joomla importing a webpage without iframe - joomla

I would like to show a webpage on a Joomla website:
the webpage is complete and works in an iframe but its a complex page making it very slow when running in an iframe.
is there any way to not use a iframe?
this is the iframe:
<p> <iframe src="testpage/" width="100%" height="600"></iframe></p>
i have kind of given up on this for now. is there anyway i could show a different page depending on if its a phone? this way it would fix the speed problem.


Ajax not working on wordpress inside embedded page

link to bellow website is working perfectly fine,
but each time I use it in an embeded form like this:
<iframe src="" width="100%" height="600"> </iframe>
it doesn't work with iframe but I need to add this as iframe to my website if any one knows the solution 'll be really Thankful :)
Sometimes iframes doesn't work on Wordpress, I've tried many times to put an Iframe of a simple Youtube video on an article page and it never appeared, I've read that Wordpress blocks them for security reasons but I think that with some payable plugin you can make it :/

Confusing WP page load with AJAX

My site is
I'm using the Adv. Ajax Page Loader Plugin in order to keep my background vid & music uninterrupted while browsing.
I'm having trouble with the "LOOK" page. When navigating to it from the homepage (1st link), the gallery doesn't load at all. However, when you refresh or go directly to the page URL it works.
Within the plugin, there is an area for jQuery reload codes, which I think will load the needed scripts that don't get loaded when using the nav.
Can anyone make sense of what script I might need to "reload" to get my gallery working with this Ajax plugin?
Help is supremely appreciated!
I loved the music, so I decided to look into the problem a bit.
I stepped through the code for the plugin as it tried to load the page and came across this line:
//Nothing like good old pure JavaScript...
document.getElementById(AAPL_content).innerHTML = output;
..which is a problem because the javascript in the script tags isn't going to be run. You could change it to:
//Nothing like good old pure JavaScript...
..and jQuery will handle the dirty work.

Links in pages won't load using Ajax

I am using a script for Ajax from Dynamic Drive on my site to load content into my div. It has worked great for me until I created a page where I want links. For some reason I am finding that if I create a page with a single link, the page will not load. I can click on it all I want and the page still will not load. If I have a page that is just purely text content, it loads. Is this a flaw with Ajax, or am I not doing something right? My intention with my site is to have a "Store" section so I can use Amazon Affiliates. I can't even get my page to load even if I have a simple link say pointing to Unfortunately this Ajax script has been the only successful way I've been able to get my content to load into my main div. For some odd reason links in the links section on my site will appear and that page will load, but not for my "store" page.
My site is:
I'm not asking for a direct code, but just a step in the right direction.
'store.html' gives a 404 Not found... Does this file exist? That is probably your problem... Your links.html page for example has a link to ASPCA and that works fine.
You may also want to look into jQuery, as this is a bit neater for doing ajax and other javascript effects. You could probably get all that javascript mumbo jumbo down to 5 lines or so...
Also remember that your site isn't going to be particularly google friendly with all the content being loaded in via javascript.

Joomla Ajax Menu- refreshless content

I am trying to convert a flash site into a non-flash site. The site is already powered by Joomla CMS but it outputs XML into flash. You can see the site here
As you can see (and hear) there is a music player that persists across all pages in the site (i.e. the page does not refresh when you go to different sections)
To achieve this without flash I think what I need to do is frame the home page with the main Joomla menu and a media playing component. Then what I need is for the main menu to load Joomla content into the content area using ajax and use some equivalent of SwfAddress to enable the back and forwards buttons to work and for the pages to be directly linkable.
Things like edcwid seem to work like this (ie but I cannot find any information anywhere on how to go about getting Joomla to work this way...
Has anyone got any ideas?
I agree that the frame solution could be interesting.
I suggest making a frameset like this:
<frame id="mediaplayer" src="mediaplayer.htm" />
<frame id="main" src="{Joomla main page}" />
And then use css to hide the #mediaplayer, and custom javascript inserted on the joomlapage to send commands to the #mediaplayer frame where you run any kind of mediaplayer with a JS interface.
So keep the transport controls on your Joomla page and keep the mediaplayer over several changes of the #main frame.
Hope this makes sense :)
You could also consider using a javascript API to take care of the AJAX fetching of a page, to insert it in a content container on the page. This however require that you disable the header/footer of any Joomla page you request via this method. I however don't know if this is possible using Joomla.

External HTML page, inside AJAX Iframe?

Hi Masters Of Web Development.
I have a not that simple question this time. I have got a simple external HTML page, that I want to include in my site. The HTML page contains a submit form or something like that, and I wish to send this data from the form, without to reload the whole page. So I decided to put HTML page inside iframe. But, some people said that this is older technology, google doesn't like iframes, etc. So I want to use something like AJAX or JQuery to load that external HTML page, and to send submit form without reloading the whole page with it. :)
Any suggestions on how to make this?
Thanks in advance :)
Do you really need Google to index that iframe form? If that's the only iframe you have throughout the site, it aint going to be a problem in terms of google indexing.
About using the Iframe, if you are not comfortable learning and building ajax-type form, you'll still be fine (like what Frankie commented). Just make sure the form works, usable and compatible with popular browsers.
You want to use the jQuery Forms Plugin. Its very straightforward and easy to turn any normal HTML form into an AJAX form.
