9.2 second attempt
Number of characters: 492 440(426)
Again there is a problem with the non-exact answer. This time this is easily fast enough but for some reason the closest it gets to 824 is 819 instead of 826.
I decided to put this in a new answer since it is using a very different method to my last attempt.
Removing the total of the output (as its not required by spec) is -14 characters.
Fully Obfuscated
def r d,c;d>4?[0]:(k=c.pop;a=[];r(d+1,c).each{|b|a<<[b,k,nil];a<<[nil,k,b]};a)end
def f t,n;[0,2].each{|a|Array===t[a] ?f(t[a],n): t[a]=n.pop}end
def d t;Float===t ?t:d(t[0]).send(t[1],d(t[2]))end
def o c;Float===c ?c.round: "(#{o c[0]}#{c[1]}#{o c[2]})"end
w=a=%w{+ - * /}
4.times{w=w.product a}
*n,l=$<.each(' ').map(&:to_f)
w.each{|y|r(0,y.flatten).each{|t|f t,n.dup;h[d t]=o t}}
puts h[k=h.keys.min_by{|i|(l-i).abs}]+"=#{k.round}"
Coming soon
Test script
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
].each do |b|
start =
puts "{[#{b[0]*', '}] #{b[1]}} gives #{`echo "#{b[0]*' '} #{b[1]}" | ruby count-golf.rb`.strip} in #{}"
→ ./test.rb
{[50, 100, 4, 2, 2, 4] 203} gives ((4-((2-(2*4))/100))*50)=203 in 1.089726252
{[25, 4, 9, 2, 3, 10] 465} gives ((10*(((3+2)*9)+4))-25)=465 in 1.039455671
{[9, 8, 10, 5, 9, 7] 241} gives (7+(((9/(5/10))+8)*9))=241 in 1.045774539
{[3, 7, 6, 2, 1, 7] 824} gives ((((7-(1/2))*6)*7)*3)=819 in 1.012330419
This constructs the set of ternary trees representing all possible combinations of 5 operators. It then goes through and inserts all permutations of the input numbers into the leaves of these trees. Finally it simply iterates through these possible equations storing them into a hash with the result as index. Then it's easy enough to pick the closest value to the required answer from the hash and display it.
I've become very addicted to Project Euler recently and am trying to do this one next! I've started some analysis on it and have reduced the problem down substantially already. Here's my working:
A = pqr and
1/A = 1/p + 1/q + 1/r so pqr/A =
pq + pr + qr
And because of the first equation:
pq+pr+qr = 1
Since exactly two of p, q and r have
to be negative, we can simplify the
equation down to finding:
abc for which ab = ac+bc+1
Solving for c we get:
ab-1 = (a+b)c
c = (ab-1)/(a+b)
This means we need to find a and b for
ab = 1 (mod a+b)
And then our A value with those a and
b is:
A = abc = ab(ab-1)/(a+b)
Sorry if that's a lot of math! But now all we have to deal with is one condition and two equations. Now since I need to find the 150,000th smallest integer written as ab(ab-1)/(a+b) with ab = 1 (mod a+b), ideally I want to search (a, b) for which A is as small as possible.
For ease I assumed a < b and I have also noticed that gcd(a, b) = 1.
My first implementation is straight forward and even finds 150,000 solutions fast enough. However, it takes far too long to find the 150,000 smallest solutions. Here's the code anyway:
n = 150000
seen = set()
a = 3
while len(seen) < n:
for b in range(2, a):
if (a*b)%(a+b) != 1: continue
print(len(seen), (a, b), a*b*(a*b-1)//(a+b))
a += 1
My next thought was to use Stern-Brocot trees but that is just too slow to find solutions. My final algorithm was to use the Chinese remainder theorem to check if different values of a+b yield solutions. That code is complicated and although faster, it isn't fast enough...
So I'm absolutely out of ideas! Anyone got any ideas?
As with many of the Project Euler problems, the trick is to find a technique that reduces the brute force solution into something more straight forward:
A = pqr and
1/A = 1/p + 1/q + 1/r
pq + qr + rp = 1 or -r = (pq - 1)/(p + q)
Without loss of generality, 0 < p < -q < -r
There exists k , 1 <= k <= p
-q = p + k
-r = (-p(p + k) – 1) / (p + -p – k) = (p^2 + 1)/k + p
But r is an integer, so k divides p^2 + 1
pqr = p(p + q)((p^2 + 1)/k + p)
So to compute A we need to iterate over p, and where k can only take values which are divisors of p squared plus 1.
