I can't find it anywhere.
Is there a method in Three.js to get the current FPS value of the playing video?
I would like to animate panning within a 360 video. That is, base the panning on time or frame number.
The following does a fixed pan
ffmpeg -i "FileName" -vf v360=e:e:yaw=90:pitch=0:roll=0 "OutputFile"
Unfortunately my knowledge of expressions in ffmpeg is almost 0, how do I change the yaw=90 to a function of time?
I am a beginner at the blender. I saw a satisfying animation blender tutorial on youtube. then I tried to recreate it. All looked smooth and perfect except the last few frames.
Total frames= 1 to 120 = 120 frames
I have used keyframes for the rotation of the objects with Bezier interpolation. but at the last few frames, the animation looks like slow-motion.
I am a beginner so kindly explain and give a step by step fix or answer for this 😥
Iam working on Fisheye stereo cameras, I can't Rectify the cameras for stereo correspondence due to the presence of vegetation and the large baseline between the cameras which make the task particularly challenging. The FOV is 210 degrees and baseline is 0.59m I posted Left and Right image of the same scene with the cameras,
Left Image Right Image
I've tried OpenCV-Fisheye model and openCv-Omnidirectional model, none of them worked, the output images were not rectified.
Should the Omnidirectional model work?
Is it even possible to calibrate the cameras together?
This is a follow up question to:
Using FFMPEG: How to do a Scene Change Detection? with timecode?
Using FFmpeg to do scene change detection, the filter select=gt(scene,0.3) can be used to select the frames whose scene detection score is greater then 0.3.
Question: In FFmpeg, is possible to extend the filter so that only a scene select is applied on a defined area of the video frames? In other words, using an example, how can one do a scene change detection of only the right hand side of the video frames?
I'm trying to tween a Sprite's alpha to 1 using Greensock's TweenMax. cacheAsBitmap has been set to true. The Sprite fades alright at 800x600 (although you can already tell it's starting to lag), but when I set the dimensions of the Sprite to 1440x1080, the tween is significantly choppier.
The framerate drops from a consistent 24 to 11.1 when I try to tween, and CPU usage jumps from ~6% to 164%.
DisplayList Rendering before, during, and after the tween:
Top Activities:
Any tips on how I can get a smoother result?