Bash aliases not recognized after uninstalling oh my zsh - bash

After I attempted to uninstall oh-my-zsh, I am getting the error
/Users/Thomas/.zshrc:source:56: no such file or directory: /Users/Thomas/.oh-my-zsh/
This issue indicates that the original shell needs to be reverted back to, however the provided command
chsh -s /bin/bash
is not working. I've restarted my iTerm as well. And my aliases still don't work, as well as exported variables such as $JAVA_HOME return empty, even though they are properly set using my former .bash_profile. Also rather than ending with a ~ my terminal prompt ends with a %
How can I revert?
One detail, when I attempted the uninstall via uninstall_oh_my_zsh I mistyped my password. Rather than prompting me again, it looked as though it went ahead and completed the uninstall, but maybe some component of it didn't complete properly.

Make sure you have Brew installed.
Enter brew remove zsh into the terminal then reset your terminal, it should reconfigure back to your original shell.

For this kind of error, you need to check if you set the default bash to zsh in .bashrc file. So, if there is any, just comment them out.
Example for mine.
#Launch Zsh
if [ -t 1 ]; then
exec zsh
So, you just need to comment that out.
#Launch Zsh
#if [ -t 1 ]; then
#exec zsh


How to completely remove zsh (oh-my-zsh) from Mac M1 (MacOS Monterey)

I have tried to run:
but i get a message stating that: -bash: uninstall_oh_my_zsh: command not found
Other commands i have tried are:
chmod +x ~/.oh-my-zsh/tools/
I get a response stating that: No such file or directory
sh ~/.oh-my-zsh/tools/
chsh -s /bin/bash
To change default terminal from /bin/zsh to /bin/bash
I also tried:
rm -rf ~/.oh-my-zsh
rm ~/.zshrc
cp ~/.zshrc.pre-oh-my-zsh ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc
None of them have worked thus far, when i open my terminal. I get a message stating that:
The default interactive shell is now zsh.
To update your account to use zsh, please run chsh -s /bin/zsh
You don't have Oh My Zsh (a set of configuration files for zsh and a way to manage them) installed in the first place.
The warning is coming from /bin/bash itself; it's hard-coded into the executable supplied by macOS.
$ strings /bin/bash | grep "default interactive shell"
The default interactive shell is now zsh.
Though they don't say so, I suspect the warning is there because they plan to remove bash from future versions of macOS entirely. They stopped providing newer versions of bash years ago.
Your default shell is already /bin/bash; the warning is recommending that you switch to /bin/zsh.
You can continue to use bash, though I recommend installing a newer version (3.2 is old) using something like Homebrew, then changing your login shell to the new version.
However, unless you are really committed to using bash, I suggest given zsh a try.

Bash CLI is not behaving after upgrading Mac to Catalina

I was previously on Mojave but was forced to update because of XCode.
When it finished installing, I had to change the default Login Shell, because Catalina now uses Z Shell.
After I did that, my CLI still looks and acts very different:
This is what it currently looks like:
I googled' line 33: __rvm_read_lines _hooks_list <(' and was advised to run: source ~/.bashrc. Nothing changed, until I ran source ./bash_profile and it started to somewhat feel better, but it still not performing commands properly. There is always some error.
Lastly, why do I have to run source ~/.bash_profile every time? I just want this to be back to normal.
After the upgrade, my CLI actually gave me this message:
The default interactive shell is now zsh.
To update your account to use zsh, please run chsh -s /bin/zsh.
For more details, please visit
Foolishly, I ran that command, hoping it would go away.
It was fixed by switching back to chsh -s /bin/bash not sh.