Adding each solution to a set, we can stop when we find the required 150000th Alexandrian integer.
This article about Chinese remainder, fast implementation, can help you :
This is more links for tools and libraries :
Maxima is a system for the manipulation of symbolic and numerical expressions, including differentiation, integration, Taylor series, Laplace transforms, ordinary differential equations, systems of linear equations, polynomials, and sets, lists, vectors, matrices, and tensors. Maxima yields high precision numeric results by using exact fractions, arbitrary precision integers, and variable precision floating point numbers. Maxima can plot functions and data in two and three dimensions.
Mathomatic is a free, portable, general-purpose CAS (Computer Algebra System) and calculator software that can symbolically solve, simplify, combine, and compare equations, perform complex number and polynomial arithmetic, etc. It does some calculus and is very easy to use.
Scilab is a numerical computation system similiar to Matlab or Simulink. Scilab includes hundreds of mathematical functions, and programs from various languages (such as C or Fortran) can be added interactively.
An interactive equation editor and step-by-step solver.
Armadillo C++ Library
The Armadillo C++ Library aims to provide an efficient base for linear algebra operations (matrix and vector maths) while having a straightforward and easy to use interface.
Blitz++ is a C++ class library for scientific computing
BigInteger C#
Welcome to the homepage of the APMath-project. Aim of this project is the implementation of an arbitrary precision C++-library, that is the most convenient in use, this means all operations are implemented as operator-overloadings, naming is mostly the same as that of .
MAT is a C++ mathematical template class library. Use this library for various matrix operations, finding roots of polynomials, solving equations, etc. The library contains only C++ header files, so no compilation is necessary.
Animath is a Finite Element Method library entirely implemented in C++. It is suited for fluid-structure interaction simulation, and it is mathematically based on higher-order tetrahedral elements.
OK. Here's some more playing with my Chinese Remainder Theorem solution. It turns out that a+b cannot be the product of any prime, p, unless p = 1 (mod 4). This allows faster computation as we only have to check a+b which are multiples of primes such as 2, 5, 13, 17, 29, 37...
So here is a sample of possible a+b values:
[5, 8, 10, 13, 16, 17, 20, 25, 26, 29, 32, 34, 37, 40, 41, 50, 52, 53, 58, 61, 64, 65, 68, 73, 74, 80, 82, 85, 89, 97, 100]
And here is the full program using the Chinese Remainder Theorem:
cachef = {}
def factors(n):
if n in cachef: cachef[n]
i = 2
while i*i <= n:
if n%i == 0:
r = set([i])|factors(n//i)
cachef[n] = r
return r
i += 1
r = set([n])
cachef[n] = r
return r
cachet = {}
def table(n):
if n == 2: return 1
if n%4 != 1: return
if n in cachet: return cachet[n]
a1 = n-1
for a in range(1, n//2+1):
if (a*a)%n == a1:
cachet[n] = a
return a
cacheg = {}
def extended(a, b):
if a%b == 0:
return (0, 1)
if (a, b) in cacheg: return cacheg[(a, b)]
x, y = extended(b, a%b)
x, y = y, x-y*(a//b)
cacheg[(a, b)] = (x, y)
return (x, y)
def go(n):
f = [a for a in factors(n)]
m = [table(a) for a in f]
N = 1
for a in f: N *= a
x = 0
for i in range(len(f)):
if not m[i]: return 0
s, t = extended(f[i], N//f[i])
x += t*m[i]*N//f[i]
x %= N
a = x
while a < n:
b = n-a
if (a*b-1)%(a+b) == 0: return a*b*(a*b-1)//(a+b)
a += N
li = [5, 8, 10, 13, 16, 17, 20, 25, 26, 29, 32, 34, 37, 40, 41, 50, 52, 53, 58, 61, 64, 65, 68, 73, 74, 80, 82, 85, 89, 97, 100]
r = set([6])
find = 6
for a in li:
g = go(a)
if g:
r = list(r)
print(len(r), 'with', len(li), 'iterations')
This is better but I hope to improve it further (for example a+b = 2^n seem to never be solutions).
I've also started considering basic substitutions such as:
a = u+1 and b = v+1
ab = 1 (mod a+b)
uv+u+v = 0 (mod u+v+2)
However, I can't see much improvement with that...