I'm trying to tween a Sprite's alpha to 1 using Greensock's TweenMax. cacheAsBitmap has been set to true. The Sprite fades alright at 800x600 (although you can already tell it's starting to lag), but when I set the dimensions of the Sprite to 1440x1080, the tween is significantly choppier.
The framerate drops from a consistent 24 to 11.1 when I try to tween, and CPU usage jumps from ~6% to 164%.
DisplayList Rendering before, during, and after the tween:
Top Activities:
Any tips on how I can get a smoother result?
I'm trying to scale sprites to have size defined in px. regardless of camera FOV and so on. I have sizeAttenuation set to false, as I dont want them to be scaled based on distance from camera, but I struggle with setting the scale. Dont really know the conversion formula and when I hardcoded the scale with some number that's ok on one device, on the other its wrong. Any advice or help how to have the sprites with the correct sizing accross multiple devices? Thanks
Corrected answer:
Sprite size is measured in world units. Converting world units to pixel units may take a lot of calculations because it varies based on your camera's FOV, distance from camera, window height, pixel density, and so on...
To use pixel-based units, I recommend switching from THREE.Sprite to THREE.Points. It's material THREE.PointsMaterial has a size property that's measured in pixels if sizeAttenuation is set to false. Just keep in mind that it has a max size limitation based on the device's hardware, defined by gl.ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE.
My original answer continues below:
However, "1 px" is a subjective measurement nowadays because if you use renderer.setPixelRatio(window.devicePixelRatio); then you'll get different sprite sizes on different devices. For instance, MacBooks have a pixel ratio of 2 and above, some cell phones have pixel ratio of 3, and desktop monitors are usually at a ratio of 1. This can be avoided by not using setPixelRatio, or if you use it, you'll have to use a multiplication:
const s = 5;
points.size = s * window.devicePixelRatio;
Another thing to keep in mind is that sprites THREE.Points are sized in pixels, whereas meshes are sized in world units. So sometimes when you shrink your browser window vertically, the sprite Point size will remain the same, but the meshes will scale down to fit in the viewport. This means that a 5px sprite Point will take up more real-estate in a small window than it would in a large monitor. If this is the problem, make sure you use the window.innerHeight value when calculating sprite Point size.
I use Gaussian blur to achieve the lighting effect.
On android, after rotating the screen, the first half of the screen is normal, and the second half of the screen is jagged.
This problem has also appeared on some iOS phones.
I don't know what the problem is.
I used fbo, texture buffering, depth buffering, and stencil buffering, and I recreated them with new dimensions each time I rotated the screen.
Ask what is the problem?
Hi i'm working on a vr project with threejs and an oculus rift.
I made a 24 meters wide 360 stereoscopic video
but when i try to display some text in front of it
i have some strange trouble vision effect or kind of eye separation issue.
if anyone has an idea... thanks :/
The text must always be closer than anything it obstructs on the video for this to work. That is, if the 360 cameras took images with nothing closer than 1.5 meters, the text should be at around 1.2 meter.
Disabling the head movement effect on the text will help too (keep the rotation, just disable the translation).
And 24 meters is a bit low, try a few hundred, maybe a kilometer. Remember that the video must look like it's in the infinite range and both head movement and IPD must be completely ignorable.
I'm using WebGL to do something very similar to image processing. I draw a single Quad in orthoscopic projection, and perform some processing in the fragment shaders. There are two steps, in the first one the original texture from the Quad is processed in the fragment shader and written to a framebuffer, a second step processes that data to the final canvas.
The users can zoom and translate the image. For this to work smoothly, I need to hit 60 fps, or this gets noticeably sluggish. This is no issue on desktop GPUs, but on mobile devices with much weaker hardware and higher resolutions this gets problematic.
The translation case is the most noticeable and problematic, the user drags the mouse pointer or their finger over the screen and the image is lagging behind. But translation is also a case where I could theoretically reuse a lot of data from the previous frame.
Ideally I'd copy the canvas from the last frame, translate it by x,y pixels, and then only do the whole image processing in fragment shaders on the parts of the canvas that aren't covered by the translated previous canvas.
Is there a way to do this in WebGL?
If you want to access the previous frame you need to draw to a texture attached to a framebuffer. Then draw that texture into the canvas translated.
I am doing my iPhone graphics using OpenGL. In one of my projects, I need to use an image, which I need to use as a texture in OpenGL. The .png image is 512 * 512 in size, its background is transparent, and the image has a thick blue line in its center.
When I apply my image to a polygon in OpenGL, the texture appears as if the transparent part in the image is black and the thick blue line is seen as itself. In order to remove the black part, I used blending:
Then my black part of the texture in the polygon is removed. Now only the blue band is seen. Thus the problem is solved.
But I want to add many such images and make many objects in OpenGL. I am able to do that, but the frame rate is very low when I add more and more images to objects. But when I comment out blending, the frame rate is normal, but the images are not seen.
Since I do not have good fps, the graphics are a bit slow and I get a shaky effect.
1) Is there any other method than blending to solve my problem?
2) How can I improve the frame rate of my OpenGL app? What all steps need to be taken in order to implement my graphics properly?
If you want to have transparent parts of an object, the only way is to blend to pixel data for the triangle with what is currently in the buffer (what you are currently doing). Normally, when using solid textures, the new pixel data for a triangle just overwrites what ever was in buffer (as long as it is closers, ie z-buffer). But with transparency, it has start looking at the transparency of that part of the texture, look at what is behind it, all the way back to something solid. Then has combine all of those over lapping layers of transparent stuff till you get the final image.
If all you are wanting your transparency for is something like a simple tree sprite, and removing the 'stuff' form the sides of the trunk etc. Then you may be better of providing more complex geometry that actually defines the shape of the trunk and thus not need to bother with transparency.
Sadly, I don't think there is much you can do to try to speed up your FPS, other then cut down the amount of transparency you are calculating. Maybe even adding some optimization that checks images to see if it can turn of alpha blending for this image or not. Depending on how much you are trying to push through, may save time in the long wrong.