WSL hide /mnt/c/Users/

It is possible to view shorter path in my terminal (VS Code & Hyper) with WSL (Ubuntu). On top of the Ubuntu, I have installed zsh. Currently, I am using a git bash and path looks Lukas#Y50-70 ~/Coding but with the Ubuntu, I have something like this lukas#Y50-70 /mnt/c/Users/Lukas/Coding. When I have a project in another 2 folders or so and I have a long branch name it is annoying to have a full row unnecessary info (for me).
Here is a comparison of Ubuntu and git bash:
I was able to solve this using Named Directories - by adding this line to your ~/.zshrc file
hash -d c=/mnt/c
you will see '~c/' in your prompt rather than '/mnt/c/' which I think is a lot nicer.
This has a similar effect to setting an alias for the directory but the name is reflected in how your path is displayed.
As an added bonus you can then switch to that directory at any time by typing ~c
Check if the zsh installation guide under WSL can help (from neurogenesis):
Install zsh with sudo apt-get install zsh
bash.exe is the entrypoint to the WSL / linux subsystem. You'll have to modify the windows shortcut to specify bash -c --login or modify ~/.bashrc with exec /bin/zsh to properly load a different shell.
/etc/passwd isn't consulted because it's not a full login process. Be sure to set your SHELL env var as well. See #846 for details.
Fix your umask before you start installing things, otherwise tools like zsh will complain.
Specifically, "group" and "other" permissions will have the same privileges that owner do. This causes zsh's compaudit and compinit to fail (both are related to command completion).
See #352 for details. umask 022 can be added to your ~/.bashrc.
NOTE: This should be done before trying to install zsh plugin managers like antigen (otherwise the directory/file permissions issues from git clones).
You should also do this before installing RVM or rbenv.
I ended up inserting a few lines to the top of my ~/.bashrc, something like the following:
# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files (in the package bash-doc)
# for examples
## Fix missing umask value
umask 022
## Launch Zsh
if [ -t 1 ]; then
cd $HOME
export SHELL=/bin/zsh
exec -cl $SHELL
Issue 846 (mentioned in point 2) includes the comment:
A normal -c zsh symlink opened up in the wrong directory to me, but I managed using this (note the tilde):
C:\Windows\System32\bash.exe ~ -c /bin/zsh
See also "How to Use Zsh (or Another Shell) in Windows 10".
I know this isn't exactly the fix you were hoping for. I was looking to solve the same issue. The prompt was just too long and it was causing some of my commands to wrap to the next line. After seeing the comments on VonC's answer, I'm deciding to keep my next-best solution.
What I did in my ~/.bashrc file is this:
if [ "$color_prompt" = yes ]; then
PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u#\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\n\$ '
PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u#\h:\w\n\$ '
I added a \n right before the \$
So when I'm at my Windows home folder, it looks like this
And I start typing my commands after the $. It takes up more vertical space, but at least I don't have to maximize my terminal window just to avoid text wrap.
It appears to me that just running 'cd' after starting the terminal session, re-bases the prompt to the normal '/home/(user)'
there should be no need for installing zsh or anything else. It works for me anyway.
also when starting the session at the root folder from windows, seems to do the trick.
I keep my sessions under
cd -d C:\vms\minikube\ubu_jenkinsX\rootfs
C:\vms\minikube\ubu_jenkinsX\rootfs>wsl -d ubu_jenkinsX
Yours may be under your userprofile in local data. Search for the rootfs folder
The reason your WSL prompt shows such a long path is because you're not actually in your home directory. You see, WSL has its own virtual filesystem separate from Windows, and Windows paths (like your C:\Users\Lukas\...) are stored under /mnt/c/Users/Lukas/.... Your WSL home directory would be /home/Lukas (since your WSL username is capitalized), but of course, that's not where your project is.
The fish shell has a prompt_pwd function that shortens a path to something like this:
0 ---- /m/c/U/L/Documents cd Something
0 ---- /m/c/U/L/D/Something prompt_pwd
Is that something you're interested in? You could port the function to Bash, or just switch to Fish, or just display the current directory name instead of path.

