Run Multiple requests of single thread group concurently - performance

I want to simulate a scenario in which a page contains multiple requests for differ data. All runs concurrently. I created a Thread Group with all those requests and ran it for 10 users(Threads) in 0sec ramp up time. But in this Test Plan all users starts concurrent but they all process requests in sequential way i.e.(always completes first request then starts 2nd,then third,so on).
I want that all requests of each user starts at same time then completes according to their response time (Like if 3rd takes less time than first then it should complete before 1st and 2nd). I have tried Synchronize time.

I don't think it is possible at the moment, the relevant enhancement is being tracked as Bug 53159
In the mean time you have 2 options:
Use different Thread Groups to kick off the requests. If you need to synchronize the requests you can use i.e. Inter-Thread Communication plugin.
Develop some custom code using JSR223 Sampler or even create your custom sampler, see How to Load Test AJAX/XHR Enabled Sites With JMeter for details on how this can be done.


JMeter understand Thread Group / Throughput and INCLUDE

I have a few question to clarify on my understanding of how JMeter works.
a. Thread Group determine the number of users but it does not determine how many HTML requests are generated per sec ? By default, I notice that every user will send a HTML request at a rate of 2 RPS.
b. If I want to change the RPS per user, then I need to use the Through Put Timer. But the Timer can only lower the request rate from 2 RPS to a lower number. It does not increase the RPS.
c. In order to increase the RPS, I need to add more Threads.
d. Does this mean we are limited to 2 RPS per user ? I see some website have links to many other websites so a webpage refresh would make many requests.
Is this the way JMeter works ?
I have a load test which has 8 transaction (eg CRUD,...). I intend to create a overall Test Plan and I want to use INCLUDE to add all the 8 txn. Do I just record the website and INCLUDE ? What should I include, only the HTML requests ?
I'm also thinking of adding Think Time and Add Variables in the 8 scripts before I INCLUDE.
Do I add the Config Element (eg CSV Dataset Config) in the 8 scripts or the overall Test Plan ?
By default each JMeter thread (virtual user) executes requests as fast as it can. If you want to slow JMeter down to mimic a real user which doesn't hammer the server non-stop and needs some time to "think" between operations - use Timers. More information: How do I Correlate the Number of (Concurrent) Users with Hits Per Second
If you want more RPS - add more threads (assuming that the system under test can give you more RPS)
You should INCLUDE everything which is related to your website (images, scripts, styles, fonts, sounds, etc.) but in the same manner as your browser does, i.e. don't record these requests and instead configure JMeter to download embedded resources and use HTTP Cache Manager so JMeter would request these resources just like browser does. Any requests to "external" websites should be excluded (unless they're also developed and supported and in scope for testing)
That's a good approach, if you use a value more than once it makes sense to declare it via User Defined Variables so you would be able to amend the value only in one place
You add it according to your scenarios, be informed about JMeter Scoping Rules

JMeter - How to handle Long polling transport request method

In my Jmeter script request which contains the 'LongPolling' transport method and it takes a high load time or response time
Also, the response message content value is used for the next consecutive request. How can I handle that scenario?
I don't want this my wait time for the server response
JMeter thread model assumes that a thread (virtual user) always waits for the previous sampler to fully complete before starting the new one.
The easiest solution is moving your "long-polling" requests into a separate thread group and if you need to pass data between thread groups either use __setProperty() and __P() functions combination or go for Inter-Thread Communication Plugin
If you need to have everything within the single Thread Group - you can consider using Parallel Controller, however it might not be fully suitable for your needs as it is still a Sampler hence it waits for all its children completion prior to proceeding
Depending on your use case you can find jmeter-asynchronous-http plugin useful, see How to Load Test Async Requests with JMeter article for more details if needed.

Performing many tests in 1 test plan

I need to perform tests on hundreds of HTTP links one after the other.
That means i want to, for instance, perform a 3 minute test with 5 users on 1 link and after that's done, do the same for the next link.
1 way to do this is to create a ThreadGroups for each link, each having a HTTPsampler and just have all of the run consecutively. But i read that that would create memory problems for the testing machine.
So what is the correct way of doing this? I really don't feel like creating and manualy running a separate TestPlan for every link.
You can use only one HTTP Request sampler, the suggested Test Plan structure:
Thread Group with the number of threads (virtual users) you want to simulate
CSV Data Set Config containing the list of URLs
Runtime Controller configured to last 180 seconds
HTTP Request sampler configured to hit the URL:
This way you will hit 1st URL for 180 seconds then 2nd URL for 180 seconds, etc.
For the problem you have mentioned you can create single test plan instead of multiple test plans and add multiple thread groups inside it and make sure that run thread consecutively is checked.
In each thread group mention the thread count and test duration as mentioned in the example below.

How to run jmeter samplers sequentially for multiple requests

I am trying to run http samplers sequentially for multiple requests. Where the output of 1 API response is the input of next API request. My concern is when I run with 5 users (for. e.g), then at given point of time it first executes 1st API with 5 users then second API with 5 users, in this process the API where input is required gets lost. Please help me on this. I need a solution, where all the samplers are first executed for first user, then for second thread all the samplers are executed and so on.
Dzizu is correct, threads are independent so you are going to run into problems with this approach.
Since you are using 5 users across the test, it would be better to have one thread group with 5 users, and then have Simple controllers (or Transaction controllers) that hold the HTTP samplers and whatever else you are using. This will ensure that the samplers are executed concurrently, but they can still share data if required.
Simple example below:
Threads usually are independent. The easiest way in my opinion is to put full process in one thread and then multiply threads in thread groups.
Eventually I tried to solve this by using loop count option. For example if I want to simulate 5 users in 1 second, I set values as loop count=5,threads=1,ramp-up=.2.
This worked for me so give it a try.
Use the Transaction Controller or Simple Controller to group your samplers together and run them in sequence without worrying about the number of threads. For me, it is working as expected :).

Simultaneous users for web load tests in JMeter?

I have made some PHP scripts and I want to test the response time for simultaneous users in JMeter. This scripts are run in a very short time (50 miliseconds).
What I would like to do is to simulate a load test from 1 to 50 of users where each user (thread) repeats the request for an unlimited period. So first we will have 1 user, after 2 simultaneous users, after 3 ... and so on.
I am trying to do it but with I have is response times where it is evident that there is no simultaneous request.
With HP loaddrunner we can define number of iterations for each thread, is this possible in JMeter?
You can possibly use these 2 thread group implementations
Stepping Thread Group
Ultimate Thread Group
from Jmeter Plugins package, that let you set load-increase for you scenario as you want.
As well you can also look onto Synchronizing Timer if you want "better" concurrency - but this is rather stress-testcase than load one.
