Ajax not working on wordpress inside embedded page - ajax

link to bellow website is working perfectly fine,
but each time I use it in an embeded form like this:
<iframe src="https://soalsrv1.soaltech.com/jobs.nsf/xp_jobs_kupplin.xsp#" width="100%" height="600"> </iframe>
it doesn't work with iframe but I need to add this as iframe to my website if any one knows the solution 'll be really Thankful :)

Sometimes iframes doesn't work on Wordpress, I've tried many times to put an Iframe of a simple Youtube video on an article page and it never appeared, I've read that Wordpress blocks them for security reasons but I think that with some payable plugin you can make it :/


joomla importing a webpage without iframe

I would like to show a webpage on a Joomla website:
the webpage is complete and works in an iframe but its a complex page making it very slow when running in an iframe.
is there any way to not use a iframe?
this is the iframe:
<p> <iframe src="testpage/" width="100%" height="600"></iframe></p>
i have kind of given up on this for now. is there anyway i could show a different page depending on if its a phone? this way it would fix the speed problem.

How not to reload footer on page navigation

I have music application in which I have simple player in footer. User can choose songs from main page list and play it in footer. Now requirement is even if user moves fro home page to other pages(profile, bookmarks) in application the footer player should not get reloaded and should keep playing audio selected on home page initially.
How do I do that? DO I need to load pages through ajax?
I forgot to mention that development is 80% completed and footer reloads on every page load. How much of rework is needed if I have to use Ajax now?
Use PJAX. Reload just the parts of the page that you want: https://github.com/rails/pjax_rails
It's already integrated with Rails and everything you put outside of this block will not be reloaded:
<div data-pjax-container>
<!-- PJAX updates will go here -->
Here's another solution similar to PJAX and Turbolinks
Some very good answers already, but i just wanted to explain your problem better.
HTTP requests is "stateless", which means that each request are fully independent and their is no way you can know anything about how the page was before you requested a new page. This makes it impossible not to reload the footer on each request, using only HTTP.
You can use cookies to keep information between request, so you could start the player where it stopped before the request, but it will still reload (and stop for a short duration).
You can also have the rest of the page in a iframe, and only change the content of the iframe.
However these solutions is not very good for various reasons, so i would strongly recommend the last and best solution: ajax.
The simples solution is properly pjax as #aledalgrande suggested (or wiselink as suggested by #adbeel). This will i practice make your site a "one-site-application" where you use ajax to replace specific parts of the page instead of the whole page. It should however be fairly simple to integrate, even in a existing rails application.
Since you put jQuery as a tag I suggest you either look at http://api.jquery.com/load/.
You can using plain old HTML and making it easier & faster to deploy since the app is almost 'done'. Later you should implement a better (ajax) option.
Simplified: index.html
<iframe id="mainframe" src="other.html"></iframe>
Don't reload me pls :D
on page navigation (links) you act only on the mainframe, leaving the footer not reloaded.
NOTE: This is ugly and may will give you problems but might serve you to do minimal modification and having your site live asap.
Then rewriting the whole thing to using ajax could be 'some work required' to 'heavy work required' depending on how the app is already implemented. note that will never be 'few or no work required'.

Embed iframe cross domain

I need to have an iframe script which I can give to my different clients, so that they can embed it in their sites. Just like Youtube or facebook does.
But it does not get rendered due to cross domain restrictions.
I have gone through every documentation for x - frame options , crossDomain ajax call.
The problem with crossDomain ajax call is that I have only JSONP to work with.
I have tried this - just go to any youtube video and get its Embed code. Its a plain iframe script e.g. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/7N5OhNplEd4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
If you inject the above script in your html, it will get rendered , but as soon as you edit the src of the iframe to youtube.com itself , it will go blank.
Facebook's iframe too gets rendered everywhere smoothly.
I am hell tortured by this thing.
Please guide me on this. Thanks in advance!
IF you look at the response headers from youtube.com it is returning "X-Frame-Options:SAMEORIGIN" so they are adding the header on the server to stop people from displaying youtube (website pages) via a iframe.

Confusing WP page load with AJAX

My site is http://armandwho.com/site
I'm using the Adv. Ajax Page Loader Plugin in order to keep my background vid & music uninterrupted while browsing.
I'm having trouble with the "LOOK" page. When navigating to it from the homepage (1st link), the gallery doesn't load at all. However, when you refresh or go directly to the page URL it works.
Within the plugin, there is an area for jQuery reload codes, which I think will load the needed scripts that don't get loaded when using the nav.
Can anyone make sense of what script I might need to "reload" to get my gallery working with this Ajax plugin?
Help is supremely appreciated!
I loved the music, so I decided to look into the problem a bit.
I stepped through the code for the plugin as it tried to load the page and came across this line:
//Nothing like good old pure JavaScript...
document.getElementById(AAPL_content).innerHTML = output;
..which is a problem because the javascript in the script tags isn't going to be run. You could change it to:
//Nothing like good old pure JavaScript...
..and jQuery will handle the dirty work.

External HTML page, inside AJAX Iframe?

Hi Masters Of Web Development.
I have a not that simple question this time. I have got a simple external HTML page, that I want to include in my site. The HTML page contains a submit form or something like that, and I wish to send this data from the form, without to reload the whole page. So I decided to put HTML page inside iframe. But, some people said that this is older technology, google doesn't like iframes, etc. So I want to use something like AJAX or JQuery to load that external HTML page, and to send submit form without reloading the whole page with it. :)
Any suggestions on how to make this?
Thanks in advance :)
Do you really need Google to index that iframe form? If that's the only iframe you have throughout the site, it aint going to be a problem in terms of google indexing.
About using the Iframe, if you are not comfortable learning and building ajax-type form, you'll still be fine (like what Frankie commented). Just make sure the form works, usable and compatible with popular browsers.
You want to use the jQuery Forms Plugin. Its very straightforward and easy to turn any normal HTML form into an AJAX form.