Ubuntu terminal: strange symbols instead of my username

I have a strange problem with my Ubuntu terminal: when I open it instead of seeing my username I see this:
32m]u#h[033[00m]:[033[01: command not found
31m]w[033[00m]$: command not found
Strangely enough bash commands work normally, the terminal just does not show my username or the current path. I googled, but was unable to find any answers. The most recent changes I made on my computer involved installing RVM (Ruby Version Manager) and manually editing the PATH to add RVM in files: .bash_profile, .profile and .bashrc, but after that it all worked normally, so I am not really sure that could be the reason.
It looks like you've edited the PS1 variable by mistake when modifying the ~/.bashrc, which controls the prompt layout. You'll need to edit your ~/.bashrc and replace it with the following default.
if [ "$color_prompt" = yes ]; then
PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u#\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ '
PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u#\h:\w\$ '
For more information on other changes you can make to your prompt have a look at Customising Bash Prompt. The change wouldn't appear immediately after modifying the file because bash doesn't reload it's configuration once you've changed the file automatically. You'll either need to exit the shell and start a new one or reload the configuration using
. ~/.bashrc
The . at the begining is needed, it's shorthand for the source command.

"RVM is not a function" error

RVM is installed on my machine (running Mac OSX 10.6.8), correctly and it runs fine. The odd thing is that to run it, I have to use source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm for every new session. I tried making a symlink from it to /opt/local/bin/rvm, but when it runs it does nothing. I also tried creating a symlink from ~/.rvm/bin/rvm to /opt/local/bin/rvm, and when I run rvm in the Terminal it displays the help page, as expected. But when I try rvm use some_ruby_version it always displays "RVM is not a function, selecting rubies with 'rvm use ...' will not work.". How can I fix this?
My goal is to get it to the the point that I don't have to type the source command every session, and for some reason ~/.profile does not execute.
You have to source the RVM script into the current session because it makes changes to the shell environment - and it is absolutely impossible for that to be done from a child process. Your efforts at running RVM as an external command cannot succeed.
To actually fix this you have two choices:
Configure your terminal emulator to start a login shell, rather than a non-login shell, so that your .profile is loaded.
Modify .bashrc to source RVM instead, which works for non-login shells as well.
To do the second you can just add to ~/.bashrc:
if test -f ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm; then
[ "$(type -t rvm)" = "function" ] || source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
If you are using zsh as shell instead bash, you have to:
vi ~/.zshrc
Like Matt said, add:
if test -f ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm; then
[ "$(type -t rvm)" = "function" ] || source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
3. Restart Terminall
4. Done!
rvm use 1.9.3
Wil work
I didn't understand what ~/.profile does correctly; I needed to change ~/.bash_profile instead. Problem solved!
Well, with mountain lion (10.8.3) what worked for me was editing /etc/profile
and adding the line mentioned before at the bottom of the file:
if test -f ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm; then
[ "$(type -t rvm)" = "function" ] || source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
I had the same issue. I found the .profile file was not getting updated, so i added the same command that was added into .bash_profile:
[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"
I don't know if this is the right way, but it worked...
You shouldn't need to edit anything as others suggest. Just go into your terminal's settings and select the "Run command as login shell". This will cause .profile to run on the next terminal instance. Reopen your terminal and you should be able to use rvm use 1.9.3 (or whatever version you installed).
More info found on (which is also a great place for answers)
You have to make some settings.
Open terminal and run this command.
source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
and then go to edit > Title and command and check Run command as login shell
and you are done. Now you don't need to specify source everytime.
What was screwing me up was assuming my path was correct since I was using one I can run manually.
Apparently there are different executables or scripts that can be used and are located in different places.
I thought that the path Mina should use was this:
When in reality it was this:
I had this issue when I became root. I tried many of the solutions above. What finally worked was exiting from root and being a regular user. Which is what I needed anyway.
None of these solutions seemed to redeem my problem which was on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.
What I did is the following:
rvm get stable --auto-dotfiles as outlined in the RVM documentation here
Added source ~/.profile as the first line of: ~/.bash_profile
I will not all of these steps were documented as errors from the RVM command line:
RVM is not a function, selecting rubies with 'rvm use ...' will not
work. You need to change your terminal emulator preferences to allow
login shell. Sometimes it is required to use /bin/bash --login as
the command. Please visit
for a example.
WARNING: You have '~/.profile' file, you might want to load it,
to do that add the following line to '/home/user_name/.bash_profile':
source ~/.profile
